The acronym INRI
Of course, the first reaction of a reader with an elementary acquaintance with the Bible is to give a Christian interpretation to the acronym: Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudeorum, the inscription on the cross..
(the tetragrammaton-meaning in greek a word of four letters)
But a remarkable parallel links this acronym with the ineffable name of the Deity in the Bible, the Tetragammaton. Both are composed of four letters, one of which is repeated. In Hebrew, the letters are Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh.
Medieval alchemists theorized that it meant Igne natura renovatur integra,a Rosicrucian motto.
The Rosicrucians used them as the initials of one of their Hermetic secrets, meaning that By fire nature is restored in purity, or pure matter is restored by spirit; signifying that the working of the inner fire of the spirit, when operating free and unchained by its surrounding veils, reduces these veils into oneness with itself, so that pure, complete, or original nature is restored to its primordial essence.
They also adopted them to express the names of their three elementary principles salt, sulphur, and mercury by making them the initials of the sentence, Igne Nitrum Roris Invenitur. Ragon finds in the equivalent Hebrew letters nor the initials of the Hebrew names of the ancient elements: Iaminim, water; Nour, fire; Ruach, air; and Iebschah, earth. (I - Yam - Water; N - Nour - Fire; R - Ruach - Air; I - Yebeshah - Earth).This requires some latitude in the interpretations, because Iam actually means sea, and only by synecdoche can it be taken to represent water.
Thus, in its application to the human being, when a person lives entirely in the light or fire of the spirit or god within, all his veils of consciousness coalesce with the inner fire, so that his original spiritual being is restored and he becomes a god-man.
INRI is known as the "Keyword" and is used in the Golden Dawn's Inner Order to describe the cycle of the seasons; the equinoxes and solstices, as well as the cycles of birth, death, and rebirth (I - Yod - Virgo; N - Nun - Scorpio; R - Resh - the Sun; I - Yod - Virgo).
However, an examination of various rituals of the 18th masonic degree in different places and times, reveals a wide range of other interpretations, such as:
Ignis Natura Renovat Integram
(Fire completely renews nature)
Ignem Natura Regenerando Integrat
(By regeneration, nature maintains the integrity of fire)
In Nobilis Regnat Iehovah (or Iesus)
(Jehovah (or Jesus) reigns among noble men)
Iesus Nascente Ram Innovatur
(Ascending Jesus renews the branch)
Igne Nitrum Roris Invenitor
(By fire salt is extracted from dew)
Insignia Naturae Ratio Illustrat
(Reason illuminates the nature’s symbols)
Inter Nos Regnat Indulgentia
(Among us reigns goodness)
Intra Nobis Regnum Iehova
(The Kingdom of God is within us)
Iustum Necare Reges Impios
(It is just to kill impious kings)
Iustitia Nunc Reget Imperia
(Justice now reigns empires)
In Neci Renascor Integer
(In death one is reborn intact and pure)
Another explanation mentioned by Naudon claims that the four letters are the initials of Judea, Nazareth, Raphael and Judah. In Hebrew, Judea and Judah are written with an initial “I”.
Still another explanation is given by Albert Pike in his Magnum Opus: the four letters are initials of the words Infinity, Nature, Reason and Immortality.
The existence of so many and diverse explanations, formulated by different Masonic writers in the course of time, demonstrates that the literal or Biblical explanation is certainly insufficient and probably erroneous within the Masonic context.
Also think about the phoenix.....i think its the most simple but perfect example.
....Igne Natura Renovatur Integra....