Yes the time has come to title my pages with symbols that look like other things. i would like to dedicate this step in my life to the wonderful people reading this page. now comment...
I am up and will be gone in twenty minutes. i will be back after that in a hour then i will be gone a couple hours after that and then come back a few hours later than that. Lastly I will attempt to go to sleep and all that good shit. Then i will be up at 7:00 again and do the same thing over again and again for five days, then repeat the first steps again, but next Sunday i will not be up at 7:00.
i made eye contact with her. it was for less time then it took for her to probably even notice that i did make contact but it felt nice to see into her eyes. maybe one day i can actually get some face time.
Why didnt i just talk to her or say hi, those seconds i will probaly never get again. i could have asked her if she was going to homecoming, im not going anyway so there was no risk. I didn't even say hi. I could have walked with her back to class and asked her why she had that crown in her hands. i could have asked her what she was going to do for the assembly, but i couldn't even get eye contact as i walked by, as i turned the corner i just died a little as she may have not even seen me even though i love her so much. i dont know if i can really love her though if i cant say hi. it hurts when i think about it and i just want to be with her, i hate myself. i wish i could just talk to her, why me what did i do. I may have never met this person and just like all the other people in my life she will probaly be one of my idols that i never get to touch. i just want to talk, i dont care if all i can do is say hi but i cant even do that. .... i will just keep on seeing her every day of the week and never get to tell her two words. i will go on out of my school and always love her never having more than three conversations with her. i want to just not exist than keep going through this shit.
i am so poor that i can't even spell it right, i cant afford to learn how to spell poor.
i am trying to tell someone something and the fucking thing won't send the message. We live a messed up world.
it has been a while but i remembered i had an account, i am in a band, have money, still have a job, still dont have a girlfriend and i just carved a pumpkin.
thanks for reading