Hello San,
Oh, how those birds fly in the unconscious; here, there and everywhere. But underneath that is the supreme stillness out of which all of the birds arise. That still stillness is the abode of the meditator on the supreme. Easy to say, isn't it? Yet, still the truth of how all of this plays out. You may find that stillness underneath. Just now I am seeing myspace messages for first time after six weeks of travel that ended today.
Swami J
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Demon with Conscious
Date: Apr 17, 2008 11:11 AM
Guruji Namotubhyam,
Min entered the dark world in search of the quest that true para-psychic did impacts min time to time after reguler period gap by its presence.
They did not harm min but shocked min that this would can happen. It was blinking of light like breathe of person as per breathe of any person. it was blinking like breathe in - dim, breathe out - light, breathe in - dim, breathe out - light. It was tapping in cup board lively and confused whole family what it would be with no even rats or cockreches at all in home, no lizard in home, due to pesticides regulerly, no insects in home. One more incidence, some one controlled my dreams and later to calm my nerves due to worry when i forced my likely vision and unsucceded in it, my nerves strained most in worry and brain was about to hammered after wake up from that dream which was forced on me, one controlled my spouse's body and turned to my side and her two fingers pressed my any nerve in between ear and eye to her side and made min calm just like nothing was happened to me.
One day I saw the pigment of my spouse and my kid changed to smoke gray in moon light and nothing was changed even my skin was not changed. I was not latent that time. coz i woke up to go to lavetory, i came from lavatory the pigment was same, I did not touch them coz they were sleeping in total bliss I did not wish to disturb their bliss.
But all this wonder led me to dark world to learn skills and become kindred to these para-psychics so that I do not worry of them rather i welcome them coz they were not harming.
If i get my quest fed by you, then only i can ask you few more quiz pertaining to my other exeprience.
I seek your guidance Guruji, My opinion that there is no evil but law of karma prevail everywhere and everything is wise to that in pranaic world, even though this happen, there is still intellact or control over mind and conscious is seperate from this law.
and after min was very sharp and annoyed on that blinking breathe in my lavetory, Para-psychics did not appear again in token presence like blink of light and noise in cupboard, etc did not happened to min. even who controlled my dream he did awaken min to lucid dreams for min aware in inbetween planes that i am on astral ride. First of all I dream very lessi dream after a period only when first dreams memory erased.
Its all mind boggling. I know that its linked to anything. I wish to know that what i have to do in this context.
If you feel that me should be guided and you wish to guide me, please do it.
Have Bliss Season