i hear its calls in the dark of night but it only howls in vain i feel a pull but i do not dare go out in the cold wet night air i dont know why i feel the need to go and answer the calls that has been haunting my every dream but i will not do it for i feel the darkness with in
i lost a very special person in my life today its seems like i have went to a funeral every month of this year so far my life is filled with nothing but sadness why cant it just end my life as fliped upside down and i dont think it will ever be put back rightside up so why not but me out of my misery
im at my last braking point if it isnt drama its being ignored and now my grandpa is in the hospitle life keeps throwing proublems at me and my shoulders cant take anymore im already sick of life what more do i have to go throw through at this point and time of my life before i find my pain and misery over i would trade places with my grandpa if i could i wish i could he loves life and his family he enjoys any and every little bit of time he gets to spend with us god i pray he pulls throw so much for my life turning right side up anytime soon
thank u and i will thank u both for ur guidince and spourt so far u both have been great friends i am honored to know and have u both as friends