crimsendragon666's Journal


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1 entry this month


This isnt done yet its just a start.....hope you enjoy it so far....

05:13 Apr 10 2006
Times Read: 600

Darius awoke with a ravenous thirst. How long had he slept, he was unsure…Hell he couldn’t even remember the reason he had even gone into such a deep sleep in the first place. All he could feel now was the intense hunger clawing at his insides. He needed to find food, he scanned the area and found no one. He rose from his resting place beneath his crypt. His cloths were covered in dirt and dust, the shirt was barely still attached to him so he ripped it off, the pants he had were in pretty bad shape too, but they would have to do for now, they still covered him. He made his way up the stairs from his crypt, scanning the area again out of habit before he stepped out into the cool night air. He breathed in the freshness of the summer night, allowing his eyes to adjust to the silver moonlight. Once outside he examined himself, he looked terrible, he skin was drawn tight against his bones, he needed to find food soon, the hunger was now tearing at him. He stalked through the night scanning the area for someone, he found a homeless man sleeping nearby and crept into the shadows. He reached out with his mind and touched the mans, stirring him awake, slamming a command deep into his head. His eyes flew open and he stood up, he walked over into the shadows where Darius was waiting for him. Once the man was deep enough in the shadows, Darius stepped out and caught him with his gaze and enthralled him. The man walked over to him with open arms.

Darius kept the man enthralled while sank his teeth deep into his neck, instantly the hot thick liquid flowed past his lips and he was almost overcome with his hunger. He began to feed fiercely, the man started to slack in his grasp and Darius immediately came back to himself, sealing of the wounds with a swipe of his tongue,. He looked down at his hands, his starved cells were beginning to fill with the fresh blood, soaking it up, his muscles were slowly filling out, but he still needed more blood. He removed the coat from the man wrapping it around himself as cover since he still looked ghastly. Lifting his victim he carried him back to the bench, scanning his mind as he did so. He laid him down planting a memory in his mind that he had gotten drunk and passed out on the bench, not too far from what had happened earlier, he then planted peaceful dreams into his mind, before turning and running with his preternatural speed to locate another victim, he hunger was under control now, but he was not fully nourished after his long nap.

He had learned that the work had aged over a hundred years from when he last walked the earth. Everything was so different, all the modern technologies that had developed amazed him. He was sad now that he had missed it.

He stopped hearing people nearby. He glided toward the sound of them turning up the volume as he approached. He could hear a young couple wrapped in each others arms laying on a blanket under the stars. He scanned their minds extracting more useful information. Off to the side there were two others hiding in the darkness. He reached out to scan their minds. After a moment he pulled back into himself disgusted. They were dirty evil men, One was planning on raping the young girl while the other wanted to slice them up after they robbed them. He touched the couple again forcing a shield around them and moved with his preternatural speed to position himself in front of the two would be assailants as they were getting ready to make their move.

The first man just froze, and blinked up at him unable to move. Darius captured his mind and put him at ease, filling his mind with comfort and ease. The other one just watched him in fear, one second they were about to move in the next there was this monster looking thing there. He tried to scream when he met the monsters eyes but at once he forgot why he wanted to scream. He looked again and didn’t see a monster, he saw a beautiful angelic looking being. He was overcome with the urge to touch him. His body seemed to move with its own will. He walked willing to the figure in awe of its beauty. The angelic figure opened his arms and he walked into them.

At once he felt searing red hit pain course through his body, he felt like he was being strangled . He looked down and I wasn’t the angel he thought it was, it was the monster. He struggled tearing at the creatures back beating on him to let him go, but the grip only grew stronger. He watched the arms and face that held him begin to fill in. the muscles began to ripple throughout the body as the monster continued to feed on him. He stared on in horror as he felt his life being drained from him. His limbs were growing weak, and soon he could not longer struggle. He laid there no longer able to move realizing he was going to die. Suddenly he felt himself released and slowly his body fell to the ground. He managed one last look at his partner who just sat there looking at him smiling, then everything faded to black, his heart beat one last time and his last breath escaped him.

Darius grabbed the other man bringing him to his feet. He no longer had to keep up the illusion he was human, the blood had taken care of that. His veins were full and pumping with the fluid. His muscles had filled out stretching over his body, his skin no longer was drawn tight and shriveled, it had smoothed out and gave the illusion of alabaster in the moonlight. Looking into the mans eyes he brought his lips down to his throat, piercing the skin as he sank his teeth in. the man winced for a moment, then the same grin he had had as he watched his partner die returned. The expression on his face never changed as Darius continued to feed off him like he had the first, even as the darkness began to could his vision, and his heart ceased to beat, like his partners had only moments ago.

His hunger finally being sated, Darius decided to dispose of the bodies. He was happy to see that one of the men was just about his size, so he stripped him of his cloths replacing his old tattered rags. He glanced down at himself dressed now in black jeans, a tank top, and leather jacked. Black boots completed the he new ensemble. Satisfied with his new look he decided to use the rest of the night to explore the city and its new enticements.

It as still relatively early so he amused himself by walking the city streets, marveling at how much everything changed. He committed every twist and turn, every street and alley he came upon to memory. He realized sadly how much everything had changed since he went to sleep. Nothing was as it used to be. Sure there were a few of the original buildings still standing, but they had lost their luster over the years, being replaced but larger more impressive erections. Some made completely of glass, or so it seemed. There were large motorized metal objects on wheels flying through the streets called automobiles. Apparently these had replaced the coaches pulled by horses in his time; he made a mental note to learn to maneuver these objects through the streets soon.

After walking for about another hour, Darius decided it was time to test out his abilities. He had after all been asleep for over a hundred years. He could tell his sight and hearing had gotten better. Everything looked sharper than he had remembered. Colors were more vibrant. He could hear a mouse n the basement pantry in the building 4 blocks over if he wished. It was easier to read humans minds and intentions. He didn’t even really have to try to capture their mind anymore, it was like a switch. He had already held one enthralled while he fed off the other while shielding their presence from the rest around them.

Content with his new psychic strength he wanted to his ability to fly. He could before, but he had to take a running leap. His original master could do it from a stance. He turned the corner into an alley, cloaking his presence as to not scare any nearby humans. Silently he stood still concentrating, and then tried launching himself skyward. To his surprise he could do it with ease, smiling to himself at how much his power had improved.

Darius took in the aerial view of the city, everything had changed so much. He had a feeling he would like this new age and everything time and technology had brought with it. Everything seemed so fresh and new, not like when he had gone to sleep, things seemed to have gotten much better in his eyes. He would enjoy this new century…and everything that came with it.



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