Andrew answers that his name is just a Requisition?
Only if i know the amount of chaos that i was playing with, then i would think that i would have to stop. But, then i see it all. I can only feel what i want to type. The reason for this, is simple:.
I have asked an DEMON ((or an angle) don't know witch to help me with my issues.) Net work connections. sorry found a glitch in my network> had to find it. )
What is a smiley face. All you dumb fuck that LOVE grammar can go F UU CCC KKK a DDD U C k?
I CAN TYPE I r e a d? cool
the only color that commes up on type effor
andy can not tylpe
monkey ducks are fun fo rfun sakes ladies
all the andy wants is some intertainment
he cant see ya but does want to read ya
cause he cant hear ya
so plz right the andy
cause the andrew always wants to hear what you have to say?
EGGOO IN the house
!) its simple, it really is
2) i am old, my soul is my demon so to speak off
#)I do not know its age
$)plz define what Drama is, i know every one has a HOt BUtten, but PLz explain the most common, I DO NOt COmput (also why is it spelled c o m p u t e r )
six) this i s my de ff en ition of hacking, will this cause drama
7) the only duds that will get a ten from me are in my house, cause we are all bros when it comes to life and death matters of the heart
8) i am "straight" out of the gates of heaven, and am falling again, just because i saw you image
Nine) I AM A NEO NAZI because i hate stupid people, that makes me a funny jew cause i followed you
just want to joint a coven.
ps PAST what does (IT) spell, what is up my ladies
em·pa·thy /ˈɛmpəθi/ Show Spelled[em-puh-thee] Show IPA
1. the intellectual identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another.
2. the imaginative ascribing to an object, as a natural object or work of art, feelings or attitudes present in oneself: By means of empathy, a great painting becomes a mirror of the self.
i want to want to write in my journal, but all these want ta be queens are impeding my stamped. why cant i see what i am looking for.
The answer to this question is because, in order to really pray to the dark goddess, a man has to loose his eye sight. with time the skin ages, but so does the mind, and soul is only the evolution of such process.
tick tock the clock is moving and i most move to the sound that you are playing
what sound
or image
i take all three
ps i am the puppet of the three goddess's
Good evening
Andy is now not the only one in the house. I am bi polar. I have two minds. They change like the wind. There is Andy and then there is me. You have heard my story more then once. We have told you what we know.
There is Toy Story, and then there is Child's Play
That is what my dark side is, My name is Andy, We will always replay to that tame name. But we are not the same. I love and he loves. But he is not what i would say dominant. If you know what i mean.
My colors will change like my mood. I never know what the other side is going to say. And for that reason, i know what i must do.
Ps. Andy like to watch nice movies and star at the stars.
Me, i like to run in the dark night. I will always respect my bros, but my nice ladies will always come first. Andy also comes first, but not before you.
I am the very sin lusting dark nightmare that takes your darkest fear and tames it in a way that will only spark my legion. Your lust will only be my puppet, as i play with your already broken heart. It would be my darkest delight to take your pain and add it to my list of things to do.