Seems that all of VR knows of my break up with Tigerslilvampire21 . I just wanted to say that she is not the only one at fault I to am to blame for this break up also . So please do not send me messages saying you are sorry for what she did to me. She is a good person and I just want her to be happy.
You are a very popular person so of course everyone will know. *hugs* I am sorry to hear it though.
Hugs Sweetie , you know Ob and I are here if you need us.
You are a gent and an all around great guy. Breakups are not usually easy on either party and I have much respect for your post.
I consider you and Tigers both my friend. Let me know if you need anything...
This is very mature and loyal of you. Very are a great person and I'm proud to call you my friend.
Went out drinking last night had a blast. But something was missing last night. Maybe I can get that something back .
You have to love Smart Phones I am at a bar drinking till I can not walk and still have VR. lol
Yeah I aught to kick your drunk ass for slipping up. lol. But I loves ya silly butt. And dinna ye do it agin!
drags both of you two with me... leaves smart phone at home.... pouts... now i want a phone like that.... yes, i got a dinky type phone lol
Oh ya smart phones are great I love my Android phone.
ahh beer and Vampire Rave...
nothing better
LMAO!!! That's gonna be me this Friday!! I'm so fuckin sick of being sober!
oh yeah....except I will be drinking at home by myself because I am much more pathetic. I don't wanna drink at a bar. We got the midnight rodeo and cool fish and raps. Raps sucks, and I got kicked out the other two for fighting. I prefer to drink alone.
It is going to be a good night me a a friend are going out to the bars tonight. Talk to you all later tonight.
To anyone that tries to call me in a day or two I will have a new phone number so do not worry I will send a mass text message to everyone on my contact list with the new one.
Started to play Immortal Nights a couple weeks ago just now getting the hang of the game . Next step is to maybe join a House and Marry on the game time will see.
i think i just installed something like that for a friend today. looked cool. but i haven't the humfa for it lol
I have a few friends who play that kinda dominate that game. They have a House if you want I'll send you their info. =)
Due to work and a few things going on in my life I have not been on much the last month. Well I am letting the people I talk to on VR that I am back and will be on a lot more . I am leaving for Virgina next Saturday and will be back in Indianapolis by Wedesday. There will be one thing different when I return . I will be bringing Tigerslilvampire21 back with me.
it's about time!
Good deal! Have a safe trip!!!
So happy for you guys !
05:55 Mar 31 2010
WOW!! You are a Butler fan?