as i travel down a long dark road i wait for the terifying noises i hear in the woods to come forth and take hold of wat thay maybe hunting for. i stop in fear ass i see the nights creatcher standing there in front of me. i start shake and my heart begins to race, i know that my time is well near, i cant move all i do is let i come.
i have been alone in the dark for
as long as i can
remember, not haveing any one to
be there for me as i fade into the darkness.
i cry and cut as i wait to be
saved, wanting to feel the joys of happieness
and a pain free world.
but i have lurned that thatis a future
that will never be i am destend to be alone
hate is a feeling of pain
a reminder of all
the times u were hurt.
u stop to think of the best way to
make it all go away, u cat live
with haunting thought of
your past.
you find your self in the bathroom with a knife in your hand,
the last thought that goes through
your minde is im free i can
finaly rest