And just like it seems when everything during the blasted summer heat is over, it is not because it is time that school starts soon for us, and with that, comes the feeling of dread, to be locked in a building with people that I don't like because they judge to easily and back to the prison where the teachers are the death dealers.
This is my last year to deal with this until college, but then again, college will be just the same. But I won't have to deal with the numerous amount of people that I don't really like much. They will still be there yes, but the number will be fewer because most where I am at do not have a brain in their head, because it is too full of air or what was a brain as been fried due to drinking and drugs.
I have the few I need, and that is really only a few. The others that I need have all be released and freed from the hellish pit of highschool, but I still have others, though many of them I will be leaving when the year is over and all is done. But that is what one gets when they become closer to people that are either a grade younger or a grade older then yourself. I will still be in the area, because I feel like I am not ready enough to face the masses at a college yet, so I will attend community college until I get my basics out of the way, then decide which college I should go to.
I am going to miss Andret, and I miss him right now. We are constantly tore apart because of either family or that fact that we are forced to other such things. It annoys me, but I will be strong and my patience is strong as well.
I will be dragged over to my other families house today, and I don't know when I will be back, but I will be back before the hell opens again and pulls us back into the brainless idiots of teachers that most don't know their facts. And that is only two weeks away, so I shant be gone but maybe a week.
Ah, mindless ramblings again, so from here, I take my leave, and I will update more when I can. Many blessings unto you.