New profile background and changed up some things.
It sucks being married and yet feeling so lonely.
Spent the day with the kids and hubby out at the park. We took pics all over the place. I can't wait to upload them and have a look. I can finish my assignment tomorrow. I will upload some of the pics to my journal for yall to see.
Today I am frustrated cause I need to get out and work on my photography assignment, but where I want to shoot costs money I don't have. So this project must wait until tomorrow. This leaves me only 24 hours to complete and hand in the project. major frustration, but I will survive and press on.
So in the meantime I guess laundry and housework will commence. yippppeeee ( yes that was a sarcastic yippeee) I hate housework but I hate a dirty house even more.
I am currently pursuing two things that I am passionate about and enjoy. One being a degree in baking and pastry, it was to be a culinary chef but as previously discussed with my food allergy is pointless, with that being said I am also pursuing photography. I am amateur photographer. To make a long story short I want to invest in a digital SLR camera. I don't know what to get. I have heard and read great reviews about Nikon and Canon.
Any advice would be appreciated. Looks like I will be shopping for the next two weeks for the one that fits me. I will be researching them but would like feedback from those who have used them please.
I am simply here today. I am taking a break from homework and will pick it back up again tomorrow. Today I feel the need to chill and relax and fully intend to. I did have a class today, yes I went, but have decided enough school for today. I am going to enjoy myself.
Whelp had my dreams dashed by reality tonight. I am allergic to fish but highly allergic to shellfish. I was seeking a degree in Culinary Arts Technology. However with this allergy no restaurant would hire me because I would be considered a liability. So I had to face reality that I would need to change my major.
So now I am seeking a degree in baking and pastry with a minor in culinary arts. I am still going to learn a lot just not have painful allergic reactions in the meantime.
Resolution update. 15 days no soda or junk food. So far doing so good.
Internet is back on at home and they are working on getting some of the outrageous fees removed.
ok cable company has decided they need more than the 200 I just paid them. so they shut me off right after the payment. Now I am having to play internet stash and dash. This is uber frustrating. I will be on as much as I can.
omg, that blows~
I'm so glad I don't have Cable..
The week is over and let me just say thank goodness.
today's class took the cake so to speak. The woman was a nutrition guru and that is fine and all but she did a roll call which is normal on the first day of class. However this woman went around asking everyone what that had for breakfast then openly criticizing everyone for their choices and how horrible those choices were. When she asked me I told her I have a hard time eating in the mornings and she proceeded to tell me that because I didn't eat before class that I was essentially sitting their gaining weight as she spoke. I felt offended by this comment. How can you gain weight if you haven't even eaten. Yes I have a weight problem, Yes I realize I need to get healthy. I have had a great start. I cut out the soda and junk food as well as pasta. I am feeling better and while I haven't weighed myself I am confident that I am on the right track. I have also started taking vitamins. this class though it will help me, the instructor needs to stop being so judgmental and critical of everyone but herself.
Reality check bitch, I didn't gain the weight over one week it wont go away over night. she also said genetics have very little to do with it. BullShit.
Oh this is going to be a long and trying semester. I can see now that I will be tested and pulled in many different ways. I am completely exhausted today and I still have another class tomorrow.
The first day of school was good. Learned how to properly butcher a chicken. I got to do 2 of them. Tomorrow we get to make wings and drummets. I am so excited. I will be putting recipes in my journal under potions as we use them in school.
Today is the first class of the spring semester and I am so excited to learn new things.
On another note 8 days with out junk food and without soda, easy on the pasta and smaller portion sizes. I think its actually working. I have started taking my multivitamins, which seems to be helping as well.
Yesterday I was craving a dr. pepper, I resisted but yesterday was also a stressful day. I realized that stress is a trigger for me to go for food and soda.
So by resisting it im hoping that I am reprogramming my body to new methods of handling this kind of stuff.
I feel like crap today. I was unable to sleep, just couldn't shut my mind off. Well ready to conquer the day as classes start tomorrow evening. The rest of the week will be really busy.
well we are on day 6 and still holding strong to my resolutions. The headaches are almost gone and am feeling much better and am actually sleeping better not sure how these correlate but im sure they do.
Life is like a roller coaster ride, you scream, piss yourself, throw up, want off and then finally when the ride says ok you can now get off. For no sane reason at all you get back in line to go again.
ok well part of my schooling is to do an externship, I can get one that pays, which is what I want. However I have a shellfish allergy that is severe, which means that any food service that serves seafood would consider me a liability. I am in school training to be a chef and have no idea how im going to do an externship or where. Any ideas?
well so far 3 days into it and still no soda and still no junk food. I know eventually it will get easier to get through this. You would think with the absence of these items in the house it would be much easier, but I find myself craving them. The headaches have started but I expected them and am working my way through them. I am trying really hard not to get crabby. I was told that after 3 months without and if I were to try it I would find it nasty. Oh gosh let this go easier than it is right now.
3 days and counting.
The whole family decided to go healthy for one year. We have decided to cut out soda and snack foods. we went grocery shopping today, it was difficult to go for the healthy stuff instead of the easy good tasting stuff. On the plus side the healthy and good for you stuff was on sale and reasonable so we were able to keep our family promise so far. I think if we can keep this up weight loss on the family level should be great.
My new years resolution is to re-invent myself this year. I want my outside to reflect who I am inside as well as who I think I am, and how I see myself. I am swearing off of soda for an entire year. The entire family will be eating healthier this year and we will all get into shape together. By this time next year I want to know that progress within myself has made a huge difference in how I see things in my world and in myself.
Awesome! Best wishes. ^_^
Thank you. I am putting all my will power and stubborness to this new venture.
Last night went to a great party and had a wonderful time. stayed up late and felt like a young version of me again. got home safely. 2013 is going to be a great year.