ok so as far as outside the norm goes, I've probably reached a fair way. I'm 30 years old and in a relationship with a guy who is 12 years younger than me. We are very much in love, my children adore him and we are very happy so whats the problem. Well certain members of my family have decided that it is unacceptable. His family are fine with it, they freaked out a little when they first found out but they apologized and now everything is good. I don't understand why people can't just look at our situation and be happy for us. If it was them then they would expect us to be happy for them.
I really don't care what they say but I don't want innocent children to be hurting because of this. Any advice or comments are more than welcome
19:15 Apr 08 2011
u have 2 live ur life 4 u and what's best 4 ur kids
01:21 Apr 09 2011
well, i agree with sabertooth, u do have 2 live ur life. what is ur family's problem, the age difference ? i can understand where that large of an age gap could be difficult, but many couples have done it and been fine. u just have 2 follow ur gut instinct
03:39 Apr 09 2011
I agree with them....you know what makes you happy better than anyone. there will always be those who are negative; give your family time.......they may still come around
03:51 Apr 09 2011
Hon its ur life and you and him should decide what is best in it and quit worrying about what your family thinks. Me and my wife have a 16 yr. difference between us and my family hated it and still do and even sunk-so-low as to call me a cradle robber and sooner or later even though you may love them you will tell them where to go!!
05:31 Apr 09 2011
What they all said
Love and Hugs
06:33 Apr 09 2011
i see the family has been showing their support for u, so i am here 2 do so as well
07:13 Apr 09 2011
08:23 Apr 09 2011
(Bows in utmost reverence)
You and your children is most concerned to this matter.
If your children have no problem with it, you should go ahead to live your life and make it happiest.
You know, only love and understanding is the acceptable matter and no bar to it. not even kinship. if one rabbit loves you and you accept it, rabbit will leave his own world and will stay with you to live the life with you.
Setting own nuclear family with beautiful love experience is the most nice thing to do and seek no age bar or kind of relationship.
19:40 Apr 09 2011
yeah, what they all said
02:19 Apr 10 2011
thank you guys for supporting tears me and tears are happy we are trying to make a peace between everyone that has a problem in the family's its hard but we are making it through as the relationship go i hope the family's will accept the choices we make in our life's