im seriously considering taking all my money out of my bank and put it all under the floorboards or in the matress. they truly are fucking useless. the amount of stress the bastards have caused me just is not fucking funny. hope some day they experience threats of having water and electric cut off WANKERS WANKERS WANKERS
learning to live without allowing your past to effect your present is a very tough thing to do . i know im guilty of letting my past effect how i am and think now. live for the day people enjoy your present. and make your future what you want it to be :))).
I am haunted by my past everyday. I just tend to pee to release it from my system :)
dan i love you man. you rock :))
True words, Bruddah.
takes a bow thank you bro :)))
i agree with you on this
Wise words :)
Here, maybe this will help you forget your past and focus on teh here andnow and give you something to work for in your future... you sexy bastard
that didn't work.. you can't post pics in here.. fuck.. ok, I'll message it to you
Practice what you preach dear one. :-)
life is a gift and not a god given right. so live it and enjoy it. because it can be taken away just as quickly as it is given. life is too short for anger and unhappyness.
is a fucked up world when poeple are taken away from us in a flash. i know its a selfish feeling to grieve in what we have lost but damn we just cant help it. better to remember then for all the good points they braught. raises a glass heres to all those we have lost. you in a better place. no more pain and suffering
why is it human nature for us to be our own worst enemys. are humans just like lemmings ?? made to allow their own personal demons control them. seems we all do it without knowing.
so true
Actually it's a fight between your Id, ego and super ego.
The childlike you, the present you and the ideal you set for yourself essexentially.
21:35 Aug 28 2012
We may be in different countries, but we live in the same world. Bankers could care less about the people they are supposed to serve.