Here I sit still facing this pain I'm. Fallen angel no light do I
I bring no happiness only fear and decay. Here I stay broken. Bruise full of shame I never could ask forgiveness I'm just to far gone, I wasn't. Always so,dark and full hate, it all happen one night when u decided to go away, for I have had this demon of dispair as my only companion, since u decided to die,and leave me all alone, no one can heal my agony it can't be taken away, my heart was buried with you my son the night you went away. On July 30, you should be turning 10. But instead of buying u gifts to give and see u smile Again, I buy flowers for your grave and sing to you... you are my sunshine my only sunshine. make me happy. When skies,are grey through. Pain and tears that crush my heart and through blurry tears that run down my face, that I brush away. Whispering I love u still and always
22:01 May 19 2016
So sad, sorry to hear about your loss!
22:01 May 19 2016
So sad, sorry to hear about your loss!
22:01 May 19 2016
So sad, sorry to hear about your loss!