juss found out Dalton doesn't wanna go to the winter formal on the 17th only cuz i can't only dance w/ HIM...!well thats life,i try not to be asked by people and when i do get asked we have to say yes it sucks!!!lol (but i'm making him go)uummmm....my bro called me today wished me happy early b-day(cuz my b-day is tomorrow)and next weekend i'm going to his house play video games,sing,drink,party,ect...lol
uummm had a party today at viking skate country....boring....my friend sam fractured her wrist..uuummmm and right now i'm ducking bored....!
Awesome! I know where he is tickilish now!!!!!lol,but right now i'm ssssooooooo ppppiiiiiisssssssssssssseeeeddddddd......!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so happy right now!(:
can't w8 till monday so i get to see him!!!and hug him every second of every minute i see him!!!!
Okay here's something I gotta say those of u who think I'm to young4love,wake up!Yer obviously not the yummiest cookie in the jar!U can fall in love anywhere,anytime,or any age!How I know this,I fell in love,and I tend to stay in love with only him
~If you love someone enough you,fight to keep them forever~thats my quote^`-`^
His name's Dalton,he's my age I'm about 3months older than him,he has brown hair,beautiful eyes,he's 5'4,and I think he's so cute!!!
Last year we dated for6months until I fucked up really bad one day,so he dumped me...But we're dating again!I love him,he's so sweet once I said that I hate myself in front of him and he's like "Babe u shouldn't hate anything about yerself because yer perfect and I love you"!!!
But before we were dated again his mom wouldn't let him date me....she hates me now...cuz I broke his heart once,and she thinks imma do it again,and I waited 4months before she said yes finally!Omg it sucked that I had to wait but I did^`-`^
but now that we're dateing again,problem now we can't KISS!!!!:O like seriously!she's doing this to make me leave him...she thinks that if there's something we can't do I'll leave him....but she's wrong I even said that to were she could hear me once,but ya now I have to wait until his birthday when he's 13...and if we kiss before he's 13 she always finds out,and then she would MAKE HIM DUMP ME....not even joking she will make him.....