beautifullyLonely's Journal


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3 entries this month


Stay Here With Me

07:28 Sep 09 2011
Times Read: 407

Stay Here With Me

Laying silently, focusing on the stars

Cool wind brushes across the curves of my body.

The breeze carries with it the scent of fall.

I quietly wait for my other half,

He stalks me quietly, through the trees

Knowing I wait anxiously for his caress

He travels with fur and bright gold eyes

He stalks me quietly, studying every move

I stand and twirl leisurely in the meadow

Staring at the stars, and joyful at the moon.

I sit down gently amid the brush,listening intently

I hear nothing, yet I feel him there

Suddenly, he emerges silently from the trees

Beautiful gold eyes, dark black hair

Simple black clothing with beautiful pale skin.

His strong, large frame approaches with intent

His golden eyes, unmovably focused

I stand slowly to greet him

He reaches me in a bound,

Pulling my small frame against his massive body.

I melt against his hard frame, and strong grasp

He kisses me deeply,

My heart jumps a beat, and pounds rapidly to catch up.

His hand slides up my side, and over my breast

To envelop my throat.

My skin burns at his very touch.

My body desires his undeniably in every way.

He pulls my head to the side to expose my neck,

He breathes slowly as he watches my heart pound.

I anxiously anticipate his fangs against my skin.

He waits patiently, I want him to take me.

He slides his hand away from my neck,

Slowly tilting his head to the side.

He catches my attention, and I turn to face him.

He begins to unbutton his shirt,

I am unsure of his odd movements.

I slip the strap of my silk gown off my shoulder,

Unzip the back, and allow it to fall.

The cold wind rips at my soft exposed skin.

He pulls me against his bare chest,

I wrap my legs around his hips.

He gently lays me against the grass

I reach for his pants as his mouth explores my chest.

Suddenly piercing pain against my right breast

I moan abruptly against the initial pain,

Arching my back, pushing closely against him

He drinks deeply, but gently

His hands exploring my body, stopping at my hips.

Pulling me hard against him

I look up at the stars, and I begin to feel dizzy,

The stars begin to spin,

I grip him tightly, holding on to this moment

As he whispers "stay here with me."





07:27 Sep 09 2011
Times Read: 409


Awakening to the twilight,

My favorite time of day.

But a moonless night, how sad it will be.

I will travel into darkness, a bit lonely.

I meander slowly, through the dark rooms of my home.

Contemplating the evening at hand

What does the darkness hold?

At last I will meet my fate.

I open the door, and cross the threshhold.

A shudder of cold, and a touch of fear pass through the wind.

I lift my head to the sky, not a star in sight.

I inhale deeply the coming fall,

Taking a step forward, embracing the cold.

I stroll leisurely away from home

A lightness has come over my body.

I feel a quiet wisp of wings overhead

I look up in time to see him shift,

Gracefully from owl to man

He lands silently on the ground, and bounds to me.

He barely brushes my soft paper-thin gown.

My breath is taken away, at the very sight of him

He pulls me close, my body turns to liquid fire

His thirst insatiable

He violently grabs a fist full of hair,

Jerking my head to the side

Ripping the strap of my gown, exposing my breast

He bites down impatiently

I cry out, with my face to the sky

He moans in ecstacy as he drinks freely

I embrace him tightly, as he smuthers himself

I feel complete like this, nourishing him.

He pulls away, holding the wound tightly.

I tilt my head to meet his golden eyes

A smile pulls at the corner of his mouth

He pulls my face to him ,

He knows what I need.

My fangs bear as I feel the pulse in his neck

I scrape my fangs against his skin softly

He offers his neck freely to me

I bite down gently

He smiles with a faint moan escaping his lips

He pulls me against him

I push my fangs down deeply

He grabs my neck and squeezes gently

He knows exactly,

I feel ecstacy




Complete Me

21:22 Sep 07 2011
Times Read: 412

As I walk slowly into the deep green forrest

The trees bend and fold their branches as if to welcome me inside

I stroll leisurely as twilight turns to darkness

I feel at home with the night as the moon gives rise to my own morning

I shed my cloak along the way to embrace the cold night air

I walk toward the rocks and place myself upon my usual seat

I wait as night grows deeper, and the moon sails higher

I wait for my life mate to approach

No snapping of twigs or scattering of animals will alert me to his arrival

He is much more quiet and invisible than I

He slides his hand up the back of my neck grabbing a fist full of hair

Pulling my head to the side to expose my neck

His fangs lightly scrape along the pulsating skin

He gently releases my hair and a smirk pulls across his lips

I spin around quickly and wrap my legs around his waist

He quickly grabs my wrists and pins me down against the rocks

He smiles and bears his fangs

He knows he has set my body a flame with his very touch

I tilt my head to the side as he leans on top of me

So close to my chest, I feel his breath linger

He stops to watch my heart pound rapidly in my chest

He allows my wrists free, and I embrace him, pull him tightly aginst my body

He gently breathes on my neck as he pulls my hair out of his way

My body begins to tremble in anticipation

I take a deep breath as his body tenses ready to attack

No sooner than I exhale I feel the sharp elation of his fangs penetrating my neck

I arch my back in ecstacy and allow him to drink of me freely

For I know that he will shortly return the favor

For he is what completes me



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