well I usualy am a very open person,I will say pretty much anything anytime I want.my fav colors are black,red,blue,purple,pink,green(and in that order).
my fav flower is a rose!(black rose to get technical about it lol)
I love choclate!but doesn't every girl.I play basketball,i have been on the team 2years now.I love cuddling(and yes i know i'm young,don't judge:P)
I love to juss hang w/ friends,and the love of life.I have brown eyes,that change from bright bown to pitch black.I love taking pics of myself(:
I have a facebook,if u wanna look me up ( jessica ashley).
u wanna know more message me(:
hi!lol i'm bored right about now,wishing i could be talking to a special someone right now(:
well to special someone's right now...my boyfriend(; and this guy on here,he is awesome and we have some things in common so far(:
like our fav flower is a black rose!!!I hope we talk more,and get to know each other(: