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Dark practices

00:20 Jun 25 2006
Times Read: 2,143

Do what thou will shall be the whole of the law, Love under will. I denounce any responsibility of those who chose to use this. I support all beliefs and all walks of life. May these aid thee. The choice is yours and to hinder fee will is a crime itself, but I am not to blame for anything you may ancounter on sucha journey, though if you are in need I may be of aid.


Suggested works for Money Drawing, Success, Employment & Gambling.

The following spells are provided as inspiration. They are suggestions only. You provide the magic!

Please read our disclaimer regarding terms of use of this archive. I have noted the applicable belief or religious system next to the spell link for convenience.

Success and Prosperity Ideas

Some desires require a change in behavior to see a change in your life. Instead of attempting to address the issue with one spell, it may be better to get in the habit of performing a simple magical practice on a consistent basis. This is especially true when one has great obstacles or opposition to their goals. You might:

* Burn dressed Green, Pink or Gold candles for 7 consecutive days

* Take a luck, money drawing, success or road opener baths for 7 consecutive days

* Wash your porch, stoop or entryway for 7 consecutive days with luck, money drawing or road opener floor wash.

* Smoke your house from front to back with a money drawing or luck drawing incense

* Wear an oil or perfume daily.

* Dust your feet and chest with a drawing sachet powder (can be added to baby powder or cornstarch to stretch it)

* Write a request for money to the Spirit and burn it daily in incense. Sprinkle the powder in front of your home.

* Repeat novenas to a Saint associated with blessings and money daily.

Old timers often recommend performing Seven Tasks for success. By developing a seven step routine that is performed daily, one keeps focused on their goals and increases their chances of success.

Using Incense to Cleanse/Purify a Space

You will need:

Instructions on How To Burn Incense



A Cleansing Incense (see suggestions below)

Or a Cleansing Herb (see suggestions below)

Have you ever wondered why so many religious services include incense burning? Particularly in temples, holy places & churches? For centuries, incense burning has been used to cleans & neutralize negativity from the atmosphere in places where people gather. We have long known that incense burning has a very powerful effect on its surroundings. The smoke produced creates its very own vibration, creating a new morphogenic field in the room.

I am sure you are familiar with the phenomenon of negative energy in a room. Moods, thoughts and actions may take on lives of their own; influencing the surrounding energy. In some instances spirits and entities may attach themselves to an object or place on the earthly plane. Incense burning may be used effectively in the following situations:

* Places where there is a lot of arguments or much grief:

* Houses, apartments or new business places before you move in

* Sick rooms and rooms where people are dying or have died

* After a violation of "personal space" such as a break-in or robbery

* In the workplace where there is gossip and/or back stabbing

* To cleanse an area after an act of violence

To cleanse the atmosphere of a building or room use this method:

Think of the purification as a spiritual bug bomb. You will want to begin by Closing all the windows and doors. Walk through the room ( most folks prefer a counterclockwise rotation) and fan the rising smoke in all directions. Make sure to outline all windows, doors, electrical outlets, drains & faucets. As you leave each room, close the door. You may consider leaving the space for the evening - then airing it out in the morning. If this is not possible, wait at least 3-5 hours before opening doors and windows.

FOLLOW THIS UP WITH A protection incense retracing your path in a clockwise direction.

Incense may also be used to cleanse objects. Sometimes burdensome and negative energy will come attached to an antique or inherited piece of jewelry. Suspended in incense smoke, objects can be cleansed of any influences and restored to harmony. Incense smoke is also used to cleanse ritual and healing objects using the same method. Crystals, altar tools and icons are all candidates for cleansing by smoke.

Incense blends that may be used to cleanse and object or space include:

* Herbal Brews Brand Cleansing Incense

* Herbal Brews Brand Cast Off Evil Incense

* Herbal Brews Brand Banishing Incense

* New Orleans Mistic Brand Exorcism Incense

Single Herbs/Minerals that may be mixed and burnt for cleansing include:

* Frankincense

* Sage

* Sweet Grass

* Pine Resin

* Juniper

* Desert Mugwort

* Rue

* Yarrow

* Marjoram

* Sulfur

* Asafoetida

Performing a Major House Cleansing

You will need:

Bucket Charcoal Tablets

Broom Censer

Mop H.B. Banishing Incense or Mistic Exorcism Incense

Dustpan Sulfur

Holy Water or Florida Water 4 White Offertory Candles

3 Blue Balls 1 cup Cascarilla

1/4 cup Ammonia Box of Table Salt

9 teaspoons of Rock Salt HB Circle of Protection Oil

1 ounce Bay Leaf A bouquet of white flowers (no carnations)

1 ounce Hyssop Herb 41 cents in change (a penny, nickel, dime, quarter)

1 ounce Rue Herb Pint of Rum

H.B. Uncrossing Oil A Gallon sized Container like an empty milk jug or pitcher

Disposable white rags A Brown Grocery Bag

1 bottle UncrossingWash or Uncrossing Bath Herbs Length of Red Cord of Ribbon to Tie at Waist


Please read through the entire cleansing process before beginning. This ritual requires advanced planning!

When performing a major house cleansing you want to move from the top and back of your space and out the front door. If you have an attic or crawl space, begin there. Most folks like to cleanse and purify the home in a counterclockwise fashion.

It is also helpful to have at least one other person help you perform this ritual. It is physically exhausting and almost impossible to carry everything required from room to room without extra hands or a tool belt!

Creating Your Floor Wash

You can prepare your floor wash in advance.

Begin by boiling one quart of water. Add the Bay Leaf, Hyssop and Rue Herbs. Stir and boil for 9 minutes. Cover and Remove from heat. Allow herbs to steep for 9 more minutes and then strain into your gallon container.

In a separate bowl, dissolve the Rock Salt and Blue Balls in 1/4 cup of Ammonia. Add this mixture to the container also.

Now pour in the bottle of Chinese Wash (or other Uncrossing Floor Wash). Add nine drops each of Uncrossing Oil and Holy Water.

Fill the container to the top with water and mix thoroughly.

Advanced Preparations - The Pre-Clean

Spend a couple of days cleaning and organizing the home before engaging in the actual Ritual. Do the dishes, finish the laundry. Put everything in its place. Remove all cobwebs from ceilings and corners. Get those dust bunnies from under the beds and furniture. Sweep out attics and basements. Scrub out toilets, sinks and tubs. This is a great time to change light bulbs, clean draperies and wash blinds. Your house needs to by physically clean before you can make it spiritually clean.

On the evening prior to the Ritual, put a small pile of salt into the four corners of each room. Allow to sit over night.

Mapping The Cleansing

As you clean, change the water in the bucket frequently. This is why I have you mix the Floor Wash in a separate container. Try to gauge how many buckets it will take to cleanse the entire space and divide your Floor Wash up this way. Use all of it, but make sure you have enough to cover the whole space. I typically use one bucket per room.

Ideally, you want to walk each bucket out of the house and to the crossroads to dump it. Rinse the bucket outside with your garden hose. If you cannot do this because of nosy neighbors, etc., take the bucket to the curb and throw it down the sewer/storm drain. If you live in an urban apartment, you can dump the dirty water down the toilet. Neither of these are the preferred method. We like to take bad 'things' to the crossroads.

Also, you need to have an advanced plan for how you will move this water through the house. DO NOT go back through a room you have already cleaned with the dirty water.

If you have attics, basements or carpeted rooms, you can sprinkle the floor wash using the Bouquet of White Flowers. Remember: This Floor wash has ammonia and bluing in it. Be careful with your furniture, light colored carpets, dust ruffles, etc. If you have an abundance of carpet in your place, substitute Holy water and a pinch of Cascarilla in the Floor Wash for the ammonia & blue balls.

Lastly, the second half of the cleansing ritual requires you open all your windows and doors. Make plans for how to do this. Don't wait until you are in the middle of ritual to find out a window won't open or that you can't open the door without closing your pets up in another room.

The Morning Of the Cleaning - Protecting Yourself from Attack

In the morning, bathe and anoint the third eye, the navel, the bottom of feet, the wrists, back of neck and groin area with Protection Oil. You can make a Cross with the oil if you like. Use Cascarilla to coat the navel.

Tie the red string or ribbon around your waist. Put your underpants on inside out. Wear read undies if you have them. Put on light colored clothing.

Pre-Ritual Sweeping

Go through the house and open all interior doors and draperies, blinds or shades.

Begin at the top/back of space and moving from room to room, sweep each pile of salt to the center of the room and out the door. You can sweep the salt directly into a dustpan held outside the threshold of each door and place this salt in a brown paper bag or bucket.

Once you have swept up all the salt in every room, take everything you swept up that is now contained in the bag to a safe place outdoors. You can dispose of it properly later.

Beginning the Ritual - Step One

Dress 4 White Offertory Candles with Uncrossing Oil. Light one.

Go to the Front Door with the candle and make your prayers: I recommend 1 'Our Father', 3 'Hail Mary', 1 'Glory Be' and 1 Nicene Creed ( the 'I Believe') if you are Catholic. You can also say a Prayer to St. Michael for your protection while cleaning. If you are Pagan, call forth your alignments. You may want to perform the Lesser Banishing Pentagram Ritual.

Next, make a statement of your intentions to the Spirit. Let it be known that you intend yo reclaim your space for yourself and your family (Suggestions listed below).

Sit the candle on a white saucer at the front door and prepare your first bucket of Floor Wash. If you like, present it to the four directions and/or four archangels.

The Floor Wash - Step Two

Following your predetermined map, move through each room - wiping down windows, electrical sockets, faucets, drains, phones and woodwork with your white rag. Mop the floor from back of the room and out the door. Use the flowers to sprinkle floor wash under furniture, in closet corners, tops of windows and doors.

When you have finished washing down the entire place take the last bucket of water and place it with the Brown Bag of Salt from the earlier sweep.

Ritual Fumigation - Step Three

Go back in the house and Light another White Offertory Candle. Light your Charcoal and place it in the Incense Burner. Following the same path as you did when sweeping and mopping, go back through the house and fumigate each room with the Incense. You may add a pinch of Sulfur to each batch your burn. Allow the billowing smoke to reach up into cracks, crevices, corners. Make sure you fumigate behind curtains and fan smoke under furniture.

As you enter each room, allow the smoke to billow and fill the room, then open the windows and exterior doors. At this point, you will want to recite a banishing or exorcism prayer. Command all negativity and/or unfriendly beings to leave the premises (Suggestions Listed Below). Continue this process through each/room area and move yourself out the front door. Leave the incense burner and candle wax outside with the Brown paper bag and bucket of water.

Disposal of Mess - Step Four

Now you need to dispose of the Last bucket of water, the swept up salt, candle wax and incense ash. The easiest thing to do it take them to a crossroads away from your house. Light the third White Offertory Candle and pray to the Spirit that they keep all the negativity trapped there in the crossroads so that it cannot return to your home. Pour some rum and leave the 41 cents. Dump the ash, wax and salt out on the ground in a pile Over your left shoulder (if possible). Do the same with the bucket of water. Now walk away and do not look back.

If you cannot do this at the crossroads, you can perform the same disposal at either the cemetery or in running water - like a river, lake or at the ocean. If you go to the salt water, pour a sweet drink like Kola Champagne instead of rum.

Cleansing Yourself - Step Five

When you return home, walk in your house backwards. Go immediately to the bath and light your last White Offertory Candle. Make your Prayers to have any negativity removed from your body. Perform an Uncrossing Bath.

House Dressing - The Final Step

At this point, you may be tired and exhausted. However, it is advisable to redress or re-balance the energy of the house at this time. You may want to perform a simple House Blessing or House Protection Ritual.

You can move through the house in a clockwise fashion from the front door to the top/back and anoint above each window and door with a cross or protection sigil in Protection Oil. You can trace over this in Cascarilla if you desire.

Many folks use a prosperity, blessing or success floor wash and apply it in the opposite pattern that they did the cleansing. Some folks use an incense to instill the house with positive energy moving front to back and closing all the windows and doors as they move from room to room - keeping the new, positive vibe trapped inside.

At the very least, make a Blessing and Protection Prayer.

Asperging to Cleanse/Purify a Space

Asperging means sprinkling with liquid in order to effect spiritual and magical cleansing. This is an ancient rite, just like burning loose incense. Asperging rituals direct the elemental power of Water - the number one Energy that can be used for cleansing and purification. (One can also scatter water as a drawing agent for positive energy - just work in the opposite direction)

As a testament to the power of asperging, one only need look to the Catholic Church. In Catholic Masses, on Holy Days, Priests commonly walk up the aisles of the church throwing tiny droplets of holy water on the congregation.

A reference to asperging may be found in the Latin translation of the Bible (Psalm 51:9):

"Asparges me hysopo et mundabor/ lavabis me et super nivem dealbabor ."

"Sprinkle me with hyssop and I shall be clean; wash me and I shall become whiter than snow."

Tools for Asperging

You only need three things to perform an asperging ritual:

1. An Asperger - or an object to sprinkle the liquid with.

2. A container to hold the fluid

3. The liquid mixture you will be scattering

The Asperger

An asperger as seen in the Catholic Church is a long brass implement (similar to a wand) - usually with a round, hollow head that is drilled with numerous holes. As the priest dips the asperger into a bucket of water, the asperger takes water into the head. Using a quick flick of the wrist the priest throws the water onto the congregation.

These brass, commercially produced aspergers are cost prohibitive for most, running upwards to one hundred dollars. Thankfully, ancient Spiritualists, Indians and Witches developed some cheaper, more natural and ingenious methods of asperging. You might consider the following ideas for an asperger substitution:

* A bouquet of white flowers

* Cut a large handful of natural broom corm off of a new, cheap broom

* A bunch of fresh herbs like : sage, lavender, vervain, hyssop, pine branches, rue or rosemary

* Use you hand!

Container for Fluid

You can use a bucket, reserved specifically for magical workings or any glass bowl or ceramic container.

Fluid for Asperging

Once you have a container to put your cleansing formula into and something to scatter it with, you only need to develop a recipe to cleanse your area. Most people mix a few ingredients to make their own formula.

You might try a combination (3 ingredients) of an herbal tea (like 13 Uncrossing Herbs) , a cologne (like Florida water) or perfume, and a manufactured floor wash (like Cast off Evil) . Or, replace the floor wash with Holy water, Sea Salt, Saltpeter or non-iodized cooking salt. You are only limited by your knowledge and imagination when developing a strong cleansing concoction. Mix up a strong liquid and start asperging!


Suggested works for Crossing, Cursing, Revenge & Getting Rid of an Enemy.

Crossing, Cursing, Break Up and Revenge Ideas

Some desires require a change in behavior to see a change in your life. Instead of attempting to address the issue with one spell, it may be better to get in the habit of performing a few simple magical practice on a consistent basis. This is especially true when one has great obstacles or opposition to their goals. You might:

* Burn dressed Black candles on your enemy for 9 consecutive days

* Throw a crossing powder of goofer dust down in the path of your enemy on a regular basis. Do so in a place where they will track the "mess" into their home.

* Burn the photo or name of your enemy for a period of nine consecutive days in Get Away incense. Mix the ash with the dirt from the enemies footprint and goofer dust or hotfoot powder. Sprinkle in moving water or the crossroads to make them go away.

The following spells are provided as inspiration. They are suggestions only. You provide the magic!


Suggested works for Psychic Development, Dreams, Mastery, Commanding, Compelling, Legal Issues.

The following spells are provided as inspiration. They are suggestions only. You provide the magic!

Please read our disclaimer regarding terms of use of this archive. I have noted the applicable belief or religious system next to the spell link for convenience.

Spells for Commanding, Dominating

* Spell to Tie Down a Lover's Nature

* Simple Commanding Spell or Money Release Spell

* Force Another to Sell you Property or Real Estate

* Saint Martha Dominadora Magic Lamp (Please read the Magic Lamp section of the site before proceeding with this work).

Spells for Compelling

* Spell to Control a Wandering Lover (African Diapora)

* A Simple Truth Spell

Spells for Court Cases and Legal Situations

* Notes on "Court" Spells

* Eight of Swords Incarceration Spell - For someone convicted

Many of these spells involve concepts commonly known and publicly discussed. Therefore they have become integrated into magical and spiritual culture. If I am unaware of the author or creator of a specific work, I have attributed it herein as "Anonymous". If you are aware that a certain work or spell archived here was previously published or is improperly credited, please contact me. I will either remove the entry or properly accredit the selection.

The sources of these spells are varied. Some are captured from Usenet. I have edited several of these entries for typographical errors. In many cases, I have extracted the ingredients or spell components and reformatted the work for ease of use. I have also provided links to products pages for those who want to order spell components.

A Truth Spell

You will need:

1 Blue Offertory Candle

1 Offertory Candle in the Color of the One withholding the Truth's Sun sign ( Or White if it is unknown)

Five Senses Oil

Compelling Oil

A Needle or Toothpick to mark the Candle


Carve the name of the person you wish to tell the truth on their Astral Candle. Anoint it with Five Senses Oil. Anoint the Blue Candle with Compelling Oil.

Set the two candles a few inches apart. Focus your intent on the outcome you desire.

Focus on the Blue Candle:

"Here is the truth which must be told".

Focus on the Astral Candle:

"Here is >insert name here

Begin moving the candles closer together until they are touching. Say the following incantation or something similar:

A spell of truth I cast on thee,

Deceit and all confusion flee,

Speak now to her,

s/he who I name, >insert your name
and she'll do the same.

With clear light I now see,

The truth is clear,

So mote it be.

Take a moment to clarify your intent.

Charge the candles again as they burn, and you might want to add:

In no way will this spell reverse

Or place upon me any curse.

Let it be done

In a way that harms none.

So mote it be.

Let the candles burn down all the way if you can. I hope you really want to hear what this person is keeping from you.

Eight of Swords Incarceration Spell

You will need:

9 Purple Offertory Candles

Compelling Oil

Bon Fette Powder

Divine Water

Dirt from the inside of the jail cell or the prison grounds

Large White Plate

A penny, nickel, dime and quarter

A printed image of the Eight of Swords Tarot Card

Ice Pick or Heavy Needle


Print the image of the Eight of Swords Tarot card

For prisoners who are able to mail out letters, have them sweep some dirt from inside their cell and mail it to you. If this is not possible, the second best method is to collect dirt from outside the prison facility yourself.

Take your icepick or heavy needle and heat it in a candle flame. Insert the heated tool from the bottom of the offertory candle, and make a cavity in the wax. Fill each candle with a combination of the dirt and bon fette powder. Carve each of the nine candles with the name of the prisoner (nine times) from the bottom to the top. Seal this hole up with additional wax or in the candle flame.


This is a very difficult and potentially long term work. You must be committed to seeing it through. I recommend performing this same nine day routine once a moon cycle. This also calls for a high level of meditation and visualization ability in order to be successful.

Prepare a quiet place to work, on a spiritually and physically clean table or at your altar. Light candles and any kind of altar, blessing or success incense (or benzoin, frankincense, dragon's blood, etc.). Create a pleasing, meditative environment. If you have Alignments, Spirits or Saints call them to your work before you begin.

Take one of your filled offertory candles that you have already carved to target's name into. Turn it upside down and anoint it with compelling oil. Dress it with Bon Fette Powder.

While you still have oil and powder on your hands, make an "X" in the four corners of the tarot card image with your thumb. Place it on the plate. Clean your hands and begin to sprinkle Divine water around your workspace. Put your thumb over the bottle opening - leaving a tiny opening for the perfume to come out and asperge the area.

Now focus your attention on the tarot card. The image is of a blindfolded, bound person walking a way from a prison. Visualize the face of the person you are working for - on the body of the image. Make it come alive in your thoughts.

Light your candle and place it on top of image. Continue to focus on your target - visualize them walking out of the prison. When you feel you have raised spiritual energy - sprinkle the four coins on the plate.

You can say whatever prayers here you want - Pray to Saint Alex, Recite Psalm 106:46, or speak with your Spirits and make your case.

Do this once a day, at approximately the same time - morning, afternoon, evening - For nine days in a row.

On the ninth day, collect all of the wax drippings, the image and deposit it in the crossroads - throwing it over your left shoulder and not looking back.

Uniting Ladder" - A Love Binding Spell for a New Love, or to Have an Old Love Return to You.

You will need:

A Red Image Candle (Male or Female depending on your target)

A Red Offertory Candle

A string or thread from the target's clothing about 9 (or preferably more) inches long

A string from your clothing of the same length

A drop of the person's scent (this would be their favorite cologne/perfume, aftershave, shampoo, whatever they smell like the most)

Dried rose petals

Vanilla Extract

A Rose Quartz (washed in hot soapy water and rinsed well)

1 ounce of White Rum

2 cups of Fresh Water (spring water, rain water, collected dew, distilled water, whatever you prefer)


Mistic Brand Attraction, Come to Me, Follow Me Boy or Tryst Incense

Censor & Charcoal

Attractive Glass Vial or Potion Bottle

Red Satin Fabric


Maintain focus on your target coming to you in love during the entire working and as often as you can until the spell is fulfilled.

Potion Preparation:

Bring the Fresh Water to a boil for 5 minutes. Turn down the heat very low so the mixture stays warm but does not boil. add the Rose Petals while saying:

Dancing on the wind i go,

to aid ________'s love to flow.

H his/her love will now fully bloom

His/her desire for me will come soon!

Reconfirm your focus of the target loving you and coming to you. Add the Vanilla Extract while saying:

Sweet charm, not meant to harm,

Evoke his/her desire to take my arm.

Deep within him/her I summon it,

To come to me as I see fit!

Reconfirm your focus, remove the mixture from the stove. Add a pinch of Salt while saying:

No one may interfere magickally,

this spell can only be undone by me.

Reconfirm your focus, add the ounce of Rum while saying:

Drunk with love he/she will come to me, no other love will he/she see.

Our love will grow in purity, and once it is true, this spell is set free.

Let the mixture cool and put it in a nice Glass Bottle with the Rose Quartz. This should be a bottle that has an appealing shape and is worthy of containing such a potion. (Do not use a bottle that used to contain something strong smelling like cologne)

Now comes the actual spell casting, so far you have completed the potion which is an ingredient of the actual spell.


This part of the working should start about 15 minutes before sunrise on a Friday. It should be concluded by 1 hour after sunrise so make sure you know it from start to finish in your mind. Check the almanac (on the links page) or your local weather station for exact sunrise times.


Clear an open area that you can work in and are comfortable in, this should be appoximately a 6 foot diameter space. You should not feel cramped. Find some sort of table with at least 1 foot of top surface space. Place the table in the center of the area you have cleared and assemble the two candles, the strings, the potion, a bowl of salt, incense, Target's Scent (cologne, etc)

Armed with the salt and starting in the north of your working area, cast a circle by making a salt circle.

Cast is clockwise (doesil) while saying:

I cast this circle to protect me from bane.

I cast this circle to contain my energy until it is open.

The circle is strong and will hold true.

Light the Red Offertory Candle and facing south say:

Burning passion and desire, arise in _______ like a burning fire!

Place the candle on the table, pick up the Image Candle and annoint it with the Target's Scent. With the cologne or whatever on your index finger, start in the middle of the candle and move down. Go all around the candles bottom half only rubbing in downward strokes. Now start in the middle again and rub up to the wick all around the candle only in upward strokes. Focus on your target coming to you in love.

Take both strings, hold them together and tie a knot at one end while focusing and saying:

I bind this knot and bring _____ 's love.

Tie another knot at the opposite end of the parallel strings while saying:

I bind this knot and bring ______'s desire.

Tie another knot near the first one on the opposite side:

I bind this knot and bring ______'s faithfulness.

Tie another knot next to the second one you tied:

I bind ______'s love to me.

Another next to the third one you tied:

Come to me,

so mote it be!

Wrap the cord around the Anointed Image Candle at the base and light it while saying:

The fire of love burns in his heart!

Light the Incense while saying:

This smoke does hereby evoke,

His commitment to me that he cannot revoke!

Sit and focus on your goal, you may wish to chant the following:

________ to me,

so mote it be.

After a few minutes, pick up the red candle and let three drops of wax fall on the bottle of potion (not in it, just on the lid or glass) and say:

This spell is sealed!

Put down the candle, remove the knoted cord, open the potion and dip the cord into it once while saying:

I infuse this cord,

The spell is stored.

So long as knots remain,

His/her love for me will never wane.

Recap the potion and hold it above the incense so that smoke surrounds it. Turn it so the smoke reaches all sides and say:

This smoke seals his love for me!

Repeat the 'smudging' with incense for the knoted core and say:

His love is bound!

Place all items back on the table and go around the circle counterclockwise (widdershins) while saying:

The circle is open, the spell is released.

His/her love for me, will never cease!

Take the potion outside so that sunlight will infuse it. Set it in the sun for as long as remains of the hour past sunrise.

Take the potion in and store it in a safe space. Each day place a drop of the potion on your forehead, each breast and your groin area (4 drops total) carry the cord with you at all times and keep it near you when you sleep. Do not let anyone else see it. You can optionally store the cord in a safe space. Place the melted candle wax in the red satin fabric and keep it under your bed on the side your lover would sleep on.

Whenever the opportunity arises, sneak a FEW, 3 is best, drops of the potion is food or drink that your target will consume. This will work, but when is hard to determine as it depends on many factors, among them, your personal power and confidence, timing, the target's will, etc.

A Spell For Healing Light

You will need:

A Blue Candle


Visualize the person who needs healing. When the picture is clear in your mind, target the area of disease and color it bright red in your mind. Now, visualize tiny workers with buckets of soft green paint, brushes and rollers. Hold the picture until the workers completely cover the affected area with green. Then open your eyes and chant:

I hold you in my heart and wrap you in my love.

My circle of protection descends now from above.

And as I send this energy, all pain shall disappear.

And all the disease shall dissipate and shrivel up in fear.

The emptiness I now replace, with fresh vitality, so you shall thrive upon the earth in laughter, love and glee.

Brightest blessings and good health, my friend,

Encase you from now on.

I ask that They watch over you and keep you well and strong.

Let the candle burn all the way out.




Sigils, Servitors and Godforms p1

21:55 Jun 23 2006
Times Read: 2,144

By: Marik

This is the first part of a three part essay written by Marik (Mark Defrates).

Sigils, servitors and god-forms are three magickal techniques that chaos magicians use to actualize magickal intentions. Sigils are magickal spells developed and activated to achieve a specific, fairly well defined and often limited end. Servitors are entities created by a magician and charged with certain functions. Godforms are complex belief structures, often held by a number of people, with which a magician interacts in order to actualize fairly broad magickal intentions. These three techniques are not quite as distinct as these definitions would suggest, they tend to blur into one another. The purpose of this essay is to explain these magickal tools, indicate their appropriateness for different types of magickal intentions, and show how these tools relate to the general theories of chaos magick and of Dzog Chen, a form of Tibetan Buddhism.

Part One: Sigils

1. A Universe neither of Man nor God

The use of the techniques of the chaos magician presupposes a certain stance, or attitude, towards magick that is relatively new in the history of the occult. This stance may, for lack of a better word, be described as postmodern, since it is neither traditional nor modern. The differences between these three approaches to magick - traditional, modern or postmodern can be elucidated as three conceptions of the nature of the universe. The traditional approach is based in Judeo-Christian metaphysics and views the universe as anthropomorphic, in the image of the Christian God, or less rarely, some other anthropomorphic form. The traditional magician believes that the universe is understandable by human consciousness because human beings are made in the image of God. The modern view is essentially a reaction to this and humanist in the extreme. Here the universe may be perceived as Newtonian, as a machine that is ultimately understandable by human consciousness, although humans may have to evolve into a more powerful form to be able to do this. The postmodern view of the chaoist denies that the universe can ever be understood by the human mind. Influenced by modern physics, particularly quantum mechanics and chaos theory, the chaos magician tends to accept the universe as a series of phenomena that have little to do with human beings. In other words traditional magick can be said to be God centered, modern magick to be human centered while postmodern magick eschews the very idea of a center. A brief review of traditional and modern approaches to ceremonial magick may help to illuminate the postmodern stance of the freestyle chaoist.

Ceremonial magicians use ritual magick to create effects in themselves or in the universe that they do not feel they can as efficiently bring about through normal means. All magicians agree that magick can cause change, but few would argue that the change is inevitable, completely predictable, or fully knowable by the magician. All magicians, to a greater or lesser extent, are engaged in an ongoing dynamic in which the issues of personal desire, personal control and personal belief are thrust against the strictures of the universal consensual belief structure, the concept of will as a universal force, and the ideas of fate, predestination, and karma. At the core of this confrontation is the question of the nature of the universe. The question is: is the universe human centered, designed, created and maintained by a god force, or is it, as modern science seems to indicate, just there?

Until recently, magicians have tended to distinguish amongst themselves by hue, and the colors of the magician (white, gray or black) refer precisely to this dynamic, the confrontation between the personal wishes of the magician and a universal standard of morality or law. White, and to an extent, grey magicians, attempt to remove themselves from the debate by insisting that their magickal acts are inspired only by the highest motives of service and self-knowledge, that, indeed, they wish only to do the will of higher powers known as their Holy Guardian Angels. Perdition shall blast, so they say, those who use magick for self-centered or materialistic ends. Grey magicians may proclaim that the use of magickal powers for materialistic ends is valid sometimes, but rarely for selfish reasons, and in any event, is always problematical. Donald Michael Kraig, with the breezy superficiality of the traditional magus, in Modern Magick terms white magick the use of magick "for the purpose of obtaining the Knowledge and Conversation of your Holy Guardian Angel"(1), grey magick as magick used "for the purpose of causing either physical or non-physical good to yourself or to others"(2) and black magick as magick used "for the purpose of causing either physical or non-physical harm to yourself or others"(3). Kraig is influenced by Aleister Crowley and by modern Wicca, or Gardnerian witchcraft. Wiccans, ever concerned that their white magick might slide through some unconscious twitch of desire through grey into black, corrected Crowley's axiom "Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be the Whole of the Law" with the enervating modifier "An it Harm None". Kraig, worried that readers of his treatise might fall "into the pit of the black magician," encourages neophyte mages to practice only white magick. Fortunately, before he is two thirds of the way through his book Kraig is happily discoursing on talismans, grimoires, and the correct methods for disposing of recalcitrant demons. Few magicians can resist the lure of dark magick, despite protestations of innocence. This is because even Wiccan influenced magicians are not, as Wiccans are, devotees of a religion. That is to say magicians are interested in the dynamic of personal will versus (in Crowley's term) True Will, while Wiccans have resolved this issue. While the occasional conflict may remain, Wiccans, like Christians, Jews, and Moslems understand that they have agreed to submit their wills to that which they construe to be the Will of their deities. Magicians, on the other hand, are not so sure. This, more than any other factor, accounts for the intense suspicion those of a religious cast view those who practise magick.

The designation of black magician still tends to be a term that magicians use to vilify other magicians. Aleister Crowley, arguably the single greatest influence on the development of magick in this century, and, for the purposes of this essay, defined as a traditional magician, used the term in this way. In Magick, for example, he asserted "any will but that to give up the self to the Beloved is Black Magick"(4). That is to say, any use of magick unlike his use of magick is black magick. Elsewhere Crowley muttered darkly about the existence of "Black Lodges" and "Black Brothers," magicians who chose to remain in the Abyss, the metaphysical gap between the first three sephiroth and the remainder of the Tree of Life. A magus of this hue, Crowley stated, secretes "his elements around his Ego as if isolated from the Universe"(5), and turns his back on the true aim of magick, which according to Aleister, is the "attainment of the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel. It is the raising of the complete man in a vertical straight line. Any deviation from this line tends to become black magic. Any other operation is black magick"(6).As students of mysticism will recognize, this goal is identical with the mysticÕs goal of the union of the self with God. Crowley, of course, wrote with his feet firmly planted in the Judeo-Christian paradigm, a paradigm in which the universe is visualized as Adam Kadmon, the Great Man, and is thus wholly anthropomorphized.

In 1969, Anton LaVey posited the argument of the modern black magician when in The Satanic Bible he asserted "No one on earth ever pursued occult studies, metaphysics, yoga, or any other "white light" concept without ego gratification or personal power as a goal"(7). Moreover, LaVey claimed "There is no difference between 'White' and 'Black' magic except in the smug hypocrisy, guilt ridden righteousness, and self-deceit of the 'White' magician himself"(8). Thus the term black magician began to be associated with a style of magick that did not distinguish between self-interest and self-knowledge. LaVey in his organization, The Church of Satan, and later Michael Aquino in his schismatic order, The Temple of Set, argued that the will of the individual magician was paramount. Both denied even the existence of a universal Will. LaVey stated "The Satanist realizes that man, and the action and reaction of the universe, is responsible for everything and doesn't mislead himself into thinking that someone cares"(9). Michael Aquino asserted "The Black Magician, on the other hand, rejects both the desirability of union with the Universe and any self-deceptive tactics designed to create such an illusion(10).

Unfortunately the refusal of modern black magicians to deal with the possibility that man may not be at the center of the universe, or may just be one in a large series of interdependent phenomena leads to an error. Reluctant, it seems, even to adopt completely a materialistic or mechanistic view of the universe, LaVey and Aquino embrace the ghost in the machine and assert that the individual ego can continue after death. Thus LaVey stated "If a person has been vital throughout his life and has fought to the end for his earthly existence, it is this ego which will refuse to die, even after the expiration of the flesh that housed it"(11).

There is, of course, not a shred of evidence to prove that this has ever happened nor that it can happen, but magicians of all hues, together with the adherents of most of the world's religions, continue to assert blandly the existence of a transpersonal, individuated spark that somehow is exempt from the normal process of birth, life, death, and corruption, a kind of eternal homunculus. Apparently the notion that the universe may not actually be human centered is too frightening for Satanists and modern black magicians to bear, and the old chestnut of the soul is dredged out of the Judeo-Christian quagmire, brushed off, and presented as the "fully gratified" ego of the modern immortal Satanist.

Teetering on the edge of postmodern magick, Peter Carroll, the first contemporary popularizer of chaos magick, in Liber Null and Psychonaut, accepted the idea that the universal force may not be a force that bears much relationship to humanity. He stated: "The force which initiates and moves the universe, and the force which lies at the center of consciousness, is whimsical and arbitrary, creating and destroying for no purpose beyond amusing Itself. There is nothing spiritual or moralistic about Chaos and Kia. We live in a universe where nothing is true..."(12).

Carroll was aware of the true nature of the ego, and stated "developing an ego is like building a castle against reality"(13). Moreover, he recognized that "the real Holy Guardian Angel is just the force of consciousness, magic, and genius itself, nothing more. This cannot manifest in a vacuum: it is always expressed in some form, but its expressions are not the thing itself"(14). In this statement Carroll aligned himself with the quantum mechanical view of the universe, a view that refuses to discriminate phenomena on the basis of dualistic concepts, but stresses the wave like nature of energy. This is also the viewpoint of sophisticated Buddhism. The key phrase of the "Prajna Paramita", a critical sutra in the development of Buddhist metaphysics, states "form is only emptiness and emptiness is only form."

Ultimately Carroll, however, was as reluctant as a Satanist to let go of the comforting paradigm of the soul or spirit and despite paying lip service to a universe in quantum flux stated "The adept magician however will have so strengthened his spirit by magick that it is possible to carry it over whole into a new body"(15). This turns out to be a crippling flaw in Carroll's approach to magick and one that reinforces his belief in the efficacy of hierarchical magick, a contradiction of the fundamental principle of chaos magick, that it replicates the non-ordered flow of phenomena in the universe. The ego, after all, is an ordered construct that tolerates nothing so little as the inevitability of change. Perhaps the problem lay in Carroll's assertion that "physical processes alone will never completely explain the existence of the universe"(16), a statement that eventuates from the dualistic, epistemological mindset of Newtonian physics and Aristotelian western philosophy. Perhaps it comes from a fear of death.

Yet concurrent with this discriminatory, black/white, dualistic approach of western occultism, there has always been another strain, the shamanistic, orgiastic approach that deliberately blurrs these definitions and seeks to confront the universe as a dynamic, and non human process. This approach, however, has usually been the domain of art and artists rather than occultists. Modern English poetry since Matthew Arnold's "Dover Beach" has been obsessed with reconciling the poetic imagination with a stark and inhuman universe. Arnold recognized the universe in 1867 as a place that:

Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light,

Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain

And we are here as on a darkling plain

Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight,

Where ignorant armies clash by night

By the time T.S. Eliot wrote "The Wasteland" in 1922, he saw the universe as "a heap of broken mirrors," an metaphor that aptly describes the shattering of the familiar concept of the universe as reflecting a human face. The year before, W.B. Yeats in "The Second Coming" concurred:

The force that through the green fuse drives the flower

Drives my green age; that blasts the roots of trees

Is my destroyer.

And I am dumb to tell the crooked rose

My youth is bent by the same wintry fever.

This dawning consciousness infuses all the arts, from the movement of modern art, from Dada and Cubism, through Abstract Expressionism, to modern music, from the dissonance of Ravel's "La Valse" to John Cage to minimalism to industrial. Artists for one hundred and fifty years have struggled to depict the face of a chaotic universe, and man's far from central place within it. In fact, the occult has been one of the last are as of human intellectual endeavour to avail itself of this perception of the universe. Not until the development of chaos magick can it truly be said that magick has finally started to deal with the insights of modern art and modern science.

Chaos magick derives from a series of magical positions articulated by Austin Osman Spare, a contemporary of Aleister Crowley. Spare's vision, itself influenced by the work of William Blake, is contained succinctly in The Book of Pleasure. Spare's approach to magick and the universe has been validated by the discoveries of the new physics, by quantum science, and by chaos mathematics. The metaphysical basis for Spare's magick is similar to that of Dzog Chen, a form of Tibetan Buddhism, and, in fact, the reference and counter reference between Buddhism, art, science, and chaos magick is striking and continuous. Spare wrote The Book of Pleasure between 1909 and 1913, but most of Spare's work was ignored until Carroll began writing about it. There are a number of reasons for this. Spare's work was printed in small runs and he did not seek fame. His style is elliptical and obscure. His work is difficult to understand in the absence of his lush illustrations, and since the illustrations are spells, or more precisely, sigils, they affect a deep level of the mind and tend to distract one from the content of his writing. His style is declaratory, arrogant, and uses a special vocabulary, the definitions for which have to be teased out of the text. But perhaps of most importance, Spare's view of the universe is non-human, and consequently the usual god centered or human centered context of magick is absent. Not until contemporary metaphysical thought had changed to allow a non anthropomorphic universe did Spare become accessible. Even now he, together with Kenneth Grant, is one of the least read and least understood among modern magickal writers.

Spare begins with the idea of Kia, of which he says, in an echo of the Tao Te Ching, "The Kia that can be expressed by conceivable ideas is not the eternal Kia, which burns up all belief"(17). Thus he does not designate by name that which later chaos magicians would call Chaos, but concentrates on the immediate manifestation of the formless which he describes as "the idea of sel"Ó. This is precisely the viewpoint of Dzog Chen. Dzog Chen, a sorcerous form of Buddhism developed by Padmasambhava in the eighth century a.c.e., posits the creation of the manifest universe as occurring at the instant that the conception of self develops. Spare said of Kia "Anterior to Heaven and Earth, in its aspect that transcends these, but not intelligence, it may be regarded as the primordial sexual principle, the idea of pleasure in self-love"(18). In Dzog Chen the initial impulse splits emptiness from form, nirvana from samsara and develops dualistic thinking. The multiplicity of the universe streams out of this split.

One of the central symbols of Dzog Chen is the dorje. A form of magick wand, the dorje is composed of two stylized phalluses joined by a small central ball. The dorje is, according to Dzog Chen, a terma, or hidden teaching. This teaching is a treasure hidden by Padmasambhava. The whole of the dorje refers to the unlimited potentiality of the universe, and thus, in modern terms, is an image of chaos, or the quantum flux of the universe that is before and beyond discriminatory thinking, inseparable, indissoluble. The two ends of the dorje refer, respectively, to form and emptiness, or samsara and sunyata. The small central bead that joins the two ends of this bilaterally symmetrical object is hollow to show the unknowable potentiality at the intersection between form and emptiness, and also to refer back to the chaos current. Thus the dorje is a three dimensional symbol for the way the universe manifests itself from unity through duality into its full, lush complexity. As Spare says "As unity conceived duality, it begot trinity, begot tetragrammaton"(19). In a statement that presages the modern understanding of the fractal universe as an event that is essentially a complex repetition and multiplication of a series of simple forms, Spare wrote:

The dual principle is the quintessence of all experience, no ramification has enlarged its early simplicity, but is only its repet ition, modification or complexity, never is its evolution complete. It cannot go further than the experience of self-so returns and unites again and again, ever an anti-climax. For ever retrogressing to its original simplicity by infinite complication is its evolution. No man shall understand "Why" by its workings. Know it as the illusion that embraces the learning of all existence(19).

Recognizing the recursive movement of the movement of energy, or consciousness, through the universe, that is to say, of Kia, is essential to the understanding of the form of magick that Spare developed because it indicates the structure of the spells, sigils, and magickal techniques of chaos magick. Refuting absolutely the notion that this flow of energy is ever understandable by dualistic minds, Spare stated unequivocally that the magickal energy of the universe, the force that interpenetrates all phenomena is non-human. Moreover Spare required the magician, in order to avail himself of this force, to renounce his human belief systems, his dualistic mind, to achieve a state of consciousness that, as much as possible, mimicked the primordial. How to do this is the subject of the next section of this essay.

2. Spare, Self-Love and Sigil Magick

Spare recognized that the greatest bar to the successful actualization of the magickal intention was self-consciousness, the normal, dualistic state of mind that carries the baggage of our cultural context, our upbringing, our human or god centered belief system. Throughout The Book of Pleasure he inveighed against the idea of God. He stated "The idea of God is the primordial sin, all religions are evil"(20) He warned of the toxic effects of self-judgement, of self-analysis while in the performance of the magickal act. He wrote "He who trusts to his natural fund of genius, has no knowledge of its extent and accomplishes with ease, but directly he doubts, ignorance obsesses him"(21).

Spare asserted that the primordial consciousness, or Kia, was indistinguishable from the sexual impulse. This is partly because of the dynamics of the manifestation of the universe from chaos. From chaos comes Kia, which immediately becomes duality. Duality, according to Spare, forms a trinity. This is essentially a procreative act, which Spare rightly identified as sexual. Moreover Spare associated the intense experience of sexual orgasm with the experience of Kia. He wrote:

Self-love only is the eternal all pleasing, by meditation on this effulgent self which is mystic joyousness. At that time of bliss, he is punctual to his imagination, in that day what happiness is his! A lusty innocent, beyond sin, without hurt!(22)

Access to magickal power, according to Spare, is encouraged by the state of consciousness we enter when in orgasm, while the activation of spells is facilitated by the sensation of vacuity. This, he wrote "is obtained by exhausting the mind and body by some means or another"(21). Sexual release was a frequent path to this for Spare, and a common motif in his drawings is a hand with fingers curled and thumb outstretched, an image of both painting and masturbation. Variants of this image include a hand with eyes, a hand with face, and a hand with wings. Spare continuously sought the integration of magickal concept with magickal gesture (mudra), with magickal drawing, with magickal act.

Spare believed that it was essential to base magickal acts in a state of consciousness he terms Neither-Neither, a state of simplicity and pure self. This is a state where, however briefly, the mind has ceased its chattering, its continual discourse, and is in a state that can most easily be achieved by exhaustion, but may also be a result of sex, alcohol, or today, even watching television until the mind has become numb and mute. The state of vacuity can also be reached by the neti neti technique of yoga, a technique in which emotional states and mental concepts are annihilated by being opposed against each other. Doubtless Spare was aware of this technique when he devised the Neither-Neither formulation of vacuity. This technique results in so called free energy, psychic energy that can be used to charge a sigil or infuse a magickal act. Spare wrote that magick was "the reduction of properties to simplicity"(22). Moreover, he believed that the conscious mind prevented the fulfillment of the magickal intention. He wrote that conscious desire raises self-doubt and "lust for result," that it was "non-attractive", creating "anxiety" which "defeats the purposeÓ because Òit retains and exposes the desire"(23).

Spare asserted that the ground for magickal action was the "sub-consciousness", what we would normally call today the subconscious or the unconscious mind. He argued that the place where the magickal spell could be seeded was deep within the mind of the magician. He defined the subconsciousness as "the epitome of all experience and wisdom, past incarnations as men, animals, birds, vegetable life, etc., etc., everything that exists, has and ever will exist"(24). Spare believed that it was possible to reach this "storehouse of memory" through sigils and other magickal acts, but he consistently cautioned against using the rational or discriminative mind to reach the sub-consciousness. He wrote "in striving for knowledge we repel it, the mind works best on a simple diet."

This stress on simplicity, efficiency and non-rational technique is a major characteristic differentiating Spare from most other magicians of the Twentieth Century. Spare wrote "By Sigils and the acquirement of vacuity, any past incarnation, experience, etc., can be summoned to consciousness"(25). He placed himself firmly against the elaborate rituals, dogma, and unending learning of the tradition of ceremonial magick by stating "Know all ritual, ceremony, conditions, as arbitrary (you have yourself to please), a hindrance and confusion; their origin was for amusement, later for the purpose of deceiving others from knowing the truth and inducing ignorance"(26).

Spare developed a method of sigilising quite unique in the history of magick. He maintained that "Belief is the fall from the Absolute"(27). In other words, belief as usually practised, was self-defeating because "we are not free to believe...however much we so desire, having conflicting ideas from first exhaust"(28). The mind, conditioned by its cultural context, the universal consensual belief structure, voices from childhood, and many environmental factors, cannot allow pure belief, but always muddies the intention of the magician. Spare's genius was to develop a technique that took this into account and subverted the discursive mind. He said "sigils are the art of believing; my invention for making belief organic, ergo, true belief"(29). He maintained that "belief, to be true, must be organic and sub-conscious," that in order for the magickal desire to be effective, it must become organic, and "can only become organic at a time of vacuity, and by giving it (Sigil) form"(30).

Spare stressed not only that the sigil must be implanted in the sub-consciousness at the moment of vacuity, but that afterwards the magician must strive to forget the sigil and the desire from which the sigil was crafted. He wrote:

When conscious of the Sigil form (any time but the Magical) it should be repressed, a deliberate striving to forget it, by this it is active and dominates at the unconscious period, its form nourishes and allows it to become attached to the sub-consciousness and become organic, that accomplished, is its reality and realization(31).

The assertion that Sigils need to be forgotten after they have been charged means that sigils are not appropriate for certain magickal intentions. For example, a sigil to accomplish a goal which is long term and daily obsession may not work if the magician is unable to release the obsession into the magickal act. That is to say, if the magician develops a sigil to gain a promotion at work, to get good grades at school, or to attract a sexual partner, if the day after charging of the sigil the magician continues to obsess about his lousy job, his worsening grades or his complete inability to get laid, it is unlikely that the sigil will work.

To give a personal example, it is my wish to actualize a much more powerful computer system. I have sigilized this intention. Unfortunately, every time a computer catalog comes in the mail (almost daily), I see the computer system I want and I wonder when my sigil will work. I wonder if it is going to work. I chastise myself because I am thinking about it working. My mind then proceeds to create all manner of confliucting thoughts circling around this topic. Does magick really work? Do I deserve a better computer system? Was my father right when he thought I would be a failure? Perhaps if I just mentally shove at the obstacle preventing the actualizing of the sigil it will work. Perhaps I should do the sigil again? Perhaps I should charge it harder? Clearly, this is "lust for result", not to mention fear of success and the multiple dysfunctions of personal psychology. In this event, another magickal technique, such as the creation of a servitor or a sacrifice to a godform may be more appropriate. Sigilizing is unlikely to work while I am obsessed with a new computer system.

The technique for developing sigils that Spare outlines in The Book of Pleasure is simplicity itself. Giving as his magickal intention "This my wish to obtain the strength of a tiger", Spare analyses the structure of the letters of the phrases that make up the sentence containing the magickal intention, removes repeating letters, then combines them, and finally simplifies them into an iconic symbol. This symbol will be sufficiently remote from the original sentence that it cannot be identified. Thus the only meaning it contains resides in the memory of the magician. Spare wrote: "Now by virtue of this Sigil you are able to send your desire into the subconsciousness (which contains all strength)"(32).

Carroll suggested two other methods for developing sigils. In one, apicture of the magickal intention is drawn, in another, the sentence containing the magickal intention is transformed into a mantra by, for example, removing repeating letters and transposing other letters until a euphonious phrase results. Carroll stated "It is not necessary to use complex symbol systems"(33). Spare went further and wrote "you do not have to dress up as a traditional magician, wizard or priest, build expensive temples, obtain virgin parchment, black goats blood, etc., etc., in fact no theatricals or humbug"(34). Readers interested in these methods for constructing sigils are directed to Frater U.D.'s comprehensive treatise Practical Sigil Magick. As Frater U.D. indicates "In Spare's system there are no 'correct' or 'incorrect' sigils; neither is there a list of ready-made symbols. It is of no import whether a sigil is the 'correct' one or not, but it is crucial that it has been created by the magician and is therefore meaningful to him/her"(35).

Spare's system of creating sigils is, as Frater U.D. points out, an individual-anarchist approach to magick. It does not require learning complex systems, strange incantations, or any of the usual bric-a-brac of traditional magick or religion. It is simple and efficient. However, anarchical as Spare was, he was also a man of his culture and time and his system is influenced by ideas that while far from accepted in his day, were current. The idea of the subconscious is clearly influenced by psychoanalytic theory, particularly Jung, and Spare's insistence on the primacy of the sexual impulse owes not a little to Freud. Of course Spare's system works if one believes in psychoanalysis or not, not so much because the existence of a deep unconscious, collective or otherwise, is any more provable than the existence of a soul, but because it subverts the conscious mind and the failure tapes of normal consciousness. Culturally defined consensual belief structures work tirelessly against the actualization of magickal intentions, requiring, at the least, refuge in plausible explanations for apparently abnormal events or at least some kind of explanation. Thus unusual events such as the actualization of a spell for success in oneÕs job, for example, are justified by the collective consciousness as something that was bound to happen anyway, or less plausibly, the inevitable result of increased self-confidence that the magick spell brought about in the magician. If these explanations are insufficient then perhaps the grace of God, angelic intervention, demonic agency, or just good luck can be proffered. It is the stance of modern chaos magick, however, that none of these explanations are necessary, except perhaps in that they increase the ability of the magician to engineer belief structures. But the engineering of belief structures is a poor substitute for their suspension. If quantum mechanics is correct, human beings live in a universe of mind numbing complexity, at an order of magnitude far greater than the ability of the human mind to comprehend. If this is the case, and we live in a quantum flux of unlimited potentiality then all things are equally possible, all beliefs equally true, or, as Hassan Ibn Al Sabah, Le Vieux de Montagne, is alleged to have said, "Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted." If this is the case the need of human psychology to explain events is merely another aspect of the totalitarian dictates of society's consensual belief structures.

The vacuity that characterizes the charging of a sigil in Spare's system takes on a different color when viewed in the light of modern chaos magick. It is the No-Mind of unlimited potential, a relaxation into the quantum flux, a suspension of both belief and disbelief, of all the paraphernalia of the rational, discursive mind, and of the seething, bubbling unconscious mind or, as Buddhists would say, 'Not Two, Not One.' From this viewpoint, it is the discursive mind that is delusionary, the rational mind that presents phantasms of being and becoming. The truth is that there is no Absolute, no becoming, no being, or as the Prajna Paramita states:

Dharmas here are empty

all are the primal void.

None are born or die.

Nor are they stained or pure

Nor do they wax or wane.(36)

The "Prajna Paramita", or Heart Sutra, is at the basis of the reformulation of Buddhism by Nagarjuna in the third century a.c.e. Nagarjuna founded the Madhyamika school of Buddhism, of which Dzog Chen is an offshoot. Ingrid Fischer-Schrieber wrote of Nagarjuna:

Nagarjuna attempts to show the emptiness of the world through the relativity of opposites. Opposites are mutually dependent; one member of a pair of opposites can only arise through the other. From this he draws the conclusion that such entities cannot really exist, since the existence of one pre-supposes the existence of the other.(37)

The reader is cautioned that emptiness, or sunyata, in Buddhist terminology means limitlessness, or unlimited potentiality, which Madhyamika Buddhism asserts is the true ground of being.

Spare's technique of Neither-Neither is kin to NagarjunaÕs mutual dependency of opposites. Stephen Mace, in his brilliant analysis of Spare and Sorcery, Stealing the Fire from Heaven, described this technique:

The Neither-Neither principle asserts that there is no truth anywhere that is not balanced by an equally true opposite somewhere, and there is only perspective and circumstance to determine which seems more true at any given time. To apply this principle to conjuring, wait until you are absolutely positive something is true, then search for its opposite. When you find it, oppose it to your 'truth' and let them annihilate one another as well as they may.Any residue should oppose to its opposite, and so on until your truth has been dismembered and the passion converted into undirected energy - free belief. By applying the Neither-Neither we can gut the meaningless convictions that obsess us every day and use the power released to cause the changes we desire(38).

It is this "undirected energy-free belief" that is used to charge the sigil. For in this state of mind the magician brings the sigil to consciousness, concentrates on it, and allows it to sink past consciousness into the pool of undirected energy. In Buddhism this state is called sunyata, or emptiness.

In my personal experiences of sunyata, it is a state of consciousness characterized not so much by silence, but by a great calm. The mind, for me at least, continues to chatter, but it is now recognizable as just another function of the body. The mind chatters just as the lungs breathe, just as the heart pumps. Thoughts arise and fall, but the universe hums with energy, with limitless potentiality. Space seems to expand and my vision becomes extremely clear. Fairly rapidly, of course, I become distracted by the novelty of the experience and fall back into normal consciousness, or samsara.

So Spare's technique is one designed to reveal this state of mind, the one Buddhists term sunyata or emptiness and Mace's "undirected energy" may be thought of as synonymous with sunyata. It is part of the annihilistic tendency in chaos magick that even SpareÕs Neither-Neither technique can be considered an unneeded elaboration, for if this state of mind is the actual ground of being, then all that is needed is for the magician to look in another direction, an instant of work. Thus, the whole edifice of ritual is viewed by chaos magicians as a kind of massage for the mind, a way to lull it into a state of Neither-Neither. But actually, none of it is necessary, and perfectly valid results can be obtained just by creating a sigil and leaving it uncharged. Some chaos magicians assert that sigils never need to be charged, that, in fact, the act of their creation slips thesigil behind the discursive rational mind.

There are other methods for creating sigils, also, and some of these collapse the charging into the creation. For example I once did a sigil in a group workshop to produce a laser printer of a certain configuration, one that was unavailable at the time of the creation of the sigil. My sigil, which was a paper sculpture composed of white paper that I had colored, rolled into a tube, cut, and shredded open, looked nothing like my magickal intention, and, as far as I could see had no initial reference to it either. When I finished it I threw it under the couch of a friend. I guessed that the couch would not be moved for some time, and that when it was the paper would not be recognized and would be thrown away. The act of creating the sigil charged it for I thought in a non-attached way, of the printer I wanted while I created the sculpture. I recall that we did charge the sigil by holding our breath until near to fainting while staring at the sigil we had created. This gave me a headache. Perhaps when my friend moved, as he did at around the time the printer I wanted manifested itself, he charged it when he threw it away. Either way, the sigil worked, and I do not trouble myself with explaining to myself why it worked.

Jan Fries, in Visual Magick, has a few other suggestions for the creation of sigils. After discussing the traditional forms of pen, ink, and parchment, or wood engraving, or metalsmithing, Fries states:

If you desire matters of dream magick you could draw your sigil on paper, fold it into a paper boat, and send it off on a river, stream, or pond. The water destroys the body and receives the idea. You might draw the sigil in earth colours on your skin and dance until you've sweated it off, or form the shape in berries, food for the birds. You could draw it in the earth with a stick and leave it for the rains, or give it, drawn on paper, to the fire. You might even feed on it. Ink can be washed off and drunk with water (use a non-toxic sort), and some signs can be drawn or baked into cakes or bread(39).

Chaos magicians on the Internet have developed other techniques. After transforming the sigil into a mantra it is sent to a usenet newsgroup picked at random as a garbage post (or perhaps not so random, e.g. alt.jesus.is.lord). One innovative method discussed on alt.magick.chaos involved developing a database of the numbers of frequently used public phones around the country. Chaos magicians wishing to charge a sigil would choose a number, dial it, and, if the phone is picked up, shout the sigil at the baffled recipient.

By now it should be clear that the technique of sigilising is not as important as the creation of the mental state which accompanies it, for it is in this ground state that magick works. The Temple of Psychic Youth, founded fifteen years ago by Genesis P-Orridge and highly influenced by the sigil techniques of A.O.Spare is an international association of chaos magicians. Genesis has since disavowed the project, but other members continue the association. Historically members of the Temple of Psychic Youth would create sigils with three different bodily fluids and two different protions of hair and then send them to a central depository of sigils at one of the headquarters of the organization. Despite the respect with which these sigils were regarded by TOPY members, it was widely recognized that the act was magickal because of the states of consciousness developed, the interplay that these states allowed between the conscious mind and the deep mind (or that part of the mind that is not conscious), and that actually, the sigils could have been incinerated in a fire or confiscated by law enforcement authorities without harm being done to the magickal intention. Indeed, rumors abound to this day, perhaps deliberately spread by TOPY members, that the sigil depository has been compromised by some such action. The usefulness of rumors such as these lies in its ability to allow the ego of the chaos magician to confront the process of magick. Should a TOPY member be concerned that a British bobby has his sigil, or that it was burnt, or that some nefarious black magician is now using it in dark magick? Certainly, if these concerns allow the TOPY member to ask hirself what magick really is. Genesis said, in an interview in Gnosis magazine, about this issue:

I wanted to contradict the tradition that those things were innately dangerous for other people to have possession of. Because I thought that was something people had hypnotized themselves into being vulnerable to. (40)

P-Orridge's approach to chaos magick is typical in its insistence on the importance of belief structures and the general faith in access to a fundamental stream of energy and power that cannot really be termed human. He said:

Things do get manifested when you focus on them and truly desire and need them to manifest. That happens. And I don't really care why. My suspicion is that itÕs an innate gift that comes from so far ago and is so primal that it's pointless putting names on it and trying to humanize it. I think it is always an error to humanize phenomena. (41)

For magick is not a variant of the role playing game of Dungeons and Dragons , nor is it the Satanic cultism of the tabloid, although it may appear from a social perspective look like that way. Magick is the dynamic synergy of the magicianÕs desires with the quantum flow of the energy matrices of the universe.

Fries discusses in some detail the process of spell-making , and the common delusionary knots with which magicians engaged in this confrontation bind themselves. Most of these result from the mechanism Spare termed "lust for result", and are solved through deliberately forgetting the sigil, the magickal intention, and, ultimately, the precipitating desire.

As Fries states:

Sigils are used where conscious will finds its aim frustrated. We use sigils to bypass adverse conditions, to avoid the censorship of identity, to achieve our will through avenues we do not even know about. If you think about results while transmitting, you effectively bind your mind to find a solution along the desired channels, and this is frequently a hindrance, as "the desired channels" are usually the very approach that does not function. Our conscious selves are often the greatest obstacle to the sigil's manifestation.(42)

Unfortunately, as Fries points out, many magicians seem to miss the point, and, influenced by the power stratagems of traditional magick, charge and recharge their sigils,doubtless berating themselves for their magickal flaccidity as they do so. In this way, they assume, the sheer force of their conscious will shall drive the sigil into the deep ground of being and hence to fruition. In fact their actions raise ever stronger barriers against this occurring, as the conscious mind, whose habit it is to deny the unity of the universe and the interdependence of all phenomena, builds walls of steel against itself. Fries counsels patience and compassion. He suggests dealing with the non conscious mind as one would deal with an old, wise, dear friend. He suggests:

Magick can be worked quite easily once one learns to re-believe in innocence, simplicity and direct inspiration. Why use a memorized invocation, including "divine names" and "words of power" when one can get better and livelier results by "speaking from the heart" plus a dose of freestyle chaos language and chanting? (43)

Why indeed? Partly the answer lies in the personality and conditioning of the magician, partly in the depth of his experience of magick. Magicians with very strong traditional belief structures, magicians conditioned by membership in a magickal order such as the Ordo Templi Orientis, or even the Illuminates of Thanateros, may need elaborate ritual in order to break down this conditioning until a state of simplicity can be reached. Magicians who are relatively new to magick may need ritual in order to increase self confidence and decrease the effect of the anti-magickal consensual belief structures. Magicians, young or old, who have for some reason opened the door to their own simplicity can successfully cast a spell with a brief hand movement, with a howl at the moon, or with, as I do from time to time, curse with the crushing of a fortune cookie at a Chinese Restaurant. No chaos magician writing today suggests discarding Spare's techniques. The hold of traditional magick is far too strong to neglect such an efficient system for deprogramming. But at least among the community of chaos magicians discussing sigils on the Internet, suggestions are routinely made that magick is far simpler than even sigilising.

According to the visions of many mystics the world itself is suffused with magick. Gerald Manley Hopkins wrote in 1918:

The world is charged with the grandeur of God

It will flame out, like shining from shook foil;

It gathers to a greatness, like the ooze of oil


from "God's Grandeur"

Although Hopkins writes within the paradigm of Christian mysticism, his insight of a world filled with supernal power is hardly different from the approach of a modern chaos magician, or a Dzog Chen master. In the middle of the 17th Century Thomas Traherne wrote , describing the way in which he saw the world when he was a child:

Rich diamond and pearl and gold

In every place was seen;

Rare splendors, yellow, blue, red, white and green,

Mine eyes did everywhere behold.

From "Wonder"

The experience of the universe as a place filled with unlimited potentiality, and gorgeous beyond description to boot, is typical of many altered states of mystical perception. Dzog Chen maintains that this is the actual nature of the universe, a place of limitless light and potentiality. Tibetan Buddhism is called the Vajrayana after this assertion, for Vajra means diamond, and the universe is a diamond web of dynamic interconnections. Diamonds, in tantric tradition, are the crystallized sperm of the gods.

The task of the magician who accepts the mysticÕs description of the universe, or if not that of the mystic, the model of the universe proposed by quantum mechanics, for there is little to differentiate either model from one another, is to deprogram himself, to annihilate the discriminatory mind sets of rational thinking, the primary intellectual artefact of civilization. For once this level of consciousness is reached, once the conscious and the non conscious mind are working together, then there is no difference between the will of the magician and the movement of the stream of energy that is the universe.

John Cage's statement about art is as applicable to magick. He wrote:

The history of art is simply a history of getting rid of the ugly by entering into it and using it. After all, the notion of something outside of us being ugly is not outside of us but inside of us. And that's why I keep reiterating that we're working with our minds. What we're trying to do is to get them open so we don't see things as being ugly or beautiful but we see them just as they are. (44)

Substitute art with magick, ugly with unattainable and beautiful with attainable, and Cage's statement presents the formula for chaos magick. Sigils are just one means to bring about this transformation, to internalize a desire that the magician considers to be unachievable so that the discriminatory definitions of achievable and out of reach no longer have any validity.

Yet if there is so little difference between the mystic and the magician why are they traditionally viewed as two separate paths? Few magicians would term themselves mystics (fearing relegation to the New Age) and even fewer mystics would term themselves magicians. Sai Baba and a few other Indian gurus are exceptions. In Liber Kaos, Peter Carroll postulated a psychohistorical theory that asserted that magickal shamanism, a simple and fluid form of magick based upon a mystical awareness of the interdependence of all phenomena, degrades into paganism, and with the growth of religious forms magick is relegated to a priestly caste, who, over a period of time lose access to the magickal current and degrade into formalism. (45) The argument is plausible, particularly when placed alongside the rise of civilization, an event that required the development of hierarchical society. Social hierarchy, of course, is a template that is internalized at an early age, and defines access to power as being confined to channels devised by other than oneself. This notion is anathema to magick in general, and chaos magick in particular. Thus in tribal societies there would appear to be little difference between the mystic and the magician, both roles often being held in the personage of the tribal shaman, and all members of the tribe, in some degree or another, having access to the universal magickal power. By the time one thousand years of Christian conditioning had afflicted the minds of the peoples of the West, magickal acts were either heretical, quaint and secretive folk practices, or, if approved by the Church, miraculous and the marks of sainthood. Another thousand years of the slow deterioration of this conditioning, and, finally, the beginnings of breakdown in the toxic structures of civilization, and magick has begun to be seen as a power available to all, as a means of directly communicating with the universe as it is, and as a particularly appropriate series of techniques to live in a universe in which human beings are both as incidental and as important as all other phenomena.



Donald Michael Kraig: Modern Magick, Llewellyn, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1992, p. 10


Kraig, p. 11


Kraig, p. 12


Aleister Crowley: Magick, Samuel Weiser, York Beach, Maine, 1973, p. 60


Crowley, p. 332


Crowley, p. 294


Anton LaVey: The Satanic Bible, Avon, 1969, p. 110


LaVey, p. 110


LaVey, p. 41


Michael Aquino: General Information and Admissions Policies, Temple of Set, San Francisco, California, 1994, p. 4.


LaVey, p. 94


Peter Carroll: Liber Null and Psychonaut, Samuel Weiser, York Beach, Maine, 1987, p. 154


Carroll, p. 165


Carroll, p. 103


Carroll, p. 167


Carroll, p. 151


Austin Osman Spare: Book of Pleasure (Self-Love), from From the Inferno to Zos: The Writings and Images of Austin Osman Spare, First Impressions, Seattle, 1993 , p. 7


Spare, p. 7


Spare, p. 9


Spare, p. 30


Spare, p. 30


Spare, p. 33


Spare, p. 51


Spare, p. 37


Spare, p. 38


Spare, p. 47


Spare, p. 48


Spare, p. 48


Spare, p. 44


Spare, p. 44


Spare, p. 44


Spare, p. 44


Spare, p. 31


Spare, p. 51


Carroll, p. 20


Spare, p. 50


Frater U.D. : Practical Sigil Magick, Llewellyn, 1991, p. 6


Translation of the Heart Sutra in Roshi Philip Kapleau: Zen Dawn in the West, Anchor Books, Anchor Press/Doubleday, New York, 1980, p. 180


Fischer-Schrieber, Erhard & Diener, tr. Michael Kohn: The Shambhala Dictionary of Buddhism and Zen, Shambhala, Boston 1991, p. 152


Stephen Mace: Stealing the Fire from Heaven, Privately Printed, New Haven, Connecticut, 1984, p. 20


Jan Fries: Visual Magick: A Manual of Freestyle Shamanism, Mandrake, Oxford, 1992, p. 16


Genesis-P-Orridge, interviewed by Jay Kinney in Gnosis, Summer 1994, p.52


Kinney, p. 53


Fries, p. 22


Fries, p. 35


John Cage quoted in Williams & Tollett: A Blip in the Continuum, Peachpit Press, Berkeley, California, 1995, p.81


Peter Carroll: Liber Kaos, Samuel Weiser, York Beach, 1992, p.53 to 75.




Part Two: Servitors

21:50 Jun 23 2006
Times Read: 2,145

Part Two: Servitors

Servitors, Psychodynamics and Models of Magick

Chaos Magick, at least if approached by through the internet and conversation with chaos magicians, can appear a sprawling, contradictory mess of techniques to the newcomer. The relativistic stance of Chaos Magick, and it's apparent lack of a unifying template can appear both morally disturbing and intellectually frustrating, especially to occultists coming to it from more traditional paths. Frater U.D., in a small essay published in 1991, provided a clearer approach to chaos magick by declaring it to be a meta-model, a fifth approach to magick. The other four he defined as the Spirit Model (used by shamans and traditional ceremonial magicians, in which autonomous entities exist in a dimension accessible to ours through altered states of consciousness); the Energy Model (where the world is viewed as being 'vitalized' by energy currents that the magician manipulates); the Psychological Model (in which the magician is seen as "a programmer of symbols and different states of consciousness," manipulating the the individual and the deep psyche); and the information model (where information is the code that programs the essentially neutral energy of the life force). Frater U.D. points out that writers on chaos magick generally subscribe to a great extent to the Psychological Model, but, their approach utilizes a Meta-Model, which is really a set of instructions on how to use the other models. One of the most salient facts about chaos magick, and one of the most difficult for many newcomers to grasp, is that it is not really a magickal philosophy at all, it is really a technology, an approach, or stance towards magickal systems. The path to this was a result of chaos magicians developing and then transcending the Psychological Model. This essay on servitors while discussing many of the practical issues in the creation and deployment of servitors also elucidates the relationship between chaos magickal theory and modern psychology.

Modern magicians, chaos magicians, contemporary sorcerers, and the other magickal users of servitors appear to have adopted a modified psychodynamic view of personality, and the way in which we identify ourselves. This view, first expounded by Freud and the other founders of psychoanalysis (Jung, Adler, etc.), suggests that the way in which we view ourselves develops over time, and motivational syndromes (what we want and how we go about getting it) are critical to this development. This is quite a different view than type or trait personality theories which were in favor throughout most of Western history (man is composed of a compound of four or five elements, for example). Chaos magicians tend to display more of a situationist stance to personality, that is to say they tend to act as though the situation in which one finds oneself is the dominant factor in observable behaviors. Chaos magicians also tend to suggest that this is a good thing, since it means the personality can be used opportunistically, as a tool to achieve desires. This stance also reflects Buddhist and Eastern views of the Self, which either repudiate its existence as a permanent construction, or state that its essential nature can only be discoveredthrough profoundly altered states of consciousness (samadhi).

Phil Hine, in his excellent pamphlet "Chaos Servitors, a User Guide" writes of the self:

"I prefer the analogy of the self as an organic city-entity, where some portions are more prominent than others, where there are hidden tunnels and sewers, and where the under levels carry vital energies to buildings. The city-self is continually changing and growing - tear down a building of belief, and another grows back in its place."

Austin Osman Spare was clearly influenced by psychodynamic theories of the self, as well as Eastern ones, and the general magickal theory he passed on to us embody these ideas. Primarily concerned with motivation (desire), Spare wrote in "The Book of Pleasure":

"The 'self' is the 'Neither-Neither,' nothing omitted, indissoluble, beyond prepossession; dissociation of conception by its own invincible love is the only true, safe, and free...This Self-Love is now declared by me the means of evolving millions of ideas for pleasure without love, or its synonyms-self-reproach, sickness, old age, and death. The Symposium of self and love. O! Wise Man, Please Thyself."

Note the combination of psychoanalytic vocabulary and Vedic metaphysics combined with an insistence on motivation as fundamental.

Now a servitor is generally considered to be a part of the personality of the magician that has been severed from him. I would argue that this is a limited view of servitors, that they could be considered severed portions of the Deep Mind, and consequently not located in the psyche of any particular magician. In my view demons, angels, imaginary friends, poltergeists and perhaps even ghosts are servitors. Servitors can be called thought-forms (as opposed to godforms which may sometimes be servitors on steroids).

Since contemporary magickal stances to personality are psychodynamic and motivational servitors tend to be viewed as functional entities, and rather easily operated. Contrast this with the type and trait theories that inform Traditional Ceremonial Magick. Magicians up until this century (and still some today) spend what seems to me ridiculous amounts of time and effort evoking demons, using grimoires, and engaging in a paraphernalia of magick that makes a great deal of sense if you believe in type and trait theories of personalities, but very little if your approach is situational and pyschodynamic. If you believe that a demon you summon is a wholly independent entity with a personality type all of its own you may have to resort to extreme measures to force it to do your bidding. If you believe that a demon is a servitor summoned as a manifestation of your desire then a simple bargain will suffice (I'll give you energy, you get what I want, I'll give you a nice place to live).

What is a Servitor?

Motivational syndromes (desire) are fundamental to Spare's form of magick, hence the name of his most popular book, "The Book of Pleasure." Spare and magicians, Chaos or otherwise, have adopted the Jungian expansion of Freud's theory of the Unconscious. Jung theorized the existence of a collective unconscious, shared by all. He considered it to be transpersonal and the residue of the evolution of humankind. I personally prefer Jan Fries' term, the Deep Mind, but it comes to much the same thing. Spare, who called the collective unconscious the sub-consciousness characterized it as follows:

"Know the sub-consciousness to be an epitome of all experiences and wisdom, past incarnations as men, animals, birds, vegetable life, etc. , etc., everything that exists, has and ever will exist."

Both Spare and Peter Carroll attempted to develop a technical vocabulary to describe the phenomena and techniques of the type of magick posited by Spare. Carroll, both FireClown and I believe, was trying to construct a vocabulary that could be used by magicians of any type. FireClown calls this a "discussional template", or a way in which, for example, thelemites could talk to wiccans without misunderstanding each other. Unfortunately Carroll's use of the hierarchical gambit resulted in this vocabulary becoming exclusionary.

A fine example of this is the term "servitor." The time predates Chaos Magick and can be found to refer to bound spirits in the fiction of Clark Ashton Smith, who was writing for Weird Tales in the 1930s. Servitor is actually a word referring to entities that actualize through evocation, a magickal technique as old as magick itself. Carroll writes:

"These beings have a legion of names drawn from the demonology of many cultures: elementals, familiars, incubi, succubi, bud-wills, demons, atavisms, wraiths, spirits, and so on."

Spare seems to indicate that these entities are bound to obsessions, that is to say the magician, experiencing an obsession (a way the psyche tells the magician that it desires something), forms part of the sub-consciousness into a semi-independent phenomenon that will do the work needed to actualize the magician's desire. Carroll disagrees somewhat, although he allows that such beings have their origin in the human mind. Phil Hine whose interest in his User's Guide to Servitors is the creation of such beings writes:

"By deliberately budding off portions of our psyche and identifying them by means of a name, trait, symbol, we can come to work with them (and understand how they affect us) at a conscious level."

So at least in the type of magick developed by Spare, Carroll, and Phil Hine, a servitor is a part of the magician's psyche, or a part of the Deep Mind that the magician evokes to perform a task. Do these entities have an existence prior to their evocation? Perhaps. Magick is trans-temporal, trans-spatial. If the Deep Mind contains all experience that has been or ever will be then the question is meaningless, or as Blake wrote:

"Everything that can be Believed is an Image of the Truth."

I do think that the use of servitors is widespread among many people who would not dream of considering themselves magicians. People personalize their cars, have imaginary friends as children, or give personalities to their toys, carry objects they consider to be "lucky" with them or allow their obsessions to absorb their personalities so they turn into demons. Many movies deal with servitors, Natural Born Killers being an obvious example, Tetsudo, a fine Japanese flick being an even more obvious example. In NBK the demons are eventually reintegrated and the two killers stop killing. The fine film Seven is essentially a magickal ritual in which the murderer uses people as the material bases for servitors, in this case representing the demons of the Seven Deadly Sins.

To my mind these are all examples of the use of servitors because they follow Hine's simple definition of servitors as budded off portions of the psyche or personality developed for a simple or complex purpose which gain a semi-independent existence. Of course in the case of demons absorbing the personality the act is hardly adaptive, although it may have started out that way.

I'll tell you a story. I had a friend about 12 years ago, a charming, handsome young man, intelligent, athletic, and sober. He used to baby-sit another friend's teenage daughter. It turned out that he was a serial rapist. He would stalk women, rape them, and beat them nearly to death. He got caught because he fell asleep in his car outside his last victim's apartment and was found by the police covered with his victim's blood. I have no doubt he would have ended up murdering his future victims. Fortunately he is unlikely to ever have that chance.

Now what I think had happened with this man was that, perhaps as a result of some inability to integrate his rage towards women, he budded off a part of his personality, the violent, woman hating part, which became a demon, a semi-independent servitor. When his obsession was triggered it activated the demon which then completely possessed him and he became an utterly different person. For all I know he wasn't even conscious of the demon himself.

None of his friends ever saw this demon, didn't even have a glimpse, but his victims surely did.

Creating Servitors

Modern magicians have expanded on Jungian ideas of the collective unconscious to assert that magick occurs within what Spare calls the sub-consciousness, and Fries the Deep Mind. Servitors are semi-autonomous beings that are summoned from the Deep Mind and charged with the performance of some magickal task. Stephen Mace, in his monograph Stealing the Fire from Heaven, calls this sorcery. He defines it:

"Sorcery is the art of capturing spirits and training them to work in harness, of sorting out the powers in our minds so we might manipulate them and make them cause changes both within our minds and beyond them."

Most writers are unanimous in their opinion that the magician must develop a clear statement of intent before proceeding in acts of magick, which presupposes the magician understanding the nature of their original desire. In many cases there is simply no need to create a servitor. A simple spell might suffice, a desire sigilized and cast into the Deep Mind in a state of vacuity. Summoning servitors for the sake of psychic adventure might also be ill advised, although, judging from the grimoires of medieval literature in the absence of television it was a popular way to pass the tedium of an evening. Teenage satinists (so called in tribute to their innovative spelling) are also apparently fond of this sport. Chaos magicians, it is to be hoped, and the readers of this essay, would create servitors for more practical reasons.

If the magician does not believe the desire can be actualized by sigilizing, either because of lack of success in the past, the inability of the sorcerer to forget the desire, or because the task is repetitive, or complex then a servitor may be appropriate. Servitors can be used for finding rare books, for developing sales in business, for aiding in gaining employment, for irritating an enemy, for protecting a house, for, really, any number of jobs. Servitors can also be used to aid in the deconstruction and reconstruction of a magician's personality. On the zee-list servitors have been described that compress and expand time, that attack spam mailers, that assist in speedy passage through rush hour and that are soldiers in magickal wars.

I suggested above that the use of servitors is widespread throughout humankind. Magicians and sorcerers, however, consciously create servitors, extruding them from their own psyches for specific magickal purposes. Most people create servitors unconsciously. Sometimes, as I recounted, this can have poisonous results both for the creator of the servitor and for society. Servitors that contain elements of personality that the sorcerer finds maladaptive are usually known as demons. Mace writes in regards to demons:

"Demons: reflexes that generate uncontrollable moods, fantasies, and even actions. Demons are often acquired as a response to a twisted environment that had to be endured during the weakness and dependence of childhood. The adult, empowered wizard will realize they are inappropriate to his current situation, and make every effort to bind them so they will no longer bother him."

In fact bound demons can be quite useful.

Since many servitors are available for use by the magician through grimoires, or the use of elementals, sylphs,incubi, and the like, it might be reasonably inquired why the sorcerer should go to the trouble of creating one. Mace answers this:

"there's a problem with using preexisting spirits. They invariably come equipped with enormous amounts of moral and theological baggage, bundles of belief and righteousness that you must carry with you as you make your way through the world."

I suggest readers who question this use a grimoire to evoke a lesser demon like Belphegor (not an archdemon like Belial), visit a channeller, or a medium for a seance. Apart from entertainment value I doubt that the reader will experience significant or lasting change from these experiences. Belphegor, I should note, has been credited with assuring regular bowel movements, so perhaps he might have a lasting effect on constipated mages. Apart from this possible exception, creating a servitor and charging it with a magickal task can have a profound effect on a sorcerer's life.

This is why a fairly rigorous intellectual analysis of the desire of the sorcerer should be undertaken before evocation. The magician can use any number of techniques to do this, but the discussion of the magickal intent with other sorcerers is probably the most helpful. This is especially true when the servitor to be created is to effect a change in the personality of the magician since it is very possible that excising an apparent vice may also remove an intertwined virtue leaving the sorcerer weaker and poorer than before.

Once the magickal intent has been determined and the magician is fairly sure that no unwitting damage to the psyche willensue, then the actual process of creating a servitor can begin.

Servitors can be easily divided into two classes, those that come from identifiable areas of the magician's psyche, and those that issue forth from the deeper levels of the subconsciousness ( and hence may not be recognizable to the magician as deriving from a property of the sorcerer's psyche). If, for example I create a servitor to afflict an enemy this can be easily seen to originate in my own rage. On the other hand, if I summon an elemental because I want rain this spirit may have no apparent connection with my own psyche. Of course it does, but perhaps at such a deep level that it is held in common by many others. Ghosts are another example of beings that issue forth from deep levels of the subconsciousness and are often perceived in very similar ways by different people. Whether the sorcerer creates a servitor from scratch, as it were, or summons a preexistent spirit may depend on the task to which the servitor is put. Servitors may also be created which have components of both the individual magician's psyche and of the Deep Mind.

I'm in business for myself and my business depends on the timely receipt of payments. I'm in the process of creating a servitor to facilitate payments made to me through the mail. The servitor I imagine to look like Zippy the U.S.P.S. mascot but carrying a large hand gun - Zippy the psychotic Postal Worker. He will be charged with the specific job of speeding up my mail, particularly checks to me. Of course, part of Psycho Zippy is budded off from my own personality and includes my frustration with the mail, my anxiety over money, my dislike of bureaucrats, and my own violent tendencies. Part of Psycho Zippy, though, comes from the good work of the USPS's advertising staff who imbedded this image in the American consciousness and the American media that publicized the mass murders of numerous postal workers by their coworkers over the last few years. Psycho Zippy is a hybrid servitor in this sense, and so will derive its energy from both sources. Psycho Zippy may also be considered a bound demon, since he derives from obsessive (and maladaptive) elements of my own psychology which have been extruded and harnessed to perform a particular role. The development of this servitor is useful therapy since it frees me from these maladaptive elements.

So let's review the process of creating a servitor like Psycho Zippy. First I become conscious of obsession, manifesting as a repeating pattern of anxious thoughts about payments which I know have been mailed but which for reasons quite beyond my ability to understand take a random number of days to reach me. This obsession clearly indicates a desire...I want my payments in a timely and consistent fashion. Now I could do a sigil to actualize this desire, but the problem is persistent and I doubt that a sigil done once will be enough to solve it. I could also use a godform, like Ganesh, or Hermes, or Legba or even Nyarlathotep, but I've tried this and the gods seem fairly fickle about it, and, in any case, I keep having to go back to them to bargain with them every time a payment gets lost. I have concluded that a servitor, charged by my own obsession, is the most appropriate magickal response.

Now in my case the USPS's admen have come up with a sigil that I only have to modify by adding a large hand gun. For many servitors, however, it may be necessary to develop them from scratch by first forming your magickal intention into a sigil and then using your imagination to turn this sigil into the shape of servitor (which can be anything you consider appropriate to the task at hand). This process is greatly facilitated if you have developed a magickal alphabet that contains in sigil form the properties of your personalityand the powers of your mind. Automatic drawing, a common way to develop this type of alphabet, can also be used to develop the shape of the servitor. These alphabets are also known as alphabets of desire.

On Alphabets of Desire Mace writes:

"Each letter (actually an ideograph) represents a power...an unconscious structure or variety of energy that the sorcerer recognizes or wishes to recognize within his deep psyche."

In essence the sorcerer sigilizes a desire and then uses automatic drawing until an ideograph is created that is, as Mace says, "perfectly apropos." Letters from this alphabet can be combined to form the shape of a servitor, again using techniques of automatic drawing.

An alphabet of desire is a set of personal magickal symbols that describe or trigger certain powers of the mind or aspects of the sorcerer's personality. Although the AoD is generally considered to be graphical there isn't any reason it can't be gestural, or a set of sounds, or a group of familiar emotional states or states of consciousness. The construction of an alphabet of desire also does not need to be nearly as formal as suggested by Spare, Carroll, Phil Hine, Jan Fries, Stephen Mace and others. It can develop organically as a result of, for example, repetitive gestures or sounds a sorcerer makes in rituals. Moreover, it is not necessary for the sorcerer to be able to define the elements of the AoD outside of the ritual space. The conscious mind does not have to know the meanings and attributions of the alphabet since the sorcerer uses it in an altered state of consciousness induced by ritual.

FireClown and I, who have similar varieties of magick, actually don't have much of a conscious understanding of our personal alphabets of desire, which are linked more to repetitive gestures, sounds, and subtle states of consciousness rather than graphic symbols.

Although most sorcerers working in the tradition of A.O. Spare are indebted to the theoretical structure he developed, slavish adherence to Spare's techniques would be quite contrary to what Spare himself would have wanted.

Of course, if you want to create servitors from graphical sigils then an iconic alphabet of desire will certainly help.

The impetus to begin writing this much postponed essay was prompted by a question from a member of the zee-list, a list for the use of the z(cluster), a loose international association of chaos magicians, ontological anarchists, and the like, primarily mediated through the internet.

A listmember posted the following question:


As the reader will have probably gathered, the original question that precipitated this essay has now been answered. In sigilizing desires the magician inadvertently encountered servitors that were in some way born from these sigils. The magician now needs to discover what these servitors are, what their relationship is to the Deep Mind and how they can be used.

Other relevant questions relating to servitors concern servitor dependency and using a bound demon's energy to reinforce personality elements that the magician wants to strengthen. I'll deal with these questions as this essay continues.

In creating servitors, once the magickal intention has been formulated an appropriate container for it can be developed. This can be a sigilized figure, an amulet or talisman, a fetish, a computer program or script, or even, possibly, an electronic pet. I advise against using living creatures as containers for servitors, partly because of their complexity, and partly because it is done all too often by parents wih their children, owners with their pets and bosses with their employees, to mention just a few cases where human beings extrude parts of their own psyches and attempt to ram them into other human beings. Manchurian candidates notwithstanding most attempts to do this are qualified failures. Animal familiars, such as cats, are arguably not servitors at all, but rather, associates of the magician or witch, voluntarily participating in magickal work.

There is some argument that a material base for a servitor may not be necessary, but, as Phil Hine points out:

"It does help to further construct the Servitor's personas an individual entity, and is also useful for focusing on when you are recalling the Servitor for reabsorption or reprogramming."

Let's return to my Psycho-Zippy servitor. Zippy-with-a-gun is designed to speed checks written to me through the U.S.Postal Service. I do not need to time limit the existence of this servitor since the problem is evidently continuous. I have decided that Zippy-with-a-gun should have a specific aetheric shape, which will be attached to a material link. This link will be an envelope with Psycho-Zippy's icon in the place of a stamp. The envelope will be addressed to me and will contain a check payable to me for as much money as I want and signed by the Universe. This envelope talisman will live on my altar and will also be a resting place for Psycho-Zippy when he's not out terrorizing postal and U.P.S. employees into sending me my checks. I've also developed a list of instructions for Psycho-Zippy constraining him to this one task, of facilitating payments through the mail. I don't, obviously, want Psycho-Zippy infecting a postal worker with the notion that murdering as many of his coworkers as possible before blowing his own brains out would be a fine way to spend the day.

These are the preliminary tasks that need to be done before launching the servitor. Phil Hine suggests a servitor design checklist including deciding general and specific intents; sigilizing the initial desire; deciding whether time factor, material link, name, or a specific shape is needed; deciding what will happen when the task is completed; and, finally, making a list of instructions.

Again this is a fairly formalistic approach to developing servitors, and I have to admit that most of the time I use servitors that are nameless, have no particular shape, no material link, and are created almost instantaneously for a specific purpose. Over a period of time these servitors have taken on personalities, or at least the shadows of such, if I use them repetitively. I have a few of them I send out to speed me through traffic jams. I have another that gets me tables in crowded restaurants before I walk through the door. I didn't develop these beings, but as a result of repeating spells (through gesture and sound) to achieve these results the servitors just seemed to develop of their own accord. Since I don't banish servitors but house them when their tasks are completed I think I have a pack of shiftless, and probably loutish servitors hanging around my aetheric environment who leap into action when I need them. My demons need work.

Launching Servitors

Banishing Rituals

Almost all modern authors strongly recommend the use of Banishing Rituals prior to engaging in any magickal ritual. The word "banishing" in this concept is something of a misnomer since the purpose of this technique is to center the magician within a sacred space, banishing negative influences being a secondary effect of a banishing ritual.

Uncle Al (Aleister Crowley) writes:

"The first task of the magician in every ceremony is therefore to render his circle absolutely impregnable...If you leave even a single spirit within the circle, the effect of the conjuration will be entirely absorbed by it."

Now that's certainly definite enough. And a wonderful declamatory statement it is!

Crowley's banishing rituals include The Star Ruby (Liber XXV) and The Star Sapphire (Liber XXXVI), although he assumes that his readers have an understanding of the most famous banishing ritual, the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP). One of the clearest descriptions of this can be found in Donald Michael Kraig's "Modern Magick." The LBRP and its derivatives involve invoking godforms or angels at the corners of the compass as protective agents.

Chaos Magicians, such as Peter Carroll, Phil Hine and Stephen Mace, also strongly suggest the use of banishing rituals, although their centering techniques are somewhat simpler. Phil Hine suggests that banishing rituals are necessary because they allow entry into altered states of consciousness, they dispel psychic debris, and the act to order the universe symbolically, allowing the magician to stand at the axis mundi. Peter Carroll writes that a well cosntructed banishing ritual enables the magician to:

"resist obsession if problems are encountered with dream experiences or with sigils becoming conscious."

By the latter Carroll clearly is referring to the inadvertent creation of servitors through sigil techniques. It also has the advantage of having a basis in Spare's theory of magick and the transformation of obsessional energy into organic energy.

Carroll, Hine and Mace all suggest magicians develop a glowing magickal barrier around them when engaged in ritual. Carroll and the IOT used the Gnostic Pentagram Ritual(GPR), a deconstruction of the LBRP, in magickal work.

Curiously I have not been able to discover if Austin Osman Spareused banishing rituals. The omission of such from his "Book of Pleasure" may quite likely be deliberate since he was certainly aware of them. I would suggest that Spare may have considered banishing rituals contrary to the free flow of magickal symbolism from the Deep Mind to the magician's psyche, that is to say an artifact that may not be useful. But Spare's magick, to this day, remains more radical, more controversial, and more audacious than most practiced by modern magicians.

Is banishing actually necessary? I do it in an abbreviated form, singing the vowels (Eeh-Aye-Aah-Oh-Uuh-Uuh-Oh-Aah-Aye Eeh) in a scale down and up while following, generally, the chakras with hand movements. I do it because I feel better after I do. Other magicians I know don't banish at all, while others won't leave their house without doing an LBRP. My banishing ritual takes a few seconds, can be done with groups, and is a deconstruction of the GPR. I also tend to use drumming, incense, and the strange sound of a Nepali tiger thigh flute to set the scene and move myself into an altered, magickal state of consciousness. I also use the LBRP, but almost never for private ritual. In public rituals, especially before audiences who may never have seen Ceremonial Magick before, the LBRP has a comforting, a soothing effect. After all, it does contain the end of the Lord's Prayer and it does call the Archangels. I don't usually disturb such people with the fact that Demons are sometimes classified as Angels by another name.

But if the aim of banishing is to create a sacred space and center the magician then perhaps this can be done just with a hand gesture, with a slight shift in consciousness, or perhaps a declaration like Jean Luc Picard's "Make It So"!

Modern magickal writers. to my mind, seem terribly concerned over the sanity and well being of new or neophyte magicians. I'm not sure if this is motivated by fear of litigation, higher primate hierarchical motives, or genuine concern that new magicians will actually go crazy.

My suggestion is..try it both ways. Do rituals without banishing and do rituals with banishing. Then do what you prefer. After all, if you get infected by some strange denizen of the Deep Mind because you didn't bother to banish, you could always ask one of us to exorcise it. There's always a hearty welcome at my house for demonic entities! I like them. I like to make them work for me, and I like to eat them. They always have a choice, and demon heart is a lot tastier than angel heart!

Free Belief and Vacuity

A technique explored by AO Spare and discussed at length by Stephen Mace but strangely absent from many other discussions of Chaos Magickal techniques is the state of mind called Free Belief by Mace, and generally referred to by Spare as the Neither-Neither principle.

Spare wrote:

"When the mind is nonplused capability to attempt the impossible becomes known."

Spare's magickal approach is reductionist. He wrote:

"Magic, the reduction of properties to simplicity, making them transmutable to utilize them afresh by direction, without capitalization, bearing fruit many times."

Spare believed that acts of magick were most likely to succeed when the mind had attained a state in which duality had been extinguished through a process in which dualistic notions were systematically eliminated by counterpoising them against each other. He called this the Neither-Neither principle. Students of Yogic techniques will recognize this as the Neti-Neti meditation, a meditation in which the seeker questions his or her self-identity by discounting all that he or she is not. For example:

I am not my name.

I am not my body.

I am not my genetic structure.

I am not my mind

etc., etc.

Mace gives a simple method for applying Spare's technique:

"To apply this principle to conjuring, wait until you are absolutely positive something is true, then search for its opposite. When you find it, oppose it to your 'truth" and let them annihilate one another as well they may. Any residue you should oppose to its opposite until your truth has been dismembered and the passion behind it converted into undirected energy-free belief."

FireClown explains this in another way. According to his theory on the formation of entities, obsession naturally creates thought forms which soon achieve a form of independence and turn into demons. Now demons, and semi-detached parts of the magician's psyche in general, do not wish to be re-assimilated, or destroyed. Consequently they will seek energy from any source in the magician's psyche, but primarily from long running maladaptive sub-programs such as resentment towards one's parents, one's spouse, or ex-spouse, feelings of inferiority, or whatever tape loops are recurrent in the magician's psyche. The generation of free belief presents the magician with a source of psychic energy, originating in obsession, that allows the actualization of magickal intentions. Without generating free belief the energy the magician summons is eaten by demons and used by them for their own self-perpetuation. Consequently the magickal act fails.

Spare wrote:

"When by the wish to believe-it is of necessity incompatible with an existing belief and is not realized through the inhibition of the organic belief-the negation of the wish, faith moves no mountains, not till it has removed itself."

Or, if wishes were horses beggars would ride. Mere wishing is rarely sufficient if obsessional energy is at play. Simple spells, such as those used to get a table at a crowded restaurant, can succeed because of their simplicity, and because obsessional energy has not created demonic entities.

The bar against success in magick is the contradictory opinions the magician holds of his or her capacity to succeed. Spare suggests that this very process can be used by the magician to create a state of mind in which magick will work. Correct use of the Neither-Neither principle brings about the state Spare calls Vacuity, which is, as T.S.Eliot suggests, is

"A state of complete simplicity Costing not less than everything."

To return to servitors, then, once the servitor has been developed, and a banishing ritual performed, the magician must achieve a state of vacuity, a state in which free belief exists. One way to achieve this is the Neither-Neither. As Mace writes:

"By applying the Neither-Neither we can gut the meaningless convictions that obsess us every day and use the power released to cause the changes we desire."

Peter Carroll calls this state of vacuity Gnosis. He wrote

"Methods of achieving gnosis can be divided into two types. In the inhibitory mode, the mind is progressively silenced until only a single object of concentration remains. In the excitatory mode, the mind is raised to a very high pitch of excitement while concentration on the objective is maintained. Strong stimulation eventually elicits a reflex inhibition and paralyzes all but the most central function-the object of concentration. Thus strong inhibition and strong excitation end up creating the same effect-the one-pointed consciousness, or gnosis."

The Neither-Neither technique is primarily inhibitory, although, through the artificial manipulation of emotional states attached to obsessive energy there is no reason why the method could not produce an excitatory effect.

Achieving this state ensures that the servitor can be charged. Not achieving this state runs the risk that the care the magician has put into developing the servitor will come to nothing because the energy developed will end up feeding the magician's unbound and perhaps unknown demons.

To continue with the example of the Psycho Zippy servitor I am creating to facilitate payments through U.P.S. and the Postal Service, I can create free belief by choosing a recurring tape from my own psyche. I know, for example, I still resent my father for sending me away to school in England. I believe he did it because he was jealous of my mother's affection for me. I can counterpoint this belief by reminding myself that sending me to boarding school was not only very expensive for him but that he believed he was affording me an education that he had been denied due to the poverty of his parents. On the other hand I truly hated the institutionalized cruelty of English boarding school. I can counterpoint this with the fact that when I was old enough to enumerate the problems with the type of school to which he had sent me he removed me at once and placed in a school that was actually enlightened. I can continue in this way counterpoising one belief with a contrary argument until finally I am left with nothing to which the obsessive resentment can attach. At this point I am ready to charge the servitor. I have moved myself to a calm and one-pointed state of mind that is nevertheless suffused with psychic energy.

The Actual Launch

To recapitulate: I have created a sacred space by means of a banishing ritual. I have created the appropriate energy to charge the servitor by using the method of Free Belief. I am in a state of vacuity. At this point I can bring the image of Psycho Zippy to my mind and create it as a living form. I can visualize it racing, wraithlike, through the information systems of UPS and the US Postal Service. I can visualize it making the hands of postal workers touching my mail move just a bit faster, see it increasing their concentration and visual acuity, revving up their hand-eye-body coordination for the apparently arduous task of getting my checks back to me on time. I can then dispatch the servitor into the aether with a stern admonition to do my will or suffer the consequence of psychic dissolution.

In actual fact I did none of these things. Instead I hosted a ritual, an invocation of Baron Samedi, and before the invocation, but after the banishing, had the participants gaze at my rendering of Psycho Zippy. I then gave this rendering to a friend who was off to a Fire Performance Art that evening, but was unable to stay for the invocation. She had the rendering burned with a flame-thrower while a large group of onlookers chanted "Zippy, Zippy, Zippy."

A few days later I turned my rendering of Zippy into labels which I have since placed in every package I ship. Zippy has, by and large, worked very well since then, and I would estimate that the speed of return payments has increased by about 30 per cent.

Zippy is a servitor with a material base, the laser printed image of him that sits on my alter and is reproduced on my labels. Although it is by no means necessary for servitors to have material bases, in this case, it seemed appropriate. Phil Hine in his User's Guide gives as examples of material bases:

"rings, bottles, crystals, or a small metal figurine"

In a way Zippy can be termed a fetish servitor. I believe the image I have drawn of him to have magickal power, thus fulfilling the definition of fetish.

To give you another example of a fetish servitor, FireClown, who was having difficulty during job interviews, developed a bear servitor, which he created with a material base made out of wood. It looked something like a wood carved zuni bear. FireClown wore this amulet within his shirt during job interviews. He visualized the bear as a large, somewhat comical, somewhat threatening, form dancing behind him as he sat before his interviewers. He reported that his prospective employers became quite confused during the interviews, ceasing to pay attention to him, and frequently glancing behind him. His interviews were concluded rapidly and cordially and he shortly found himself employed.

Phil Hine also suggests that time is a factor to be considered in servitor design and creation, and suggests that the life cycle or periodicity of a servitor be included in its creation. I have not found this to be the case in my own work, but then this may just be because I tend to create servitors for perennial needs and use sigils or godforms for ad hoc situations where I must respond rapidly to a crisis or momentary desire.

Hine suggests a technique that my local Chaos group -the TAZ, New Orleans node of the Z(cluster)-has used successfully. He calls it "The Airburst Exercise." In this technique for launching spells, including group sigils and servitors the participants in the ritual first develop an altered state of consciousness through whatever means they choose - chanting, breathing, group groping...whatever. They then visualize energy flowing to and from each other and finally crystallizing in a sphere within their circle. They visualize the sigil or servitor within the sphere. This sphere is then launched into the aether (perhaps after a countdown).

The TAZ, New Orleans group, in 1993, decided to celebrate Mardi Gras into perpetuity by launching a chaos satellite, which they named the Zerbat. This satellite was sent into geosynchronous orbit 30 miles above the spire of St. Louis Cathedral shortly before Mardi Gras of that year. The group visualized the satellite as a chaosphere with a top hat, smoking a cigar. On Mardi Gras Day since then members have distributed Reichian orgone collectors throughout the French Quarter, and, at 6 pm discharged these collectors to the Zerbat satellite through a group ritual performed in Jackson Square. The orgones are visualized as a stream of energy containing the revelry of Fat Tuesday in the Vieux Carre. The Zerbat send these streams of orgiastic energy to other satellites launched around the world by other groups. The energy is then received by magicians using satellite receivers (either images of such, old hubcaps, metal bowls or, for the brave, their computers) who use the orgones for their own magickal works. The Zerbat is, of course, a group servitor and was launched using a variation of Hine's Airburst Exercise.

Other Methods to Launch Servitors

Stephen Mace, in his "Stealing the Fire from Heaven", refers to another form of servitor, known as "The Magickal Child". This is a technique described at length by Crowley (and forms the central theme of his turgid work of fiction "Moonchild") in which a couple of magicians have intercourse to produce

"an astral being whose power is devoted to carrying out the purpose of the participants. It is empowered by the white heat of orgasm and embodied in the 'elixer' generated by intercourse. The participants must give this child a name in advance and also agree on its astral appearance, for it must fill their imaginations throughout the rite, until climax sets it in their mingled fluids."

Mace continues with the usual thelemic caveat:

"Any loss of concentration upon it or independent thinking during copulation can be deadly, for then their child will be monster. The two participants must therefore agree on the symbolism they will use, making this formula much more relevant to traditional magick, where common imagery is easy to come by."

I can't help but ask what, in these days of protected sex, one must actually do to "mingle fluids", but perhaps we shouldn't go there. It does occur to me that this ritual is not too far removed from normal intercourse between would be parents anxious to conceive. Mace states that this is a heterosexual ritual, but I can see no reason why it would not be quite as effective, and, in the long run, probably a great deal less stressful to society as a whole, if it were not a same sex rite. After all, if the heterosexual couple does not use protection and a child is the issue of the ritual, the result might be an actual monstrous child, rather than a servitor. Oh, the puzzles entrenched in thelemic logic!

Possibly safer for all concerned by far is the ritual described by Mace that Austin Osman Spare used to create servitors, which he and Mace call, creating some confusion, "elementals".

Mace describes a technique he asserts that Spare used called "The Earthenware Virgin." This is a clay vessel with an opening that fits snugly around the sorcerer's erect penis and into which the masturbates. At the bottom of the vessel is a sigil incorporating the attributes of the servitor. Needless to say this is a technique for male magicians, although I am certain that inventive female magicians could develop effective variations. On orgasm the magician charges the sigil and then buries it, doing the whole operation during the quarter moon (ask Mrs. Patterson why!)

Mace continues:

"When the moon passes full, the wizard digs up this clay womb, replenishes the sperm and -'while repeating suitable incantations'- pours it out as a libation on the ground. Then he reburies the urn."

Sounds pretty raunchy to me, rather like a pornographic Clark Ashton Smith story. Does the sorcerer clean the vessel before ejaculating into it a second time, or does the grit add an ascetic tinge to the operation?

In any event Mace states:

"Spare cautions that though this technique never fails, it is dangerous, and so he leaves much to be guessed."

Rather too much in my opinion. What if the sorcerer gets the dimensions a little wrong? What if the sorcerer has been using Viagra? Will he get stuck? Then what? Never mind. Back to Mace:

"...one may suppose that the urn acts as a clay womb in which the wizard breeds a familiar spirit. Such help can be as risky as it is effective, however, for if the wizard is in any way unable to control himself, he will have an even harder time managing a semi-independent power such as this. He must always keep the initiative over it, never allow it any scope for independent action, and always maintain a strict separation between its form and his own. He must never invite it into himself."

Mace underlines "never."

This curious tendency among magicians from all traditions to warn of the dangers of magickal operations may be no more than stagecraft ("Kids, don't try this at home!"), or perhaps it is more of the strange conservatism that magicians sometimes manifest. Mace's comments seem, from my perspective, to be quite contradictory. If the semi-independent power is not completely autonomous how may one maintain "a strict separation?" I'm afraid I'm puzzled.

The Care and Feeding of Servitors

Servitors feed from the obsessional energies of the magician that created them. In some cases, vampiric servitors, for example, the servitor may be charged with feeding from the energies of the individual or entity that is its target, but even here, the magician that created it both launches it and controls it with his or her own obsessional energies. A book-finding servitor, for example, can rest dormant until the magician's desire for a certain book sends it on its way.

Servitors that do not perform according to the magician's desire need discipline. This can consist merely of a warning. On the other hand a servitor that consistently fails in its duties obviously needs to be recalled. Chaos magick is, after all, results oriented magick. Servitors can be dissipated by destroying their material base, by visualizing their dissolution, or by any other means the magician finds effective.

Servitors may be domiciled on the magician's alter. I tend to return mine to a number of crystals strewn about my alter, or to some other material base there residing. Since servitors are semi-independent most authors caution against allowing them to exist in an uncontrolled form, since, at least in theory, they will continue to subsist off the life energies of the magician, which may, over a period of time, debilitate the sorcerer. Jaq. D. Hawkins, in her book, "Spirits of the Earth" has the following, fairly typical admonition about thought-form elementals (her name for servitors):

"these artificial entities have survival instincts. Once a thought form is created, it will generally continue to take spiritual energy from its creator until it is dissipated or reabsorbed, which is something which should be kept in mind when deciding to do this in the first place. The energy to sustain a single thought form may go unnoticed, but sending streams of thought forms off to do one's bidding could sap one's energy to depletion and lead to illness. It is always prudent to have a plan in place to reabsorb the entity, and therefore one's own energy, once the purpose is accomplished."

Again, the validity of this admonition has more to do with the magickal model to which the magician subscribes rather than natural law. Certainly magicians using the Spirit Model, the Energy Model, and even the Psychological Model to an extent, might agree. Magicians using the Information Model, in which the servitor is essentially self-replicating code programming energy, might disagree, since this Model does not require the magician to use his or her own life force, except perhaps to launch the servitor. Readers of this essay are advised to determine which paradigm, or which combination of paradigms they are using in a particular operation, and act accordingly in determining whether to reabsorb or dissipate the servitor.

Binding Demons, Elementals, and Other Entities

As stated above, this essay is primarily concerned with creating semi-independent entities out of the mind of the magician. However, it is possible to use the vast variety of independent entities that populate the Spirit Model as servitors. As indicated earlier, these entities tend to be less manageable for a variety of reasons. They are products of the group consciousness of Planet Earth, tend to be more self-willed (and consequently require more energy to be controlled) and are often contaminated by conflicting instructions placed upon them by prior sorcerers. However they may be used, particularly if the magician has a personal bond with the entity, through memory, propinquity, or a recognition of psychological characteristics within the magician that the entity in question also possesses. Some of these entities, however, are really godforms, or extrusions of such, and need to be handled in a quite different manner, but that's a topic for another essay. I would encourage magicians wishing to use these entities to use lesser demons, minor elementals.

I do not intend to go into detail on the methods the magician can use to evoke and control these entities. The annals of magick are already full of extremely detailed instructions.

However, the question posed earlier, whether one can use a bound demon's energy to reinforce personality elements that the magician wants to strengthen, should be answered.

Traditional ceremonial magicians, of course, habitually do this, summoning, for example, a demon of lust and charging it with the task of causing an object of his or her amorous attentions to fall in love with the sorcerer. In this case, from the viewpoint of the theory of servitor dynamics outlined in this essay, the magician has bound the demon of his own lust and converted it into a type of glamour attractive to the object of his infatuation.

The question was asked, however, by someone who wanted to use a personality defect as the energy source for a personality asset. To give an example, resentment towards one's parents, if fed frequently enough (and isn't it usually) creates demonic energy that can crystallize into a thought form. Can this demon can be bound and its energy then used to charge a servitor whose function is to increase the personality asset of, say, self-confidence? The process this would occur would be whereby, every time the magician feels resentment towards his or her parents, the energy from this resentment is directed towards the servitor whose task is to increase the magician's self-confidence. The answer is that the energy from the resentment must be clarified, or filtered, as it were, before it can be of use to the character enhancing servitor. An effective method for doing this would be the Free Belief technique outlined above. Thus the energy would not be contaminated by the emotional charge of resentment, but be pure psychic material, suitable for feeding a servitor.

A final word about the therapeutic techniques of psychodynamic theory would be useful here since the above technique would be more properly classified as the use of servitors as a form of magickal psychotherap

Human Sexual Vampirism, Part II

Submissive Sexual Vampirism

My previous articles on sexual vampirism have primarily involved the vampire taking a dominant role in sex. This isn't particularly surprising. After all, the image of the vampire is that of a ravisher, a taker, a powerful force who bends others to her whim. However, in writing about the sexual vampire in this way, I've been rather perpetuating one of BDSM's most common illusions; that the dominant has the power in the scene or situation. On occasion, this is true, but in the majority of BDSM scenes, it's the submissive who controls what happens. The dominant can be regarded as serving the sub's needs, and the sub has the right to terminate the scene whenever she sees fit. Far from being an irrelevant digression, this fact is the basis of submissive sexual vampirism. While a sexual vampire in a dominant role must invest at least some effort in taking energy, if she is in a submissive role it is given to her. All she need do is absorb it. Even filtering is unnecessary. And that, basically, is the point of this article. The rest of it's all additional detail, notes, and tangents.

The Image of the Submissive Vampire

The image of a vampire in submission is rife with potent symbolism. To have a being of such power in chains, under your will, is for many, a fantasy fulfilled. It offers a feeling of power, to know that you have bent this mighty creature to your will. And that sense of power is sharpened by a peculiar fear of what might happen, should the vampire lose her submissive nature. In short, it's a turn on. The vampire in submission never loses her aura of puissance, lust, and hunger. She remains wild, her passions uncontrolled, her lusts excessive. While she may be submissive for now, it would only take a small tipping of the scales to unleash something fearsome within her. The submissive vampire is the perfect contradiction, and the perfect switch. This is not the only approach to an image of submission for a sexual vampire, but it's one that is rather comfortable and sexually stimulating (to me at least), and it's an easy glamour. Obviously, the submissive vampire need not use a specifically vampiric image (it's not something everyone goes for), and neither is it essential that she have an overtly wild or bacchanalian element. It's just as easy to feed if you're the most obedient sub in the world - your own image and preferences are entirely up to you.


A donor network such as those used by some energy vampires is one possibility, and allows for a greater sense of security than some other approaches. However, most people who are interested in being voluntary donors for a vampire of any sort tend to be submissive themselves, which, for obvious reasons, is inappropriate to this approach to energy vampirism. One alternative is to have a number of regular "clients" who are not informed about the vampiric element of the relationship. A professional relationship is one option, although this can bring legal and other inconveniences, particularly if you wish to involve sex in the equation. That said, subbing professionally can be lucrative. However, a more social exchange, for example with people you already know, have met in clubs, or contacted through personals adverts, is probably more convenient for most people. Larger numbers of people, as in non-sexual vampirism, means there's more available energy to absorb. Group sex is a wonderful source for feeding, as is sex with an audience. Obviously, this also applies to non-submissive sexual vampirism, as do many of the points made here.

Relinquishing Overt Power

Many people with vampiric tendencies also tend to be control freaks. Obviously, most magicians are control freaks to the extent that they seek to manipulate the universe for their own benefit, but vampires in particular like controlling people. This is as obvious in an unconscious energy vamp doing an invalid routine as it is in a dominant vampire cultist sucking energy from her followers. After all, one of the easiest ways of making energy palatable is to influence the mood of the person being fed on. In the case of many conscious energy vampires, this element of control is something done in a fairly overt manner (particularly when sex comes into it), and can be a great source of personal security. Breaking the habit of being so obviously and securely in control can be somewhat unnerving, particularly if you are subbing with people you don't know very well. It's essential that you feel comfortable and safe in whatever scene you're participating in. If you have a friend or partner who you normally feel comfortable being dominated by, it's a good idea to take them along.

Use Of Energy

These feeding techniques can get you a hell of a lot of energy, which can obviously be used for many things. One option is just to absorb it all, which is extremely enjoyable in it's own right (and results in a lot of heavy duty erotic dreams for at least the next week ). If you feel "overcharged", you might want get rid of the excess by grounding, or better still my investing it in a working of some description. The energy can be applied to the usual sort of magickal purposes, for example, charging a talisman or feeding an entity. It's particularly well suited for sexually related workings, such as a lust spell, or a devotion to Astarte. If you either can't or don't want to perform a ritual at the time you absorb the energy, it can be stored externally for later use. You could do this manually (pushing energy into a piece of jewelry is good for this), or you could create a servitor to do it.

Safety & Disclaimers

I've used the female pronoun throughout this article. This shouldn't be in any way taken to mean than men can't use the suggested techniques. The contents of this article are based entirely on my own personal experiences. Your mileage may vary. Your tastes and preferences are not mine, nor are mine yours. I've also suggested picking people up in clubs, fucking large numbers of people, and any number of other dubious actions. None of these need be dangerous if you exercise a modicum of common sense.

Here are a few generic warnings, some of which might even be useful to you. Use condoms. Take along a friend who can help you keep people from doing things you're uncomfortable with. If something seems dodgy, or if you feel uncomfortable with it, stop. If you're going to meet someone alone for the first time, let someone else know where you're going. Etc. Obviously, we wouldn't EVER suggest that you even consider doing anything that's illegal in your local area. If you do, and get caught, don't say we didn't warn you. Same applies if you get hurt, get attacked by a horde of demons, or if anything else nasty happens to you as a result of doing anything you think has been recommended in this article.




Vampiric Magick

21:37 Jun 23 2006
Times Read: 2,141

Vampiric Magick

The basic idea of Vampiric Magick is, to gain certain attributes, the classical Vampires from the stories have.

The most useful quality a Vampire has is the drainage of life-force. In the stories this would be the sucking blood of various damsels.

Mages however can transfer the primal life-force of any chosen target quite easily in many different ways.

The draining of life-force can be done in a number of different ways:


Sigil Magick

Servitor Creation

Rune Magick


This would be the easiest option. It can either happen in line of sight of the victim or in imagination alone. While standing near your intended target start visualising a cord between you and the victim and start draining it that way. The cord here works as a hose or channel through which the life-force is absorbed.

Visualisation can also be done without being near the target. In this case imagine yourself and the target, add the channel between you and start absorbing its life-force.

Having a direct link to the target, such as hair, body fluids or clothing would be beneficent in this latter method.

Sigil Magick

Ordinary Sigil Magick can also be used for vampiric purposes, the only problem is that it's not that reliable. If you're for revenge for example it might be somewhat hard to forget about the sigil.

The Statement of Intent for a Sigil like that could be:

To drain the life-force of X and to transfer it to me for (time)

Sigilise the Statement, load and forget.

Servitor Creation

Creating a vampiric entity is much more reliable than the afore mentioned Sigil Magick.

You can Servitors for such a task in different depths.

If you want to vampirise a specific target for a specific time and never again you can create a one-time servitor with a Statement of Intent like

To drain the life-force of X and to transfer it to me for (time)

This Servitor can be either created in a physical basis with a link to the target attached to it, or you link it directly to the representation of the victim.

Another option is to create a re-usable Servitor for this task. An example rite of this one can be found on the Creation of a Vampiric Servitor page. This one has the advantage that you can assign other targets to it once it is finished with the first. The disadvantage however is, that you can't carry it around too easily.

But if you want a vampiric entity with you, you can create a generalised version with a command core like:

To drain the life-force of any chosen target and to transfer it to me

Such a Servitor can be used on any target either in line of sight or when you imagine the victim and set it off to it. If you leave the commands open enough in the creation you can even assign multiple targets to it.

Of course it is not always necessary to create a Servitor in such a way. I've successfully created one that I put into a nice wrapping only by visualisation. I started imagining an entity and just gave it some basic commands that it should drain any person he encounters.

In the Servitors you should always include some code what they should do if they encounter any trouble. For example they could draw back for a while and return to the victim when it is sleeping.

Further it should also be specified how much energy should be drained. The general vampiric servitor usually works as long as you want it to work. I'd suggest to assign a mantra to it so as long as you chant it either verbally or mentally the servitor is set to transfer life-force to you. But the other should have a working time set as well as what should be become of the victim.

If the target is drained until death, the victim can start showing signs of a wasting disease at some point. If something is done about that it could be considered beneficial for the caster, since he gets more energy to feed on.

Rune Magick

Runes can also be used in Vampiric Magick in various ways. As stated on Vampiric Runes, a stadhagaldr would be an option. This stadhagaldr is used to hone your abilities to raise your skills in transferring and absorbing life-force.

Further they can be used to magnify the power of a Servitor and to create a talisman.

In the case of magnifying the Servitor you can implement the runes Algiz, Fehu and Uruz, all upside-down, in its sigil. Additionally to that, Laguz (upside-down too) can be used if the outcome should be terminal.

If you want to create a talisman, use all the runes given on the Vampiric Runes page and load it with an appropriate galdr. This talisman can work as a focus through which you drain your victims life-force.

What to do with the energy

You can either transfer the energy to yourself to empower you for some magickal working, or you can store it in a prepared vessel for later use like servitor creation etc. Everything's up to you.

The Runes themselves don't seem to be that suited for Vampiric Magick at the first impression. However some of them, used upside down can be used in invocations

* to transfer life-force from the target to the caster

* lessen one's life-force

* and strengthen qualities like power of persuasion and attraction

The Runes that could be used for Vampiric Magick are:

Fehu Fehu: Destruction, weakening of psychic power, transfer of life-force from target to caster

Uruz Uruz: weaken and/or absorb life-force

Ansuz Ansuz: Initiation in the Mysteries of Death, raises

power of persuasion and hypnosis

Isa Isa: Control over other beings

Algiz Algiz: Weakening of the targets defences and life-force

Laguz Laguz: Death

Combined as:


The bind-rune could be used as a programming for a Vampiric Servitor or as a sigil for Vampiric entities in general. In creating the bind-rune on a physical basis, remember that each rune should be drawn and invoked seperately. Nauthiz could be included to induce the need in the target to be with or close to the caster, or to create in the caster the need to drain others.

Stadhagaldr and Invokation

This invocation can either be used as a stadhagaldr, where the mage assumes the form of the rune and invokes it, or in talismantic magick.

For talismantic magick carve each rune of the bind-rune separately into a material basis and charge it while carving with the statement. As colours I'd recommend:

Red: Fehu, Uruz

Black: Ansuz (for deaths mysteries), Algiz and Laguz

Yellow: Ansuz (for persuasion) and Isa

The Galdr

Ansuz Ansuz ! Let me gain insight in the Mysteries of Death!

I invoke ansuz to raise in me the power to persuade others...

isa ...and isa , so that I can easily control my victims.

Algiz Algiz ! Lower the natural defence of my chosen victim so that...

fehu ...I can drain and transfer with the power of fehu ...

uruz their victims life-force. I absorb my victims life-force with the power of uruz !

Laguz Laguz ! With each draining my victim grows weaker until it finally shall die.

Invocation of the Vampiric Aspect

This rite is for invoking your vampiric aspect followed by draining the life energy of a target.


* Select your victim.

* Altar: cover the altar with black cloth and place it in the western side of the room. Above the altar hang a vortex (representing the gates to hell and the abyss). Place a photo of the victim below it. On the altar place two black candle, a dagger, a chalice filled with red wine (representing the blood of your victim).

* Music: Something suitably dark. I'd suggest Carpe Noctem (available on Tanz der Vampire) or Seize the Night (available on Napster, just look around there).

* Garment: Black of course.

The Rite:

Ignite the candles, start the music.

The invocation:

Point the dagger to the vortex and chant:

I throw open the gates

to the abyss of horror

I release my demonic double (your name)

out of the darkness into the light of the world

Visualise your demonic brother to arise out of the vortex and merging with you while saying the following:

I fuse and merge with the vampirc aspects of my dark brother

to let (victims name) tremble with revulsion and terror

to feed on the life essence of (victims name)

to let him see the power and glory of hell!

Lift the chalice, and shout the name of your victim.

I drink from this chalice

the vessel of (victims name) life

and swallow the life essence of (name)

Drink the wine to the last drop.

I destroy all your hopes and dreams

I'm the darkness inside your night

In the darkness I hear your screams

You've been abandoned by the light

I'm thrilled at giving you pain

I'm thrilled at hearing your screams

I'm thrilled at drinking from your veins

I'm thrilled at corrupting your dreams

I'm thrilled at tasting the blood of your heart

I'm thrilled at having you in my control

I'm thrilled at tearing your body apart

I'm thrilled at destroying your soul

I'm thrilled at destroying your soul!

Carpe Noctem Lamia

Sanguim Suga Belua

Repeat until you reach gnosis (seething is a good technique for this one), then come to a complete stop and chant:

Look at me (name of victim)

You are weak

Darkness surrounds you

You belong to me alone

You are lost forever

Your will is broken

Eternal Night's got a hold on you

You are nothing more but an empty shell

I have hunted you down

I drink your life essence again and again

Until I tasted the very last drop

Your soul belongs to me

You are empty

My will be done!

Douse the candles.





05:00 Jun 19 2006
Times Read: 2,148


Grógaldr or The Spells of Groa is the first of two poems contained with within Svipdagsmál. The poem is an example of necromantic practice within Norse mythology. It details the raising, by Svipdag, of his mother Groa, a Völva, from the dead. This she had asked him to do while alive; the prescience of the völva is illustrated in this respect. The purpose of this necromancy was that she could assist her son in a task set him by his cunning stepmother, who, one presumes, had an agenda of her own.

In the first stanza, Svipdag speaks and bids his mother to arise from beyond the grave, at her burial mound, as she had bidden him do in life.

The second stanza contains her response, in which she asks Svipdag why he has awakened her from death.

He responds by telling her of the task he has been set by his stepmother, i.e. to win the hand of Menglod. He is all too aware of the difficulty of this: he presages this difficulty by stating that:

"she bade me travel to a place

:where travel one cannot

:to meet with fair Menglod"

His dead mother agrees with him that he faces a long and difficult journey but does not attempt to dissuade him from it.

Svipdag then requests his mother to cast spells for his protection.

Groa then casts nine spells, or incantations. (tbc




Ars Falcis

04:58 Jun 19 2006
Times Read: 2,149

Ars Falcis is dedicated to covering in detail the techniques and methods of many paths of necromancy; it is broken into five segments that will load as a single large page; please be patient. As stated before, this should not be construed as an exhaustive compendium. It is merely a guide for the seeking necromancer. These spellcrafting concepts are presented as foundations which many necromancers may appreciate both as a list of ideas and also as a record of confirmed spell techniques that may be adopted and modified as necessary to suit one's own needs. What exactly this "spellbook" is should be clarified from the outset: this is not meant to be a quick and dirty guide for people with no understanding of basic occult concepts to simply pick up and become archnecromancers in a day. It must be emphasised that this compilation will be nothing but empty words for one who does not already have a fairly firm grasp on occult concepts and also has done some exploration into the practical aspects of necromancy. This page is a partial list of ideas, techniques, necromantic subdivisions, skills, and practical study recommendations. There are no "blight mine enemies" or "call of geists" spells here, though the tools to create one are certainly present. Only wisdom can turn this knowledge into something other than inert writing.

Though these categories of necromantic progression are not necessarily an absolute gradient system for necromancers to follow, there are different types of skills involved in exploiting these different facets of necromantic spellcraft which are ordered to tentatively represent what is commonly considered a progressive menu of advancement for the disciple of decay. As such, "fundamental necromancy" has been presented first as a primer for the necromantic magus to comprehend before moving on to "vampiric necromancy", and suchlike until the final stage of "transcarnate necromancy", which is usually considered to be the ultimate achievement within this art. It is recommended that these divisions be explored in succession, though circumstances may well dictate an alternate regimen for whatever reason.

Best of luck in your necromantic studies.

Fundamental Necromancy: Some skills in the realm of necromancy are considered foundational. Without

these skills the name 'necromancy' itself would lose all meaning and become another art entirely. Fundamental necromancy skills are often transferrable to the other necromantic subdivisions in much the same way that addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are skills that are used even in the most advanced and detailed forms of mathematics. These skills will be ordered in their perceived difficulty based on a working knowledge of the learning experiences of various necromancers though it is possible that any of these can be taken in any order with equal or greater success depending on the interests and motivations of the individual. Among the first aspects of fundamental necromancy is the desire to know the condition of the soul and to sense the condition of the world beyond this simple corporeal template we foolishly call "reality". The universe as we know it, for the manifestation of patterns that it is, is also layered. Our ability to manipulate the closest layers cause effects on this level as well. The reiki healer, to assess illness, is often rumoured to not even ask what the illness one is being treated for is. They use their sensitivity to the ethereal level to diagnose where the malady is and likewise to remove the complication and to then repair the area of trouble by realigning the body so life force can once again flow. This same soul-reading technique employed by the reiki practitioners is also used as a foundational starting point for the necromancer. The most common method used to become sensitive to the condition of the soul is to attempt to read one's own state. The individual surely knows how their own body feels with regard to illness, pains, weaknesses, and even something as simple as cramps or fatigue, and can learn to correlate these associated bodily grievances with an ethereal state. Whatever method is chosen in the end, the goal is for the necromancer to become sensitive to the condition of the body and associate this decaying feeling with an intuitive equivalent usually coined "death essence" so that it can be spontaneously reproduced at any given moment. This defines one of the first things that most necromancers suggest to those wishing to delve into the art for the purpose of causing decay and remains one of the staple methods of initially learning to be sensitive to the correct ethereal energy.

Once capable of identifying this force there is always the question of how one is meant to study it since intuition is sometimes considered an inefficient way to learn magic. I do not agree with this statement, yet there is a trick that necromancers can use to accelerate their learning. The following deceit is one of the many shortcuts and cheats used by the dark arts which have earned them such a malevolent reputation but it is still an easier way to go about studying than starting from scratch: many necromancers find it expedient to pick up a chart of the various Chinese acupuncture meridians in the body and, with a bit of ingenuity, attempt to retrograde the information provided by many alternative healers until information designed for bodily restoration has been essentially corrupted to become a quick-start guide for necromancy with far less effort than mapping out the life channels of the body from the beginning. This corruption process applies not only to life meridian maps but also to any information originally designed to heal through the use of life magics or manipulation of the biological structure in any sense. Examples of such invertible information are sources such as pranayama, reiki, qi gong, acupuncture, dim mak, accupressure, breathism, kundalini, chakras, nadis, anatomy (brain, nervous system, organ systems, circulation, neurology, etc), medicine, exergy, tai chi, yoga, ayurveda, shiatsu, arhatic meditation, tantric sex, sex magic, and other occult or biological forms which enhance or investigate the body or qi/numen/prana/life force/vital essence (et cetera).

It can truly be said that the art of necromancy, more so that many other forms of occultism, is highly intuitive. Based largely on the use of the five senses, deduction, and the "sixth sense", necromancy spells of all sorts rely heavily on the lucidity of the practitioner to understand what constitutes necromantic power. Responses from spirits are often "felt" rather than seen though this is not to say that visual manifestation of apparitions is by any means unheard of. Many times responses from certain spirits are based on the sense of touch, a shift in ambient temperature, physical disturbances such as might be attributed to the poltergeist, changes in the behaviour of other nearby living things such as humans and animals, or even a sense of "tension" in the air to denote that the necromancer's ethereal cries have been heeded by the dead. Travel through the netherworld is also largely an intuitive process which relies on sustained and correct interpretation of the impulses the nether will give. Related to netherworld travel is also the basic necromantic skill of contacting the realm of the dead where they are. This realm is traditionally assumed to have two locations: the first is either literally under the earth and the second view is that it is simply a layer of this world. In most necromantic forms the former theory is favoured stating that the realm of the human dead (leaving open the possibility for other similar realms) is restricted to the approximate boundaries of earth. The usual exercises performed by a necromancer to attempt to attain a sensitivity to the dead are such seemingly morbid activities as visiting graveyards, funerals, places of mourning, or places associated in some way with spectral haunting or decay. Within this realm it is assumed these places are often the residence of the recently dead before they pass on to the netherworld. In some rare instances they are thought to linger on earth to become what we would call a ghost. With these notions about the activities of the spirit post mortem the necromancer attempts to become familiar with the power of death by coming into contact with it at the most likely physical junctures. Many report feeling "something different" in such places. That very feeling of ethereal tension or otherworldly power is what the necromancer attempts to touch so as to be able to remember its feeling and spontaneously be able to identify it again in any given location. Once identified by this manner, the power of the dead can be called upon through practice in manipulating one's own soul and of detecting the presence of wandering spirits. Moreover, spirits aside, identifying and being familiar with this power allows one to directly manipulate it since the soul of the living necromancer is theoretically every bit as capable as the soul of the disembodied.

To achieve this state of disembodiment while still in the realm of the living, the concept of soul must be remembered. We are not bound to flesh and bone. We exist as something beyond the physical (though not necessarily as something greater, which would be a debate for religionists rather than necromancers).

In this sense it can be considered a fair assumption to state that necromancy is a developed skill rather than a static and lifeless series of ritualistic incantations (forgive the pun). The mechanics of different necromantic skills, once isolated and identified, are often cut cleanly into instructions or concise notes which are still referred to as "spells" though this should never be taken to necessarily denote that this means that there is any universal formula which can be used between practitioners or given to the unlearned as a metaphysical manipulation sequence. What would probably be the most fair definition for the nature of written necromantic spells is any given set of instructions designed by the individual for personal use in recreating a certain effect, much more like an ideological or symbolic set of instructions prepared as a personal reminder of methods successfully used in the past rather than rote commandments. Also, the inscription of precise and accurate spells is usually given more weight in necromancy than in other arts simply due to the nature of the spells in general. They are often aimed at unravelling the health or well-being of another living creature, which can be a prohibitive factor if one is in the habit of having to refine spells constantly through recasting. Obviously, there is a point at which the quantity and quality of available targets will start to wear thin if every necromancer were to treat the world as their own personal laboratory. For this reason it is far more common in necromancy to spend copious amounts of time pondering the mechanics of a spell, the effects, the effort required, the method to be used to induce a given effect, and other related factors than it would be in many other arts. The wiccan tradition is a fine example of the antithesis of necromantic study in this case. The wiccan "spells" that one might find floating around on the internet or in even more authoritative wiccan texts, such as the consistently unscrupulous Llewellyn texts available, are often nothing more than a spoken slapdash haiku to the Lord and Lady which could be generated by any youngster in a matter of minutes. Conversely, the necromancer does not necessarily have a patron deity to cry out to (though some often adopt one nonetheless) and relies instead on personal skill to produce precisely the effect they want. This desired effect is sometimes given into the care of a spirit, which carries the same risks of misinterpretation and clashing agendas as any other summoning or deity interaction might, and sometimes the necromancer takes care of a matter personally to ensure there are no mistakes. There is no stone-etched rule concerning preference and each practitioner tends to either balance the two options or picks one exclusively.

As far as spells which one might consider "fundamental" to necromancy, there are a few which cross semantic boundaries absolutely. As mentioned earlier, the skill of sensing the ethereal level is a basic skill for necromancers to hone. Without some kind of knowledge about the state of the world of the dead or being able to manipulate it there is no death magic. The names for this skill vary, yet it can be generally assumed that speaking of "Awareness" in the necromantic sense will not be an alien thing among practitioners. This same concept has been adopted by a great many occult groups and takes form in the name "enlightened", "awakened", "illuminated" and arguably the phrase "having second-sight" can also denote this principle in action under other systems. Some codify this into a proper spell, yet many would rather leave the mechanics of such a fundamental ability as a matter of heuristics rather than forthright explication. This awareness of death also gives rise to the direct attraction of attempting to manipulate that which we know of as the death essence. Exploring the realm of the dead and borrowing from its power through personal interaction is one of the boons associated with every form of necromancy that exists. The awareness of death in the metaphysical sense leads directly to other skills which are necessary for the proper development of necromancy. Among these is sensitivity to the presence of disembodied spirits, the condition of spirits still tied to the body which reside in the living flesh, the ability to detect thanatoic power or related netherworld entities, and the ability as an adept to detect even another necromancy spell as it is being cast. Of course though, as the popular infomercial caveat states, "individual results may vary."

The necromantic trance state is brought about by the quieting of one's body and mind to allow for uninterrupted interface with the movements of the death essence. To begin this process is not difficult but to perfect it is deemed a great feat. Quieting one's mind, for the necromancer's purpose, usually begins by also silencing the impulses of the body. Allow the mind to forget about the body and the normal mind-chatter that goes on in any regular circumstance. Many necromancers begin their training in this meditative state by lying down in a comfortable position to allow for total relaxation without having to retain positions or focus in any way on the needs of the body. For obvious reasons, it is not wise to attempt this as a pre-sleep ritual since, more often than not, sleep will overtake the weary mind before catharsis does. The body is a mechanical construction capable of caring for itself for limited spans of time. The purpose of these exercises is to free the mind and prime it for conditions favourable for magic. The body can be ignored. Many necromancers use a visualisation process, which I personally do not endorse, to imagine the limbs becoming numb. Imagination aside, prolonged and focused attempts to allow the body to lay perfectly lifeless will result in the slowing of the heart, self-induced lethargy of the limbs, and eventually this lifelessness will spread to the rest of the body. The goal is total relaxation while retaining one's mental clarity. The body, through this process, will eventually leave the limbs in a numb state to fully rest. At this point, the extremities become meaningless. After a bit of time the limbs will feel not only relaxed, but genuinely dead as though the hands of a thousand souls were grasping them and squeezing the life from them. At this point, concentration can now be moved from the entirety of the body to only the head, torso, and midrift. Using a similar process of lifeless relaxation, allow the midrift and groin to also be overcome with thanatoic paralysis. This is a natural preparation the body uses when shutting down for sleep, yet if one is inducing it artificially the mind does not necessary lay to rest as well. The mechanical benefit of this method is that the body is made quiet, piece by piece, until it is no longer a burden. The mind, which is to be understood as an expression of the soul for necromantic purposes (as opposed to the brain which is merely a carnal interface), and thus capable of moving and sensing with the death essences. Crudely put, this exercise is a simple discipline of self-control and training of the body for cases where it may have otherwise been a distraction. In addition to simply being able to consciously allow the body go numb through perfect rest, which is a step in the right direction by its own merit, there is the much more difficult control method to lower the pulse and rate of breathing which is similar to pranayama yoga. The body does not need as much oxygen as we breath in if is truly at rest. It can be forced to rest by forcing the body to slow down the rate of breathing. Unlike simple practices in holding one's breath however the purpose is to overcome the feeling of panic that the body will go through while not having enough air. Breathing out, rather than holding air in, is the key to effectively lowering the senses; it is, of course, absolutely essential that at least minimal vital signs remain. Controlling one's own breath, which is easily done consciously, can allow the strong-willed to reduce the interferences the mortal body will present and allow the mind to do as it pleases. The slow and persistent attempt to fight the panic urge and allow the body to succumb to thanatoic paralysis will most definitely allow the practitioner to have a foretaste of the mind set required to perform the most powerful of necromantic magics by allowing clarity that few ever achieve; this is our necromantic gnosis.

If performed properly with the correct goals being achieved at successive steps of progress, the thanatoic trance will eventually become an irrelevant practice which can be discarded in favour of intuitively sensing changing in the matrices of death which surround us. For the sake of having a checklist of things to study before moving on from practices of fundamental necromancy, this score has been compiled to set landmarks for the aspiring necromancer. This checklist will be made for every Falcian discipline to aid the practitioner. Please note that it is very likely that these skills will never be perfected to air-tight accuracy. They are only general indicators:

Transcendental Meditation -- Intuitively, do you 'know' what death essence feels like? Not simply a bodily reaction or imagined sensation, but are you attuned to the movements of the power of death on command?

Thanatoic Sensitivity -- Do you have the ability to 'know' when death is nearby? Does a sick person intuitively seems any different than a healthy one? There should be a difference, but, once again, it is not the product of an over-active imagination.

Information Corruption -- Is information that has been adapted from life arts still coherent for necromantic purposes? Is the information still useful once corrupted?

Eidolonic Sensitivity -- Can you sense the presence of intelligences of the netherworld? Spirits of the dead and netherworld geists of all kinds traverse this world as well. Have you trained necromantic intuition to the point that these things can be felt spontaneously?

Vampiric Sensitivity -- Do you positively sense a strong correlation between the condition of the ethereal body and the material body? Does a change in the condition of the soul of someone nearby set your necromantic abilities ablaze?

Lichform Sensitivity -- Can you affect your own health or sense changes in your own health status without relying on physical signs? Are you "in touch" with the ethereal movements around you?

If the answer to any of these questions is "no", it is tentatively advised that, in the best interest of the practitioner, one should not proceed until the answer changes to a confident "yes". The list is likely most easily mastered in the order it is presented. Also, there should be a very noticeable trend in that list: sensitivity. The single most important thing to be able to do when starting to develop necromantic skills is undoubtedly to comprehend what is happening. Just as one always learns how to read before writing, so the necromancer necessarily must know how to comprehend before making changes. Certainty of one's skill is achieved by sensitivity training of various flavours which the necromancer necessarily must self-style to gain the greatest degree of accuracy in predictions and communications with the netherworld.

Generally speaking, one foundationally secure in fundamental necromancy should be able to display most of the stereotypical characteristics ascribed to necromancy. It is the ability to communicate with the realm of the dead in such a way as to not lose focus or neglect that which most would consider incidental. Often manifesting as the art of mediumism, sensing omens of death in others, and feeling the onset of spells or other works of magic that in any way manipulate the life force. Indeed, many do not stray far from simply refining fundamental necromantic abilities and are quite content to develop their sensitivities rather than continue on a dubious and reportedly arduous journey into other branches. The choice, as always, is the practitioner's; the practice is best molded to one's needs rather than making personal adjustments to suit the art; it works for you, not vice versa.

Vampiric Necromancy: Vampiric spells within the necromantic tradition are focused on the nature of life

exchange. The vampiric necromancer aims at understanding the mechanics of the soul which might allow them to 'consume' the power of another through lecherous use of their infernal powers. As denoted by the use of the term "vampiric necromancer", many use this variety of necromantic spell as a subdivision specialty in its own right in the same way as other branches of necromancy are used. Vampiric necromancy focuses, as other forms, on the exchanges of the soul with the realm of the dead yet the peculiar aspect of vampiric necromancy is that it is designed as a means for the necromancer to use their own power to sway others and to leech from them. This sentiment is seen even in the modern occult term "psychic vampire" which implies that certain individuals exist which consciously or subconsciously "feed" from the psychic emanations of others. The term "vampiric" itself only symbolises a parasitic relationship between caster and host. Instead of psychic emanations being the target, necromantic vampirism concerns itself with the relation between death and the potential for life exchange between living beings. The views on how this is achieved vary greatly. In some cases the language used to describe the sapping of life from victim to necromancer resembles that which would be used to describe fluid exchanges. The soul, in some cases, is loosely treated as a thing which exists almost as a form of meta-matter on another level which somehow interacts with and sustains the physical body on this level. Using more specific terminology, "life force" is discussed using much of the same language that energy physics might use and treats the soul as a phenomenon rather than a thing with mass, though this is occasionally not the best language set to use. Generally speaking however, this tends to be the favoured language set used to discuss life exchange to avoid confusions which arise due to the nature of causality.

It is very important to note a few things before truly beginning to discuss the nature of vampiric necromancy. The term "vampiric" is sorely abused in modern meta-occult jargon and has come to connote everything from full-blown actual mythological Bram Stoker vampires, "real" vampire cults (...), psychic leeching, and almost any other act which robs any thing from any source without replacing it or to the detriment of the source. The term "vampiric necromancy" is not one which ever necromancer will use though most will understand what is being referred to even if they are not studied in the subject. For this reason alone the term 'vampiric necromancy' will be used. As mentioned however, it carries an enormous amount of philosophical baggage which should not be inferred but undoubtedly will be by those who become easily stalled by semantics. "Vampiric Necromancy" does not refer to any of the following: vampires a la Bram Stoker, blood-drinking humans who call themselves "vampirists", the so-called "sanguinarian vampires" "psychic vampires" as mentioned in the Satanic Bible (or elsewhere), blood-play enthusiast gothics who gather in vampire clubs on weekends (or any other day), or any of the "clip-on fangs" groupies, and magicians whose rites include blood consumption or christening. No specific social group is to be considered the source of this information. They tend to believe there is something intrinsically biologically or metaphysically different about themselves or that they are demons in human bodies and thus veer into wild, exotic, irresponsible forms of spiritual ultraterrestriogensis. One may draw their own conclusions about the validity of any of the groups which call themselves vampiric yet vampiric necromancy uses the term only for the ideological reference, not to imply in any way that there are "real" vampires walking this world or that blood or psychism plays any role in vampiric necromancy. It is indeed a shame to see how the presence of the word "vampiric" tends to carry so many negative and childish connotations yet it must be acknowledged that they do exist. The internet being what it is, the fact must be reiterated that there is no reason at all to believe that vampiric necromancy as portrayed here has anything to do with mythological vampires or vampirism nor that it is in any way connected to the "vampire" subcultures that have developed, both mystical and mundane.

Vampiric necromancy concerns itself with affecting the matrix of soul that usually coincides with the material body. The precise nature of this connection is not known though its malleability has been well established by the practice of siphoning life between individuals through the use of vampiric necromancy. Even in ancient Native American traditions there arose the idea of the "wendigo", which was a demon-like spirit which possesses the body of a warrior who eats the flesh of his fallen foes. By consuming the flesh, as the theory states, one is said to gain the strengths of their defeated adversary while also slipping more deeply into the grasp of the possessing bloodthirsty spirit. And, of course, the Levitical laws and Slavic vampire myths only contribute to the notion that life is a transferrable quality. Notwithstanding that it is unadvisable to consume the flesh of other humans, nor that vampiric necromancy does not require this, the point remains that soul transfer has been a subject of interest in many mystic cultures. The theory as it stands tends to be somewhat similar to the idea of touching a strong magnet to a weak magnet. The weak one invariably realigns with the strong one and vice versa such that there is an equilibrium found between the two strengths of magnet. In much the same way, on a metaphorical level, the operations of vampiric necromancy attempt to create a synergy between two souls which will result in a siphon from the weakness of the caster and the strength of the target. Vampiric necromancy is also the gate through which a pseudo-restorative form of necromancy can be utilised.

Though sometimes the necromancer prefers to retain a lich state, such as might be necessary for some feats of eidolonic necromancy (discussed later) and for all feats of transcarnate necromancy (also discussed later), there are opportune times for the necromancer to make use of the ability to synergise with the life force of another which makes itself most readily apparent when considering the art of vampiric necromancy. Unfortunately, the details of this practice are often marred beyond recognition and subsequently tossed about carelessly by vampire groupies. For the necromancer however, there is a degree of clarity regarding such an operation that mystifies the majority. Vampiric necromancy's power hinges on the idea that the soul and body are correlated entities and that one can not avoid affecting the other any time there is change. Arguably, both are in a state of perpetual change which must be monitored and controlled to avoid losing control over one's necromantic body.

To start, one must understand the nature of vampiric operations and then attempt to manipulate these circumstantial variables such that they are working in favour of sustaining the practitioner rather than utterly draining them as most necromantic forms, and indeed as any type of magic is known to do. Mages of all types very frequently report the drain that sustained practice will produce on the psyche; it is this effect that the vampiric necromancer seeks to avoid, to a greater extent, and, to a lesser degree, also wishes to impose upon another in their stead. The vampiric rites begin by creating an established and personally verifiable link between the practitioner and another life-bearing target. Sensing the condition of both souls is vital, but should be a skill the necromancer already has a firm ability to perform. Part yourself from the body, as an initial step. The body is merely a material shell that is mostly capable of caring for itself, in the greater sense, while the soul of the vampiric necromancer seeks to parasitically borrow from the essence of another. To do this requires liberty of the soul to work in accordance with the body in a lesser lich state which allows the practitioner to correlate the condition of the soul with the condition of the body. This is achieved by a waking necromantic trance, which should already be understood in theory before being attempted. The crux of the matter is that the human necromancer is indeed a living and breathing creature which is full of life and that, by touching death through necromancy, the likelihood of coming away from the experiences unscathed is remote. The solution which vampiric necromancy presents is to feed from the soul of another. This is often considered sinister, unscrupulous, evil, or all of the above by many different types of magician, leading to a somewhat less than admirable reputation for vampiric necromancers. Nonetheless, some choose to practice this art. The soul is considered a matrix which rests as the ethereal mirror of the body but which is most obviously not comprised of the same materials as the corporeal frame. Like the corporeal body though, the ethereal body (being the soul) has properties reminiscent of the material body; to bring this idea to a point, the vampiric exchange of life energy is similar to the concept of a blood transfusion.

The soul is a particularly well-congealed formation which will not readily break apart without prompting from outside forces of one sort or another, which does complicate matters to a certain extent for one inclined to leech life from a target. The problem this presents is that the necromancer can not simply approach a target and start sapping vitality from anyone they please in an instant. The soul must be worn down by a disjunction process which is initiated by the practitioner upon the target and which does not relent until the target's soul has been worn down to the point of losing a fair degree of its initial integrity. Somewhat like breaking an egg, the soul will retain its form (more or less) unless it is tampered with. The goal of the vampiric necromancer is to abrade the target's soul until it becomes malleable. Upon completing this softening process, which may manifest as any of a wide variety of different forms of unrest in the one who has been violated in this manner, the soul is then ready to be harvested. Finding voids in one's own soul and then attempting to induce a waking necromantic trance state, separate the soul from your own body and attempt to overlay it with the target. As the theory goes, the absorption of the life force of the target temporarily weakens the necromancer due to the effort of partially separating body and soul, yet when the separated portion of the caster's soul returns from its assault on the softened and partially damaged soul of the target, its condition is generally better than it was before being separated.

Of course, the most damning factor of using vampiric necromancy of this particular sort is that its successful application depends entirely on the ability to first correctly assess the condition of the target soul. If the condition of the targeted soul was in worse shape than the condition of the practitioners soul, the spell will effectively reverse its intended purpose and cause harm to the necromancer. Assumably, this is not the reason one would practice this particular strain of necromancy and great care should be taken to avoid this kind of backfire effect at all costs. Only a correct assessment of the soul of one who is in a better condition than the necromancer and performing the rest of the spell properly can ensure that it benefits the one who has gone through the trouble of casting a vampiric spell in the first place. In general, one can begin simply by a physical comparison between one's self and the target. The soul and the body are not unrelated systems. As such, simply observing the condition of a corporeal body gives at least some vague and utterly shallow idea of what the condition of the soul might be. This is not, as inferred, a very reliable measure, but it is a precursory examination method nonetheless. The true strength of discernment lies in the ability to sense the condition of a soul by taking note of the image they cast in the nether realm. Is their shade a vibrant one or is it weak? Practice in honing one's sensitivity to the death is the only way to perfect the art of soul analysis.

Ethereal parasitism is hardly the only skill the realm of vampiric necromancy utilizes, however. Another of the most noteworthy skills that will be discussed more briefly is the allure of vampiric ensnarement. Shortly put, ensnarement is the ability to overlay the soul of the necromancer with the soul of the target for the purpose of attempting to influence their actions and thoughts. Mobility of the soul is a skill one usually learns early in their practices as a necromancer even while attempting to become sensitive to the powers of death. The soul is not entirely bound to the material body and can be largely separated from the corporeal shell to travel freely in the realm of the dead. The soul is the most essential consciousness which naturally resides in an ethereal state adjacent to the level of death. When it is allowed to traverse (do not mistake the use of the third-person "it" to imply that the usage of "your mind/soul" would be any less appropriate) the body remains at rest if there is not enough consciousness to coordinate it. For the purpose of vampiric ensnarement though, a total severance of the soul from the body is not necessary or advised. Instead, the use of a partial waking detachment which may result in the same distant feeling as remote viewing, astral viewing, bilocation, or other similar tricks might induce. Likewise, as many telepaths, empaths, or diviners might suggest, there can be strong impulses to obey the one who has been connected to rather than to have them obey you. Remembering that the one being affected has the advantage, since they are the ones with whole and concentrated souls during these spells, and it is the caster who is reaching to affect them. Skill can overcome this obstacle where force will not, but it will take time and effort. When speaking of vampiric necromancy to other necromancers, this is often referred to as "casting your shade" at the target to overlay their own and thus vicariously control them if you have the concentration and will to do so.

As a side note on the application of vampiric necromancy, there are also variants which take a more sensual approach in application and attempt to exploit the vital essence put in motion through sexual union. The same techniques previously mentioned still apply, but the vampiric necromancer attempts to exploit the claimed vulnerability of a target soul while aroused, throughout copulation, and during the deceleration period afterwards.

It is probably fair to note that the ability to overlay and interact between two souls is the defining ability of vampiric necromancy. This particular branch of study -- examining the potential exchanges between souls -- is what classifies a spell as "vampiric" or not. There is a certain amount of debate over this topic but, for the purposes of this text, this definition is inclusive enough to be functional.

Assessment -- Is the ability to discern the condition of a soul as being in better or worse condition than your own an established skill? Are the results after attempting a drain consistent with the assessments made beforehand?

Vampiric Transfer -- Do attempts to affect the soul of another through manipulation of the powers of death yield results? Are results that are achieved consistent with predictions made based on the condition of the soul prior to intervention?

Emulsification -- Is the abradement of the soul of a target a familiar matter? Can this skill be routinely performed with a reasonably high success rate? Not all souls will succumb to such assault, but the results on the target should manifest on the corporeal level within a day of a successful attempt.

Ethereal Overlap -- Are you capable of controlling your own soul's movements to the point that separating it from the body while still moving around reasonably normally (if not totally so) is possible?

Vampiric Siphoning -- Are the shards retrieved from the target soul properly integrated by the time you have reconstituted your own soul? When performing this parasitic act, can concentration be maintained until the entire operation is completed?

Ensnarement -- Is the overlaying of one soul upon another a manageable task? Is the initial confusion of not only separating your own soul, but of also synergising it with a foreign soul suppressible?

Vampiric necromancy is obviously not without its own form of drawbacks. There is the constant danger that one has misread their target and has inadvertently been damaged. Moreover, ensnarements run the risk of causing confusion or bewilderment in the caster, which is never favourable during the actual performance of a spell. In general, it is safe to say that this particular branch of necromancy is the most seldom used or refined due to the dubious rewards of practice and the potential complications that can and do arise from misuse or failed attempts. Sought by few, and mastered by fewer still, vampiric necromancy is an elusive facet of soul manipulation.

Eidolonic Necromancy: The name "eidolonic Necromancy" comes from the use of the Greek word

"eidolon", which is an apparition of the netherworld, both in necro-demonic or spiritual form. The term "eidolon" is even tossed about in various occult circles to mean any kind of spiritual form at all. For our purposes here however, the term "eidolon" will be taken to mean any form of necromantic creation or servant geist which also goes by the name "undead" or "ghost". The study of the necromantic undeads and eidolons is undoubtedly considered one of the most surreal aspects of this art. Real information on this fantastic facet is usually scarce, to say the least. Deep within the recesses of lore and mythology lies an answer for the astute practitioner which may allow interactions with those recently departed spirits or, more commonly, to arrange the conditions necessary for the dead to appear to have returned, in one form or another.

As a preface to the practice of spirit interactions, which have been the traditional utilitarian core of the practice of necromancy, it is most likely a wise diversion to examine a few tenets of eidolonic necromancy which must be understood before attempting to delve into this particular facet of the necromantic traditions. The first of the caveats held both by ancient and modern necromancers is that the fact that one is dead does not make them any smarter. One's soul does not instantly gain the Seer's knowledge simply by virtue of being dead. The process of dying is often seen rather as a reduction in the potential knowledge that a soul once had due to the shock which the inexperienced would receive of being instantly thrown into discarnation. Having such a radical shift in surrounding and reality is quite likely a disorienting and potentially damaging experience for the dead. Our own earthly comfort is taken for granted as the standard fare across all levels of reality, though this should not be the case. Consider the spirits potentially damaged; as lesser forms of what they were, their knowledge, and especially coherence, will only decrease if they are unable to cope with the total transition from life to death. The term "shade of the dead" can be taken figuratively as well as metaphorically, in this sense, to connote that the dead are merely a shard of their formerly glorious bodily form because most were unable to handle the transition from life to death. Also, the realm of the dead is generally not considered a particularly friendly place for the soul to set itself at rest, though it is not known to be exceptionally hostile either, with the exception of religious myths concerning hell or similar realms. As was inferred earlier, the transition from life to death can often result in the loss of information, memory, and many key personality traits that made a person what we might recognize them as while they were still embodied. This is the effect the Gnostics described as "drinking from Eridanus". In essence, it is the loss of memory and personality due to the shock of the transition to death or of adapting to life in the realm of the dead itself. Yet another consideration for those interested in dealing with spirits is the potential utility (or lack thereof) for information exchange. Many complications arise when attempting to use spirits as a source of knowledge.

The first of these complications is the problem of transferring of knowledge itself. A spirit will be unable to vocalise their intentions or desires. As such, the onus is on the practitioner to be sensitive enough to the intuitive impulses of the realm of the dead to accurately receive and convey desires in a quasi-empathic manner. Also, in the role of interrogator, the necromancer must learn to "ask" the correct questions if they are to receive meaningful answers. Interpreting non sequitur statements is very difficult in such a situation where the five primary senses are not applicable. The second complication which may arise when using spirits is determining how to use their knowledge. Unfortunately, far too many would-be necromancers assume that death, for some reason, makes a spirit profoundly knowledgeable and able to see the future with some kind of clarity not afforded to the living. There is no reason to believe that the dead have any more knowledge about life after their death than they had before their death, however, and, as such, one should not assume that spirits are to be called for the purpose of foretelling the future. Their primary purpose, now and always, has been to discern the nature of their experiences past and nothing more, which is the nature of the third stumbling block concerning the retrieval of a spirit from the netherworld. Necromancy as a divination form allows the spirits of the dead to once again commune with the caster, but there is no reason to suppose that they have special knowledge of the future or of lives they have not been involved with. In this sense, shades of the dead are dimmed and stagnant mirrors of their former glory which will have likely faded greatly. Such trivialities as the spirit's favourite colour, birthday, or their age at the time of death are very likely to have been lost in the torrential transition from one reality to the next. This is not true in absolutely every case, but many of the minute details of a life are often lost forever upon the death. Or, more correctly, it appears that these details have been lost to the best knowledge of those who have had extensive experience in such matters. There may in theory be a way to retrieve such details with pinpoint accuracy, but if such a method does exist it is not yet known to modern necromancers. As we see in many of the historical legends and fables connected with ghosts, the lesser details have unequivocally been ignored in favour of speaking of those things which were important at the time of the spirit's death. This particular notion is mirrored most poignantly in the necromancer's traditional role as a psychopomp to lay to rest souls which were disturbed at the time of their death. The general dilemma was extricated from unsettled spirits, the difficulty was resolved by the necromancer, the spirit was informed, and it was once again at peace to pass beyond the veil.

These are simply practical considerations when attempting to speak with the dead. Not every spirit is available at every moment, and not all of them are coherent, even if available. Furthermore, there is no indication that the dead know of the future, that they remember all of the past, or that their memory of even the past events they participated in is infallible. In short, it can simply be said that, dead or alive, humans are humans.

Keeping in mind the types of "zombies" that concern those interested in necromancy, the most curious aspect of necromantic practice emerges. Not only are these different types of servitor of vastly different origins, but all have unique methods of being made manifest on the material plane. In the case of ghosts, for example, the necromancer's most common role in the ancient world was that of a psychopomp. Being able to communicate with those creatures and intelligences which reside on the realm of the dead gave the necromancer a unique position in the spectrum of mystic proficiencies which made (and makes) this art the ideal discipline for ridding spirits of their unrest by communicating with them to resolve the issues of their unrest. Conversely, the necromancer's ability to commune with geists also made the art of necromancy ideal for those wishing to roust geists from their rest to perform last tasks for the geist's interests or for the sake of the necromancer. The question then remains, "how does one begin communication between spirits?" Traditional and contemporary practices diverge, at this point, into a variety of methods depending on the aims of the necromancer.

The first and most simple form of communication with the spirits of the dead or with other spirits from the realm of the dead (the necrodaemons) bases itself out of the theories behind the fundamental skill of inducing the necromantic trance state; dreaming, interestingly enough, is one of the most commonly used methods by necromancers in ancient Greek and Rome and also by the contemporary necromancer to received visions from the realm of the dead. It was said that sleeping relaxes the body and mind to the point that there is enough of a common level with the dead to hear their calls. Sleep is a time of renewal for the body, but to achieve this renewal it has to release the tensions of the day and becomes somewhat corpse-like in appearance and function to revive, which is a prime state for necromantic interaction. The state of perfect corporeal quietness which sleep induces allows the mind to become unfettered by the clamour of the body and brain, which is the initial state considered useful for the necromancer to start to work with if using dreams as a preparation for interface with the dead. In terms of interesting research items for those studying the methods of eidolonic necromancy, lucid dreaming tends to be a favoured topic. The point of lucid dreaming is to take control of one's dreams and move freely through them, which allows for interface with the visions observed. As such, it is considered a useful skill, at times. Regardless of whether a dream is lucid or not though, the general tenet is that one who is in a deep slumber will be able to take advantage of their physical state by allowing the mind to take centre focus. Others have opted for more proactive measures to deal with eidolonic interfaces, however.

The second method typically used to communicate with the dead is overt summoning. Methods of performing this have varied enormously throughout the ages. In some instances, it is literally thought that to simply give a verbal call for the spirit is sufficient to establish communication with it. And then, of course, there is the other end of the spectrum of complexity which would have a necromancer drawing circles, making sacrifices, and using swords to tame a spirit into apparition. The preparations and rites used to call a spirit from their abode can not be fully accounted for, yet it should be emphasised that there has been a plethora of methods used to call forth spirits; all of which are "traditional". The Greeks tended to favour visitation of sites of death to recall those that perished at such places (often offering blood sacrifices as a coaxing method) or to simulate death through sleep or trance. In medieval necromantic variants, which were very heavily tainted by Christianity, there is an unfortunate reversion to the sword and circle methods which would seek to confine spirits by virtue of the "inherent power" of names of god and the divinity of numbers and shapes. The fact remains that they were used though, and had limited success.

The most common method used to entice a spirit is to attempt to call for them in a spiritual sense. Rather than laying offerings, which may be missed, or relying on dreams, which may not occur, the necromancer's most common method of retrieving a spirit from the realm of the dead is to call for them on the thanatoic level. Through this action we see the particularly strong emphasis that necromancy places on the use of the sixth sense and the intuitive nature of magical impulses rather than reliance on the five senses or variants thereof as a form of feedback. Spirits are not usually "seen", in the physical or metaphysical sense, but are rather understood to be there; felt, as a unique urge or subliminal impulse, to be present and responding to the cries of those that would wish to speak with them. Upon the arrival of a spirit, very often there are physical manifestations that paranormal investigators would use to detect the presence of a ghost, such as a sharp change in temperature, the sensation of being touched, of being watched, hearing something, or perhaps a full visual manifestation. Once again, a common communication medium, such as the necromantic trance state, is by far preferable. To utter a name is one method, but the more common one is to intuitively emanate the essence of the spirit. When speaking to people normally, even those with no magical inclinations at all acknowledge that there is a certain unique ambience about each person one encounters and interacts with that is not . To mentally reconstruct this ambience as a call sign for the spirit in question assures that there is no confusion.

The last and most radical of methods used to communicate with the spiritual realm is bodily possession. In this act of ultimate harmony between the spirit and the necromancer, the necromancer sacrifices their own body as a medium for communication by allowing the spirit to vampirically overlay itself with the necromancer and channel directly through the new host body. Most necromancers report the inability to fully recall what transpired while they were possessed by a spirit, and thus they first ask the spirit to write down what needs to be said for later review. Alternatively, if the possession is being performed for another, the necromancer's own body is used as a vessel to speak the required message. The general idea behind voluntary possession is that the necromancer clears their mind with the intention of creating a viable puppet of their own body for the inhabiting spirit and simply summons them until the binding tie between souls is so great that they act as one.

Eidolonic necromancy also carries the connotation of being able to create geists though. There are many forms of "zombie" mentioned throughout the history of necromancy. The idea of physical reanimation of the dead itself has only died out within the last one hundred years or so, which has significantly impacted the philosophy of the necromancer. In general, the resurrections which make necromancy so famous are either the summoning of a geist, as has been discussed, and the creation of an immaterial egregore or artificial servitor. The basis for the emergence and survival of this idea has been the tendency in occultism to speak of thought-forms. Essentially, the servitor is considered a hallucination which is induced by the artful use of psychological trickery, spellcraft, and exploitation of fears. The combination of these three elements allows the necromancer to take advantage of the common terrors of humanity and use them to hir own ends.

What defines a "common terror" though? The answer to this is a simple evolutionary bit of deductive logic: we fear pain and the unknown. Experiments and tortures involving sensory deprivation show quite clearly that humans are biologically reliant on the ability to comprehend our surroundings. As for the unknown -- this is the very core of the human fear of death and darkness. It is ingrained in us at the evolutionary level to desire self-preservation, through nerves and through hunger. Our psychological fears include heights, loud noises, and that which is not understood. These are simple biological mechanisms which have helped the human race survive as long as it has in an adverse environment. These fears can also be exploited.

In short, it can be said that eidolonic necromancy is the subset ability within the discipline of necromancy in general to interact with spirits and potentially even to create forms which elicit specific synesthetic responses from a target to emulate the perception of the living dead. The focus, in this case, is on the ability to fluently communicate in an ideological or empathic sense with those things that are essentially beyond the use of the five material senses. This fact makes that communication a difficult concept to grasp for the majority, yet it has been in the practical repertoire of necromancers for millennia.

Lucid Dreaming -- If you have chosen to use this method of interaction, have you had enough success in controlling the nature of your dreamscape? Does the lucid dreaming method render visions which are meaningful or are they simply dreams?

Interpretation -- Are the impulses received from those denizens of the realm of the dead apparent and intelligible correspondences? Are these messages characteristic of the spirit in question?

Communication -- When you communicate with a spiritual embodiment, is it clear that you are being understood by them? Are you capable of giving impulses and thoughts which are coherent to those of the netherworld?

Possession -- If you have chosen to use this method of interaction, do you have enough skill at summoning spirits to continue to do so until one resides in you? Is your concentration sufficient to undertake this task?

The eidolonic path is the most technical of the necromantic disciplines due to the nature of the information being presented to a practitioner. Not only are impulses to be grossly manipulated, but also to be refined in such a way that one is to discern meaningful communication from it. This is by far the most popular form of necromancy, but also one that often goes unappreciated simply for the fact that there is a necessary interaction with the realm of the dead and the spirits thereof. If one can overcome the fear of death, the effects of death likewise become essentially trivial and great rewards can be earned through the application of the powers of eidolonic necromancy.

Thanatoic Necromancy: Within the subdivision of thanatoic necromancy is found the more famous aspects

of necromancy which include death hexes and spells to induce frailties and illnesses of all sorts. It should be noted that the capacity for destruction is most often less than forthright death. Thanatoic necromancy is a study of the interactions which draw one closer to death and focuses on the knowledge to replicate this effect. Though this particular facet of necromancy is quite often seen as a quick ethereal outlet for the would-be teen hexcrafter to maliciously rain mystic angst upon his or her foes, the more subtle reflections of this art provide a way for the wise necromancer to use their necromantic prognostic powers to bring swift balance rather than to cause mayhem. This respect for balance is the reason that necromancy was not outlawed in ancient Greece and Rome. Rather than becoming a bane to society, the necromancers understood that all things, including life and death, exist in a certain balance that should never be disrupted to either extreme lest a situation spirals wildly out of control and into a state of chaos before being able to recover (yet this disruptive domino effect can have its own uses in the right circumstances). The necromancer has always been considered an arcane foreigner, and sometimes as a harbinger of sorrow, but not necessarily a destructive plague on society. The internal checks and balances of the system, so to speak, have traditionally kept the practitioner from being overly destructive. The system which prevents necromantic power lording is the reactivity of necromancy to the mentality of the practitioner. It is not so much inherently destructive as much as it is a balanced and inherently reactive system which degrades the degrader and leaves relatively untarnished the dabbler. This must be considered to be the case over a greater span of time however, since we can quickly see from any number of tales about the use of necromantic power that the reactivity of the art over the long term is less a problem (though certainly not a non-issue) for the cautious users although the short-term effects blanketly touch all who would intimately utilize the powers of death.

For those interested in creating effects which permeate both body and soul, necromancy does have its own brand of benefits available for the vindicative practitioner. As seen by the ancient necromantic tradition of hex tablets, the sallowing of practitioners ancient and modern, and the modern effects attributed to necromancy by practitioners including physical ailment and spectral visions, necromancy is not entirely a benign art if one chooses to explore certain aspects of it which are certainly equipped to influence this level of reality. Necromancy has a history not separated from the induction of baneful effects and, as such, has acquired a rather insidious reputation for the casting of malignant hexes and curses of maleficence. Notwithstanding public opinion, many choose to continue this fine tradition with hopes of passing the body and soul of their enemies through the fires of hades itself.

So how does one "hex" another? It is a legitimate and logical question which, unfortunately, necessarily precipitates an elaborate and complicated answer. To begin understanding the nature of necromantic hexcraft we must first understand the nature of life and death as completely as possible. Due to this fact, the overt attempt to "cast a curse" is often considered the sole baliwick of more experienced necromancers. Though other divisions of necromancy are baneful to the practitioner, target, or both, these potentially harmful skills are rarely used for the sole purpose of damaging the targeted person while sparing the health of the caster; this is the explicit aim of thanatoic necromancy though.

To begin with a thantoic hex we must identify a few key components which, when combined, would comprise a completed hex. The first of these components, without question, hearkens back to one of the fundamental necromantic skills: thantoic sensitivity. This skill, developed so early in a necromancer's practice, becomes vital when attempting to construct and cast curses. The realm of the dead, in essence, is just one of the many levels of one's perceptual reality and is correlated in many ways to all other dimensions or facets of reality which are accessible to the practitioner. When we consider the nature of the body as it is seen on the material level, as a construct of flesh and bone, it is always important to realize that what we are observing is only one of many "layers" of reality which comprise our perceptual reality. The dimensions of reality are not static, but always in a state of dynamic malleability coinciding in motion to all other adjacent levels of reality like successive waves of water pushing each other along in synchronous rolling movements. To affect the body ethereal is to affect the body material, and vice versa. The extent to which these interactions change the world tends to be relatively minimal though, feeding off chance and twisting circumstance to manifest a desired outcome, so it is rarely in the best interest of a sole necromancer to attempt to use a hex to wildly affect a target, or even to kill them, since such things fall well outside the realm of chance manipulation.

The second component to a thanatoic necromancy hex is the identification and assessment of the condition of the body ethereal. As was mentioned, the body ethereal (soul) is the projected replica of the material body which exists in synergy with the realm of the dead as well as a few other realms occultists have identified, such as the ethereal itself and, to some, the astral and twilight. For the purposes of the necromancer, we need not be concerned with manifestations on other levels and can safely focus on the effects and exchanges between the soul and the body solely from the perspective of the netherworld. The second part of a thanatoic hex, as one might expect, is also non-invasive. Indeed, the last thing one would wish to do is to attempt to cast a spell before having all the required information to maximize efficacy present. Some become frustrated with the tedium of having to identify a target's etheric condition, preparing themselves to interact through the realm of the dead, observing circumstantial factors related to the casting, and other such diagnostic procedures, yet it is always in the best interest of the caster to ensure that the majority of factors are working in their favour rather than being maligned to a spell or simply not working for or against its fruition. Patience is essential, or, perhaps more accurately, persistence, if one wishes to learn rather than hit and miss while attempting to construct a viable hex.

The condition of the soul is perhaps one of the most critical components of creating a worthwhile hex, since it is at this juncture that one finally decides what kind of hex is mostly like to take effect. It must be kept in mind that magic is the ability to entice chance to work in the favour of the desires of the magician. What practical application does this have for the necromancer? Well, for one, it partially dictates the type of spells that are likely to work. A person with a known heart condition, for example, is much more likely to fall prey to a spell designed to induce arrhythmia or other palpitations than a person who has a healthy heart. The lungs, the kidneys, or whatever organ is ultimately targeted is best tampered with if there is already a higher chance of malfunction than there would be in a totally healthy target. Allergies, surgeries, and other such information all play a role in creating a hex which will be most probable to manifest. This is not to say that complications can not be created from scratch, but it is very rarely in the interests of the occultist (or anyone else, for that matter) to pick the hardest possible route to achieve a desired effect.

The body ethereal will show blockages, malignancies, and other abnormalities which may or may not be rooted in the condition of the physical body, or may or may not be rooted in the metaphysical, yet the presence of one necessarily entails a deformity in the other to some extent which therefore makes identification of the original source of the problem much more of a non-issue. In essence, at this juncture, the goal is to use the developed ability to 'read' the condition of the ethereal body, including its malignancies, deficiencies, and deformities, to consider the most likely illness to attempt to induce. Of course, there may be any number of exploits which are all equally viable. To discern between these options is to decide how severe the curse should be by considering the impact that a successful hex would have on the target. Those involved in hexing should be strongly cautioned against half-hearted casting though! For one, there is obviously no guarantee that the spell work even if properly cast. Secondly, even if successful, there is no guarantee that it will be in any way noticeable. Conversely though, and most importantly, there is no fail-safe to ensure that the spell will always work as it was intended to when it does take effect, meaning that a spell which was not intended to be much more than an itch has every potential to ultimately be lethal to the recipient. The nature of magic itself forces the necromancer to accept the fact that there is always a possibility that something can go drastically wrong from the time a spell is cast to the time it reaches full maturity of effect, and that the aftermath of an effect does not immediately dither into nothingness after the necromancer has long forgotten about their stricken target. However, I will digress no more.

To cause the actual effect there are a number of methods which are frequently employed by the necromantic hexcrafter. The use of these is simply a matter of preference depending on how one has shaped their practice and which skills were given the most attention. The first of these is a vampiric method of soul-casting where one dislocates from their body through the necromantic trance state, finds their target's ethereal form, and directly interfaces with it to arrange for harmful results to ensue. The second of these is to communicate with a spirit of the netherworld -- geist or sprite -- and entreat its aid to cause the required damage. In ancient Greek necromancy, it should be noted, this was by far the most favoured method of all. Should a spirit require assistance finding or causing the required harm, they must be able to relay that information if the necromancer has enough skill to be performing a hex in the first place. In this sense, the necromancer acts as a thanatoic field general commanding his legion of nefarious spirits. The third method is to harness the power of the nether itself and direct it in much the same way as most other spellcasters would. This power goes by many names, but has primarily carried the title "death essence" in the modern western world. Introduced in copious quantities to malign the ethereal body, death essence is the quintessence of the netherworld itself. Its application potentials should become readily apparent shortly after beginning necromancy so it will be assumed that no explanation is needed.

It absolutely must be kept in mind that few things in life happen without some kind of repercussion, however. To avoid the greater part of complications which can arise from attempting to cast a curse, it is in the best interest of the spellcaster to invest some time in divination. Hasty decisions causing hasty errors as they do, taking some time to plan and prepare for every curse is always advisable. This is not to say one can not cast a curse on the spur of a moment, but that it is usually not the most wise option. Necromantic hexcrafting is largely a matter of gathering information about as many relevant factors as possible concerning the target and the potential effects a successful (or unsuccessful) curse would have on the target and those around him or her. The effects of a curse attempt do not stop with the manifestation of the curse itself, as was alluded to earlier, but rather continues to seep, in various ways, into the lives of those around the target as well. If a loved one were injured, it would affect the family, and the family's grief continues to affect those social networks to which they are connected, and so on and so forth. Things of this nature should not be ignored (although they may be considered an acceptable risk). A divination through speaking with spirits familiar with curses and the situation in general, such as a netherworld sprite or spirit, is usually the suggested method of divining the effects of a curse, though the traditional runestone or tarot methods also make for a respectable alternative. Necromancers traditionally made use of haruspicers (those priests who would read omens from the entrails of a slain animal) to decide how they would proceed.

In general it could be said that thanatoic necromancy is the finely analytical and technical subdivision of the necromantic arts which aims specifically at causing damage -- sometimes even very precise types of damage -- to a specific target at a time and in a manner which is dictated solely by the necromancer. The technical purity of this art, breaking hexcraft down into a set system of examinations and planned corruptions, makes direct hexing an art reserved for the particularly skilled magi. The emphasis for this necromantic skill is the ability to accurately gauge the condition of the soul of another, to correlate any ethereal 'injuries' to the material health of the individual, and then to choose a means to exploit one or more of the discovered chinks and attempt to amply its effect on the target.

Harnessing Death Essence -- Are you able to guide the fluctuations of the powers of death? Does the power of the netherworld appear to be something you are capable of reliably manipulating?

The Body Ethereal -- Are you capable of reading and exploiting the weaknesses of the metaphysical form of another? Does the material body empirically reflect the damages imposed upon its ethereal mirror?

The Body Material -- Is there a clear and established link between the material body and the soul made manifest? Have you studied the interactions between the two realms and their potential effects on one another?

Indirect Analysis -- Do effects which manifest on either the metaphysical or physical planes have a relationship that can be understood? Has the challenge of reliably linking secondary effects to primary ones been overcome?

Expeditious Effect -- Does it take a week for your spell to take effect or does it take a few hours? The goal, certainly, is to be able to control the precise moment and strength at which a spell takes effect.

Anatomy and Physiology -- To study the exchanges of the material body is to have a masked glimpse at the innermost mechanics of the soul as well. Is your understanding of the functions of the human anatomy sufficient to create effects based on manipulating the functions of the material body?

By intuitively heightening one's awareness of the netherworld its interactions with the material level become apparent. This ability to sense and correlate is an extremely important one for those interested in constructing hexes. Magic, in this sense, is the ability to discern patterns in life that most would allow to go unrecognised. A spell is the triggering of these otherwise hidden facets of causation which truly places the necromancer in a position of great power if they are diligent seekers into the nature of reality. The observant, meticulous, and wise necromancer will always hold a great power which has historically given this art a dreadful and awesome air of authority and terror.

Transcarnate Necromancy: The study of transcarnation, in necromancy, is a matter of blurring the lines

between life and death. The enchantment of the body is a skill which relies heavily on intuitive transmogrification of the flesh into something less (more?) than what it was. Transcarnation is sought after by many diligent necromancers because of the tendency for those hovering between life and death to be more sensitive to the interactions that take place between the netherworld and the material world. Even the anecdotal accounts of those who have endured a near-death experience often report seeing spirits, knowing of the presence of soul, and also, in some cases, sense the presence of death itself either as a sensation or as an anthropomorphism. There are also other types of accounts by those in the nursing and health care profession who have attested to being able to "feel" death in a room where one has recently died or by those interested in divining using objects of the recently departed. These phenomenon are indicative of the powers that exist which allow the skillful necromancer to manipulate their own soul, and indeed their own body, to become sensitive to the netherworld and to furthermore precipitate events from that level which will manifest as changes to the self.

The transformation to lich form represents the pinnacle achievement of any necromancer since it is, in essence, as close as one can come to being perfectly attuned to the realm of the dead without actually being a true denizen of that dimension through bodily death. Short of physical death itself, the lich state is the closest affinity to the netherworld that one can possibly achieve while still connected to a physical body. The spiritual lich form is considered such a coveted state of being that many necromancers would willingly sacrifice large portions of their life span to achieve such a thing. The attraction lies in a few facets, but is ultimately reduced to one of the single most coveted goals of all major forms of necromancy: to allow the soul to survive the death experience with the mind intact.

The purpose of the lich state, on its highest level, is to know. It is the transcendent knowledge of the levels of human consciousness and being able to straddle these levels simultaneously to produce an effect similar to what has been called "gnosis" by various sects and magical orders, yet the necromancer does not also maintain the utter arrogance to think that necromantic lichform's variant of gnosis is actually an absolute knowledge. It is simply the most perfect state of self made manifest to the self by the self through the systematic shedding of common confusing corporeal elements and instead seeking to achieve bilateral existence in both the material mundane world and also the metaphysical netherworld. There are a few ways in which necromancers have traditionally attempted to achieve the lich state, which will be discussed in turn.

The first and most radical method of achieving the lich state is through the use of drugs and dietary changes. Similar to the vision quest of a shaman, necromancers have occasionally taken it upon themselves to discipline, master, and then release their own body to the extent that it seems to simply fade away, leaving nothing but the aware and raw thanatoic consciousness. This is considered a radical method because many have not been so tame in their approach as the traditional shaman and have made use of many different types of chemical and regimen as aids. This seems like an attractive option, at first glance, for those that would like a quick and dirty solution to achieve lichform in record time with minimal effort, yet it should be kept in mind that this is very much a synthetic approach and carries a great deal of risk both to the body and also simply of causing a vile and pitiful state of self-induced illusion due to inadvertently increasing the amount of 'corporeal noise' which the lich state is aimed at dissolving. Nevertheless, some have chosen to use a synthetic route to achieve bodily dissolution and have routinely and aggressively made use of hallucinogens, narcotics, poisons, smoking, drinking, starvation, sleep deprivation, catatonic trances, bloodletting, and other forms of physically and mentally taxing deconstruction methods on their own body. (Obligatory Legal Warning: It absolutely must be noted now that none of these methods are necessarily condoned and that quite often there is a legal, psychological, interpersonal, and financial risk involved in using any these methods or their variants, not to mention the obvious risk to health. No responsibility can or will be taken for those that use this information as a justification for misconduct of any sort. It is known to be a suicidal method which is typically considered psychologically abnormal and often requires lawbreaking and spending a great deal of time and money to destroy the body and thus can not be condoned. This is presented only for academic purposes.)

These methods are certainly not unique to necromancy, per se, as a great many eastern methods and modern western methods within the realm of the occult have also used similar means, and most notably hallucinogens and catatonic postures, to achieve a heightened awareness. The most notable spin that necromancy has given to these techniques, and that which makes them necromantic specifically, is the aggressive and self-destructive zeal with which certain necromancers have used these methods. The purpose is not to simply enjoy the experiences or to achieve an epiphany and then return to normal life, but rather to punish the body with a fanatic barrage of hazardous techniques and substances until it is no longer strong enough to interfere with the matters of the soul. This artificial catharsis is meant to reduce the noise the material world presents by reducing the ability of the material body to accept these interruptions. With the body stupefied and the brain less active, the mind is allowed to note the subtle nuances of the realm of the dead and how it interacts with the corporeal realm.

Notably, in the necromantic world view, the brain and the mind are considered two different patterned phenomenon. The brain is simply the neural circuitry which allows the body to interface with the corporeal world. It is fantastically complex in its own right, yet does not, to the necromancer, represent the sum total of that which we commonly call the "true self". It is a physical thing which coordinates the physical body. Damaging the brain hinders one's mechanical ability to express emotion and thought in the material world, yet does nothing to destroy the mind. The mind is the closest semblance of a true self possible which naturally attunes itself to the material world due to the prepared matrix it is tethered to upon birth. The presence of a body ready to be used is too opportune for the mind to not default to when introduced to corporeal reality, yet it is amply clear to the necromancer that this default set of sensory delights is not the only set that exists. There are multiple levels available for exploration, yet the necromancer, for reasons often unique to the individual practitioner, has chosen to primarily explore the realm of the dead.

To begin this exploration the necromancer has to learn to stop relying on the five physical senses of touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing as their sole means of receiving information. Perhaps due to the human condition, and our desperation to relate all things to terms which cater and correlate to the five material senses, necromancers will often speak of "seeing" ghosts, "smelling" death, "feeling" the chill of death, "hearing" voices of the dead, "tasting" fear or grief, and similar things which are, in essence, knowingly false comparisons made by analogy out of necessity for the sake of comprehension. The necromancer knows full well these things transcend the physical, yet our only way to relate necromantic experiences to our peers is often to simply make analogies based on the familiar five senses. Be wary of reading necromantic material for this reason; take care to not fall into the trap of literally understanding comparison and analogies. Instead, consider that the mind is an entity almost independent of the material world (yet related in ways that no necromancer fully understands) which is being fed information it can translate from any of a thousand realms and information sets.

Releasing the mind from the trappings of the material world, as opposed to the synthetic methods mentioned earlier, is an arduous task. The necromancer must first understand their goals, plot a method which will achieve these goals, then set to a unbroken regimen of concentration which is continually buffered by sheer willpower and discipline to achieve these set goals through the planned method. The goal of lichform is to transcend the physical world by attuning to the realm of the dead, as was stated earlier. The most common mechanism used to achieve this end can be synthetic regressions of the body, or selective progressive dismantling of the body. Selective dismantling is the traditional way of achieving this state, and is guaranteed to be permanent, assumably barring exceptional circumstances, but is also far more taxing on the mind and requires a great deal of time and effort.

Dismantling the senses in favour of increasing thanatoic sensitivity is less of a feat than it is a way of life. To begin the lichform transformation is the beginning of a new way of life rather than simply being an experience to walk away from. It is the sharing of information equally between the spirit and material worlds which makes a necromancer completely aware of occurrences on both planes.

To become an embodiment of the living and dead worlds requires the necromancer to remember. Too often seen as nostalgic doddering, reminiscing on past experiences is the key to achieving perpetual lichform. In this way the adept necromancer becomes somewhat of a mystic autobiographer; without introspection and analysis of past successes, intertwining death with life is impossible. The almost comedic irony of the lich state is that it is, in essence, only a most advanced and integrated form of all those rudimentary essential elements which have been previously developed. It is not as much of a new skill as it is the ability to simultaneously and perpetually engage the majority of skills that have already been accomplished. Much like drugs with superadditive properties, the history of one's own successes, when crystallised as a complete life regimen, will become more than a simple sum of component parts.

To not only second guess, but also to anticipate as well as react to events will separate the actions of a lich from the actions of a regular necromancer. While the term "undead" refers to the dead which have mythologically, figuratively, or ideologically achieved a semblance of life, a necromancer who has successfully attained the state of lichform could be said to be in a state of "unlife". While still living, such a necromancer has learned to adapt to the impulses of the realm of the dead and necessarily relies on the veracity of these impulses because of the accuracy of their interpretation of thanatoic intuitive senses. Having tasted of the precognitive powers death has to offer, drawing solely on the physical senses and deduction for information quickly becomes tedious, trite, and wearisome. Once competent in reading information from the realm of the dead and also comparing and contrasting these events with material occurrences, reliance shifts from the material to the ethereal.

The first major step in becoming a lich, beyond generic instructions, is to replace the sense of sight. Primary among the senses, as much as 60% of the brain is dedicated to vision. It is the most pervasive of all the senses and also the newest acquired sense in evolutionary history for the human species. For being so relatively new it certainly has become the single most dominant sense, often overriding other senses and taking our attention away from those things without a visually perceptible facet. This is the first major challenge an aspirant lich will face on the road to transcarnation. The necromancer must learn, first and foremost, that seeing is not believing, nor is seeing necessarily even important. Defeating the senses by systematic dismantlement and reintegration with impulses of the netherworld is the key. It is tempting to associate the mechanics of necromancy directly to the five corporeal senses, though this trap is avoidable by keeping in mind the fact that we were born into a material world and have been conditioned by society to acknowledge nothing that does not fit into the schematics of "proper" academia. As such, it is tempting to say that we "see" spirits, or "smell" death, though these things are merely mental correlations to that which is familiar. If that were the end of it though, such associations would be considered a natural adaptation. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

Stripping down the qualitative value of a necromantic omen or urge by feeding it to the desire to liken everything to sensory terms is utterly detrimental to progress. It would be like trying to condense the power of Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven to "a talking bird perched on a statue". Sadly enough, such barbarian butchery is often used by posers and passed off as "necromantic study" but the finer points, which make all the difference, entirely elude these coarse imposters. Since common language is constructed to address only the five conventional material senses though, it is literally impossible to adequately record the nature of these experiences without creating new words. These things each practitioner must explore and record on their own. In essence, the crux of the matter is to simply not accept blanket physical occurrences at face value. See the inner meaning by examining the immaterial catalytic factors through whatever means is deemed appropriate.

The last and most curious point about the lichform transcarnation regards changes in the practitioner which may or may not occur, depending on methods used, stage of progression or regression, and overall health. With the espousal of the realm of the dead into the life of the necromancer upon achieving a lich state, there seems to be a general trend among necromancer throughout history to have achieved the power they desired, yet also reflect their powers with rather gaunt complexions and frail frames indicative of their practices. The actual mechanics of this transcarnation are unknown as of yet, since few would dare say they have ever achieved full lichform, even for a moment, yet there are many in various lower stages of transformation which swear by the tales of old and the whispers of modern practitioners warning of the attrition that higher necromantic processes inflict on the user and their surroundings. Of course, as with any information of this sort, take it with a pinch of the proverbial salt, but do not discard it. Though not a rule set in stone, the reasoning is sound: shrouding the mind in an eternal pall of death carries deathly effects with it as the mind interacts also with the material plane.

In summary, the landmark achievement in transcarnate necromancy is to employ, in an integrated manner, as many of the previously perfected necromantic skills in an attempt to weave them into a single cohesive way of life. Also, above previous skills, the ability to centre the ego from the realm of the dead so that its impulses become a primary form of receiving information is key. Essentially, becoming a denizen of the realms of the living and dead simultaneously is the goal, and the rewards is everything that either realm has to offer.

Second Sight -- Does the world seem different to you when toggling between the realms of the living and the dead? Do the carryovers from each world appear consistent?

Selective Dismantling -- Are you capable of shutting down sole reliance on the material world for the sake of understanding the netherworld? Can these material interruptions be laid aside for a time to promote concentration on understanding necromantic impulses?

Sensory Transition -- The old senses have taken second place to reliance on the realm of death. Are cognitions from the death realm lucid enough to reliably act upon?

The Body Metaphysical -- By blurring the lines between life and death, effectively seeing the two states as coterminous spectra of the same reality, is the interplay between metaphysical effect and physical causation readily apparent?

The process of necromantic transcarnation has long been a fascination of the necromantic world. To turn into something which is still living yet resembles that which is dead (i.e.. "unlife") has been an obsession since the middle ages and continues into this day. Some claim to have achieved it, and some very enlightening theories (and some not-so-brilliant ones) have come to light over time to bring us ever closer to creating a perfect formula for lichform. In the form of a perfect lich lies unlimited access to the boons of the realm of death; what more could any necromancer want?

Infinite possibilities lie within this art and science of necromancy. Personal transformation, precognitive effects, channelling the dead, binding souls, sapping life, communing with the dead, and many other effects are all possible through this discipline, yet they are only the merest fraction of the possibilities that exist. These travelled paths can be likened to a mere few cells contributing to the complete body of necromancy, which is always evolving. Understand the precepts herein, apply them, master them, but, most importantly, expand on them when the formulas of your peers become insufficient. Exploit the liquid adaptivity of this dark art and remember always to revere the power of death.




necromantic research

04:53 Jun 19 2006
Times Read: 2,150

What is Necromantic Practice?[credits]

by Síocháin Crow

First off, Necromantic Practice is NOT a Religion. You can be a Christian, Jew, Pagan, etc.and still practice Necromantics. (I prefer to use this term instead of the ever-tarnished "Necromancy") Death touches ALL Religions, therefore is not a religion in, and of itself.

Secondly, it is NOT Black Magick,. Almost anyone who utilizes magick will confirm that `color' is non-existent. The intent of the individual is what makes it "good", or "bad". The captains of the ships, which brought the slaves to the U.S, coined the term "Black Magick". It was used to describe the traditional rituals in which the native Africans took part. In modern society, the phrase has been adopted to describe the `miraculous' acts of the followers of Magick embracing paths, such as the "left hand" (for major lack of a better term), which includes Satanism, Demonolatry, Necromantic Practitioners, etc.. Does it mean their intentions are bane? Well, one can be a Satanist, and perform magick with no ill intent; thus, the directing of this energy cannot plausibly be called "Black" or "White". Whether Necromantic Practice is considered "Magical" or not, is basically up to the person who is utilizing it.

Lastly, there is a difference between Necromantic Practice, and Necrophilia. Though they are both extremely intimate, only one is sexually so. A Necromantic practitioner will NOT rape the dead. A Necrophile is in it strictly for the thrill. It is about dominance over another, and fear of rejection. A corpse can't say no. To Love Death is to forget the flesh, and concentrate on the spirit, Necrophilia is the exact opposite. To perform such acts on the dead is horrendous. Though some Necromantics do refer to themselves as "Necrophiliacs". To them, this simply means that they are attracted to the dead. yet they would not sexually act on that attraction. It is of a spiritual nature.

Followers of the Necromantic path attune themselves with the Death energy to gain balance, understanding, acceptance, and Love for the soul, it's purpose, and place in the divine plan. It's not "evil", and it has nothing what so ever to do with Demons, or Satan. Again, Death touches all, not just a single belief system. For the Necormantic, the veil of humanity does not completely cover the eyes. We strive to understand that which we fear, and embrace it, with open arms.

Death truly is a gentle force. The most beautiful Angel, he lifts our soul, and burdens himself with the sorrow, so that WE may feel the joy of being free from the flesh. We should never, ever be "sad" when it comes time to part. When we do, we find that it is the best thing that has ever happened to us. That is the beauty of transition. The wind may close one door, but it opens another.

So take a tip from the Irish, and celebrate the passing of loved ones. Be merry, dance on their graves, sing, and drink from sunset to sunset. chances are, that is exactly what they would want you to be doing.and remember to be wary of those who claim that "real Necromancy" is bothering the dead to give you some sort of silly information that you think you NEED to know. if there is something that you really do need warning for, the dead will contact YOU.

Necromancy 101[credits]

by Leilah Wendell

Stop me if you've heard this one. "Necromancy is a dark and dangerous practice so make sure that you stand in your magic circle to protect yourself from evil spirits." Puhlease! Don't tell me that some people still buy into that antique mumbo jumbo. Although, with the advent of the internet, we have immediate access to all types of "information", and when one does an innocent search for a topic, one never knows if the information procured is unbiased and accurate, or simply the by-product of dis-informed minds seeking to perpetuate fear mostly due to sheer ignorance. Case in point, Necromancy, a simple little word that commands a whole gamut of hyperbole. Oh, the sites you'll see! Now folks, I'm not someone who publicly enjoys bitching and moaning (that often), but everyone has that one niggling thing that just sticks in their craw enough to yell ouch outloud.

Folks, it's time to put away all the bad old books inspired by christain fear, intolerance, ignorance and dogma bias and open yourselves to a purer, unconditional level of consciousness. Necromantic practice is aligned with neither the 'right' nor the 'left' hand path. It is simply an acute attunement to what I like to call, the "death energy", an affiliation and natural affinity some people have for the current of transition. It is a fact that some people just feel more at home among the dead rather than the living. Most of the historical information on necromancy is so heavily steeped in the christain religion that such "staples" of the craft like The Black Arts by Richard Cavendish and The Grand Grimoire by A.E Waite, the Malleus Maleficarum and anything by Eliphas Levi, while fun reading as a teenager, are no longer a viable nor accurate view of necromancy in today's world where many belief pantheons overlap to create the multi-cultural society we live in. The world is a big, diverse place no longer bounded by the harsh constraints that produced these types of fear-inspired texts. It amazes me that there are several sites out there purporting to be 'lefthand path" necromancy that simply reiterate the same old christian based texts as their "Grimoires".

True necromancy, or what I prefer to call Necromantic Practice can only be achieved when all elements of fear are eradicated. Necromantic Practice does not involve dominance and servitude. In other words, the spirits of the dead, or of Death Itself, are not at the magician's beck and call, nor will they, nor "He" do your "bidding". It is only the arrogant soul that believes this. One cannot "conjure" nor "command" spirits.

In earlier times, Necromantic rituals were often elaborately ghoulish, and irreverently brutal. Because of this, Necromancy (or divination through the dead) was considered a "black" art. Something engaged in only by practitioners of "sinister magic". True Necromantic workings, however, do not involve using brutality, desecration of the dead, or any other practice that one would consider the antithesis of reverence. Such methods are the trappings of fear and ignorance. We do not seek to have the dead tell us our futures, nor to call souls back from that distant realm to do our bidding. In High Necromantic practice, the cadaver is simply a consecrated catalyst - an empty chalice, if you will, that we will attempt to fill with a potent spirit. It is the host body. The death house is not violated, nor is the host. All elements are treated with the love and sacrosanctity a true magician must have if he or she ever hopes to succeed in contacting and sharing consciousness with non-corporeal entities.

Necromantic rituals are neither "black" nor "white" magic. They are rites of twilight, a merging of dark and light in a beautiful and natural union where all dividing lines become a blur. Black and white are simply sides of the same coin of Truth. There is no balance of one without the other. Everything in the universe must have its balancing factor, or there would be no universe at all. There is great beauty and divinity in the darkness, though fear of the unknown keeps many from looking. If you have an open heart and are pure of spirit, you may be graced by the presence of spirits, but only when one is humbled by Love and perforce of Faith will one be ready to receive their message and appreciate the visitation for what it is. Contact with spirits, whether the spirits of the dead, or "higher" entities entails responsibility. It is not a game to be engaged in for egocentric purposes. You can play in your magic circle until one day you are mature enough to realize that no circle is necessary, nor can such trappings of man contain any energies outside of our realm.

Many people believe that if they 'raise' the dead, that they can tell one's future because spirits are not bounded by time and space as we know it. However, if a spirit has something vital to impart to you, IT will call upon you, not vice-versa. The dead have better things to do and a higher purpose to serve than to be someone's personal, on-call seer. Necromantic pratice entails respect and reverence not only for the spirits of the dead, but for the spirit of Death, Itself. So, if you are sincerely seeking to engage in necromancy, ask yourself this-

How willing a lover would you be to Death?




Necromantic practice p2

04:51 Jun 19 2006
Times Read: 2,150


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This article is about real world practices of speaking with the dead. For other, including fictional, uses of the term necromancy, see Necromancy (disambiguation).

Necromancy (Latin necromantia, Greek νεκρομαντία nekromantía) is a form of divination in which the practitioner seeks to summon the spirits of the dead in order to gain knowledge of future events from them. These spirits are called Operative Spirits and Spirits of Divination. The word derives from the Greek νεκρός nekrós "dead" and μαντεία manteía "divination". It has a subsidiary meaning reflected in an alternative and archaic form of the word, nigromancy, (a folk etymology using Latin niger, "black") in which the divination is achieved by scrying in black water. A practitioner of necromancy is a necromancer.

Necromancy in history

Necromancy may or may not have a relation to shamanism, which calls upon spirits such as the ghosts of ancestors.

The historian Strabo (Strabo, xvi. 2, 39, νεκρομαντία) refers to necromancy as the principal form of divination amongst the people of Persia; and it is believed to also have been widespread amongst the peoples of Chaldea (particularly amongst the Sabians or star-worshippers), Etruria and Babylonia. The Babylonian necromancers themselves were called Manzazuu or Sha'etemmu and the spirits they raised were called Etemmu.

In the Odyssey (XI, Nekyia), Odysseus makes a voyage to Hades, the Underworld, and raises the spirits of the dead using spells which he had learnt from Circe (Ruickbie, 2004:24). His intention was to invoke the shade of Tiresias, but he was unable to summon it without the assistance of others.

There are also many references to necromancy in the Bible. The Book of Deuteronomy (XVIII 9–12) explicitly warns the Israelites against the Canaanite practice of divination from the dead. This warning was not always heeded: King Saul asked the Witch of Endor to invoke the shade of Samuel, for example.

Norse mythology also contains examples of necromancy (Ruickbie, 2004:48), such as the scene in the Völuspá in which Odin summons a seeress from the dead to tell him of the future. In Grogaldr, the first part of Svipdagsmál, the hero Svipdag summons his dead Völva mother, Groa, to cast spells for him.

The 17th century Rosicrucian Robert Fludd describes Goetic necromancy as consisting of "diabolical commerce with unclean spirits, in rites of criminal curiosity, in illicit songs and invocations and in the evocation of the souls of the dead".

Modern séances, channeling and Spiritualism verge on necromancy when the invoked spirits are asked to reveal future events.

Necromancy may also be dressed up as sciomancy, a branch of theurgic magic.

Necromancy is extensively practised in voodoo.

Spread of necromancy

In the middle ages the literate members of society were either the Nobility or Christian clergy. Either of these groups may have been responsible for the propagation and ongoing practice of necromancy, even though it is forbidden in Christianity. It is apparent that necromancy was not a method of witchcraft. It may have been only available to the scholarly of Europe, because of the accessibility, language, knowledge and methods it employs. There are a few confessions of some Nobles or Clergy members professing a history of experience with necromancy, although these may well have been obtained under duress (cf. the Salem Witch Trials). Some suggest that Necromancy could have became a way for idle literate Europeans to integrate Hebrew and Arabic legend and language into forbidden manuals of sorcery.

The possibility exists that literate Europeans were the main forces simultaneously practicing and condemning necromancy. The language, execution and format of the rituals illustrated in the Munich Handbook (Kieckhefer 42–51) are striking similar to Christian rites. In a Christian exorcism, various demons and spirits are driven away by name, in the name of God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit. The spells of necromancy are very similar to these Christian rites (Kieckhefer 128–129) in their complete opposition. The distortion of the rites into spells is within the scope of Christian understanding at that time. Necromantic spells were mainly illusory or utility spells. Modern scholarship suggests that most were written with hopes that their utility would prove to be useful in acquiring a feast, horse, cloak of invisibility or perhaps just notoriety among others in the necromancy practicing clergy. The nature of these spells lend themselves to being understood as underground clergy members deviantly indulging in unlawful pleasures.

The rare confessions of those accused of Necromancy suggest that there was a range of spell casting and the related magical experimentation. It is difficult to determine if these details were due to their practices, as opposed to the whims of their interrogators. John of Salisbury is one of the first examples related by Kieckhefer, but as a Parisian ecclesiastical court record of 1323 shows, a “group who were plotting to invoke the demon Berich from inside a circle made from strips of cat skin,” were obviously participating in the church’s definition of “necromancy.” (Kieckhefer, 191)

The probable reason that these renegade so-called Necromancers were dabbling in the dark arts is that the evolution of "natural" magic and "spiritual" magic was slow. Caesarius of Arles (Kors and Peters, 48) entreats his audience to put no stock in any demons, or “Gods” other than the one true Christian God, even if the working of spells appears to provide benefit. He states that demons only act with divine permission, and permitted by God to test Christian people. Caesarius does not condemn man here; he only states that the art of necromancy exists, although it is prohibited by the bible. Within the Rawlinson necromantic manuscript, a fable is presented as a warning to those that would perform necromancy, although the story ends with a note of physical trial, but without mention of the ramifications in the afterlife.

In the wake of these inconsistencies of judgment, necromancers, sorcerers and witches were able to utilize spells with holy names with impunity, as biblical references in such rituals could be construed as prayers as opposed to spells. As a result, the necromancy discussed in the Munich Manual is an evolution of these understandings. It has even been suggested that the authors of the Munich Manual knowingly designed this book to be in discord with understood ecclesiastical law.

It is possible to trace Christian ritual and prayer and its subsequent mutant forms of utility and healing prayer/spells to full-blown necromancy. The main recipe employed throughout the manual in the necromancy sorcery uses the same vocabulary and structure utilizing the same languages, sections, names of power alongside demonic names. The understanding of the names of God from apocryphal texts and the Hebrew torah demand that the author of such rites have at least a casual familiarity of these texts. The structure of the spells themselves also requires that the author have experience with Christian rites that are not pedestrian, again suggesting either the Nobility or Christian scholars as possible suspects.

As we have suggested that alleged Christians might have been the authors of the sundry necromancy manuals, the question of their inspirations must arise. One of the first clues could be the Gods and demons references in the illusions, conjurations and spells. The Hebrew Tetragrammaton and various Hebrew derivatives are found, as well as Hebrew and Greek liturgical formulas (Kieckhefer, 139). Within the tales related in these Manuals, we also find connections with other stories in similar cultural literature (Kieckhefer, 43). The ceremony for conjuring a horse closely relates to the Arabic The Thousand and One Nights, and the French romances. Chaucer’s The Squire's Tale also has marked similarities. This becomes a parallel evolution of spells to foreign Gods or demons that were once acceptable, and framing them into a new Christian context, albeit demonic and forbidden. Most forms of Satanic Necromancy today include prayers to such Demons, namely Nebiros, Azrael, and Beelzebub.

As the source material for these manuals is apparently derived from scholarly magical and religious texts from a variety of sources in many languages, it is easy to conclude that the scholars that studied these texts manufactured their own aggregate sourcebook and manual with which to work spells or magic.

It is important to note that necromancy is separated by a thin line from demonology and conjuration. Necromancy is communing with the spirits of the dead, rather than the evil spirits of conjuration and demonology.




Necromantic practice p1

04:49 Jun 19 2006
Times Read: 2,151

This is information I am working on gathering, anyone who uses this, is to be held responsible for thier actions. Some of what is presented maybe dangerious. Anything attempted once more is in the responsibility of the practitioner.


What is Necromantic Practice?

First off, Necromantic Practice is NOT a Religion. You can be a Christian, Jew, Pagan, etc…and still be a Necromantic Practitioner. Death touches ALL Religions, therefore is not a religion in, and of itself. Secondly, it is NOT Black Magick,. Almost anyone who utilizes magick will confirm that ‘color’ is non-existent. The intent of the individual is what makes it “good”, or “bad”. The captains of the ships, which brought the slaves to the U.S, coined the term “Black Magick”. It was used to describe the traditional rituals in which the native Africans took part. In modern society, the phrase has been adopted to describe the ‘miraculous’ acts of the followers of Magick embracing paths, such as the “left hand” (for major lack of a better term), which includes Satanism, Demonolatry, Necromantic Practitioners, etc.. Does it mean their intentions are bane? Well, one can be a Satanist, and perform magick with no ill intent; thus, the directing of this energy cannot plausibly be called “Black” or “White”. Whether Necromantic Practice is considered “Magical” or not, is basically up to the person who is utilizing it.

Secondly, there is a difference between Necromantic Practice, and Necrophilia. Though they are both extremely intimate, only one is sexually so. A Necromantic practitioner will NOT rape the dead. A Necrophile is in it strictly for the thrill. It is about dominance over another, and fear of rejection. A corpse can’t say no. To Love Death is to forget the flesh, and concentrate on the spirit, Necrophilia is the exact opposite. To perform such acts on the dead is horrendous. Though some Necromantics do refer to themselves as “Necrophiliacs”. To them, this simply means that they are attracted to the dead… yet they would not sexually act on that attraction. It is of a spiritual nature.

Followers of the Necromantic path attune themselves with the Death energy to gain balance, understanding, acceptance, and Love for the soul, it’s purpose, and place in the divine plan. It’s not “evil”, and it has nothing what so ever to do with Demons, or Satan. Again, Death touches all, not just a single belief system. For the Necormantic, the veil of humanity does not completely cover the eyes. We strive to understand that which we fear, and embrace it, with open arms. By seeing our lives move through time, both modern, past, and future, we realize the scope of life is much greater than where we are RIGHT NOW.

Death truly is a gentle force. The most beautiful Angel, he lifts our soul, and burdens himself with the sorrow, so that WE may feel the joy of being free from the flesh. We should not be sad when it comes time to part. When we do, we find that it is the best thing that has ever happened to us. That is the beauty of transition. The wind may close one door, but it opens another

As I have previously stated, Necromantic practice has NO NEED for ritual, or ceremony, but it DOES require a great deal of respect. What I present here, does not come from "The Necronomicon", or anything akin to a pathetic ploy for profit. It comes from the soul. It comes from personal, and shared 'face to face' experiences with the Death entity, both personified, and energetic. In the spirit of respect for what I KNOW Death is, you will find none of the "Necromancy Spells" that are plastered all over the internet, which were probably written by some hermetic 17 year old "Goth" kid who obviously has NO sense of culture, history, horology, OR vocabulary. Any detailed 'ancient texts' that may have existed in pre-contemporary cultures, no doubt few and very far between as is, would certainly NOT be available to a webmaster in Idaho. Don't trust ANYTHING that claims an 'ancient magick' status.

Those Necromantic practitioners who are well educated in Magick know how they ceremoniously prefer to honor Death, and do not require any coaching; those who feel that Death can only be reached by 'elite magicians', are in for a rude awakening; and those, mostly the impressionable youth, who think telling people they can "do necromancy" (ye gads) will make them cool, need to get their heads out of their little gothic asses, and educate themselves. What can be found in Death's embrace, is MUCH 'cooler' than some stupid "Zombie Spell" (Hint: do some research on Voodoo, PLEASE!)

If you truly want to touch death, begin in your daily lives. Celebrate the transition around you, and FEEL the energy in that change. Death IS change. It is NOT an end....and remember to be wary of those who claim that “real Necromancy” is bothering the dead to give you some sort of silly information that you think you NEED to know… if there is something that you really do need warning for, the dead will contact YOU.


2 spell hear are ultima evil , 2 nutral


For conversation with the dead go to a cemetery ; avoid the graves annoyance , speaking always gentaly:

EARTH , bone , And winding sheet , Let this spirit come to me yet send it in peace or not at all.

If it comes , it should be offerd white wine not red and knelt to out of pity


Go to the grave yard of your freind sit in front of his/her grave while looking at his/her tombstone say:



(Quitely Wait For Your Freind Too Show Up And When He/She Does ALWAY's Talk Nice And Offer Him/Her Incense And Wine If Possible.)

DEATHSPELL (2) To secure the death of a foe: Get some wax from an old church or, failing that, from what is called a 'botanica shop' (Catholic Magick). Out of the wax, make what is called an 'effigy'. Now it will be better if you can get some of your enemy's hair and/or clothing or finger/toe-nails. Put them at the appropriate place on the effigy. When you've made it, then set it up on your altar. Seal the association with some blood. Get some blood from a butcher or if you have to from your finger with a pin. Smear this on the effigy, especially on the head and the genital area. Do this in candle-light and don't let anyone else know you are doing it. Enact the spell. Make up some nonsense words (the Lord's Prayer said backwards is good) and chant these as you drive a pair of scissors deep into the heart of the effigy. Imagine a great sword penetrating the chest of your enemy and see hir falling to the ground with a heart-attack or perhaps some sort of industrial accident. Drive those scissors in deep and leave them there on your altar for exactly 3 days, meditating on this image and the potency of your spell. Again, don't tell anyone you're doing this. Within three days your enemy will be dead. Take the effigy and scissors and wrap a clean white cloth around them. Tie it up real good and put a few large stones in with them. Go to the nearest body of water and throw this into it sometime near midnight. Don't let anyone know that you are doing this either. Don't say anything about your spell to anybody for at least a week. If you find out that your enemy didn't die, then don't tell anyone for two weeks. They'll die sometime within the next month. Sometimes the evil gods need to know you are serious before they will allow you to carry out your wrath. Don't take public credit for the death. If you do, they'll lock you up or consider you a suspect of what may appear to authorities to be a murder. DEATHSPELL (1) First you must decide whether or not you would REALLY want to destroy your target. It is the responsibility of the magician to be certain of his intent, and yes, I believe you must seek her annihilation if you want a full-blown curse to succeed. If not, then perhaps your magic should be more self-directed and of a healing nature. Gather some minor possession of the subject, preferably hair, fingernail clippings, etc. if he/she was an ex-lover, use the power of psychosexuality to your advantage and take a pair of her underwear. This will serve to connect you emotionally with the target of the curse, and aid in your visualization. Using some flamable material (colored tissue-paper will do the trick), fashion a simple doll, using the hair (or other material) as stuffing. You don't need to create a work of art here...just something that you can identify as the target. While creating your effigy, recite a mantra you have made based upon the target's name. (Info on creating mantras can be found in Carroll's book _Liber Null_). Pick a remote area on a moonless night, bring a candle (black), needles, chalk, a sharp knife and some flamable liquid (lighter fluid works). Light the candle. Chalk a "destructive" power symbol on the ground. Some people use the Satanic baphomet, some use the counter-clockwise swastika...use whatever you like, the more personal, the better Place the effigy in the center of the symbol. Invoke Abaddon the Destroyer. You must write your own invocation here, but be certain to make a good case for calling this Lord of Wrath into being. Be formal about it, and be certain to mention his all his titles and deeds (The monsters of the pit can be extraordinarily vain!) Inform him of all of your target's crimes, and your malevolent desires. The more impressive you make your invocation, the more likely it is that Abaddon will take heed. Do not expect him to appear in physical form, but if you are confident in your invocation, rest assured *he is there*! Now invoke every bit of rage and hatred that you can summon. Everything. I mean it, focus all your being on this tiny range of emotion, and direct it onto the effigy. The effigy (and hence, your target) is responsible for all of it. With loathing and distain, plunge the first of the needles into the effigy's abdomen. This is for fear. Concentrate on the terror you want the target to feel. Take as much time as you feel you need to express this desire. Repeat, this time put the needle in the head. This is for confusion. Invoke an image of blurred hysteria and insanity. Concentrate. Stick the final needle into the effigy's heart. Twist it a few times if it makes you feel good. This is for the anguish that has been caused to you. May it return to your target a hundred-fold. Concentrate on anguish. Using your knife, slice the effigy open from head to groin, being certain that the cut connects the pins you have placed in the effigy. This is the action that will send the target on her way to complete annihilation. Be passionate about it. Place the effigy in the center of the chalk symbol. Put the lighter-fluid on it (be sure you are careful that there is nothing else flamable about, like grass, etc). Call on Abaddon to work your will, and release this curse onto the world. Set fire to the effigy. As it burns away, imagine all your anger and hatred dissipating with the smoke. Let it all drift away with the smoke and flames. You have set your desires into action, now you must release those desires. (Imagine a magic curse to be like throwing a baseball; it only works when you let the ball travel away from you. The more you hold back, the less successful the throw.) Forget about her, and get on with your life. Rest assured that the curse will take root in time.




Occult power p4

04:42 Jun 19 2006
Times Read: 2,152

Chapter 6


Can you look far into the future and know what lies ahead? _Yes!_ says the esoteric arts. Divining the future is something that occultists have done since the beginning of time, and is an essential part of the esoteric arts.

In the pages of this powerful chapter, you_ll find traditional ways to look ahead in time and get an idea of what is going to happen by means of signs and omens, occult visions and other means. Here, too, is the secret of spirit contact. You_ll see how spirits communicate with us through dreams, visions and omens, and can see the future with their unseeing eyes. You_ll see how to build a spirit communication device for less than a dollar, and use it to get fast, precise information on forthcoming events. Spirit contact is perfectly safe, and you will never come to any harm using these arcane methods of communicating with the spirit world.

Secrets of the Spirit World

Spirits, of whom there are millions, reside in what is known as the astral world, an invisible sphere of existence that duplicates the

physical world we live in. It is with the inhabitants of this unseen world that mediums make their contacts at seances. Until now, access to this unseen world was only possible with astral travel. This is the phenomenon of consciously projecting your _astral body_ from its physical counterpart. The astral body is an exact duplicate of the physical body. It regularly leaves the body during sleep although there is no memory or sensation of this when you awake. To consciously leave the physical body requires practice and understanding of basic occult laws. Once you are out of your body you are, in effect, invisible and the laws of physics no longer have meaning. There are many, many books on the market explaining the _how to_ of astral travel, but if you have ever tried any of the many varied techniques to induce astral travel, you will know that it_s a very hard thing to do. In fact, for most of us it just doesn_t work at all.

That is all about to change. I will teach you a new kind of astral travel, a simple method that will allow you to _see_ the invisible world around

you. You can master it in just a few attempts and once you do, the astral world will shimmer into view and take shape around you. If you

have done any research into the techniques used up to now to induce astral travel, you will recognize that this occult formula is as

different from ordinary astral travel as chalk is from cheese.

Secret of the Golden Light

Enter your witching circle. Close your eyes and let your body relax. Once you have done this, let your mind go blank. Think of the inside

of your head as being filled with a dense black mist. Now imagine a tiny point of golden light right in the center of your head.

This Inner Light is your magic power given substance through imagination. Let it slowly grow until it fills the entire inside of your

head. Hold it that size for a few seconds_then let it grow again until it fills the room. Simply imagine this golden energy field is filling the room,

and it will do so.

Now is the time to probe the secrets of the astral world around you. Let your golden energy field begin to feed images of the unseen

world into your mind. They will be very faint at first, and it will take a great deal of effort just to become aware of them. But you will be

surprised at how fast this talent develops. One or two attempts should give you a unique occult experience. When you have thoroughly mastered the ability to probe the unseen spheres around you, you are ready to go further. Lie down at the center of your witching circle. Close your eyes and concentrate on the radiant energy of your magical power. Imagine its golden light filling the room. Focus your thoughts on going deeper and deeper into the astral worlds. It is here, at the deeper levels, you will encounter the truly bizarre inhabitants of this magical dimension.

What will appear before you? That I leave for you to find out, but I can tell you it will be a world stranger than you can imagine filled with swirling energies, psychic forces, and strange creatures resembling the creations of imaginative movie script writers.

How to Recognize Signs and Omens

Spirits communicate with us through dreams, visions and omens, and can see the future with their unseeing eyes. There are spirits in the

room with you. Does that surprise you? It shouldn_t, spirits surround us 24 hours a day. You need to become aware of the unseen forces

that cluster around you. Feel them standing there in silence watching you, sensing your every thought and desire. For once you do, you will

not only never be lonely again, but also able to get help to bring your desires to you. Spirits respond to those who respond to them. Only to

the uninitiated do things happen by chance. Have you ever had an advance warning that something was about to happen in your life and then, later that day, found that you had an unusually good or unusually bad experience? Although you may not be aware of it at the time, you had received an omen _ a direct message from the invisible inhabitants of the astral world. There is a way that you can spot these signs and omens and know what they mean.

The signs and omens most people receive are simple everyday occurrences, but the act of noticing them is what makes them significant. The signs and omens that are noticed have a definite relation to the character of the events to come. The key here is you _

what your normal reaction is. No one can tell you if anything you see is pleasant or unpleasant. Only you can decide. What this means to you is simply this: if you notice something out of the ordinary _ a strange bird, a peculiar looking cloud, a door that suddenly jams, odd actions of a family pet, be prepared. Something unusual, either very good or very bad is going to happen to you in the near future.

How One Man Used Visions to Receive $300 During the early spring of 1981, I conducted a series of occult experiments with arcane symbols to trigger trance-vision experiences. I can think of no better example of visions experienced by a student of the occult arts, than that of Barry M. Polish psychic

and one time acquaintance of mine, who on October 2 1981, at 1:40 p.m. in the afternoon, placed himself into a transcendental state to receive visions of a future not yet born. A future that held the promise of easing the financial hardship he was experiencing at the time. Earlier that day, I had entertained Barry at my apartment. Over a cup of coffee the discussion turned to his problems. I bombarded him with questions about it and, in self-defense I suspect, he agreed to an experiment in trance-vision. The time was now 1:35 p.m., and as an aid to his concentration I arkened the room.

Barry_s body became totally relaxed, and his breathing deepened. He described the visions as he experienced them, speaking slowly

and carefully. His visions were vivid, and he was fully conscious of his physical environment. Barry would occasionally pause; these

moments are indicated by three periods (_) in the text. Almost instantly he began to describe a small circular object moving through the time-field. The visions continued: _It has got a little chute underneath. It_s now producing a sort of shovel yet not a shovel but a telescopic-type thing coming out from the bottom of it similar to a u-junction. _It appears like water coming out of it in drops, or it could even be coins_I_m not sure. I_m watching it. It_s red in color. It_s dripping into some pool, something liquid. Whatever it_s going into, it_s a ring of sorts. It is dripping something like candle wax and it sets. Possibly melted gold, I don_t know. I_m trying to make sense of it. _Now the u-pipe is being drawn back into this little gadget, and there is a yellow light coming through, as if shining on this thing it_s spilt out. I see it change into a pair of hands. There seems to be a growth, or change of paper notes of some sort. Paper. A lot of paper in this pair of hands in this yellow light. _I_m getting a lot of mumbo jumbo. I_m trying to sift through it. I take it a lot of interference.

_A door opened and there_s a hell of a lot of multiple, glittering colors in this doorway. I am at the moment seeing what appears to be

a volcano, or a dead volcano, surrounded by clouds. And a sort of cavity in the center of this mountain peak. Still looking for the key

back here.

_The volcano has not erupted, but sprang a leak, and something is pouring out of it and running down the side of the mountain. I_m following it through the clouds. That_s odd, I_m seeing a helicopter atthe moment._All I_m seeing are hands, at the moment. A lot of hands, as if a lot

of people are trying to get a piece of this action._ Barry began to rub his hand back and forth across his forehead. _Across my forehead here,_ he continued, _I feel a pressure. Has my face changed?_ I told him that I could see a strange kind of psychic energy, similar to heat waves generated by asphalt highways, rising up from the floor in front of him.

_I see what appears to be a knight on a horse bringing me something. That_s what you saw._ I had earlier in the day experienced a vision of my own, of a knight on horseback. _Someone just tipped a vase, or a container, and pieces of eight, gold coins spread everywhere._

Barry began to rub the thumb and forefinger of his right hand together. I asked him why he was doing that. _I_m feeling the coins, they_re real. The vase would have been about two feet tall. I_m going to do something I_ve not done before. I_m going to put the coins back in the vase and I_m going to bring it back done here. _I am at the moment seeing a hole in the floor and right directly below it is Earth. I_m going to drop the money through there_and I_m going to hold on to it as it comes down. _I_m in a paddock. The money is here. I_m trying to find it. I_m

looking around. There are mountains in the_in the distance. Not too far away from mountains...or the_ah_I don_t know_the Springwood

Hills (NSW, Australia). The feeling here is Elizabeth Drive. On the backroads of Liverpool_no, Rooty Hill there used to be an army

barracks. The only thing I_m getting, an ex army barracks. Along Elizabeth Drive there is, or used to be, an army barracks._

By 2:30 p.m. the visions had ceased. As Barry slowly opened his eyes to the familiar surroundings of the living room, he knew he_d had a unique psychic experience. Now we had to decide what it all meant _ particularly what the vase was that had held the gold coins. As far as we knew it could all be the wildest fantasy, though it seemed unlikely. The visions had been too clear, too vivid.

As we talked into the late afternoon, I suggested that a trip to the Elizabeth Drive area would either confirm or deny the validity of the

visions. Barry agreed. We both felt a mixture of excitement and anticipation as we drove along the main road leading to the area seen in the visions. Leaving the densely populated areas behind us it was if we had driven into a rural landscape. Ahead the road disappeared into the horizon and to either side cows grazed peacefully in paddocks dotted with vegetable gardens and solitary houses.

_Look,_ said Barry, pointing to a tin can on the opposite side of the road. _That_s what I saw. I_m sure of it._I glanced out the window as we pulled over to the side of the road. Iwas not so sure.

The container Barry had seen in his visions was at least two feet tall, and filled to the brim with gold coins, so if this was the right place, the visions had been more symbolic in nature than specific. I watched Barry walk across the road towards the old tin can. He picked it up, looked inside and threw it back down to the ground. I remained silent as he got back into the car.

_That_s what I saw,_ he said emphatically. I nodded. We sat quietly watching the occasional car speed past. Barry was confused. The psychic impression, fascinating as it was, was false. Or so it seemed. He found it difficult to believe that his psychic powers were beginning to fail him, not after all these years. A truck rumbled past, its raucous noise shattering the oppressive silence of the car, and a thought drifted into my mind. What if the visions represented an event in the immediate future, and not in the here and now? Barry was the first to speak. _Let_s go,_ he said. _There_s nothing for us here, nothing at all._ As we drove back to my apartment, we arranged to meet again the following Tuesday. That would give the money three days to arrive, and enough time to prove the visions weren_t totally worthless. Barry arrived on the appointed day and at the appointed hour, and I wasted no time in asking if he had succeeded in locating the money source. He smiled, and told me how on the Saturday following the visions, he had received $300 from various people for instruction in the occult sciences. The visions had been vindicated.

I never saw Barry again after that day, but I_ll always remember our strange adventure together in every detail.

How to Make a Spirit Communication Device

In contact with the invisible world, when precise information is desired you can turn to a scrying device. This device is a pendulum, andconsists of any small object tied to one end of a piece of string. It is easy to set up a code of communication with any spirit by means of

this device. Many stores that deal in occult supplies will sell you a pendulum, consisting of a small clear plastic ball on the end of a chain. Making such a device for your own use is a simple procedure, and you will get far better results if you make your own pendulum. It is a valid

magical tradition that the tools that you make with your own hands are the ones that will bring the best results. All you need to do is to tie

a piece of string about 12 inches long to a favorite ring or a button that you have worn many times, and your pendulum is made.

Between the Living and the Dead

Sit at a table, rest your elbow comfortably and hold the string of your pendulum between your thumb and first finger, allowing your hand to

hang limply from the wrist. Use the hand that you normally write with. Adjust the length of the string until the weight of the pendulum is an

inch or so above the center of the table. Be sure to work on a firm table because an unsteady one may contribute a motion of its own and deceive you into misinterpreting the information you receive. When everything is set, hold your hands still until the pendulum has stopped swinging. Then read these words aloud, firmly and decisively: Let the dead rise and come to me. Make no conscious attempt from now on to make the pendulum swing, nor should you grit your teeth and defy the pendulum to swing. Sometimes two or three minutes will pass before the pendulum

begins to move. In a few moments, the pendulum should begin to swing in a line of its own accord, indicating the presence of a communicating entity. If it does not respond put it away and try again later, when you are more relaxed. Some people wonder how anything so simple as this can work. These are the people who have never tried it. Some, however, try it and do not get results. Usually their inbuilt skepticism, doubt or

tension foils their effort. But when these conditions are absent success is almost always instant and automatic.

Getting Answers from Your Pendulum

Once you receive a positive answer, you can proceed to set up an actual code of communication. To do so, hold the pendulum perfectly

still, and say: _Will this spirit please select a motion of the pendulum that is to mean _Yes.__ The pendulum should move in one of four directions. Follow the same procedure for _No,_ _I don_t know,_ and _I don_t want to answer that question._ There are only four directions in which this pendulum can move. By moving the pendulum, a spirit will show you which direction means _Yes,_ which direction means _No,_ which means _I don_t know,_ and which means, _I don_t want to answer that question._ At this point, you may ask the spirit any question you desire. Ask only one question at a time and each time wait for an answer. Needless to say, it should be phrased for a simple _Yes_ or _No_ answer.

How to Ensure the Spirit Force Will Not Lead You Astray

Occasionally you may suspect that some spirit of malicious intent is controlling your pendulum because the answers seem to be

gibberish. At such a time it is well to carry out the Cabalistic Cross Ritual as described in Chapter 5. Then, as you sit assured that all is good and positive around you, ask that a new spirit step forward; then ask it questions to which you do not know the answer. Check the answers later and judge the validity of the communicating entity from how well it has responded to you.

Advanced Pendulum Work

Once you are expert at receiving _Yes_ and _No_ answers, you can proceed to a more precise method that will spell out specific answers

to your questions. Arrange the 26 letters of the alphabet in a semicircle on your usual scrying table, and the words _Yes_ and _No,_ as

on a ouija board. The Ouija board was very popular in the twenties, and many people made their own ouija boards simply by writing all the letters of the alphabet across a flat surface, and under this all the numbers from one to nine. Together with the words _Yes_ and _No,_ as on a real

Ouija board. Any smooth object that could slide around was used to spell out messages, such as a wineglass. Some of my earliest childhood memories are of Sunday afternoon Ouija board sessions with family members, the kitchen table acting as a makeshift talking board. A lot of what came through was, on reflection, gibberish. Of course it was gibberish, 90% of spirits contacted in this manner are mischievous by nature and delight in leading us astray. It takes patience to make sense of what comes through, to sift the grains of gold from the sands of nonsense.

Now by holding the instrument over the chart, you can divine precise answers to your questions. As an example, let us. Using your magical

divining instrument, ask first, then ask, in this manner you can pinpoint the dog_s location. As you become more adept, you may even ask for a house number. These early contacts between you and the spirit force are important. Keep your first contact with the spirit world fairly brief. Your obsession with it can be the real danger. If you succeed in contacting the same spirit a number of times, the spirit will become _familiar_, sense your needs, take instruction readily, and help to bring your wishes into the here and now.

A Secret Code of Communication

Dreams, intuitions and hunches, visions and thoughts that will be sent to you from the depths of the Astral World during your Spells

and Rituals will show you the future with great accuracy but, like Barry, at times you will doubt the impressions of your mind. Until you

are perfectly sure and confident of the messages the invisible inhabitants of the next dimension send to you, you can employ a powerful occult tool that will give visible evidence of the future, and reveal its secrets to you. The occult arts offers many unique tools that can be used to get in

touch with the future, but none is more accurate than the secret code of communication concealed in an ordinary set of dice.

Your Psychic Legacy from the Past

Divining the future with dice is done by a mere handful of people. Millions of others look upon dice as merely familiar components of most board games, yet their history is very much involved with divination. The use of dice as a fortune telling tool was widespread

and far-reaching. The Ancient Egyptians, Romans, Greeks and Arabs have all, at one time or another employed dice of various shapes,

markings and materials for divination. The earliest known examples were made from astragali _ small, uneven, four-sided bones found

within the joints of hoofed animals such as sheep and goats. Dice are perhaps the only method of divination that the Bible does not frown upon, and are referred to by their other name of _lots_. In the words of St Thomas, _If there is need, it is lawful with all due reverence to seek judgement of God by lots._ Dice have remained unchanged over the centuries since the arrangement of the dots we still use today was developed around 1,400 BC. And it is the secret arrangement of the dots upon the dice that allows you to see what fate has in store for you.

The Ritual of Yog-Sothoth

You need three dice to foretell the future. The three dice can be purchased from any toy store. The material that they are constructed

of makes no difference in fortune telling power. To charge your dice with prophetic power, take them into your personal witching circle on

a day when you are feeling particularly good. Place the dice upon a small table at the center of your circle, and begin stirring them with

your right hand. The stirring motion should always be sunwise, or clockwise. Continue stirring for approximately two minutes.

The remainder of the ritual is very important, and it is absolutely essential that it be followed exactly in the manner that I will reveal to

you. After the dice have been stirred thoroughly, pick up one of the dice with your right hand. Hold it in the palm of your hand, and speak

these words: I invoke thee, Yog-Sothoth, Guardian of the Mysteries, to hear and accept this offering. I hold in my hand the instrument through which thy power, virtue and authority shall manifest. It will forever reveal the truth of what shall come to pass in future times. So mote it be.

Recite this invocation with each dice, placing them in a neat stack on your left. When the ritual has been completed, you have made a very

definite contact with the Astral World. Your dice are ready to spell out exactly what the future holds in their unique, prophetic code.

Your dice need no special care, but they should be reserved for divining purposes only. They should never be used for the playing of

any board game if they are to be used for divining.

How to Use Your Dice to Foretell the Future

This method is for short-term forecasts and the results achieved are basic and uncomplicated. The three dice should be cast into a circle

measuring approximately 7 inches in diameter drawn on a piece of paper. The spots on the uppermost faces of the dice, which have

fallen within the circle, should now be totaled and the following interpretations apply. A total of one or two mean the dice have

nothing to say at the present. Three_signifies a very happy surprise. Four_an unpleasant letter will be received. Five_a new friendship will be formed. Six_a friend will ask a favor of you. Seven_foretells a new romance. Eight_a gift of clothing will be received.

Nine_a gambling win Ten_a legal action in which you will become involved. Eleven_denotes a journey to a place of entertainment.

Twelve_a large sum of money will be received. Thirteen_a period of unhappiness is foretold. Fourteen_signifies a new love.

Fifteen_a warning of approaching troubles. Sixteen_denotes a sudden, pleasant journey. Seventeen_signifies an involvement with persons at, or from a distance. Eighteen_foretells a great rise in life. On average, the predicted events will come to pass within seven

days of the dice being cast. Some, however, will occur almost instantaneously, while others may take a little longer.

The Magic of Goetia

You are about to enter the world of powerful ancient magic, and the results will amaze you. The spirits described in this chapter are ancient and possess a power stronger than the centuries. Power to call forth any condition or

situation you desire. All this is here for you, in simplified form. You are on the threshold of working genuine magic for yourself to bring

money, love, power, success, happiness and contentment. You will find the Secret Names of 72 different spirits on the following pages. These are the spirits of the Lemegeton. One essential occult belief is that if you know the real name of a spirit you have control over it. Pronounce the names exactly as I have written them. If you stumble over a name the first few times, don_t worry, but practice it until you can say it clearly

Treat these Names with care. They are ultimately powerful, and should be respected. Keep them secret from people who do not know

about the magic power of the occult. The word _spirit_, which is derived from the Latin spiritus, refers to any disembodied entity, devil, demon or angel; invoked, coerced or otherwise called forth by the magician through the application of those things which are harmonious with it and reflect certain parts of its nature. And if all is propitious assume an aerial body, be visible to sight and reply to questions. The difference between those spirits willing to help you and thosethat won_t, is invariably fear. If spirit invocation is to work, you must do it without any mental reservations. As you begin to use this Power in your daily life, it will seem as if you are dreaming a strange dream. Answering a call from nowhere to cross over into the darkest unknown.

The Spirits of Goetia

The 1st Spirit is AGARES. Pray to him for personal motivation, at any hour of the day from sunrise till noon.

The 2nd Spirit is AIM. Pray to him to enhance your sense of humor, at any hour of the day from sunrise till noon.

The 3rd Spirit is ALLOCES. Pray to him for scholastic pursuits, at any hour of the day from sunrise till noon.

The 4th Spirit is AMDUSIAS. Pray to him to receive excellent spirit familiars, at any hour of the day from sunrise till noon.

The 5th Spirit is AMON. Pray to him to settle disputes between friends, between the hours of 3pm and 9pm, and from 9pm to sunrise.

The 6th Spirit is AMY. Pray to him to receive divine inspiration, at any hour of the night.

The 7th Spirit is ANDRAS. Pray to him to cause confusion among your enemies, between the hours of 3pm and 9pm, and from 9pm to sunrise.

The 8th Spirit is ANDREALPHUS. Pray to him to gain mathematical knowledge, between the hours of 3pm and 9pm, and from 9pm to sunrise.

The 9th Spirit is ANDROMALIUS. Pray to him for the return of stolengoods and to discover the identity of the thief, at any hour of the day.

The 10th Spirit is ASMODAY. Pray to him to acquire skill in handcrafts , geometry, any hour of the day from 9pm to noon, from 3pm to sunset.

The 11th Spirit is ASTAROTH. Pray to him to bring money, at anyhour of the day or night.

The 12th Spirit is BAEL. Pray to him to avoid negative attention, at any hour of the day from 9am to noon, and from 3pm to sunset.

The 13th Spirit is BALAM. Pray to him for protection from gossip, at any hour of the day from 9am to noon, and from 3pm to sunset.

The 14th Spirit is BARBATOS. Pray to him to communicate with animals, at any hour of the day from sunrise to noon, when the Sun is

in the astrological sign of Sagittarius.

The 15th Spirit is BATHIN. Pray to him for protection in travel, at any hour of the day from sunrise to noon.

The 16th Spirit is BELETH. Pray to him to attract the opposite sex, at any hour of the day from 9am to noon, and from 3pm to sunset.

The 17th Spirit is BELIAL. Pray to him to gain political power, at any hour of the day from 9am to noon, and from 3pm to sunset.

The 18th Spirit is BERITH. Pray to him to avoid deceptions, at any hour of the day from sunrise to noon.

The 19th Spirit is BIFRONS. Pray to him to protect gravesites from desecration, at any hour of the day.

The 20th Spirit is BOTIS. Pray to him to reconcile enemies, at any hour of the day or night.

The 21st Spirit is BUER. Pray to him to gain philosophical knowledge,at any hour of the night, when the Sun is in the astrological sign of


The 22nd Spirit is BUNE. Pray to him to acquire wealth, at any hour of the day from sunrise to noon.

The 23rd Spirit is CAMIO. Pray to him for understanding animals, at any hour of the night.

The 24th Spirit is CIMERIES. Pray to him to aid in speech and communication, at any hour from 3pm to 9pm, and from 9pm tosunrise.

The 25th Spirit is CROCELL. Pray to him to acquire luxury, any hour from sunrise to noon.

The 26th Spirit is DANTALION. Pray to him to learn the thoughts of others, at any hour from sunrise to noon.

The 27th Spirit is DECARABIA. Pray to him to acquire knowledge of precious stones and earthly secrets, at any hour from 3pm to 9pm,

and from 9pm to sunrise.

The 28th Spirit is ELIGOS. Pray to him to attract favor from powerful people, at any hour from sunrise to noon.

The 29th Spirit is FOCALOR. Pray to him to destroy opposition, at any hour from sunrise to noon.

The 30th Spirit is FORAS. Pray to him to acquire an ethical and logical attitude, at any hour of the night.

The 31st Spirit is FORNEUS. Pray to him to gain respect, at any hour from 3pm to 9pm, and from 9pm to sunrise.

The 32nd Spirit is FURCAS. Pray to him to see the future, at any hour from 4pm to sunset.

The 33rd Spirit is FURFUR. Pray to him for protection from adverse weather, at any hour of the day.

The 34th Spirit is GAAP. Pray to him for swift travel, at any hour of the day, when the Sun is in the southern constellations.

The 35th Spirit is GLASYA-LABOLAS. Pray to him to move about unnoticed, at any hour of the day or night.

The 36th Spirit is GREMORY. Pray to him to attract both good fortune and young girls, at any hour from sunrise to noon.

The 37th Spirit is GUSION. Pray to him to gain honor and dignity, at any hour from sunrise to noon, when the Sun is in the astrological

sign of Leo.

The 38th Spirit is HAAGENTI. Pray to him to gain wisdom, at any hour of the night.

The 39th Spirit is HALPHAS. Pray to him for protection from violence, at any hour of the day.

The 40th Spirit is HAURES. Pray to him to destroy enemies, at any hour from sunrise to noon.

The 41st Spirit is IPOS. Pray to him to acquire courage, at any hour of the day.

The 42nd Spirit is LERAJE. Pray to him to cause strife to enemies, at any hour from 3pm to 9pm, and from 9pm to sunrise.

The 43rd Spirit is MALPHAS. Pray to him to protect the home, at any hour of the night.

The 44th Spirit is MARAX. Pray to him to receive favor from intellectuals, at any hour of the day or night.

The 45th Spirit is MARBAS. Pray to him to acquire skill in the mechanical arts, at any hour of the night.

The 46th Spirit is MARCHOSIAS. Pray to him to assist in selfdefense, at any hour from 3pm to 9pm, and from 9pm to sunrise.

The 47th Spirit is MURMUR. Pray to him to acquire lost knowledge,at any hour from sunrise to sunset.

The 48th Spirit is NABERIUS. Pray to him to win an argument, at any hour from 3pm to 9pm, and from 9pm to sunrise.

The 49th Spirit is ORIAS. Pray to him to gain favors from friends, at any hour from 3pm to 9pm, and from 9pm to sunrise.

The 50th Spirit is OROBAS. Pray to him for protection from evil spirits, at any hour of the day.

The 51st Spirit is OSE. Pray to him to improve your self-image, at any hour of the night.

The 52nd Spirit is PAIMON. Pray to him to gain occult knowledge, at any hour from 9am to noon, and from 3pm to sunset.

The 53rd Spirit is PHENEX. Pray to him for poetic inspiration, at any hour from 3pm to 9pm, and from 9pm to sunrise.

The 54th Spirit is PURSON. Pray to him to find lost treasure, at any hour from 9am to noon, and from 3pm to sunset.

The 55th Spirit is RAUM. Pray to him for aid in bureaucratic encounters, at any hour of the day.

The 56th Spirit is RONOVE. Pray to him to learn a foreign language, at any hour from 3pm to 9pm, and from 9pm to sunrise.

The 57th Spirit is SABNOCK. Pray to him to protect your home from enemies, at any hour from 3pm to 9pm, and from 9pm to sunrise.

The 58th Spirit is SALLOS. Pray to him to arouse love, at any hour from sunrise to noon.

The 59th Spirit is SAMIGINA. Pray to him to gain enlightenment, at any hour from 3pm to 9pm, and from 9pm to sunrise.

The 60th Spirit is SEERE. Pray to him to protect your possessions from theft, at any hour of the day.

The 61st Spirit is SHAX. Pray to him to obtain minor desires, at any hour from 3pm to 9pm, and from 9pm to sunrise.

The 62nd Spirit is SITRI. Pray to him to inflame women with lust, at any hour of the day.

The 63rd Spirit is STOLAS. Pray to him to gain knowledge of herbs and their properties, at any hour of the day.

The 64th Spirit is UVAL. Pray to him to resolve disputes over women, at any hour from sunrise to noon.

The 65th Spirit is VALEFOR. Pray to him to control temptation, at any hour from sunrise to noon.

The 66th Spirit is VAPULA. Pray to him to assist in character development, at any hour from sunrise to noon.

The 67th Spirit is VASSAGO. Pray to him to find lost or hidden things, at any hour of the day.

The 68th Spirit is VEPAR. Pray to him for safety in or on water, at any hour of the day from sunrise to noon.

The 69th Spirit is VINE. Pray to him to discover the identity of other witches and to meet them, at any hour from 9am to noon, and from

3pm to sunset.

The 70th Spirit is VOLAC. Pray to him for protection from treachery, at any hour of the night.

The 71st Spirit is ZAGAN. Pray to him for protection from foolishness , at any hour from 9am to noon, and from 3pm to sunset.

The 72nd Spirit is ZEPAR. Pray to him to inflame women with desire,at any hour of the day from sunrise to noon.

Wins $1,000 With the Magic of Goetia

Some cases of fantastic success have been reported from people using the Powers of Goetia to work magic. I can say this truthfully

because I have first hand knowledge of what I write. We will take the case of Adam F., a young man of my acquaintance. He scored a

handsome windfall after I told him about the Goetia. One weekend he visited a large casino to try his luck at roulette. He found a place at the table and, with a few low denomination chips, placed his bets and watched the roll of the little ball. He let the magic of Goetia work for him, silently and effectively. The spins of the wheel he was going to bet on were the ones that _felt right._ He placed his bets and, much to his amazement, won over $1,000. The magic of Goetia worked for Adam, as it will for you.

The Ritual of Goetia

With your basic work already behind you, you are ready to work true magic for yourself to magically smooth your path through life.

Darken the room in which the Ritual is to be carried out by drawing the curtains, but have some light coming in. You may choose to burn

a single black candle, inscribed with the Name and Power of the Spirit. Loosen any tight clothing, and remove any footwear that you may be wearing. Sit and relax your body in a comfortable chair with your back supported. If you are using your witching circle, stand at its center and face North. Take the phone off the hook to avoid any sudden interruption, and switch off the television. You are now ready to begin.

Close your eyes for a few minutes and think only of your desire, and how the Ritual will help you to receive it. You are now ready to begin the conjuration. Light the candle and offer a short prayer to the Dark Spirit. Thank him for all his help to others in days gone by. Thank him for being with you on this day and at this hour, and ask him for his kindness and favor at this Ritual. Once the prayer has been spoken, you will need to see through and past the everyday world. Do not peer anxiously, let the stare become vacant. You will then experience a feeling of a _clearing mist_

followed by a feeling akin to excitement as the dark spirit manifests. The spirit has no power to harm or influence you. The spirit can not influence you to do anything, you would not do of your own free will. At this point take a mind journey, and show the spirit in pictures what

must be accomplished. You may also use words and gestures if you wish. You must get involved. Once the ritual intention has been

completed, thank the dark spirit for its help and bid it farewell. Very quickly, leave the room, closing the door behind you. Do not enter the

room for three hours, your ability to stay outside is proof that you are in control.

Using the Magic of Goetia to Draw Money to You

The Magic of Goetia can be made to work for you in many different ways. If you wish to have money whenever you want or need it, try

this. Place an old unused jar in a place where you pass it and see it several times each day. Say a prayer to the Spirit Astaroth. Ask him

to help you fill the jar with money, easily and quickly. You will be amazed at how, each time you pass, you will have an irresistible urge

to put into it every piece of loose change you have in your pockets. Almost instantly, it will fill with money: a seemingly endless supply of

needed cash.

Occult Power Points

In this book, you_ve discovered:

_ The cornerstone of witchcraft is the coven. It is lead by a Coven Master. _ The purpose of the coven is to build magic power amongst its

members to achieve the coven's common objectives. _ Covens hold great feasts on certain nights each year. Special nights on which white witches gather to celebrate their devotion to the moon goddess Diana, and the goat-footed god of fertility, Pan, indulging in drink, laughter, love, and song. _ The more interesting covens indulge in an orgy of wickedness where all the instincts are given free reign. _ There are various forms of secret initiation ceremonies depending on the type of coven one seeks to join. _ The initiate is led naked to the center of the circle with her hands tied behind her back, and blindfolded. At the center of the circle she repeats a solemn vow, then she is presented to each member of the

coven who greet her with a kiss. _ Contrary to popular belief not all witches belong to covens. Many work alone and with just as good results using the magic power of witchcraft as if they were working with a group. Using this magical power is simplicity itself.

_ The warlock of the Middle Ages, desiring to arouse love and passion, was required to make a figure of wax to represent the woman whose company he desired above all else. _ Positive magic is worked from the first quarter until a full moon, and black magic from the last quarter until a new moon.

The Knights Templar was a debased Christian sect that practiced occult Rituals. _ It's a good idea to work a protection Ritual on a regular basis.

_ The pentagram (five-pointed star) is a tool used by both witches and magicians to keep evil forces at bay. The pentagram represents man - the five points being his head, two arms, and two legs. _ In reading these words you will learn many ancient secrets of the occult.

_ The old grimoires were hand-written books of magic Spells, invocations, herbal recipes, incantations and other magical lore. _ When Witches work their Rituals, they work naked. _ A Ritual to summon the magic power within you. _ Different sensations often accompany the awakening of your magic power. _ Whenever a specific area of your life is in need of help, cast whatever Spell is appropriate to your desire. It is the Spell that draws out your power and sends it on its way. _ Spells are the fun part of what we call witchcraft. _ The casting of Spells is based upon the Wiccan belief that to speak a desire is to cause the desire to be fulfilled. _ The thing that makes most Spells work is the emotion you invest in

them. _ An ancient magic word used in the Orient, which is said to have remarkable powers. _ A powerful Money Spell that has proven extremely successful for others, as it will for you. _ Green is the traditional color used by witches in money matters. Green is the color of Mother Nature and is also the color of paper money; dollar bills are green. _ A Love Spell that has worked magic for others, as it will for you.

_ That certain sounds (chants) create unique magical vibrations, the physical manifestation of which is called magic. _ Chants should be spoken aloud in a sort of _up and down_ rhythm. _ Witchcraft draws its power from the elemental forces of Earth, Air, Fire and Water, and how to align yourself with these forces. _ Gnomes are the elemental spirits of the earth, and a simple Spell to help you to enlist their aid in your affairs. _ The easiest way to remember all the practical expressions of your magical workings is to keep a small notebook in which you write your occult experiences. _ You call this notebook your Personal Grimoire. _ Modern day witches make loud noises about how straight-laced there ceremonies are, but witches from all times and all places have always recognized the enormous level of magical power contained in the sex act. _ Sex Magic Rituals and Ceremonies are still secretly practiced today. _ Sexual offerings are made to the dark spirits attracted to the ceremonies. _ The Demon of Lust is summoned on the night of the New Moon. _ The Occult Seduction Spell is best worked on the night of the New Moon, and requires a photo of the person to be seduced. _ In Witchcraft, red is the traditional color used by witches in sexual matters. _ The Conjuration to summon the incubi and succubi works best if it is first worked three days before the New Moon. _ Aphrodisiac foods are ruled by the stars and exert a more potent effect if the correct foods are served to the person whose astrological sun sign agrees with the foods concerned._ The word _aphrodisiac_ is derived from _Aphrodite_, the Love Goddess of the Ancient Greeks whom the Romans called _Venus_. _ Sex backed by a definite thought or desire is a powerful magical force. _ You can make the irresistible combination of sex and magic work real wonders for you.

_ The Cabala is the secret teaching of the ancient Hebrews concerning the inner meaning to the simplistic doctrines and philosophy of the Old Testament, and forms the basis of modern occult thought. _ One tradition surrounding the Cabala is that Magic Spells and Rituals based upon its system possess an extremely potent effect over all forms of matter. _ Spirits communicate with us through dreams, visions and omens, and can see the future with their unseeing eyes. _ The signs and omens most people receive are simple everyday occurrences, but the act of noticing them is what makes them significant. _ The signs and omens that are noticed have a definite relation to the character of the events to come.

_ Dreams, intuitions and hunches, visions and thoughts that will be sent to you from the depths of the Astral World during your Spells and Rituals will show you the future with great accuracy._ Divining the future with dice is done by a mere handful of people. _ You need three dice to foretell the future. _ The three dice should be cast into a circle measuring approximately 7 inches in diameter drawn on a piece of paper.

_ On average, the predicted events will come to pass within seven days of the dice being cast. _ In spirit contact, a pendulum is used to set up an actual code of communication. _ You may ask the spirit any question you desire. Ask only one question at a time and each time wait for an answer. _ Occasionally you may suspect that some spirit of malicious intent is controlling your pendulum because the answers seem to be

gibberish. _ In advanced pendulum work, you can divine precise answers to your questions. _ It is best to keep your first contact with the spirit world brief. Eventually you will have no further need for your initial magical working, the Fiery Serpent Ritual. As you continue to apply the magic power of the occult to banish the influences that have been holding you back from the life you desire, you will find more and more that the

need for the Ritual will gradually recede.That will be the time when you can achieve your desires without the need for a magical working of any kind. Your powers will be absolute.




Occult power p3

04:41 Jun 19 2006
Times Read: 2,153


In Chapter Two you learned that the magic power of witchcraft can be woken through the study and practice of the Fiery Serpent Ritual. If

you never learned another thing about the occult world, the knowledge that you already possess marks you as a genuine witch. But there is more, much more. Obtaining money through the use of Magic Spells and Rituals is just one more amazing secret that is revealed to you in the pages of this remarkable book.

How to Cast Spells That Really Work

Spells are the fun part of what we call witchcraft; simple gestures, uttered words, seemingly illogical actions, frowned upon by the scientific mind nevertheless make strange and wonderful things happen for the person who casts them. The casting of Spells is based upon the Wiccan belief that to speak a desire is to cause the desire to be fulfilled. When it comes to spellcasting, there's always a chance of first time success if the desire is strong, though it usually does take time and practice to achieve results. The thing that makes most Spells work is the emotion you invest in them. Get involved with the Spell, in this way you will turn it from a simple unemotional act into a genuine Spell.

Use these Spells to obtain only one desire at a time. If you go after a whole string of desires, the magical power is spread thinly over all of them, and takes longer. Better to achieve one at a time in order of importance. If you find yourself constantly interrupted when you attempt to cast a Spell, you should know that occult reasons are the cause. Probably you should attempt some other means of obtaining what you seek

(take a look at another Spell), or reconsider your actions.

Practical Witchcraft

Having now defined our subject let us progress to the practical uses for which it can be employed. Let us first take a look at Spells that will

appeal to many readers, Spells to bring money. The effects of these Spells may not be as dramatic as finding a bundle of cash in an old shoebox or winning the lottery. But everything will become generally better for you as needs are met and financial limitations melt away.

And if you are in the least bit worried that the practical application of witchcraft in some way breaks one of the basic Wiccan laws, don_t

be. Let me assure you that witches won_t admit that they are using witchcraft to do what everyone would want to use it for - to gain

money, power and sex.

The Magic Word That Will Bring Money to You

There is an ancient magic word used in the Orient, which is said tohave remarkable powers. You may recognize this word, for it has

been around for thousands of years. Yet it still retains all its power and potency.The word is _OM,_ and it represents the Hidden Truths and Secrets of the Universe. The repeated utterance of this one word can bringmany of your desires to pass. The word is not important. It is the vibrations that count. Try it. Say _OM_ slowly, over and over, making it rhyme with _home._Say the word aloud a few times, so that you can listen to yourselfsaying it. After you have said the word four or five times, you will feel the vibration from it starting to build up in your body, getting strongerand stronger.

The Green Candle Spell

This Spell has proven extremely successful. It is concerned with bringing moderate amounts of money to meet financial needs. Before beginning, write down on a piece of paper what bills need paying or what you want the money for. Keep it simple. After darkness has fallen, enter your witching circle and light a single green candle. If you wish you can burn a stick of incense and have soft music playing. Put out all lights except the candle and read your piece of paper once more. Awaken your magic power and then close your eyes and see exactly what it is that you want, i.e. see the money appearing in your hands. Get involved with the money. Use your imagination to touch and feel the money, it is real. Having visualized for a few minutes open your eyes and gaze into the candle flame. Say _OM,_ the magical word seven times, slowly. Close your eyes again and visualize the money in your hands. Now sit back, and wait for the money to come to you.You will notice the use of the color green for this Spell. Green is the traditional color used by witches in money matters. Green is the color of Mother Nature and is also the color of paper money; dollar bills are green.

The Magic Power of Chants

Ask any witch worth their broomstick, and they will tell you that certain sounds (chants) create unique magical vibrations. They will also tell you that these magical vibrations seek similar vibrations within the Astral World, becoming a single creative force of energy that goes to work to make a physical manifestation of its power. This physical manifestation is called magic.

The secret chant I will soon reveal to you is so effective that it should be used with caution. I discovered it in a long out of print book of

magic. I began using it, idly, without thinking and as I did, a strange sequence of events followed that even I am at a loss to explain. In

the days and weeks ahead, everything I wanted I received with this secret chant. New friends, rare books, money, and more. I felt a

strange sensation envelop me, a feeling of power and protection. The chant should be spoken aloud in a sort of _up and down_ rhythm.

Before you begin saying the chant, practice aloud by counting from one to seven in the same voice that you will use when using the

chant to influence chance and coincidence to bring you whatever it Is you seek. As you practice, you will notice that you are developing a

very definite rhythm as you pronounce the numbers. This same rhythm should be used as you use the chant.

Enter your witching circle. Awaken your magic power. Chant the Magic Word, Misabu, over and over again for at least five minutes.

Ideally, the chant should begin as a shout and gradually fade away to a whisper. The Magic Word is pronounced: Me-sah-boo. I would

suggest you begin the chant on a Sunday, at or near the Full Moon.

The Golden Square Spell

Gnomes are the elemental spirits of the earth. They have the general appearance of grotesquely deformed dwarfs, but despite their

appearance gnomes are benevolent in nature. One occult belief is that gnomes are the guardians of buried treasure, and inhabit the

darkest depths of mines. Their essence can be found in the earth, wood and metals. This Spell will help you to enlist their aid in your

affairs. Before you begin, go outside and pick up a pinch of earth and take it inside with you. Enter your witching circle. Face north, and sprinkle

the soil on the floor in front of you. That small and simple gesture forges a bond between you and the gnomes, and adds power to the Spell.

Awaken your magic power. Imagine a golden square directly in front of you. Now enlarge the image until it is several feet high, and pulsating with mystic force. See it as clearly as you can. Imagine yourself bathed in its mystic light. Try and actually breathe in this light. Imagine it circulating within you. Now, in your mind, pretend that you are reaching into the golden square. Feel around inside until your hands touch two moneybags, bulging with gold coins. Pick the bags up and bring them out of the golden square. Feel the coins with your mind, get involved with the coins, they_re real. Now spend a few moments thanking the gnomes for their help.

Repeat for seven consecutive days, or until the money arrives, or until you are stopped from casting the Spell, whichever happens first.

Spell Brings Needed Money

This particular case history was told to me over the telephone, so I will have to relate it using my own words. Laura D. was by no means rich, and when she received a phone bill for $300 had no idea where she could get the needed money. She was at her wit_s end. So when I suggested that she use the Golden Square to draw money to her, she was only too happy to give it a try. She followed my instructions.

One week later, Laura_s mother-in-law came to visit and handed her an envelope. A gift, she told Laura. It contained $300 in cash. The

Elemental Forces worked for Laura, and they will work for you.

The Devil_s Treasurer

This is a very potent Black Magic Spell to bring money. If Black Magic didn_t work, there would be no reason for me to include this Spell in

this chapter or for you to try it. But Black Magic really works. Not the old fashioned kind with bats and black cats, but an entirely new

magical system based on principles thousands of years old that, under the correct conditions, works every time.This Spell is the result of years of research into arcane magical texts and documents. All the confusing parts of the old texts have been discarded. The remaining wisdom has been sorted out, de-fantasized and re-integrated into a proven system that works. This Spell can yield regular financial gains if performed correctly.

Enter your witching circle, and face east. Awaken your magic power. Light a gold candle and hold a one-dollar bill in your right hand. Offer a short prayer to the Spirit Astaroth. Astaroth is one of 72 Spirits listed in the Lemegeton a four-part handbook of magic also called The Lesser Key of Solomon, written before 1500. The four parts are Goetia, derived from a Greek word meaning _witchcraft,_ Theurgia Goetia, the Pauline Art, and the Amadel. I shall be referring to the Lemegeton again in Chapter 6

where you will learn how to pray to the other spirits of Goetia for every possible need and desire.

Thank Astaroth for all his help to others in days gone by. Thank him for being with you on this day and at this hour, and ask for his

kindness and favor at this time. Sit quietly for a few moments before summoning the Spirit Astaroth to you, using your own words. It is at this moment that the Spirit Astaroth will manifest or make known his presence in the room with you, and you must speak of whatever it is you want in the way of ready cash. You may converse with Astaroth in words and gestures, or silently if you wish. You must get involved.

When you are ready, give thanks to Astaroth and bid him farewell. Keep the money in your pocket or purse. Don_t spend it for at least

ten days or until the money appears, whichever occurs first. This is a very personal magical working. You conjure Astaroth in your own way and with your own words. Your emotions will be stirred by this working. This ancient money rite is particularly effective in bringing _smallish amounts_ of money at frequent intervals. $50 one day, $30 the next, $100 the week after all from the most unexpected sources. Use it regularly and it will solve your financial worries for life. I would suggest you cast this Spell on a Wednesday, between 10pm and 11pm, about one week after the New Moon.

What Will Happen After Casting Your Spells And Working Your Rituals?

Not a lot, there will be no sudden puffs of green smoke, rolls of thunder, or flashes of lightning. Neither will an unclean spirit appear

dressed in a scarlet coat, yellow vest, and pale green breeches, with a head resembling a dog, the ears of an ass, two horns, and the legs and hoofs of a calf. Nor anything else that the old grimoires would have us believe are necessary when magic is being worked. What the Spells and Rituals do is to work on the minds of other people, and to influence chance and coincidence to make things easier for you in perfectly natural-seeming ways.

Important Things to Remember

Spells are the fun part of what we call witchcraft; simple gestures, uttered words, seemingly illogical actions, frowned upon by the scientific mind nevertheless make strange and wonderful things happen for the person who casts them. The casting of Spells is based upon the Wiccan belief that to speak a desire is to cause thedesire to be fulfilled. Whenever a specific area of your life is in need of help, work the whole of the Ritual, and cast whatever Spell is appropriate to your desire. It is the Spell that draws out your power and sends it on its way. When it comes to spellcasting, there's always a chance of first time success if the desire is strong, though it usually does take time and practice to achieve results. The thing that makes most Spells work is the emotion you invest in them.


Modern day witches make loud noises about how straight-laced there ceremonies are, but witches from all times and all places have always recognized the enormous level of magical power contained in the sex act. The idea behind the wide and traditional uses of sex in witchcraft is that at the moment of sexual climax you release a power that can be tapped for magical ends. The practice of sex magic is widespread. Generally, something along these lines: The flickering light of candles illuminates the room. The air is heavy with sweet smelling, constantly burning incense. Red and black drapes hang from the walls and an altar to the spirits of lasciviousness and sensuality is placed toward the North. Its chief

ornament is a well-oiled artificial phallus of marble or wood, tall black candles and a chalice. Beside it is a small whip. If the ceremony is an

all-night affair, sensuous music is played to heighten the atmosphere. The Coven Master wears a red robe and the others black cloaks to

cover their nakedness, their faces hidden behind small black _domino_ masks. As the ceremony begins the coven renounces all other religions, vows to serve the dark forces, and pledges to keep its activities secret. Sexual offerings are made to the dark spirits attracted to the ceremony. The coven removes their masks and cloaks, and turns their attentions to the gratification of the senses. Each member is encouraged to indulge in his or her own perversions to ensure the excitement reaches a fever pitch. And when the Coven Master considers the orgy of wickedness is reaching a climax of excitement, he begins to work the magic, harnessing the sexual energy liberated by the lowering of inhibitions. Once the initial ceremony is completed, a _Queen of the Night_ (usually a recently initiated member of the coven) is elected to satisfy the sexual demands of the Coven Master. She is carried to the altar, laid down and surrounded by black candles, and _worshipped_ by the more virile men of the coven. She is stroked, kissed and otherwise stimulated until her passions are aroused. Only then is she brought before the Coven Master who copulates with her, until he is exhausted.

The Mark of the Beast

Aleister Crowley, an infamous black magician of the 1920s, was dubbed by the Daily Express _The wickedest man who ever lived_ and came to believe that he was the biblical _beast_ of the Revelations.He was, for a short time, a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, but his true interest lie in the OTO (Ordo Templis Orientis), a German order involved in sexual magic. He took this and adapted it into a new religion, Thelema. A magical system dedicated to the enlightenment of one_s soul via sex rituals held in honor of Pan, the god of earthly existence and often portrayed as the carnal side of man_s nature.In 1920 Crowley established his _Abbey of Thelema_ on a small island off the coast of Sicily, the walls of which were covered with an incredible collection of Crowley_s artistic expertise. Frescoes and paintings depicting every conceivable form of sexual deviation adorned the walls. The Temple of the Abbey (the central hall) contained an altar at the center of a magic circle, a throne upon which Crowley would sit during the rituals dedicated to magic and sexuality, and various other occult paraphernalia such as an artificial phallus and a whip. From time to time, Crowley would nominate a willing female disciple to be his idea of the Scarlet Woman, a particularly wanton prostitute. And subject her to every form of humiliation and degradation his fertile mind could come up with _ including branding between the breasts! After his death at Hastings, England in 1947, his erotic poem _hymn to Pan_, was recited during the funeral services by his remaining few disciples, and an occult ceremony held at his grave. The _beast_ had fallen.

The Demon of Lust

The Clavis Magica Artium describes Asmodeus as a demon of sensuality and luxury. He is also well versed in the sexy art of occult ribaldry, i.e. how to cause a young girl, however prudent she may be, to become maddened and inflamed with lust. Here is an arcane truth: More people have been seduced and influenced by the occult without their knowledge than by any amount of good looks, wealth, or intelligence.

On the night of the New Moon, enter your witching circle and cover a small table with black cloth (This table might be called your secret

altar). Stand a red candle in the center. Light the candle. Awaken your magic power. Gaze into the candle flame, and visualize yourself surrounded by admiring members of the opposite sex. And as you visualize in this way, chant Asmodeus_ name over and over again. Ideally, the chant will begin as a whisper and gradually rise until a shout. When you have ended the chant, extinguish the candle and, in a clear and distinct voice, affirm: _So mote it be._ Now sit back and wait for the opposite sex to come to you. This is pure black magic. If you have a particular person in mind, try to obtain something that has been in contact with the person you wish to seduce. A hair or a fingernail clipping is best, and hold the item in your hand as you cast the Spell.

The Occult Seduction Spell

For this Spell to work most efficiently you need to obtain a photo of the person you wish to seduce. If you are unable to obtain a picture,

draw a sketch of him or her on paper. It doesn_t matter whether or not you_re artistic: only you are going to see the sketch, and when you

are aware of what the picture is meant to represent. To further identify the sketch, write the name of the person under your drawing of him or her.

On the night of the New Moon, enter your witching circle and cover a small table with black cloth. Stand a red candle in the center, and place photo of person whom you wish to seduce in front of candle.

Light the candle and say:

Light the flame, bright the fire. Red is the color of desire.” Put yourself in a highly sensuous mood, and awaken your magic power. Gaze into the candle flame, and visualize the person whom you wish to spellbind standing alone in a darkened void. See it as clearly as you can. Now recite the following: Powers of night and lustful delight Go to him/her in the still of night. “

As you speak the words picture a bright red light slowly beginning to envelop him or her, gradually encircling and enclosing the entire body. Repeat the conjuration three times, then let the image fade from your mind. Repeat each New Moon until results are obtained. You will note the use of the color red for these two Spells. Red is the traditional color used by witches in sexual matters.

A Magical Threesome

The Grimorum Verum, an eighteenth-century French Grimoire based on the Key of Solomon, tells how to cause the appearance of three

spirits (three women for a man, three men for a woman) in your room after supper. After three days of celibacy, you must clean and tidy your room before breakfast. You leave the room undisturbed all day. There must be nothing left hanging, nor must there be anything left crosswise.

Then, after supper, go there secretly, light a good fire, put a white cloth on the table and set three places, with a chair, a roll, and a glass of water at each. Put a chair and a settee beside the bed and, when you retire to bed, recite a conjuration. When the three spirits appear, they will draw lots as to which keeps you company, and the other two will sit at the table beside the fire. The chosen spirit will sit by the bed and talk to you answering questions on any subject you care to ask about, and telling you where to find hidden treasure if there is any in the locality.

Before departing at midnight, he or she will give you a ring that will assure you of success in love and luck at cards. What makes this ancient Spell so interesting is the conjuration, for I have discovered that it acts as a kind of secret code of communication between us and the incubi and succubi _ sexual spirits that visit us by night to tempt us with all manner of lusts and depravities. Repeating the conjuration will cause you to have

intercourse with them in the reality of an erotic dream. This Spell works best if it is first worked three days before the New Moon, before retiring to bed for the night, repeat the following

conjuration three times:

Besticitum consolato veni ad me_vertat. Creon, Creon, Creon, cantor laudem omni potentis, et non-commentor. Stat superior carta bient

laudem, omviestra principem da montem et inimicos meos o prostantis vobis et mihi dantes que passium fieri sincisibus.

Repeat the Spell on the following two nights. On average the dreams will occur within three days of working the Spell. Whilst this Spell is

designed to bring on erotic dreams, I know of at least one case where an actual physical manifestation occurred.

Magical Aphrodisiacs

Another tradition of sexual magic and practice is the custom of feeding your partner with certain foods imbued with aphrodisiac

properties that will arouse his or her passions. Aphrodisiac foods are ruled by the stars and exert a more potent effect if the correct foods are served to the person whose astrological sun sign agrees with the foods concerned. Thus by compliance with the Laws of Astrology a witch can gain better results from his or her actions. Here is a list of the most suitable aphrodisiac foods for the various astrological signs:

Aries: Cinnamon, pepper, and chestnuts. Taurus: Grapes and sage. Gemini: Carrots and fennel.

Cancer: Garlic and peppermint. Leo: Almonds and celery seed. Virgo: Apples and thyme.

Scorpio: Ginger, mustard, and onions. Sagittarius: Sesame seed and nutmeg. Capricorn: Dates and wintergreen.

Aquarius: Bananas and rye. Pisces: Mint and oranges.

The word _aphrodisiac_ is derived from _Aphrodite_, the Love Goddess of the Ancient Greeks whom the Romans called _Venus_. Of

all the goddesses of ancient Greece and Rome, none was more widely venerated than the goddess of love was. Every god –even Zeus himself - wanted the beautiful, golden Aphrodite as his wife, but she was too proud and rejected them all. One of her children was Eros, the winged god of love.

The Black Candle of Love

The occult practitioners of ages past were the matchmakers of their day. Almost without exception, every small village had its resident wise woman dispensing love spells and philters of varied kinds to those in search of true love. No occult book would be complete without information on how to win the love of another. For the female witch intent on seduction cast this Love Spell before coming into the presence of the man concerned. Enter your witching circle. Awaken your magic power. Burn a black

candle and think of the person to be spellbound. After a few minutes, gaze into candle flame and say:

Listen, O Mighty and Powerful Ancient One, He whose appearance is that of a burning pillar of fire. Ancient and Powerful One, I require

you, Who hath dominion over such things to draw close to you the heart and soul of (Person_s Name). From this moment forth, I charge you to never once loosen your hold upon them. By He whose mouth ever flameth, You are required to do as I command. Let (Person_s Name) never think of another for his/her soul has now faded from within. (Person_s Name) is now bound to my will, until the stars fall from the heavens.

Repeat daily until results are obtained. It's best to cast this Spell on a night when the moon is full. Direction is not really important, though

facing the moon would certainly help to create the proper atmosphere and frame of mind.

Sex Magic for Couples

If you are happy with the one you love, and there is no need to use Sex Magic to attract a lover or arouse passion in another, then you

can harness the tremendous magic power generated in your sexual activity as a means of gaining power in the material word. Who does not want a better life? And what better and more pleasant way of acquiring it by that most powerful of all magic _ Sex? Sex backed by a definite thought or desire is a mighty thing indeed, hence the wide and traditional use of sex in magic for thousands of years. Witches and Occultists from all times and all places have always recognized the enormous level of magic power contained in the sex act. In the Ritual that follows you can make the irresistible combination of sex and magic work real wonders for you. First you, and your partner, must decide on what it is you seek. Then

enter your witching circle and place a pillow, for the female_s head, in line with one of the four cardinal points. The direction you choose will

depend on what it is you seek. Once you know your intention you should check with the list in Chapter 2 to know which elemental force

to invoke. Now indulge in the sex act, but keep your mind at all times

on your magical intention. That_s all there is to it.


It is said that God created the world by pronouncing the Tetragrammaton correctly and it is regarded as the ultimate magical

word of power. The Tetragrammaton is an essential part of the Cabala, a form of mysticism that evolved from Judaism. It is the four letter name of God _ Yod, He, Vau, He _ and is normally pronounced Jehovah or Yahweh, and sometimes Adonai. Please do not try to understand it

now, you will not be able to until you have mastered the Middle Pillar Ritual revealed in this chapter. But once you are ready for it, I think

you will find it to be one of the most profound and rewarding experiences in your life. Here, too, are the Secret Names of God that magical adepts have used for centuries to invoke the hidden powers of the Cabala, and a most powerful Ritual that will send any unfriendly spirits back where

they came from in short order, never to return. One tradition surrounding the Cabala is that magic Spells and Rituals based upon its system possesses an extremely potent effect over all forms of matter. Such magical formulae are naturally much sought after and books containing them are hard to come by.

The Tree of Life

The Cabala is the secret teaching of the ancient Hebrews concerning the inner meaning to the simplistic doctrines and philosophy of the

Old Testament, and forms the basis of modern occult thought. It is immensely complex, and it takes many years of earnest study and

practice to master the merest fraction of it. The central symbol in Cabalism is the Tree of Life, giving the path to perfection. The idea is that you follow a complex path of spiritual enlightenment up the tree passing through each Sepher (divine emanation) until you achieve union with God in Kether the Crown. An interesting aspect of the Cabala is that the achieving of knowledge is likened to sexual union with Shekinah, a female

personification of wisdom. This is similar to the Gnostic Sophia, wisdom given a female personification, only with a much stronger sexual connection since she was a prostitute. Gnosticism was the main competitor to Christianity in ancient Rome. The Gnostics believed that the Christian Jehovah was not the real God but an evil creator of an evil world.

The Power of the Spheres

Sit or lie down, whichever you find most comfortable, at the center of your witching circle. If you choose the latter, use a rug or blanket as a mattress. Now begin to breathe rhythmically until the rhythm is established. While inhaling and exhaling in this rhythmic pattern

pretend that a sparkling, sphere of light is hovering just above your scalp. This is the Sphere of Spirit. See it as clearly as you can. Speak the First Sacred Name of Power: _Eheieh._ Repeat three times. You will feel a tingling sensation in your hands and feet.Next form the mental image of a small shaft of white light moving out from the lower half of the sphere of light. The shaft moves down through your head until it reaches your throat, at which you imagine a second sphere of light. This is the Sphere of Air. See it as clearly as you can.

Speak the Second Sacred Name of Power: _Jehovah Elohim._ Repeat three times.

You will experience a sensation of warmth in your throat. With these two spheres firmly established, pretend that the shaft of light moves slowly down through your chest. Visualize a third sphere on a level with your heart. This is the Sphere of Fire. See it as clearly as you can.

Speak the Third Sacred Name of Power: _Jehovah Eloah Ve Daas._ Repeat three times.

You will feel a vibration throughout your chest cavity. Now you should imagine the shaft of light moves down through your body to your genitals. At which you visualize a fourth sphere. This is the Sphere of Water. See it as clearly as you can.

Speak the Fourth Sacred Name of Power: _Shadai El Chai._ Repeat three times.

You will experience a pleasant sensation in your pelvic region. Complete this part of the Ritual by extending the shaft of white light to your feet, where a fifth sphere is visualized. This is the Sphere of Earth. See it as clearly as you can.

Speak the Fifth Sacred Name of Power: _Adonai Elohim._ Repeat three times.

The image you have in your mind_s eye should be a shaft of fiery white light running from your head to your toes, inside your body, 0studded with five gigantic, brilliant white gems _ three along the center and one at each end. You will now experience the Power of the Spheres physically. A great calmness will surge through your mind, and your skin will prickle with a vibrant current of raw magic power. It remains only to circulate it and then direct it to change circumstances and situations to your benefit.

The Sacred Names of Power

The Names used in the first part of the ritual are ancient Hebrew Names of God that have a mystic power of their own. They are a true

invocation to the hidden occult power of the Cabala, and powerful adepts have used them for centuries. By saying the Names, you are attuning yourself with the power of those adepts, and the still greater powers of the Cabala. The correct phonetic pronunciation of those names is as follows: The First Sacred Name of Power is pronounced: Eh-he-yeh. The Second Sacred Name of Power is pronounced: Yeh-ho-vo El-ohheem.

The Third Sacred Name of Power is pronounced: Yeh-ho-vo El-oh-ah Vay-dah-ass.

The Fourth Sacred Name of Power is pronounced: Shad-ay El-kay.

The Fifth Sacred Name of Power is pronounced: Ah-doh-nay El-ohheem.

Practice each Name a few times until you can say it clearly, firmly and decisively. You are using the raw magic power of Higher Spiritual

Forces to shape your future.

The Middle Pillar Circulation Ritual

Breathe deeply and bring your attention to the Sphere of Spirit above your head. As you exhale slowly, pretend that a liquid stream of white

light is beginning to emerge from the sphere and flow down the left side of your body, bathing your left shoulder, arm, hip, leg, and foot

with its mystic glow. Try to feel this light being absorbed through the pores of your skin as it flows down the side of your head, and on

down your body. When the stream of light reaches the Sphere of Earth at your feet, begin to inhale slowly and pretend that the stream of light is moving up the right side of your body, back to the Sphere of Spirit. On the way up it bathes your right leg, hip, arm and shoulder with white

brilliance, just as it did to your left side on the way down. Repeat this imaginary circulation process, down on the left side, and up on the right, until it becomes a fluid movement of imaginary light. Now add a second flow to the first. This time pretend that the light is moving down the front of your body a you exhale, bathing your face, chest, stomach, thighs, legs, and feet in sparkling white light. Then, as you inhale, imagine the light flowing under your feet and up at the back of your body, flooding white light over your calves, buttocks, back, shoulders, and neck.

Repeat this second flow, the down and up motion, until it becomes a fluid movement of imaginary light.

The whole of the Ritual described so far is known as The Middle Pillar Ritual. This has taken far longer to spell out in detail than it

does to perform. As you finish imagining the circulation of the white light, you can proceed directly to the magic working. Using the Middle Pillar Ritual to Obtain Money

Are you short of money? You can use the Middle Pillar Ritual to bring you what you need in the way of ready cash. Money is associated

with the Sun, and to bring it to you, the Sun_s magical color of gold needs to be used. Perform the whole of the Middle Pillar Ritual. In your imagination, you are bathed in light. Pretend that the white light around you has turned to bright, sparkling gold as you say the Sacred Name of Power: Jehovah Eloah Ve-Daas, three times, aloud. The Sacred Name is pronounced Yeh-ho-vo Ell-oh-wuh Vay-dah-ass.

See the golden light as clearly as you can. Try to actually breathe in this mystic light through the pores of your skin. Imagine it circulating

within you. At this stage, only one more step is needed. Pretend that the money is already flowing into your life. See the

money as clearly as you can. Picture it in your possession. Get involved with the money, love the money, touch and feel it, it is real.

Be confident, as confident as you would be if the money were actually in your pocket or purse. In theory it is possible to produce the desired effect at a single attempt. In practice it will be necessary to repeat the process. Decide on a convenient time to perform this Ritual and perform it

every day until the money arrives for you to see, feel, touch and possess.

The Ultimate Protection

When we tread the ancient path toward releasing our magic power, it is possible to attract unfriendly spirits to us. Late one evening, Derek K. was in his study preparing for an exam and chatting with friends online, when something evil came to visit. The lights in the room started flickering, the temperature dropped, and he felt the presence of something unseen in the room with him. He panicked, and could feel the invisible entity begin to drawn near to him. Very quickly he left the room thinking, _this can_t be happening._ Upon entering the anteroom, he saw a transparent being looking directly at him. It began to move forward, and as it did the lights began to flicker and eventually went out. By now Derek was scared out of his wits, he went back into his study and located an incantation given to him by a friend. He read the incantation repeatedly, but could still feel the entity getting closer and closer. Then suddenly, it was gone. Not surprisingly, the whole weird experience left Derek feeling completely drained and exhausted. To make absolutely certain that this doesn_t happen to you, here is a powerful Cabalistic Ritual that will send any unfriendly spirits back where they came from in short order, never to return.

The Cabalistic Cross

Stand at the center of your witching circle, with your feet together. Face East. Close your eyes. Pretend that a ball of white light is hovering just above your scalp. With your left hand at your side, raise your right hand above your head, to touch this sphere with your first and second fingers. Keep those two fingers together, and curl your thumb and your third and fourth fingers into the palm of your hand. Bring your right hand down to touch your forehead, at the same time visualizing a shaft of light being drawn down into your body. Speak the First Magic Word of Power: _Ateh._ The Word of Power is pronounced Ah-tay. Without altering the posture of your fingers, bring your hand and arm straight down in front of your chest and touch your breast, visualizing the shaft of light extending through your body to your feet. Speak the Second Magic Word of Power: _Malkuth._ The Word of Power is pronounced Mall-coot. Lift your right arm, bending it at the elbow, and point your two

fingers at your right shoulder, at which you visualize another sphere of power.

Speak the Third Magic Word of Power: _Ve Geburah._ The Word of Power is pronounced Vay-gay-voo-ray.Move your right hand across your body to touch your left shoulder, visualizing a second shaft of light passing through your body.

Speak the Fourth Magic Word of Power: _Ve Gedulah._ The Word of Power is pronounced Vay-gay-doo-lah.

Clasp both hands in front of your chest. Speak the Fifth Magic Word of Power _Le Olahim. Amen._ The Words of Power are pronounced Lay-oh-lahm-Amen. This completes the Ritual and you can rest easy that nothing evil can come anywhere near you, and that all is good and positive

around you.

The Flaming Pentagram

Perform the whole of the Cabalistic Cross Ritual. With your left hand at your side, stretch out your right hand with the first and second fingers extended, to draw the sign of the Elder Gods (a pentagram) in the air before you. Keep those two fingers together, and curl your thumb and your third and fourth fingers into the palm of your hand. Draw the pentagram large, starting with your hand in the region of your left hip and sweeping smoothly upwards to the natural top limit. Visualize the lines of the pentagram as white fire. When the pentagram is complete, draw back your hand and stab it through the middle with your outstretched fingers.

Speak the Sacred Name of Power: _Yod He Vau He._ The Sacred Name is pronounced Yod-heh-vav-heh.

With your arm outstretched, walk to the South, tracing a line of fire as you go. Draw a second pentagram and stab it.

Speak the Sacred Name of Power: _Adonai._ The Sacred Name is pronounced Ah-doh-nay. Walk to the West, tracing a line of fire as you go. Draw a third pentagram and stab it.

Speak the Sacred Name of Power: _Ehyeh._ The Sacred Name is pronounced Eh-he-yeh. Walk to the North, tracing a line of fire as you go. Draw a fourth pentagram and stab it.

Speak the Sacred Name of Power: _Agla._ The Sacred Name is pronounced Ah-ge-lah. Return to the East, closing the imaginary circle of fire in the center of the first pentagram. Extend your arms to form a Cross. Visualize the archangel Raphael in front of you. See him in yellow

robes and imagine air currents flowing from him towards you.

Say _Before me, Raphael._ Visualize the archangel Gabriel behind you in the West. His robes are blue and he stands against a background of the sea.

Say _Behind me, Gabriel._ Visualize the archangel Michael in the South. His robes are red and he stands against a fiery, volcanic landscape.

Say _On my right hand, Michael._ Visualize the archangel Uriel in the North. He wears dark robes _ olive, russet, citrine and black _ and stands against a background of fertile earth.

Say _On my left hand, Uriel._ Holding all the visualizations strongly. Say, _About me flame the pentagrams. Behind me shines the sixrayed


Repeat the Cabalistic Cross.This completes the ritual, which is still secretly practiced today as an opening ceremony in many occult Lodges. After you have practiced this a few times, and found the swing of it, you will find it equally effective if you merely imagine you are making the gestures, while you say the Words and Names of Power aloud.




Occult Power p2

04:40 Jun 19 2006
Times Read: 2,154


The first full moon after Midsummer_s Night hangs in the night skyabove a wooded hollow. A naked young girl lays outstretched on an

altar, her loose blond hair rippling over her shoulders and across the cold altar stones. Her pale flesh bathed in the glow of the full moon

above. Her breasts rise and fall to the fear inside her, as hooded figures draw close to the altar and a low-pitched chant begins to fill

the night air. Standing before her, the Coven Master takes up the chant as, with head bowed, an assistant hands him the sacrificial knife, its blade

shining in the silver moonlight. From out of the darkened wood another figure appears leading a goat that he takes to the side of the

altar as the priest begins his litany. He calls out a list of demonic names and to them he addresses his earnest plea for them to bear

witness to what is about to take place. "Astaroth, help us!_ he intones. "Demons, Dagon, Azazel, Pan help us! Asmodeus, we beseech thee! We are gathered here in thy honor, O Great God, Baal! We offer unto thee the body of the virgin, so that we may live eternally in the darkness of thy womb." Then, with knife raised high, he walks slowly towards the goat and with quick, neat thrust slits its throat. An expectant hush falls as three

hooded figures step forward to catch the blood in a golden chalice and pass it round the coven, each of whom takes a sip, then bows his

head. Finally it is the Coven Master_s turn. He raises the chalice, drinks part of its contents and uses the still-warm blood to draw

numerous occult symbols on the belly of the naked girl. An excited wail rises up from the coven, and is quickly stilled.

And so begins a typical witchcraft ceremony. Or perhaps I should say Hollywood's idea of a typical witchcraft ceremony. Truth is, most

witches are involved in rather mundane things like ceremonies to ensure that the sun comes up every morning. You can't help feeling

that there must be more to it than this.

The Gray Man

There are two sides, or faces, to witchcraft: the pagan worship of Nature, and the manipulative side, i.e. that of deliberately influencing

chance and coincidence for one_s own end. This book is about the second, hidden face. But before I continue let me tell you something

about myself. I first became involved with the occult arts as such through the now defunct Psychic Research Society of Australia. Thinking it involved actual research, you can imagine my dismay that it seemed to have been taken over completely by little old ladies with blue rinses trying

to make contact with a loved one recently departed, i.e. Spiritualism! All was not lost however; I remember a day in December 1978 when

something uninvited came to visit.

I had become a member a member of the Society a mere four weeks earlier to study the mysteries of the soul and the universe, only to find the subject bewildering and full of apparent contradictions. The weekly meetings were confined to exercises in ESP and lectures

on the limitless virtues of spiritualism which Ivan, the psychic who ran the class, believed were of main interest to the sitters.

I had joined the organization in the hope of gaining an insight into the benefits, material and spiritual, that could be quickly gained by the

study and application of occultism and one's own higher instincts, only to find the weekly classes both repetitive and dull.

We had gathered together in the small room that served as a meeting place; discussing things beyond the physical touch, of seeing the

future with our unseeing eyes, when a ghostly figure walked right through a closed door into the room where we were seated. It

shuffled across the room towards a somewhat sinister looking man. Slowly raised its arm and pointed at him. Then abruptly it was gone.

There was something special and very familiar about the mysterious entity and its actions. But from the view of the people who were with

me that day, something very unusual (unusual, that is, for them) had happened. They had never before been confronted in the middle of

the afternoon by a tall gray entity of apparently supernatural origin. They knew nothing about it or the reasons for its presence so they

were forced to speculate. Why would a ghostlike apparition suddenly appear in their midst?

The Society was like a second home to me in those days. I had a few friends there. One of them, Ralph a government employee with an

interest in paranormal phenomena was with me that day. He had been given the task of running the class whilst Ivan was away on

vacation, and as we talked on into the late afternoon it was difficult to know if we had really seen something in the room. We had to

consider that it could have been a shadow cast by something going past the window.

I had been sitting facing the window with my eyes closed when the entity came and stood in front of me, blocking out the sunlight shining in through the window. I had an interesting emotional reaction (interesting, that is, to me) to this event. I felt a strange sensation.

Something indefinite, haunting, something half-forgotten, a far away memory returning again. When I was six or seven years old, one bright sunny day, I was playing in the backyard of the family home when I happened to look up and saw a tall, gray colored entity standing over me.

It made no sound and had no eyes, ears, nose, mouth, or anything like that it was just like a solid gray form. I screamed aloud and shouted for my parents, but the entity vanished before anyone else had time to see it. I would prefer to believe that my presence in the class that December

did not cause the strange entity to appear. I certainly had no inclination of what was to come. The Society no longer exists, now. But I remember. I remember the Gray Man, as I have come to call him and the effect his brief presence had upon the people gathered in the small room that fateful day. After leaving the society, I read as many books as I could on the subject of mind power, magic, witchcraft and the occult. I learnt a lot

from those books on the basics of how Rituals are formed and the format for applying one's mental abilities. However, they were not of the type you would normally associate with magical practice. I tried to read Aleister Crowley_s Magick in Theory and Practice; but it was written in such a convoluted manner that it was, to me, almost like trying to read Latin without ever having learned the language. As a consequence, I began forming my own Spells and Rituals based on occult tradition. Black Magic, Sex Magic, Mind Power and, of course, Witchcraft.

What Witches Do

The cornerstone of witchcraft is the coven. A coven is just a fancy name for a group of people who like to get together every so often,

take all their clothes off, and dance about in a circle, in the open air. It is lead by a Coven Master. The purpose of the coven is to build

magical energy amongst its members to achieve the coven's common objectives, such as ensuring that there is a full moon every

month and that summer returns after winter. Covens hold great feasts on certain nights each year, February 2 (Candlemas), April 30 (Walpurgis Night), August 1 (Lammas), and October 31 (Halloween). These four dates are the main witch Sabots of the year. Special nights on which white witches gather to celebrate their devotion to the moon goddess Diana, and the goat-footed god of fertility, Pan, indulging in drink, laughter, love, and song. The more interesting covens, on the other hand, indulge in an orgy of wickedness where all the instincts are given free reign. The dark forces, pleased by the perversions performed for them, then pursue

obtaining the tasks asked of them by the participants.

Welcome to the Coven

There are various forms of secret initiation ceremonies depending on the type of coven one seeks to join. In most instances the initiate is a

woman; though, in some cases a man will be initiated into the coven. The Coven Master enters the room and draws a magic circle on the

floor. The spirits of the North are called upon to witness the ceremony with the words, _I summon, serve, and call Ye up Mighty Ones of the

North to guard the Circle and to witness our rites._ The initiate is led naked to the center of the circle with her hands tied behind her back, and blindfolded. At the center of the circle she repeats a solemn vow, then she is presented to each member of the coven who greet her with a kiss. Next she is introduced to the spirits of the four cardinal points.

She then kneels in the center of the circle and repeats another vow. She is asked what she most desires, and answers _To serve the Old

Ones._ Finally she is asked if she realizes that before she can be accepted her body must first be purified, and answers _I do._ She is

then whipped forty times across the quivering flesh of her naked behind.

The blindfold is removed with the words, _So be it._ Her bonds are removed with the words, _Now you are free._ Once again she is presented to each member of the coven who greet her with a kiss. The coven is now free to spend the evening in whatever way they wish.

Anyone Can Be A Witch

Contrary to popular belief not all witches belong to covens. I certainly don_t, though I do live in close proximity to an area of parkland once

used by a coven to hold its meetings during the Second World War. Many work alone and with just as good results using the magic power

of witchcraft as if they were working with a group. There is nothing special that you have to be or no one special you have to know, in order for you to work witchcraft. Those who would wish you not to know how easy it is to use the magic power of witchcraft have fostered this commonly held belief. As you are reading this, the essence of that power is sinking deep into your inner mind. This book has been written in a special way. No matter whether you believe me or not, the magic behind the words is awakening racial memories of a time long ago when this power was

free to every man and woman who sought it. Using this magical power is simplicity itself. In detail, I_ll be explaining how to do it later in this book.

The Circle of Protection

In reading these words you will learn many ancient secrets of the occult. This will cause you to _glow_ in a metaphysical sense; spirits

can see this glow and are drawn to it, and some will try to mislead you. You can protect yourself from this by taking a handful of salt and,

walking in a clockwise direction, sprinkle the salt in a circle around the room all the while saying: _Let mischievous spirits touch me not._

It's a good idea to work this protection Ritual on a regular basis. The circle begins and ends at the doorway of the room. The Sign of the Elder Gods The pentagram (five-pointed star) is another tool used by both witches and magicians to keep evil forces at bay. The more

complicated forms of magic require the magician to create a Cabalistic circle of protection - in which a pentagram is visualized at

each of the cardinal points, joined one to the other by a fiery circle with the magician at its center. There is more to it than this, of course.

The protection of the four archangels is requested, along with the visualization of the archangels and the elemental forces associated

with them. In detail, I_ll be explaining how to do it later in this book. The pentagram represents man - the five points being his head, two

arms, and two legs. Inverted it becomes the symbol of Baphomet, the Goat of a Thousand Young. Now to understand what Baphomet

represents, I need to give you a little lesson on the Knights Templar, a debased Christian sect that practiced occult Rituals.

King Phillipe of France had them burnt at the stake in the 14th century for worshipping Baphomet - an idol with the head and feet of

a goat, the breasts of a woman, and the wings of an angel. Inverted the pentagram becomes the symbol of Baphomet - the five

points being two horns, two ears, and the beard. So now you know!

Love and Witchcraft

Love has always been a problem. Witches and witchcraft have long been associated with the search for love. The warlock of medieval

times, desiring to arouse love and passion in another, was required to make a figure of wax to represent the woman whose company he

desired above all else. The preliminaries included burning frankincense, and the solemn lighting of two candles. The figure of wax, on which were inscribed the names of assorted demons, was passed back and forth through the fumes, while reciting the conjuration:

_I conjure and command thee, thou spirits, who have the power to disturb the hearts of women! By Him who created thee and by this

image, I conjure thee this night into my presence, so I may have the power to compel whomsoever I desire to love me._

After this the figure of wax was taken to a place where three ways met, and buried. In the old days those who had committed suicide, or

those who had been executed for any kind of witchcraft, were buried at a crossing. Crossings were also considered as ideal places to

summon Satan, or start toward a sabot. Another powerful love spell still secretly practiced today, required the warlock to watch for a crescent or waning moon between 11pm and midnight. Before casting the spell he would write, on parchment, the name of the young girl he desired to attract, and draw a circle around it. As soon as he saw the moon, he would seek out the brightest star in the night sky and recite a solemn conjuration so powerful it was believed capable of drawing any young girl the warlock desired to him. The conjuration was repeated three times and the parchment burned. The ashes were placed in the warlock_s left shoe and were left there until the young girl either came to the warlock or fadedaway.

The Black Pullet

The warlock of medieval times did not confine his witchery to the securing of love alone; he also lusted after buried treasure and its

possession. Imagine if you will Egypt in 1740. A young officer is sent on an expedition to the Pyramids. The party of explorers lunch in the shadow of the great stone mountains of the desert, and are attacked by a horde of Arabs. The comrades of the young officer are slain, and he himself is left for dead upon the ground. On returning to consciousness, he surrenders himself to the immediate anticipation of his end, and delivers a farewell address to the setting sun. A stone is rolled back in the Pyramid, and a venerable old man issues forth. The old man does not fail to discover the corpses that are strewn about the desert, or to identify their country of origin. When the young officer in his turn is examined, the ancient man takes pity on him, and gives him a magical liqueur that puts the wounded man back on his feet. He follows the old man into the Pyramid, and discovers a world of magic. There are vast halls and endless galleries, subterranean chambers piled high with treasures, apparitions of blazing lamps, legions of familiar spirits and there, also, is the Black Pullet. It is a supernatural version of Aladdin with an inner meaning of Astaroth. The sage himself proves to be the sole heir of the ancient magi and is himself, in quest of an heir for he feels he is about to pass away.

In time the French officer, seeing that his protector possesses a talisman that confers immediate proficiency in all tongues, is instructed in the powers and wonders of twenty-two talismanic figures and magical rings, as well as in the secret of the manufacture of the Black Pullet. After these instructions, and in spite of many prayers, the Old Man of the Pyramids expires upon a sofa, while his apprentice in the esoteric arts swoons at the feet of his mentor. In due course, accompanied by the familiar spirits that have been transferred to his service, laden with treasures, and with the ashes of the sage in a costly urn, the French officer returns to his native country. He makes his abode in Provence, spending his days in

experiments with the Black Pullet. Such is the legend of The Black Pullet, a handbook of magic written in Egypt in 1740, and how one may acquire riches through the application of magical rites and ceremonies.

The Magic of Herbs

Herbs have always been a staple item in the witch_s world of chants, spells and rituals. They have a long Wiccan tradition, being used for

all kinds of weird and wonderful purposes. The historical record shows that they were part of the Wiccan tradition amongst the

Ancient Egyptians, Celts, Druids, Romans and Greeks. Herbs can be obtained in one of two ways. From the countryside where they grow

in abundance, or ready-packed for sale in occult supply stores. Witches have also been known to employ the humble lemon in their

spellcasting. A traditional formula for ascertaining if the man on a woman_s mind is going to be hers or not is the following:

Carry all day in a pocket or purse two lemon peels. One peel can be put in the purse the other in a pocket or each peel in a separate

pocket. At night before retiring to bed rub the legs of the bed with the peels thinking intently on what you seek to know. Place the peels

under pillow and that night, if she is to have him, he will appear in a dream. If no dream of him comes he is not to be hers.

The Children of the Night

The art and practice of witchcraft goes hand in hand with eerie legends of mysterious, evil creatures that are seen by the light of a

full moon. These legends have existed through the centuries and are as old as man. It is difficult to separate the two. They are all part of

the same thing: the unknown world of supernatural forces. I have included here three of the most enduring of these legends.Zombies, the dead that walk, raised from their graves to work as mindless slaves for powerful voodoo exponents who, in order to obtain their wishes, would call upon Baron Samedi, the voodoo god of the dead, to summon the zombies into their presence. Zombies were afraid of fire and were destroyed when their master died. The mediaeval vampires living in the remote regions of Transylvania who, in order to sustain their monstrous existence, would leave their tombs at midnight to drink the blood of young virgins. A girl, once bitten, would become a virgin of the undead and, her eyes burning with a dark desire, was forever more drawn back to the vampire_sembrace. The only way to kill a vampire was to drive a sharp, pointed stake through its heart. The werewolf, a man who was transformed into a gigantic wolf under the influence of the full moon; tearing out the throats of his victims, and feasting on their blood. Another name for this was lycanthropy. The werewolf was both man and monster_the paradox.

The Fear of Witchcraft

Most people are paranoid that you will use witchcraft either to gain control of them or place a curse upon their heads, and will know that

sympathetic magic requires either an item of clothing etc., or a photo to make it work. It is for this reason that no-one will willingly hand

over, or send you, anything which could in some way be used to work magic against them. The basis of sympathetic magic is that there is a connection between an object and a symbol. For example, make a doll in the likeness of someone you don't like, stick pins in it and the victim gets stabbing pains in his back. Or gather together hair and nail clippings, burnthem and the person in question gets a fever. It_s not always to do something unpleasant. The best way to win the love of a maiden is to chant an incantation three times over an apple, give the fruit to the young girl to eat, and she will surely come to you. The best example of sympathetic magic in witchcraft is the mandrake plant. A rather mysterious plant whose main use in the Middle Ages was as an aphrodisiac due to its shape, which resembles a certain part of the male anatomy. The powdered root of the mandrake was burned over a fire with some of the witch_s pubic hair. At the same time, the witch_s lustful desires were spoken, invoking a demon to draw the desired person to the witch_s embrace. Occult tradition has it that you can_t harvest the mandrake plant in the normal way as the scream it gives as it leaves the ground will kill you or drive you mad. The shriek is supposedly the cry of jealous spirits who dwell within. Instead you tie it to a dog_s collar and, when out of earshot, whistle the dog to come to you.

Witchcraft Made Easy

During my twenty plus years of studying and practicing the occult sciences, I have come to find that much of witchcraft is unnecessarily

complicated. Witchcraft is an act of celebration and freedom, and to me it seems pointless that it should get bogged down with rules and

regulations. However, even when you reach the point when you realize that much of the paraphernalia associated with witchcraft, i.e.. Candles, incense and so forth, can be dispensed with you will find that the moon still holds sway over certain things.The ancient witch cults knew this and timed their activities to thedifferent phases of the moon. Positive magic is worked from the first quarter until a full moon, and black magic from the last quarter until a new moon. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Creating Your Personal Grimoire

Once the magic begins to flow, things are going to happen so fast and so often that it will be difficult to keep track of them by mere memory alone. The easiest way to remember all the practical expressions of your magical workings is to keep a small notebook in which you write your

occult experiences. Call this notebook your Personal Grimoire. I use a small pocket diary, although you may wish to purchase something

more ornate for this your first occult tool. This is the time to be specific, and your notebook is a handy reminder that a certain Spell will produce a certain result. You will get your first inkling of the power you are in touch with as you see the magical happenings in your life recorded in your notebook.


You have a power within you that can be woken. It is what the Ancient Avatars of the Mystic East use to call _the Fiery Serpent___

the Great Body of Radiance__and _the Immutable Light._ It is the same power that you can now use to work any magic you want.

You may have expected that at this stage you would be told to obtain mystic robes, magic wands, bat_s wings, eye of newt, and cauldrons,

or to indulge in blood drinking and human sacrifice. Such occult paraphernalia and activities are not only out of date, but also totally

unnecessary to make your magic power work for you. The first, very simple step in waking your _fiery serpent_ from its ancient slumber is to find a place where you can create a witching circle. The old grimoires, hand-written books of magic Spells, invocations,

herbal recipes, incantations and other magical lore were most specific in what they said about the location of a witching circle. Dark

forests, secluded caves, abandoned ruins, or upon the seashore beneath a full moon were considered as ideal places to work magic.

You do not have to do anything so elaborate. Preparations are simple, but you need to ensure silence with no interruptions. First, make a physical space to stand in without being obstructed or cluttered. That means that when you stand at the center of your cleared area, you can stretch your hands and arms out all around you. This is your personal Witching Circle. If you wish you can burn a stick of incense and have the room illuminated by candles placed at the four cardinal points. And, until you are confident in your power to keep mischievous spirits at bay, a circle of protection marked on the floor in salt.

The Ritual That Will Awaken Your Fiery Serpent

Here now is a Ritual to summon the magic power within you. This requires only a few minutes of your time each day and privacy. When Witches work their Rituals, they work naked. The absence of clothing leaves them completely free and unrestricted, not only in body, but also in mind and spirit. You should work the Spells and Rituals that follow in this manner.

Stand at the center of your witching circle, with your feet apart. Face north. Raise your arms to each side until they are between horizontal

and pointing up. Close your eyes and take ten deep breaths. Slowly sweep your arms up until your palms are together above your head

arms as straight as possible. Move your hands back, lift your chin, inhale and arch your back as much as you can. Begin to breathe out, straighten up, and bring your hands slowly down to your sides. Take three deep breaths after your hands reach your sides, bring your feet together and open your eyes. End of Ritual. When this Ritual has been completed, you have made a very definite contact with the magic power of witchcraft. Your life will never again be the same. Whenever a specific area of your life is in need of help, work the whole of the Ritual, and as you finish taking the three breaths cast whatever Spell is appropriate to your desire. It is the Spell that draws out your power and sends it on its way. For easy reference, think of the entire Ritual as _the awakening of magic power_ up to the point where you open your eyes again. I shall be referring to that description later in this book. The instructions will say, _Awaken your magic power_ and this tells you that you should prepare for the Ritual and carry it out from beginning to end. Note: If your doctor advises you that deep breathing is dangerous for you; or if at any time during this magic working you become dizzy or see spots before your eyes, do not continue.

Physical Sensations of Occult Power

Here you should know about different sensations that often accompany the awakening of your magic power. I mention it because you may be worried by it until you are told it is perfectly normal. As you bring your hands down a tingling, or warmth or both, may be felt around them. A strong itching or tickling may begin in your forehead, well below the skin. These are all signs that your magic power is flooding to the surface.

Before you have been doing it for a full week, the Ritual will take you out of yourself and into a state of well being that lasts. You can be confident that anything and everything that happens to you during and after the Ritual are to your benefit.

Seeing Your Invisible Power

Perhaps you are thinking: _How can something I can_t see possibly help me?_ I will now show you how to see the magic power within

you. Once this happens, you will be above any doubt, and no amount of argument or ridicule from others who have yet to understand will

ever be able to convince you that invisible occult forces do not exist. I learnt this particular technique during my days at the Psychic

Research Society of Australian. No special equipment is required for this simple psychic experience.

Switch off the TV and radio. Place an ordinary padded kitchen chair in the center of your witching circle. Once your chair is positioned,

darken the room by drawing the drapes or hanging a blanket at the window. Ideally, the room should be dim enough so that you cannot

read the fine print of a newspaper. Now arrange a single light to shine gently over your shoulder so that you are able to see your hands in front of you. Awaken your magic power. Sit down in your chair and relax. Make yourself comfortable with your back straight, but not stiff. Tuck your

buttocks into the back of the chair so that your spine is upright, with your chin held level without straining to hold the position. Place your

feet flat on the floor, almost touching. Lay your hands in one of two ways, whichever feels easier, either palms upward on your thighs or

palms downward on your lap. You are now ready to begin. Hold up your right hand so that the light shining gently over your

shoulder illuminates it, and bring your fingers together so that your thumb and forefinger are touching, in the shape of an _O_. Now

separate your fingers a little moving the tips a fraction of an inch apart. Look past your fingers at a spot in front of you. Between your

fingers, a hazy light should be visible. This is your magic power circulating around you.

How to Invoke the Secret Forces of Nature

Enter your witching circle. Face North. Awaken the magic power within you and, keeping your eyes closed, visualize a golden square

directly in front of you. This is the symbol of Earth. Using your own words, thank the spirits of Earth for all their help to others in days

gone by. Thank them for being with you on this day and at this hour. Remove the image from your mind.

Face East. Visualize a blue circle in front of you. This is the symbol of Air. Thank the spirits of the Air for all their help to others in days gone

by. Thank them for being with you on this day and at this hour. Remove the image from your mind.

Face South. Visualize a red triangle in front of you. This is the symbol of Fire. Thank the spirits of Fire for all their help to others in days

gone by. Thank them for being with you on this day and at this hour. Remove the image from your mind.

Face West. Visualize a silver crescent. This is the symbol of Water. Thank the spirits of Water for all their help to others in days gone by.

Thank them for being with you on this day and at this hour. Remove the image from your mind and face north again. Say:

These hands, this mind and this body shall be a channel through which power can flow.

Open your eyes and go about your daily affairs. Practice this Rite daily. Get the Wiccan habit. Set up those harmonic vibrations that are

so essential to the Craft.

Anytime you feel like putting a triumphant emphasis on to a magical working, or you wish to make absolutely certain that a particular Spell or Ritual is totally successful, align yourself with the elemental forces. It will add that final whammy of force and direction to your efforts.

My question is: are you aware of any ways of strengthening a ritual?_

I replied to his email, explaining that the simplest way of strengthening a ritual is to align with the elemental forces of Earth,

Air, Fire and Water. I suggested he should continue with the relaxation technique and add the elemental ritual to his magical workings. I ended the email by asking him to keep me informed of his progress. Another email arrived from Paul a few days later.

_Since you asked,_ he wrote. _Last night I performed the elemental rite you sent me for the first time. It was a very positive experience! I

put off starting it for a couple of days, as I could not find my trusty compass to make sure I was facing the four directions. I did a best

guess even though my sense of direction could have been slightly off. Amazingly, I felt a powerful sense of friendship and rapport with

each of the 4 elemental forces and spirits as I spoke the words. I just let myself be infused with this feeling and considered it _legit_ even

though the critical factor wants to dismiss it as imagination._ Paul_s e-mail went on to say that performing the ritual gave him a very strong case of what he called the _psychic hiss_. _You know that strong hiss you hear in your ears and feel resonating from where the base of your skull meets the top of your neck,_ he wrote. _Physically, I felt a strong sense of well being as I finished the ritual. I consider it a successful effort. I_d better stop there. My enthusiasm might get me too far ahead of myself. There_s

still a ways to go. _Your suggestion seems to be a very helpful one, I_ll keep you posted on the progress. Thanks!_

Using Witchcraft to Smooth Your Path through Life

If you have diligently studied and practiced awakening your magic power, and calling forth the spirits of the four cardinal points, you are

ready to assimilate the magic of elemental witchcraft power. This advanced work is suitable only if you have developed a harmonic

relationship with the elemental forces, if you have succeeded in awakening your magic power. Enter your witching circle and face north, south, east or west. The direction that you face will depend on your desire. Awaken your magic power, and as you finish taking the three breaths visualize an elemental symbol directly in front of you. Now enlarge the symbol until it is several feet high, and pulsating with

magical power. See it as clearly as you can. Imagine you are bathed in its mystic light. Try and actually breathe in this mystic light. Imagine

it circulating within you. Now call forth the spirits of the symbol and ask them for help in achieving your desire.

Spend a few minutes thinking about whatever it is that you seek in the way of happiness and peace of mind. Say a simple _thank you_ to

the spirits and go about your daily affairs. Repeat daily until the ritual draws your desire to you.





04:39 Jun 19 2006
Times Read: 2,155


Secrets of Witchcraft Secrets of Money Magic Secrets of Sex Magic Secrets of the Cabala Secrets of the Spirit World You Can Work Magic


The Gray Man What Witches Do Welcome to the Coven Anyone Can Be A Witch The Circle of Protection

The Sign of the Elder Gods Love and Witchcraft The Black Pullet The Magic of Herbs The Children of the Night

The Fear of Witchcraft Witchcraft Made Easy Be Your Own Secret Coven


The Ritual That Will Awaken Your Fiery Serpent Physical Sensations of Occult Power Seeing Your Invisible Power

How to Invoke the Secret Forces of Nature Using Witchcraft to Smooth Your Path through Life Creating Your Personal Grimoire


How to Cast Spells That Really Work Practical Witchcraft The Magic Word That Will Bring Money to You

The Green Candle Spell The Magic Power of Chants The Golden Square Spell Spell Brings Needed Money

The Devil_s Treasurer What Will Happen After Casting Your Spells and Working Your Rituals?


The Mark of the Beast The Demon of Lust The Occult Seduction Spell A Magical Threesome Magical Aphrodisiacs The Black Candle of Love Sex Magic for Couples


The Tree of Life The Power of the Spheres The Sacred Names of Power The Middle Pillar Circulation Ritual

Using the Middle Pillar Ritual to Obtain Money The Ultimate Protection The Cabalistic Cross The Flaming Pentagram


Secrets of the Spirit World Secret of the Golden Light How to Recognize Signs and Omens How One Man Used Visions to Receive $300 How to Make a Spirit Communication Device Between the Living and the Dead

Getting Answers from Your Pendulum How to Ensure the Spirit Force Will Not Lead You Astray Advanced Pendulum Work

A Secret Code of Communication Your Psychic Legacy from the Past The Ritual of Yog-Sothoth

How to Use Your Dice to Foretell the Future The Magic of Goetia The Spirits of Goetia

Wins $1000 With the Magic of Goetia The Ritual of Goetia Using the Magic of Goetia to Draw Money to You

Occult Power Points


I am going to teach you what I know works. I have taught the secrets of how to cast Spells and work Rituals to scores of people in person,

by mail, over the phone, and even over the Internet with equalsuccess. I have taken those very same Spells and Rituals that have proved

so successful for others, and included them in this book. You canuse them yourself to make things easier. In this unusual book, you_re going to see how to _awaken_ the magic power of witchcraft. In simple, plain language you_ll discover what witchcraft really is, how you can master it and how you can use it in lots of different ways for such things as attracting a steady flow of cash, winning perfect love, invoking the secret forces of nature, and much more. Nothing is held back, nothing is concealed - it_s all placed right inyour hands, ready to be used for such things as arousing passion in another, making money appear as if from out of thin air, attracting the opposite sex and much, much more. In reading these words you will learn many ancient secrets of the occult. No matter whether you believe me or not, the magic behind these words will awaken racial memories of a time long ago when this secret knowledge was free to every man and woman who sought.

Secrets of Witchcraft

You have a power within you that can be woken. It is the same power that you can use to work any magic you want. Many witches work alone and with just as good results using the magic power of witchcraft as if they were working with a group. Using this magical

power is simplicity itself. In Chapter 2 you will learn a simple Ritual that will summon the magical energy within you. When this Ritual has been completed, you will have made a very definite contact with the magic power of witchcraft.The old grimoires, hand-written books of magic, were most specific in what they said about the art and practice of magic. Dark forests, secluded caves, abandoned ruins, or upon the seashore beneath a Full moon were considered as ideal places to work magic. You do not have to do anything so elaborate. Some space and a few minutes of your time each day is all that is required for you to work magic. Secrets of Money Magic This aspect of the occult is one of the most popular. When you use it, in effect, you bring money out of thin air. You can begin to receive a seemingly endless flow of cash into your life and start money flowing to you faster than you can spend it. In chapter 3, you are going to discover the secret of practical witchcraft and see how you can use spells and rituals to obtain money and material possessions. These Spells have proven extremely successful in bringing money to meet financial needs. The effects of these money spells may not be as dramatic as finding a bundle of cash in an old shoebox, but things will become generally better for you as needs are met and financial limitations fade away. Here, too, is the secret of how to cast Spells that really work. A spell simply defined, is a set of words spoken that are believed to exert a magical effect on a situation that the person casting the spell seeks to change. The casting of Spells is based upon the ancient Wiccan belief that to speak a desire is to cause the desire to be fulfilled.

Secrets of Sex Magic

Have you ever seen a beautiful woman in the company of a real nerd, and wondered how he got so lucky?

Maybe it was Sex Magic. In the eternal story of men chasing women, and vice versa, it should always be remembered that Witchcraft and

Sex Magic have seduced more members of the opposite sex than any amount of good looks, intelligence or position. Sex Magic can influence and attract the opposite sex like nothing else can. It can compel a girl to introduce herself to a man in whom she had no previous interest.

The secret of occult ribaldry is revealed in Chapter 4. There you will see how to cause any young girl, however prudent she may be, to

become maddened and inflamed with lust.

Secrets of the Cabala

It is said that God created the world by pronouncing theTetragrammaton correctly and it is regarded as the ultimate magical word of power. The Tetragrammaton is an essential part of the Cabala, a form of mysticism that evolved from Judaism. One tradition surrounding the Cabala is that magic Spells and Ritualsbased upon its system possesses an extremely potent effect over all forms of matter. Chapter 5 tells you exactly how to use the magicalpower of the Cabala to increase your money supply.

Secrets of the Spirit World

Is there a place of coming together between the living and the dead? An essential part of the esoteric arts is communicating with the spirit

world. This is something that occultists have been doing since the beginning of time, and now you can join their ranks.

The secret of contacting the spirit world is disclosed in Chapter 6. There you_ll see how you can make a powerful occult tool in minutes,

and use it to make direct contact with the invisible inhabitants of the next dimension to get fast, truthful answers about what lies ahead.

Here, too, is the meaning of signs and omens, divining the future with dice, and a most unusual psychic technique that will enable you to

actually _see_ the invisible world around you. What will you see in this way? That I leave you to find out, but it will be unlike anything you

have ever seen or experienced before.

You Can Work Magic

There should be no doubt in your mind that the amazing secrets of occult power revealed to you in the pages of this book are going to

work for you. Why? Because I am only going to tell you what I know works. I can honestly tell you that there is not one material possession that I

have ever wanted that I do not have. Many people have called me _lucky._ And why not, I am lucky and I am happy - and I am going to

prove that you too can enjoy happiness and good fortune. One very practical application of occult power is in the area of

increased prosperity. These amazing secrets of occult power can bring you good fortune beyond your wildest dreams. I should know. I

have used them to win gold sovereigns, clothes, cameras, and over $10,000 in lotteries and contests _ and you can do the same.





04:37 Jun 19 2006
Times Read: 2,156

Love Spell

Materials: 1 pink candle, 1 bottle of 100% virgin olive oil and something to light the candle

Process: Take the candle and place it on a table or your altar.

Now take the olive oil and rub on to the candle starting in the middle and going up, then starting in the middle going down. While purifying the candle with the oil you want to recharge the candle with love and desire, so visualize love and channel all your emotion into the candle. After the oil is finished, take a knife and carve what it is you want into the candle.

EXAMPLE: I Wish For Sally Jo Ann to love me

After finished writing in the candle, simply light it and concentrate on love and throw as much emotion (love) into the flame of the candle as possible, you may even want to add words if you wish. Sit and do this until the candle has burnt out. Once the candle has burned out, the spell is finished.





04:37 Jun 19 2006
Times Read: 2,157

Money Spell

What you need for this spell:

5 old pennies, 5 dimes, 5 quarters (or, five each of three denominations of your country's coin currency, if outside the United States), 5 kernels of dried corn, 5 sesame seeds, 5 cinnamon sticks, 5 cloves, 5 whole allspice, 5 pecans

Place each item into a thin, tall bottle, such as a spice bottl. Cap it tightly. Shake the bottle with your receptive hand (the one you do not write with) for 5 minutes while chanting these or similar words:

“Herbs and silver, Copper and grain; Work to increase my money gain”

Place the money spell bottle on a table somewhere in your house. Leave your purse, pocketbook, wallet and/or checkbook near the bottle when at home. Allow money to come into your life. It is done.



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