i just talked to wayofthewolf a bit ago, he's out of the hospital and is doing much better.
hum.... i'm still waiting to hear back if i can actually start the coven here..... i sent of what i needed to send off and it's been two days
defiance had it's biggest night even though the headliner was fired the week before.
and i'm drunk
there's a lot of reasons for me to start a coven here, but..........eh
ug.... i should go to wasteland tomorrow, but i'm sick yet again and i have the mercurine show on friday
i've been thinking of starting a coven here, but i don't know
wow. the headliner for diefiance got fired last night. he was also the second in comand for the club...... and i'm now in his place
wow, it looks like there has been some major new years cleaning up around here.
and it looks like it really needed doing
i know that i keep getting asked why i don't have a gig tonight. but the truth is, i did have a huge gig, but i'm still to fucking sick to do anything but sit here and go to bed.....