Mmmm.. midnight sushi...
Sleepy time now....
...I'd rather have this bottle in front of me, than a frontal lobotomy...
I posted a Tom Waits video a while back and he says that very thing. Its a keeper haha.
I'm torn. The PFL doesn't sound all that bad really.
In the banner ad for "The Haunting of Molly Hartley" that resides over on the right.. over there.. go look. See it?
Ok... it just me or does it look like the guy is using the girl as a bowling ball?
...weird graphic...
Hey hey....
You're right.
She looks a little surprised about it too...
It does. lol
But still cool looking.
Very, very bad joke comes to mind...with the visual...
It's time for some changes... all the way around.
I'm quick to act sometimes, but slow to change. I don't know why. My hesitation results in complications...
Complications have defined my days recently.
The need to change... but where to start?
Maybe... here... would be a good start.
...or Tic-Tac-Toe.
Know what I mean?
Regardless of the move made, the result is the same. Total destruction and no one wins...
So goes life.
War games?
Damned if you do and damned if you don't?
Yeah :(
Chess, dammit...CHESS! The geek guild demands you get it right!
Why did they have to name it "chess"? It sounds way too much like "chest" and ruins my concentration. They should have called it "JoliChat" because you're going to need to think and you'd better have a strategy.
I updated my signature stamp to be a little more... sarcastic. Perhaps offensive to some, but I do abide by the whole "can't make everyone happy all of the time" idea.
Not a grand experiment, just wanted to see if people would comment back if I changed a few things... it worked - got some funny and much appreciated responses!
Well, no one can say you are being anything other than who you are :P
oooo, I want one :) I like sarcastic, it is my one of my favorite things. Hey, I might have a professional question for you tomorrow as well, if you have time. It involves firewall rule sets. You game?
...mmmmm... great midnight snack.
Thank you!
There is a raise in your future. ;)
(notice I didn't specify, when...)
...hanging out with my three favorite people... rockin' to some good tunes, eating home-made cheeseburgers....
...laughter and fun... this is a good day. :)
The moments they'll remember forever. Glad you're having such a good weekend. :)
...I'm more at home in the kitchen than anywhere else in the house.
The curse of being raised by an old-country Italian Grandmother I suppose.
But I was up until 1AM last night baking apple crisps... apples, hand picked from my trees. assembly of the recipie.
My work. My creation. I've been looking forward to doing this for weeks.
I take pride in making good stuff in the kitchen... I create my own recepies... I'm the one who eats, and learns from, the mistakes.
It's just something I really enjoy...
Yes, this is random. A perfect fit for this section, for once.
mmm apple crisp...
You're an awesome cook. I've loved every meal I have been fortunate enough to have you cook for me.
One of the perks of an office lunch ^.^
I don't think it's strange at all, my dad does the majority of the cooking and was the one who taught me how to "throw" things together. I think it's just an Italian thing. ;) I miss cooking...
You really think so?
Considering the source and where I found that comment, I'd have to say... that could be one of the finest examples of hypocrisy I've ever seen.
Sometimes, we have tough days.
My days keep getting tougher. Today was a doozey.
And sometimes after a tough day, what we need might not be exactly what other people need from us.
Everyone has their way of coping with stress… my way is to get quiet, think things out, turn my bow towards the storm and put the engines on full.
Either I’ll find a lighthouse out there, or the waves coming at me will eat me alive.
I just have to do it on my own sometimes, and learn from it.
But don’t worry… my radar is always on.
*beep beep* RUM *beep*
But why is all the rum gone!?
*does the song from Jaws*
Yesterday was a bit odd for me.
I attended a vendor training that was hosted at the facilities of a former employer. They’re one of the area’s largest employers and I worked there for four years or so, leaving of my own accord in 1999.
Now, four years at a job isn’t a lot… the longest I’ve been anywhere was the crappy little “get me through high-school & college” job I worked for 7 years, some of it so part time it practically wasn’t even employment…
I’ve had my business open for six years… almost six and a half now.
Anyway… the strange part was going back into this company and seeing so many familiar faces… people who started there even before I did… still there.
I know this isn’t uncommon, but it seems unfathomable to me to be at one job for so long. It becomes a daily routine… the same thing day in and day out. That is intolerable to me.
Standing in areas where I used to work every day and talking to the same people I might have talked to back then… I don’t want to say it was surreal - I think that’s just an over-used term. But it definitely left me with a strange feeling inside… thinking the what-if’s.
What if I didn’t leave there in ’99 to pursue my dreams?
What if my path was different?
Are they really that happy working there or is it still just… a job?
For a few minutes I considered how much I missed the large corporate environment… surrounded by dozens of friends and colleagues every day. The camaraderie, the nightly happy hours, the vendor events, the intraoffice flirting, all the free stuff vendors would shower the top performers with… I had some good times there. I had some GREAT times there.
Then I considered the daily commute to be in there at 8AM every day for no particular reason… the number crunching… the number chasing… the politics… the management…
No thanks. I’m happier where I am.
Sometimes we look back on things and wonder if we made the right choice…
…in this case, I will wonder no more. Running my own business isn’t the easiest thing I’ve ever done… but… why would I want it to be?
Yeah and then you wouldn't have me putting on your clothes and pretending to be you all the time.
See, it is this kind of thinking that made us a great nation. I admire you, I have not yet made the leap, but will soon. I am a little scared, but look forward to reading all the great challenges that you overcome in your business experience and a bolster to my courage. Someone has been in those places the mind scampers to when confronted with the unknown. Soldier on my friend.
Sometime when the crew is up against it, the breaks are beating the boys, tell them to get out there and give it all they got and win just one for the Zipper.
I don't know where I'll be then doc, but I won't smell too good, that's for sure.
...when did it get so warm in here?
13:50 Oct 30 2008
Developing a taste for the Well some anyway.