I stumbled into my file storage here. Haven't looked at that in a LONG time. So many memories. So much useless bullshit in there, too. I deleted a lot. Probably saved Cancer about 3MB since almost everything was less than 40kb.... I did save this, though:
Because it's fun.
You asked, and I delivered.
I can't help you with opening a webpage. Literally, it's one of the easiest things to do. You copy the link I provided, paste it into a browser, and the self-executable opens.
If you can't handle that, you need more help than just IT.
It's Valentines' Day, and I found myself reminiscing about a past relationship with someone who was so incredibly jealous, possessive and insecure about our relationship, it negatively affected photography and the women I worked with. I believe the way she acted toward it, she manifested my first ever relationship with someone I worked with in my photography.
And it's been over 6 years since that toxic relationship ended, and the one she manifested began, so I wanted to say, thanks for all those red flags you showered me with.
Such a breath of fresh air that the contractor I'm working for finally let the one tech go. He would constantly do a half-assed job, leave it for others to fix, and kill almost a quarter of his day on smoke breaks.
Imagine, a Trump supporter on top of it, so he didn't get along with anyone and complained about everything while spending much of his day watching conspiracy videos on YouTube.
I feel like the entire room just lost 500-pounds of tension.
That little interaction didn't speed up the day, but it at least helped it go by a little smoother.
Haven't had a day like that in a while.
Sure, random social media suggestion, I'll get right on that.
20:02 Feb 21 2021
A ok
22:05 Feb 21 2021
I need to do the same! Pretty sure I do not have any images like that one though! LOL! Then again... you never know!
22:48 Mar 02 2021
If you don't are you even participating with the internet?