Allergies + out of control hormones + a shitty day at work + I missed going out with co-workers because of said shitty day + did I mention the pms? = tears that I know are stupid and hormone induced and it just ticks me off more that I can't keep my emotions in check which leads to more tears.
Tomorrow will be better because...I'm on VACATION. For right now, I'm going to finish my beer, sulk, read some Anita Blake, and sleep.
....but work ethic won out...damnit. Why do I have to be so responsible? ;)
I wonder if it's a bad sign when I'm dreaming about work..
I say weirdness because I rarely remember my dreams unless they're nightmares. Those usually wake me up sweating, shaking and crying. This dream though, the only thing I remember is being at work and seeing a co-worker who's been out for a while back on the floor. I ran up and gave him a hug and asked him where the hell he's been and then poof, that's all I remember.
I think I know why the dream was about this particular co-worker... I wonder if he ever wants his shirt and sweater back? ;)
Oh, BTW, we have plenty of lunch items left over from our lunch & learn yesterday... so if you want to stop by and make yourself a sammich for work tonight, feel free. :)
Maybe it is the void saying to do it again? Lol!
Woohoo! Bought a Wii today. "Storing" it at Birra's house because he has the big screen TV. :p We had lots of fun bowling, boxing and racing Mario Carts.
Welcome to the world of WII!
I am going to get NOTHING done this weekend...
(imagine Nelson from the Simpson's) HAHA!
...mmmm the house smells like brownies. Now, the decision to frost them or not? Ponders if anyone needs that kind of sugar overload...yeah...they're gettin' frosted. :p
Directly from the VR Manual...
From time-to-time disagreements will arise between members. Vampire Rave Administrators will not become involved in member disputes. Administrators cannot be expected to take sides in member arguments. If you press this issue with an Administrator you can expect a negative response.
You can block any member of Vampire Rave except for Administrators. Next to every message is a block link. Clicking it will add the member to your block list.
Block/unblock links are also located on every member's profile.
If you block another member you will not receive messages from them, and any comments they leave on your profile or portfolio will also be blocked. Ratings are not blocked, just comments.
In public areas (The Forum, VampBox, House areas, etc) interaction is still possible. If disagreements persist, Vampire Rave rules against flaming will most likely be broken and all members involved will be suspended or deleted.
You are expected to act like an adult. If you act like a child you will be treated like a child.
You can find a list of all of your blocked members at the base of the Message Center Page. You can also unblock members from there.
Do not ask a Vampire Rave Administrator to suspend or delete another member.
Do not ask a Vampire Rave Administrator to reprimand another member.
Do not try to convince a Vampire Rave Administrator that you are right and another member is wrong.
Oftentimes, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Vampire Rave has mechanisms in place for you to handle your own disputes.
Just thought it pertinent to a situation today. Oh and another thing...If you can't say anything nice...STFU.
lol And that wheel just would not shut up. :)
Does STFU mean 'stop to feel understanding'?
STFU actually means: Softly tangle feverish understanding
I thought it was Strip the Filthy Underwear...
o.0 filthy underwear? Ick. That puts things in a whole new dimension.
If perception is reality, perceive a reality that is magnificent. For we truly do create the world around us.
Came home tonight and started picking up the apartment. Hanging jackets up, putting sweatshirts back in my room, and then I get to moving stuff that's in the chair in the living room and what do I find? A black button down and sweater that someone forgot last night. Damn that boy smells good.
Now let's just hope he found my driver's license in his car...
09:18 Oct 30 2009
Treasure your hormones...they don't stay forever lol
19:48 Oct 30 2009
anita blake......I like her point of view....kill it or screw it.....should make you feel better. :)