The world is a place where when your a child,. everything seems fresh and new. but when you grow up, you realize that it was all a dream. you go out into the real world and see that there is death, dispare, and lonlyness. your whole childhood you cant wait to be out on your own. and then your there. you only survive if you see the beauty in everything. love, happibness, and pain. the pain of losing someone but the-n haveing a new birth. you only get stronger by surviving the hard parts. i love this life, and i wouldnt change anything about it. this is all we have, and i'm happy.... are you?
the rain pours, pushing itself onto the window pane. the droplets splatter like blood fresh from a newly born cut. there is no more life with-in. none that could be put back into the body either. mother earth cries as her daughter is shed. there is pain every where. even the skies feel it. the animals feel it. your soul feels it.
if there is a homeless man on the sidewalk, do you walk by and say sorry? or do you offer your help? there is no sorrow in not helping. that is expected, but there is sorrow in helping. would you have enough change for all the homeless people there are?
if you see a stranger crying, or getting messed with, would you stop and offer your help? or would you turn your shouldar and walk the other way....
thoughts for the week....
help better yourself before you try to better others.
20:03 Sep 02 2010
i,m happy just to hace a chance to leave my little pice of influence on the world