VentruE, the General of the Praetorian Army, has also been appointed as the Consort of BloodThirst. Do not disrespect him
Octavia is of great power in the Empire of my Imperial Queen- Empress.
She commands respect and all will look at her as one of the Empress sisters of Rome.
Hail the great Octavia!
Also for you peons....piss her off and she has the power to ban you from the Empire.
Don't piss her off!!!!!
She is my Imperial Queen's claws.
L' Nei zhah l' Valsharess d' Rome.
Jal nindel kla'ath ilta z'klaen rothrl ussta plynnithusen.
Ol zhah a ilta quarth.
Il zhah l' elggur d' phraktos.
Usstan er'griff kla'ath ussta valsharess ji sarn!
Gaer zhah naut jala d' dos nindel ehmtu uns'aa.
Er'griff ussta Valsharess!
Nindol zhah l' ust journal entry whol l' dalzhind d'lil Nei. Natha sel captain d' a'ni VenturE's Pretorian Army uriu tlus appointed. Ukt kaas zhah DraightheUncaring. L' liutenant zhal remain noamuth hwuen Usstan inbal tlus informed d' ukt kaas. T'yin uk zhal tlu added 'zil al.
ok this happened like last week sometime. i was invited to a clan. many of u may know the royal Empress. she invited me to join the clan so now im a scribe of the Empire. i shall forever remain under her services and as she commands. so from now on, my journal entries will be mainly of that of the history of the Empire