sitting on the grass thinking things through
trying to make sence out of the sencless
putting pices together finding what fits where and what dosent anymore
at this point that i relize that im fixing myself not a puzzle as id frist thought
fixing me
and trying to find what fits in me and what dosent any longer
now that ive been broken again
trying to fix myself again
trying to blow all my thoughts away
throw them into the wind to be carried off and pray they dont return to me once more
have i truely lost my sence so much
my sanity always a thought to question but now??
to question everything
the hardest and the simplest of questios
and question those questions
wondering on the impossible and the very possible and others that dont even beging to classify
where does it all fit now??
which parts of me fit with me now and which parts to leave behind
as i question all this the wind blows again
taking it all with it
every last thing
now what??
where do i begin now??
do i start over
or what???
what do i do now
and is that really what must be done??
who know for i know not
but then again i know nothing any more
all knowledge and self blown away
everything about me blown away
carried away in that gust of wind
now where do i begin
unsure of everything still. dont know what anything means any more
whats to happen next how dramatically will things change now??
what do they even mean now???
still so confussed and lost
wish i had help *sigh*
what does this all mean now????
damn it at least give me a hint
its my life as well
i should deserve to decide as well
shouldnt it
after all its my life as well
stuck in a place that i dont want to be
stuck in a position i dont want
dont want to play submissive any more
im not submissive so why should i pretend to be?? too tired to play it any more
trying not to let them break me,tear me apart
trying not to let them get to me
being backed into a corner
dont they know theyre not suppose to do that???
stuck where i dont want to be
even if i know freedom dosent exist i cant but wish for it,hope for it
thought id left that behind
all the wishing all the hoping
guess i havent left it completely behind
to burry itself among all my other memories
stuck where i dont want to be
wishing i were free
wishing i could leave
too bad that i cant play submissive anymore
well bad for them anyway
changing again
cant turn back
only accept and move forward
dont look back just keep moving
dont look back just keep going and going
stuck where i dont want to be and trying to break free
even if freedom is nothing more than a dream
ill still try to reach for it
cant give up now
stcuk where i dont want to be
and im going to change that
going to strive to get things back under control
accept and move one
keep moving forward
ever wonder how things could be different??
howd things be like if they acutally worked out for one??
if things went right for once??
about all the what ifs?
and the what could haves??
and the maybes???
sometimes we do
but things dont work out that way
who chose it to be that way??
was it us??
was it the fates??
was it destiny??
was it the gods or goddess??
who truelly chose it to be so??
would we ever find out??
will things work out atleast in the very end??
sometimes it all seems like a book
a horrow story and we all just got sucked into it
you cant helo to wonder
when the story ends will things atleast be ok
atleast for those we love
imagine to get lost in an imaginary world
one where things go right
where theres no problems at least for a while
giving us a break from such a bitchy life
one where the weather maches your current mood and changes to your liking
imagine a word where only what you like or wish exsist
where you can have more freedom and liberty
more places to roam
now dosent that seem dreamy
maybe its just my wishful thinking
or do others also imagine and think of things like this i wonder/
what do others think of when they doze of???
do they also imagine such a world??
i wonder???
well time to sneek away into my own world again.....