the mark
of your ignorance is the depth
of your belief in injustice
and trajedy.
what the caterpillar
calls the end of the world,
the master calls a butterfly.
welcome, moon of the cliff! the year crosses the boundary between light and dark, the forces of growth will sleep on the seas of the otherworld. we, too, turn inward, to replenish our souls in the nourishing darkness beyond ourselves.
full moon between 30 october and 25 november
you know the secrets
so very well
the dreamtime and the magic but you,ll never tell
may i learn to hold my tounge
observe like the shinx
powerfull yet silent
the medicine of lynx
insanity a million things a million colours
not from the mind but out of this planet
given by things
given by vampires
no explanation to a logical answer
tell me i,m insane and give me your reason
who,s question yours or mine
that is my answer