Im an athiest
Not a believer in anything, I feel if you believe in one you kinda have to be open to all if that makes sence. And most religion just seems to contradict itself, not to mention there are so many rules and whatnot. Screw that. Would much rather just assume its all bullshit until science proves it. But hey that's just me.
I don't think religion should be tied in with anything just religion. In today's day and age, especially in Australia (where I live I'm the minority) there are so many different people I think that Christian holidays and what not should not be celebrated. Rather just let people celebrate what they want when they want. Give out standard amount of days off per year and you can do what you will. Properly wouldn't work very well but still.
I'm straight/a-sexual
That means I like girls but I'm not looking for a relationship. It's just so much effort I'm young I have a whole life ahead of me why worry about that sort of stuff. Much rather just hang out with my friends. I do wanna say, i support LGBT marriage and what not, they should have all the rights straight people have. It's bullshit that they don't. The only reason I think they don't is because it's against religious beliefs.
Screw destiny
I don't believe in fate or destiny. I'm not destined to write this journal entry at this very moment I'm only doing it because I'm bored at work and thought I could waste some time doing so.
I dont think it's possible for us to be the only existing organisms in the entire universe. And if that is the case that's really tragic. But again until someone proves they exist I don't acknowledge them to exist.
Animal crulety
I despise people who hurt animals as a joke. Animals are more nobal and honest creatures then humans thats for sure. And what are humans just another animal, Yes the dominate animal but still just another animal. How would you like it if I come and cemented you into a concreate slab with half your face hanging out, or stabed you in your eye because i was bored huh? People who abuse animals all should be shot
Drugs and alcohols
Love me some sprits. Especially vodka. Mmmmm
Not a fan of hardcore drugs but demo think that if it grows in the ground it's proberly ok.
And the last the I wanna bring up is stereotypes. If you don't like being put in a particular stereotype stop being the stereotype! I work in a supermarket and so many people come through the doors and each one fits a stereotype and for some reason they never wanna be classed as such but still behave that way. Eg Indian people smelling bad/ bogans being drugged off there face/ Sudanese being violent. That's why so many people hate stereotypes because they are true, to an extent. I'm not saying all of them are but there are factions within the groups that just prove them right.
First journal entry not to exciting just posting something
At work ATM on lunch just chilling wondering why customers insist on coming into work smelling like they have just pissed there pants. Seriously have a fucking shower!