for those of u who know darkvampdeath u already know this. i got in a wreck the other day. i got a new car from a buddy of mine and went for a drive after i got off the phone with my girlfriend. well on the way home i got t-boned and i flipped and hit a lamppost. i broke my shin and my ribs thought i broke my collor bone but just bruised the hell out of it. i had to walk home so noone would know what happened. my girlfriend(darkvampdeath) told me to go to the hospital but i refused and she put her sister on made me go. if i hadn't gotten there when i did i wouold be dead right now. so someone must like me. and me being the stubborn lil shit that i am i haven't listened to the doctors at all. i don't have a cast on my leg or have pins in my ribscuz i don't wanna worry ne one