3 Dreams last night that were all connected.
I would dream, wake up, dream, wake up, dream. After the third dream I was awoken by Ravens calling out in the trees outside my window.
In each dream I was in Salem, on my way to meet a Vampire Order, the wife was in the first 2 dreams but left at the start of the third dream. Michelle Belanger was in in the second dream. Each dream started where the last one ended, progressing toward a sacred initiation.
The final dream I was brought into a Dungeon, through 3 progressive layers of chambers, until, finally, I entered a chamber decked out in Ancient Near Eastern symbolism, a male Vampire led me into it, there were two female assistants at the large altar on the floor, and a Goddess Priestess who was painted like a large green snake, stood in the center of the altar. On the altar where these set leather pads with leather straps. I was told to put myself in the straps, was locked into a pose, and then the Goddess took of my blood while I was bound in the straps. It was a powerful experience!
Especially powerful since today is the Equinox.
Who would I be, were I not a darkling?
I've been asking myself this question as of late, writing about it.
I am drawing closer and closer to the deep grounds from which, this person I've been becoming, is clearly revealed. Like how a sculptor doesn't chip away stone, but reveals the real image trapped within, this is what my "darkening process" has become.