So I've been thinking a lot about this: Why all the arguement over religeon? What are people saying about their religeon when they hate talk other religeons? I have sat in on dozens of deaths over the last year and a half, and it occurs to me... it doesn't matter what you believe in, it doesn't matter if you think you'r going to sit on a cloud with a harp, or if it's just like here, but with gold streets... it doesn't matter if you are a scientologist, or a buddhist monk. Humans have been dieing for hundreds of thousands of years according to most textbooks. What an individual believes will happen need only be real for them cause in the long run, they'll find out. Everyone else has. So why start wars and commit atrocities over a moot point?
I feel like I did an excellent job last night.
I love those days, they seem to make everything mean exactly what it should!
I am sure that you did do an excellent job last night. Keep up the good work as you are good at what you do. When the day goes like that it makes the rest of the days seem more whorth their meaning.
.. it's in the effort, some people make. [you.]
The report I recieved over the phone was grim. 62 year old man, pancreatic cancer, miserable living conditions, hallucinations, bring your sanitizer. It didn't prepare me. There was a smell in the house, like the inside of a mouse cage. Naked razorblades lay on the floor, the couch, and various surfaces. There was a high powered assault rifle in a case by the fridge and a pistol that we had found in a drawer at the bedside on top of the fridge. The man himself had asked that no family be called. The mans medical poa was his landlady who had begun eviction proceedings the month before. I sat on the sofa after seeing to my patient, the one spot that wasn't littered with papers from late night t.v. communications or ziplock bags of moldy beef jerkey. I was afraid to move my hands cause of the possible razorblade cut. There were mirrors all around the couch, and so many cigarette burns around the ash tray and couch cushions that it was obvious that he was lucky to make it a nonburning death. I was a little outraged by the end of the night that no one had called APS on this man. His last months must have been Hell for him. Whe a person is living like that, Society has failed them.
Indeed we have... :(
:( But then one such as yourself is what helps those who are left alone.
I just recieved my assignment for tonight. My patient will be the youngest I have ever cared for. A 26 year old woman they are taking off of life support. Please, if you read this, send me any good Karma you have banked. I'm going to need it. Pray to whatever Gods you hold dear that I am able to help this young woman pass from this world with dignity and ease.
My thoughts are with you, joining all the others. *love and hugs*.
my thoughts and good energies as well are with you in this difficult task
I have faith that you will do your job and help her find peace.
My prayers are for you and to help you deal with this job.
i am sure with u by her side she is in the best of care
hugs sweetie
I'm confident you did a wonderful job...
...I can only imagine how tough of a job that one was....
Aw wot.. ! May you find the strangth, you need.
With Love...
I hope all was well for her.
14:08 Mar 29 2009
Amazing how people in 'power' just don't get that kind of simple truth.