Just as I embraced the idea of a peaceful Thanksgiving, I am embracing the same for Christmas. My MIL and her husband will come for the night as I feel they are not a high risk to me. I will be not allowing anyone in the kitchen until the food is served. My FIL wants to know when we will see them... Ummmm NO! You have visited multiple states with different people outside your home and your grandkids both have covid!!!! My husband is a first responder and got his first vax today. I need to contact my Rheumatologist about her thoughts on me getting the vax. I am not anti-vax, but I never get a flu shot and have never had the flu. I have been told that although I am immunocompromised, my immune system is overactive and the flu shot is irrelevant. Now, what with the covid??? I do not know. I will be calling tomorrow. Report back when I know something.
05:47 Dec 23 2020
That one is a good question I'd also like to know the answer to so please keep us updated. Things change so rapidly in the pharmacy at work, so being informed is always our first defense:) It is good to see that you too are practicing protocols to keep your family safe. You are awesome!
04:15 Dec 24 2020
My doc said to get the vax! I am considered to be in a high-risk group with 3 autoimmune diseases and circulatory issues. Thanks!!! You too. Be safe.