In the simple darkness of a room, or a house, or a car, one begins to understand much of the simple aspects of life. One contemplates the meaning of this darkness, the idea behind it, the creation of this darkness, and the meaning of what it holds for our own future. As we break down this darkness it begins to loose its appearance and fade from a mass of nothingness to a simple idea that was simply placed upon this world as a means to hid the secrets from us. So with this, we must understand the simple aspects of this darkness, it hides which that we are not to seek and if we seek, then we become apart of this darkness as well, forever changed by it, yet never apart of it.
- Sin
It would be in the infinite wisdom of the deeper mind that one comes to the sudden conclusion of the existences of ones desires. As we progression along our own personal paths we must face these desires and fight long the path to figure out where we lye. As one feels that fear is something less then a desire, that is where one is wrong. For Fear is a desire, a desire that people wish never to admit. For to admit to the desire of fear is to admit to the desire of defeat, something no one wishes to admit to, but always do desire when we no longer wish to go on.
- Sin
10:04 May 24 2011
I like the way you put that Deep thoughts in the simplest of things can be a way of opening one's mind.