I'm exhausted. My body wants to shut down rapidly but my brain is refusing to allow that to happen. Its not the fact that i can't sleep. I sleep perfectly fine. the problem is my schedule is ass backwards. I hate when this occurs. Even though i love the night time due to the quietness, but sometimes a little bit of sunshine wouldn't hurt either.
I wake up on the dark side it eats alive my insides.
I abuse drugs to mask the pain i feel inside my weary brain.
What did i do to deserve this? What did i do?
I self inflict to feel real cause i can't deal with the pain i feel.
Just another day in pain load up on benzos to remain sane.
What did i do to deserve this? What did i do?
Numb the receptors again tonight i feel like losing the fight.
might as well give in. Might as well give in forever.