moonkissed's Journal

moonkissed's Journal


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6 entries this month

03:07 May 21 2009
Times Read: 1,130

I have not read journals other than those put before me in I don't know how long. the last month or two my life has been chaotic and stressful. maybe by comparisson to others it is nothing but to me it is huge.

one thing after another and I never feel any relief from the daily stressors. most times I just want to hide and often do. I have been tired, depressed, anxious, angry, apathetic, hopeless and more.

I don't know why i felt the need to bore people with is, I guess I just wanted attention so that I can complain about people bugging me.



05:08 May 28 2009

Vocalization=venting, defaults to decompression. Placing things in perspective, along with free association. What major, or collective minor things are unsettled, it is reasonable to be anxious, but you will settle, shedding along the way is what friends are for. All the elements are here.


00:48 May 15 2009
Times Read: 1,147

my daughter stayed overnight at her best friends house last night so she missed the details of yesterdays hearing. today she came home from school and the first thing she asked was, "what happened yesterday?"

I told her the outcome and was shocked by her response to her brothers ordeal. she was upset at him. in fact she said that it was exactly what she was afraid of. because....she is worried about her own reputation. she has no concerns for her brother at all, only herself.

I have taken great pains to ensure that she will never be compared to her brother, by teachers at least. my children have different last names.

I would venture that one third of next years Jr High class won't even know who D is. the rest will be a combination of kids who are either afraid of him, revere him as some mythic hero-type, are just friends with him and then the small amount who will either not care or will attempt to pick on him. I don't think she has anything to worry about. I am deeply disappointed in her lack of empathy and concern for her brother. I just wish I could say I was surprised.



01:13 May 15 2009

it happens children are like this i know i was like this

01:23 May 15 2009

I followed 2 brothers in school myself this really is pretty common I know I was ready to kill them several times when I got tainted by their brush.

01:30 May 15 2009

I guess I was lucky. I was the oldest and I got excellent grades. in fact up until high school when I got bored I was a teachers wet dream. my sister on the other hand was a poor student and had a bad attitude. unfortunately she got every one of my teachers whenever we happened to be in one school for two years or more. her stigma was the exact opposite. the teachers expected more from her because I was a model student.


23:41 May 13 2009
Times Read: 1,152

my time on VR tonight is short. with all of the helter skelter today I forgot to get the debit card from my Husband before He left for work so He will be home tonight. Friday is the day I make the house payment and I needed to withdraw the cash for the transaction.

on a more upbeat note my friend Trina called me up tonight to let me know that she couldn't make our cake decorating tutorial tonight. her husband and son have the flue. she had already picked up my daughter from school.

oh joy next week (or sooner) we will have a visit from the flue fairy.




the verdict is in

17:19 May 13 2009
Times Read: 1,172

we went this morning to the hearing determining whether or not D will be expelled. first I have to say that the person presiding over the hearing was an asshole. he pissed me off and about halfway through i was ready to walk out. the man drilled at d, asking him questions which my son answered truthfully and then shaking his head angrily and saying "Don't jerk me around. I just don't buy it. How do you justify...?" it was an interrogation clearly and he wanted an admission of guilt, that is all.

to recap and flesh out a bit. D was caught on school grounds with a razor and a broken pair of scissors in his coat pocket. I now know that the razor was FOUND while he was working. it was laying in the street and he picked it up and put it into his pocket and then forgot about it. the scissors were something that he found in one of his desks at school. he says that he was afraid to show them to anyone for fear of getting into trouble and that he planned to dispose of them at home. he discovered the forgotten items in his pocket and through bad judgement allowed them to be handled by a friend who happens to be a cutter. the kid cut himself and D took the items away from him.

after today's "hearing" (interrogation) he has been expelled for the rest of the year and is required to see a therapist over the summer. pending the report from the therapist D will be allowed to return to school next year. we will be making him pay for the sessions and the gas to and from. he will allowed on VR only for one hour at least four days a week until further notice. I will be seeking an online tutor website for him to use for an additional hour per day. video games are still suspended until the end of school.

it could have been much worse I know but I am still angry. they expressed concern over his "fetish" for sharp objects. I do not believe the man even knows the meaning of the word fetish! secondly a lot of kids pick things up off of the ground and keep them. my own brother used to keep candy wrappers, bits of foil, bugs and once a slug. yes a slimy slug, which (ew) went on a ride through my mothers washing machine. my son is an artist and had two Jr High art teachers give him projects on "trash art" in the last two years. for the projects the students were advised to bring in any non-food trash they found in order to make sculptures and wall art. among the suggested objects were paperclips, glass, broken glasses frames, broken plastic spoons....how many of these items are not even permitted on commercial airplanes these days? but permissible in art class....I suggested to my Husband that next year D should only be allowed a box of crayons and a paper ruler, no book bag at all. everything else can be used as a weapon.

the paper ruler was decided against because it can cause a paper cut, we wouldn't want that now would we.



17:36 May 13 2009

Glad it's over for you but sorry it happened at all. It does sound like the hearing wasn't fair but then schools today have twisted the past incidents that caused new rules to "protect" the kids to be swung to persecute the kids and protect the school/teachers. Well that's my opinion anyway. I think I'd contact his superior and tell them straight off I accept the punishment but they need to talk to him about his attitude especially if he's making the call on whether a child has any type of emotional or mental problem, such as cutting.

17:53 May 13 2009

I agree completely. I think the Principal and VP were probably behind the requirement of therapy. neither of them seemed to want him expelled and I think they believed in part that the whole thing was a careless mistake. it was probably the only way they could get the guy in charge to agree to the partial expulsion.


15:16 May 08 2009
Times Read: 1,182

D's hearing is set for 9am Wednesday morning. they are still expecting him to do his PASS tests. these are the tests that actually determine whether they actually learned enough to pass the grade they are in.

this whole thing just really has me frazzled. at least now i can go about today's outdoors activities and not be held hostage by the phone.




02:09 May 07 2009
Times Read: 1,201

i don't know how to put into words what has been going on lately in my life and in my mind. there is no way for me to be graceful or delicate, that isn't really my style anyway.

of course money has been tight. blah blah blah, same old story there nothing changes. when things are stressful though, like when i am worried about finances, i withdraw. i become impatient. i get annoyed with people who call me during MY time.

hopefully the financial bumpies are behind us. nothing would make things better than to not have to worry about losing a service. i would be extremely happy to not overdraft the bank. even once!

finally this week we tried to relax. Sunday the family friend Woody came over and we played two rousing games of croquet and had a nice visit. Monday Hubby and me spent a nice day togethor. we window shopped a bit and finally decided to brave the little restaurant up the road. we found that they have wonderful cheeseburgers, i don't think i have had a restaurant made run of the mill cheeseburger made with real cheddar since my last Burgerville cheeseburger. i finally got a 75 ft hose to water the vegetable garden. there may be hope for that.

Tuesday...we went grocery shopping. yeah we splurged a little but i felt like celebrating. besides the usual stuff we bought some random junk for the kids and stuff for rootbeer floats.


i was putting away the groceries when the phone rang. it was the VP of my son's school. my boy it turns out was found with cutting implements on his person and there was blood on them.


he was doing really well in school this year too. now it is fucking blown over stupidity and carelessness.

i am an attentive parent. i talk to my kids. i monitor their internet traffic. i search their book bags, coats and rooms randomly. i know every inch of their bodies not covered by underwear. we have discussed multiple multiple times: drugs, alcohol, violence (real and fictional), sex; etc...

my son does not cut, some of his friends do. unfortunately i don't know the ones at school. his only other friends are here on VR. i get to know the close ones. there is a lot to this story, not that it matters but i am hoping to get something positive from this. maybe if i tell the story, his Coven Masters will see fit to repost it or link it in the coven.

my 13 year old son had a box razor and a broken pair of scissors in his coat pocket. the razor is one of those refills, sometimes they are used for scraping tar or paint. the razor was given him to use by our neighbor while they were working togethor at the church one weekend. when he was done with it he slipped it into his pocket and apparently forgot about it. the scissors i presume he found around somewhere.

i neglected to check his pockets the last couple of weeks. he realized while he was at school that he had them and stupidly showed a friend. the friend went on to lift his pants leg and cut himself on purpose. someone saw my son with the implements and turned him in. he was co operative with the school security and the VP. he also turned in his friend for cutting. this is a good thing, that boy needs help. of course admittedly so does my own child.

D is indefinitely suspended pending a hearing to determine suspension, temporary expulsion and transfer to an alternative school or possibly outright expulsion. i know these are the policies. HE knows these are the policies. accident, forgetfulness, none of it matters. all year there has only been one other incident and it wasn't even violent or criminal. he made AB honor roll last quarter and now he is done!

right now as his mother i am struggling with the obvious. how did i mess up so badly with him? how could he make such a mistake? how do i punish this error properly without going overboard and for that matter besides the obvious loss of privileges until the outcome is determined and we are out of limbo what proper punishment is warranted?

for the last few months he won't talk to me about problems, he won't even journal no matter how hard i insist. he has neglected his appearance to the point that at least once i washed his hair in my kitchen sink just to insure it was being done properly. the latest thing has been the addition of words/terms such as failed, screw up and loser to his vocabulary.

you tick down the list of things a parent takes away:

video games



time with friends

replace them with:

extra chores

the video games did not cause the problem, nor did the computer, the movies he watches....

the problem is his sense of self worth. he is a brilliant young man, very intelligent it happens. he is sensitive and caring. he is extremely capable of doing anything that he chooses to do but this is what he chooses.

he tried blaming the treatment he received from his dad for 10 years of his life. i had to call bullshit, we have spent every moment of every day that we are all togethor showing him kindness, support and compassion. even now he can not lean on that, no way. if i let him use that as a crutch now, he will use it forever. i know he is better than that.

ok i am stepping back now.

i want a cigarette.

i want to go back to watching hulu and just being alone with my thoughts a bit longer.

i feel typed out just now.



03:58 May 07 2009

Kids are a tough balancing act... I'm sorry things are difficult right now.

I think his "punishment" should be a manditory 30 minutes every day of sitting and talking with his mother... even if the time is spent reading a book together.

04:07 May 07 2009

it's not a bad idea birra. today he helped me in the garden, then he helped me make a carrot cake for his stepdad to take to work. after that it was about cleaning his room and monitoring the weather by way of tv. we had a weather system that brought tornadoes. today i showed him not only what to watch for but what an actual tornado looks like while it is forming. luckily it went the opposite direction...again.

04:58 May 07 2009

He's on indefinite suspension because he had a razor blade?

I get the feeling this is the result of another "blown out of proportion" ... zero tolerance program being put in place by so many school boards who have their heads so far up their rear ends that they are suffocating common sense right out of their heads.

Would it be safe to guess this is also one of those schools who no longer have:

Wood Shop

Metal Shop

Auto Shop


Home Economics

Theater/Stage Craft

and any other functional skill classes that use dangerous objects - which of course they will never handle outside of school.

Ugh ... this is why I consider home schooling ...

05:08 May 07 2009

believe me i could not agree more about the zero tolerance program. it was originally set up for students who exhibited extremely criminal behavior. hate lists, death threats, pipe bombs, drugs. i knew of a student who in the first grade stabbed a child in the hand with a pencil. THE FIRST GRADE! can you imagine? he had already been in trouble many times for fighting and stealing.

my own autistic brother the same age as D has attacked teachers with chairs and in public school no less.

the fact remain that he did bring them even by carelessness, i believe security called it a shank. excuse me? a shank is an instrument deliberately created in order to harm another person. there was no such intention.

if he is expelled i would rather home school him if i can than have him go to a school with kids who really are bad. this is my biggest fear. that or permanent expulsion. if that happens no doubt it will be a case of them simply wanting to make an example of him. this whole thing is like a nightmare.

14:29 May 09 2009

Well, MK, you already know most of my thoughts, I don't think there is anyone in the world I talk to as much as I do with you...I think LordV covered everything I have had to say and I can't think of a single thing to add to it...these zero tolerance issues schools have put in place...I understand the precautionary sentiment behind most of the rules they try to enforce, but when you teach zero tolerance in anything it tends to lead to single minded thinking. It teaches the child to judge and how to be intolerant in other areas. We have enough rigidity in the world as it is.

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