Purgatory (Repenting Believers) | Very Low |
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) | Very Low |
Level 2 (Lustful) | High |
Level 3 (Gluttonous) | Very High |
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) | High |
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) | Very High |
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) | Very High |
Level 7 (Violent) | Extreme |
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) | Very High |
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) | Moderate |
(So this was a dream I had for a couple months almost every night. It was terrifying.)
There I stood, at the edge of the great chasm. The light linen sleeping gown did little to protect me from the raging icy winds of despair. The hunt was on, behind me I faced death. In front of me a single chain connecting the sides of the chasm.
Was this some cruel joke of the gods? I questioned darkly before getting on my knees. The only way I would be able to flee the torment of the Wild Hunt was to cross this...bridge.
I stopped to listen, I could hear the boar hounds and the men's shouts behind me. The daunting cadence of the chain's creaking sounded somewhat hallowed. As if this was some part of the sacrosanct ritual.
The frozen chain burned my fingers, yet if I wanted to live, I had to persist. One hand in front of the other I started to move. Slowly, but steadily.
Another gust of the angry winds blew past, turning in my head it somewhat lessened the effect, not by much.
I looked up, and then back. I was about a quarter of the way in and I saw little lights dancing behind the trees. The dogs were at the edge of the cliff barking with all their might. I tried to move faster, and failed.
It was cold, so cold. I should just let go and fall. Dying that way seemed somehow better than being eaten by the dogs. I looked down and saw the bottom, scattered with bodies of others previously in my position. I was feeling defeated, tired and cold yet I kept on.
At the edge the men were shouting things, but even that didn't do anything to break my concentration. I needed to survive. For what I didn't know. My family was dead and my home had been burned.
Somehow I knew he would be at the other side of this chain, my beautiful winged god. He who was there when all was lost. I knew he had to be. It was the love for him that fueled me.
I was numb and my skin was blue. The random violent bursts of wind didn't help any. The chain swung dangerously yet I held on.
I was getting closer and closer. Before long I lost track of time, lost track of distance. Then, I looked. I was so close. I could almost touch the wall of the cliff. I reached out a frozen hand and stretched my fingers to try to touch it. I stretched with all the strength that I still had.
My finger made slight contact but I lost it. Then all went black. I heard the rustle of wings and felt a great warmth envelope me. The smell of snow and summer rain filled me and gave me the strength to open my eyes.
There he was, his deep green eyes staring at me in wonderment and awe as if his beauty was nothing compared to mine.
"I've been waiting for you, it has been many, many moons. Many, many hunts. It is you that I have waited for, and you are here at last."
©2009 Lacie Rose
I have decided that I am going to note my aspirations. I will be working on this list probably for a while.
Things I Desire To Have:
Every Piers Anthony Xanth book. (The good and the bad!)
Every series of ANTM on dvd. (I LOVE Tyra!)
Things I Desire To Do
I want to sell 1000 copies of a book.
I want to publish my poetry in a book.
I want to send my son to college, and I want to go also.
I want to always be there for my children. Let them know that I am always there if they need me.
I want to live in Ireland for a few months.
Most of all... I want to find love.
My internet got turned off, along with my phone. So I won't be able to get on unless I drive to my mom's everyday. Which is a lot of gas for one without a job. I am working on a solution. :)
But for now, I will only be on once a day-ish.
buy a wirless network card and mooch off someone close by.
I have a wireless network card, but everyone in my apartment has password protected internet! lol
So I am like really obsessed with pop-tarts. They are like the most disgusting yet delicious food in the world. I also can't start my day until I've had a can of Diet Dr.Pepper and a cigarette.
I don't drink alcohol, I just don't like it. I don't mind people who do. In fact its fun to be a sober one among the inebriated. I seem to have more fun.
I have a son, born on April 29, 2008. He is my world. My very best friend. There is no greater love in the world than a mother's love. I wish I would have known that when I was younger and so very mean to my own.
I really hate people who think they know everything about everything and try to give you advice on something they have never gone through. I hate it. So all of you non parents, or people who have no experience raising kids... don't look at me when my kid starts to throw a fit in the store! Don't judge me. It happens, they can't be good all the time.
Anyhow, if there is anything else you want to know. Comment here with questions and I will make another entry answering your questions.
Since I'm not level 10 yet, I can't message people unlimitedly. Which is sad because my inbox is full of messages that I would love to respond to. Though, of course I can't. I just hope I don't upset people!
I had one of these a few years back but it said that my username was no longer working or something like that. So I wanted to post a journal talking about it.
Its probably a good thing though because I wouldn't have remembered the password anyhow. That and I am a FAR different person now.
And it harm none, do as ye will. Blessed Be.
09:37 Mar 31 2010
I got the seventh level too haha. Lost at birth I tell you!
20:40 Apr 19 2010
Yes, lost at freaking birth! (My mom hates that joke...she's like...I would remember having twins! lol)