For what tis love but the beat of two in the dark
Of that silent regard shared among shared in the passing moment
When the world has stood still for but a moment in it's eternal glance
AS if watching the night flower take full bloom in that instant before it wilts
Or the slow motion of the falling of a rain drop on an october evening
Is it not save the deepening of spirit when all else is forsaken
and that light that guides your way back to that place of peace
Tis it not that moment before the fire ignites the sky
Burning away the darkness in a sweep of it's hand as a held breath
Is it not the dance of the blade song in the stillness of night
and the flicker of the flame upon the shadows of a silent wall
Is it not the broken stillness in the single sound that boils the blood
When you cannot pull your eyes from their entrancement and all fades
When the world blurs around you and for that moment you are still
as if everything has been made crystal clear in that instant
and you understand the essence of life and beauty
When you realize you have not yet lived except for this moment
and weep for it in it's wake as it has caressed something deep inside
A piece you had thought long dead in the faded silent screams
When the horrors have been washed away by the tears of rain drops
and the sorrows have been laid to rest in the heart beats of the moment
For tis love, but the beating of wings on a breeze
and for an instant one instant you are alive again in a world of colour.
The colours fade, the winds die down, the flames burns out
The shadows still once more to darkness and the skies fade to black
The flower wilts and the lights fade, The dance ends in that slow blink
The silence is replaces by static and the entrancement dulls,
The blurs slow and the clearness mysts over, the horrors return
The cream fades, the wings still and the world fades to grey.
But for that moment, that single moment you remember
For an eternity it will be etched into your twilight soul.
For that moment to die a thousands deaths in the thorns
One instant where ever was right and clear and the path new
And for that instant to carry you on in a new hope ignited
Would I bare the world of hell but for a sip of this love once more.