On Wensday April 27th, the worst storm to hit Alabama since 1998. There were damaging winds, flooding, multiple tornados being produced. The worst part of the storm front hit two of our major cities, Tuscalusa and Cullmun. The tornado the hit Tuscalusa was reported to be about a mile wide. It took out most of the down town area. The one that hit Cullmun was a little smaller and it pretty much did the same thing. Most of Cullmun's down town area was destroied as well. We have a reported death toll of about 200 deaths in Alabama. There are people still out in those areas looking fo anyone who might be still trapped, injured, or dead. We wont know the total number of deaths until all of the rubble is cleaned up. Anyone who reads this please do me one favor, keep us all in your prayers if you will. Thank you for reading this and your prayers. All my love and blessings upon you all.
Well I'm feeling ok today, I haven't been able to talk to a very dear friend of mine today, so i'm alittle down about that. I'm upset because my oldman won't get out there and find a job so that we don't lose our place to live. I don't know what to do about him sometimes, I just get so frustrated at him. Cause all he seems to do is want to get on the computer and play the different games on facebook. Instead of finding a job. I know that if and when I get to talk with my friend today, I'll start feeling better. Thanks for letting me get this out of my system everyone.
ground beef, very lean, at least 80% (substitute with veggie or soy burger)
pie crusts.
thick beef gravy
salt and pepper
diced carrots
jalapeno peppers
thick mashed potatoes
Shredded Jack Cheese.
Ok then! Cook the ground beef and drain the fats. Then, mix with the gravy until you have a very thick mixture. Dice the jalapenos, into very tiny pieces, then add to the mix, and blend until well mixed. Add the carrots and peas. Put in a baking dish on the pie crusts, top with the cheese and bake until hot. Then serve.
why dont you try. My fav pie, crazy man pie.
All you need is:
2 child legs, riped apart.
2 rats heads.
4 battered peoples heads. Make sure the brains are caved in. I prefer i hammer, but i wall brick will do.
Pint of blood.
male and female genitals to finish off.
Cook in a big pot, bang it in the oven, for 4 hours, till it smells like rotten burning corpses.
am crazy hahahahhahahaha