butterflyycutie09's Journal


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another ending or beginning

20:52 Jul 22 2009
Times Read: 729

my friend rewrote it for me? hope you guys like it

I fell asleep and started dreaming the oddest dream I've ever had. It was my girl and I having a date. It started out really well then it turned dark and mysterious. We were on my couch in my parents house of course and things started to get a little hot n heavy.

I pressed my lips against hers and I thought I was in heaven. Her lips were soft and moist and they tasted of strawberries n cream. Which was her favored chap-stick. I'm not a big fan of chap-stick but this time it didn't really bother me considering while her tongue was massaging mine. Her hands were sliding down to my groin and it started throbbing for her to do more than just that. A grown came out of me that it surprised her and me. After I let out this grown she moved from my mouth to the nape of my neck. Kissing ever so lightly and licking a certain stop. My dick arched for her to continue and I was holding up no complaints. She nibbled here and there and her hand was slowly undoing my jeans. I rubbed my hands over her buttocks and she gave a moan in return. My head was spinning and I had no idea why but that didn't stop me. I slid my hand in between her thighs and left her clit. I felt how wet it was and that just drove me insane.

A pushed her under-where aside felt velvet like lips. I thanked God she was wearing a skirt!

I was enjoying every minute of this forepaly so much that I had no idea that she had stopped to look at me.

A sly smile spread over her lips as if the devil within her had come out. She leaned down and whispered, " You're mine now. Every inch, every breath, every beat of your dead heart is mine. Now and forever." Before I even had time to register what she had said fangs came out and she dug them deep into my collar bone. Never in my life had I ever felt so much pain, and delight at the same time. I tried to get her off of me but my body and brain were in completely seperate plans.

I felt her teeth dig into my skin more and a warm liquid started to run down my collar to my chest. My heart was racing, my eyes were becoming blurred and my breath became shorter the more she bit and sucked at the open bite mark on my body. Then something happened, my left hand was still around her vagina but my right hand felt as if it was on fire. I started screaming and howling at the top of my lungs and the next thing I knew was my mother waking me up and screaming herself. Weary eyed and unable to move it seemed like, she ran toward the phone to dial 9-1-1. My father just stared as if I wasn't myself anymore. His face had become white as a ghost and I was drifting in and out of consciousness. "MY BABY!! MY POOR BABY WHAT"S HAPPENING TO YOU?!!" I heard my mother screaming. Before I blacked out for the last time I hear my girls voice in the background whispering," You're mine. All of you. MY sweet angel of death."




when she comes a knocking at your door.

17:28 Jul 21 2009
Times Read: 740

When she comes a knocking at the door, what do u do? answer it or just pretend your not home. you think you don't know what too do. i could tell you what to do but it would give a advantage over her. Here's comes the knocking again. "KNOCK< KNOCK". you look outside your window an she there. You tell urself go away go away. but she doesn't. you know you done wrong. but what can a man too do when the woman he loves is outside the door knocking on he's door. i know what to tell you but it will give you advantage towards this. what to do, what too do? keep asking yourself that question. cuz in the end no matter what happens she'll keeping knocking till you answer the door. "what to do, what too do? when do you answer the door when or what is out there tryin to get inside your house an ur heart. Desire started questing this question when he's love life was going out of control. See I lost my love in a car accident last year. the guy that hit her was a drunk driver. He claimed he didn't see her coming the other way an BAM! that was it, over , done paethic really. but i do see her spirit wondering around the outside of my house. trying to come inside but can't. i really try to bring her in but my master of sorts told me not too. That spirit outside isn't her anymore it's just another ghost pretending to be her. I couldn't believe for a whole year. That ghost is still there outside every year on the dot that she died comes to my house an knocks on my door to be let in. The powers i have doesn't comprehend to alot of humans. My powers are mine an mine alone. The funny thing about them is that no one knows how i got them. i was just born with them an my parents didn't realize their son isn't who or what they think it was. I met my first g/f at high school i became pretty popular when i started high school. i was a regular football player an join basketball, soccor u name it. My problems didn't start still i started 12 grade. the girl i was dating didn't come to my house that night. we were suppose to go to dinner. i called her but no answer on her phone. I called her parents at home, they said "she not home, we thought she went to your house? I'm like maybe she didn't get here yet i'll just a lil bit more. It didn't happen cuz the next thing i knew i fell asleep on the couch waiting for her. Their was no show. While i was sleeping i started having a dream about her. The dream was about her an me having a good time,but then it got twisted around. she wasn't who she was an she bit me on my neck.. the dream was seeming scary an exotic at the same time. I looked at her an saw blood coming from her mouth. I tried running from her but she just threw something an i fell. She comes over an laughs in my face. "you think you can run from me, i don't think so. I own you sweetheart now an forever. The powers your gonna get they're from me. She leans closer towards my face an kisses me like no other. the next thing i know things were goin down my throat an burning. I couldn't wake up from my dream until she was done. I woke up screaming my head off. My parents came downstairs an ask what was wrong. The next thing came when my mom was sceaming called 911 he bleeding from he's neck, omg! i mustve passout cuz i woke up again. It looked like i was in the hospital. i heard alot of voices but i couldn't figure out where they're coming from. I never realize my hearing was this good. i could hear music coming from outside. The doctor came in an was talking to my parents,an the way they were looking at me an looking back at the doctor is seems my parents were scared of something. Mom was standing their trying not to cry so much for her believe son. i heard from one of them "he doesn't know", he can't know what's going on. What are we suppose to do doctor. That girl did something too him so now he's been bitten. The lil power he has now, are in full blown now. Im like what are they saying, what powers i have huh? back then i was so confuse about alot of stuff. now i know that female that i thought was my girlfriend wasn't at all. it took some time to adjust to these powers of mine. Now back to present of this year 2010. It's been a long time since i seen her that damn female that ruined me. im better now than i was before. "What are u doing up their young master?" said the bulter. Nothing, roger just thinking of the past. Tell mom an dad im going out tonite i might now come home. But, sir your parents are planning a party for ur 25 b-day. I know that, I said. It's alright ill be back by 3am. i roam the streets of my city that i loved an lived for half my life. I don't know if i told you i lived in chicago for years. i loved this city. even though it's has a good an bad areas i do what i have too do. " i can't believe he would do that too you." said Megan. I know that bastard is such a bitch. All he does is lied to me like no other. Well did u tell him about ur problem?" no he doesn't want nothing to do with me or it. Kaylie, what are u going too do about the problem? HMMMMM i wonder is going on over there?



23:55 Jul 21 2009

creative .. and, fast paced.

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