I had to let a friend go. I could not help her without letting myself go. I saw so much potential in her to better herself for her and her kids. I was giving her chances and money to better herself. Saving her butt not once not twice but three times.Least she could have done was to actualy pay me back no matter what way we or she could think of. Nope she kept asking for more and more money.Sob stories to make me feel bad for not helping her. Using her daughter as my weakness. Knowing that if she or a friend said she was going to lose her if she didn't have so much that I would do my best to give what I could. One was that she would be homeless and she was tired of sleeping out that I needed to give her so much s they could have a place to stay. Two she or her friend asked for fifty to her with bond money because the friend had to work and couldn't keep the daughter. Not saying she was or is a bad mother. Just saying knowing what she has to out her through. She would be better off with someone else for now. Until she gets her act together. She is a great mom and cares about her kids a lot more than herself. She would take a bullet for them.SHe just needs to correct what problems shr caused herself to better the life and for her kids. I could only do so much till I had to let her go for myself. If I had a better source for income then I might of helped her out more and tried to see if there was some way to guid her in the right direction.. But I can't no more
Relationships or just doing things on my own that others like family or close friends don't agree with or get mad if I do them. I thin there is a certain age or point where if you rebel against your family they should know that you are going to do what ever you want . no matter what they say. Is it still called rebelling even when your 30's and living on your own.? Its just when you have a heart its hard to say no or when others get mad or disappointed in what you do. So in order to keep the peace you lie just stick to your own bubble/space for the sake of arguments. when lying leads to no where eventually.Most lies no matter how small can come up to bite you.How do you follow your heart and do what you think is right or what makes you happy. without causing family drama? When your not the one that starts it. They say family will always be there even if they don't like what your doing. Would that include if you get in trouble with the law by chance? follow your heart or follow your Brain just can't do both. they contradict each other. Do you choose to go your own path and leave everything behind and be happy. Things may or may not goes planned. And possibly help someone a friend in the long run? Or follow what best friends and family say and not be happy. Or things may go better as planned or excepted? Ho do you know what is the right path if your not allowed to follow what you think is right and learn from it. When you don't get the chance to learn your always going to rebel or go against what others think is what is right for you. If you know someone that you have a good feeling they will change the would be willing to show you or tell you right. Not just through texts. How much can you help someone until they realize they have a problem. But with them being a parent its hard to let them down for the sake of the kid or kids.
18:38 May 31 2021
I like it