What do you get when you have a dog with King Charles and Pugg genes ? Well I call this dog named Bailey after the whiskey cream drink Chugg, he is hilarious he watches like an owl, tilts his head side to side when he listens to me talking, he follows everywhere I go in the house. He pulls the lead like a pitbull very strong for a small dog, he is only 2 and will grow much bigger he makes me laugh, chases his tail chews on the lead shaking his head growling he has his moments so I am not wanting to leave him near anything breakable while I am looking after him for a while, he sits on the sofa with me like a friend, its good he follows me so I can keep an eye on him LOL
20:53 Aug 17 2019
he sounds like quite a character
21:20 Aug 17 2019
Yeah he is hilarious such a laugh