Take the time,
rewind it,
reverse it.
Find a way to change it,
erase it.
Could I go back one year,
stop you from your actions?
Is there a way i could have stopped you?
Your death became my infection,
weakening my mental immune system,
leaving me open for destruction.
I cannot seem to come back from the loss.
Cannot seem to forgive myself
for failing you somehow,
for somehow losing touch when you needed me.
How could I bring the past back?
Is there anyway to change what has happened?
Anyway to bring you back?
To show you that you are loved?
To somehow find a way to help you?
A year goes by so quickly
and time slips through our fingers.
It feels like we just lost you.
The hurt has not really lessened with time
and the pain has not weakened.
My tears still fall,
questions still invade my mind.
So I say goodbye once more
to mark this passage
wondering if I will ever know the answers.