angel8fire8anime's Journal

angel8fire8anime's Journal


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21 entries this month

Monday, December 15, 2008

04:25 Dec 22 2008
Times Read: 542

If I was exiled from America where would I go?

I would go to England. I'm already going to be going there anyway so it really wouldn't matter. I'm going to college at NorthUmbria University in Newcastle, UK. On the other hand I'd like to go to Japan too. So whatever, basically I'd just like ot travel and this would give me an excuse to.




Tuesday, December 9, 2008

05:18 Dec 10 2008
Times Read: 546

Yesterday I went to see my Grammie in rehab. Not the drug rehab a physical rehab I might add. Well when I went in I noticed the people in there. Most of them are old and can't take care of themselves very well anyway, but they also have ailments they are trying to conquer as well. What you notice when you walk into the center are many people sitting in wheelchairs not doing anythin. Just sitting, staring into space, set in fron tof the television, set in the middle of the hallway, set anywhere and nowhere in peticular. Their care-takers just pass by without even a glance. The people working there ignore that they even exist. This people are treated like common things, maybe not even things, even paintings get an appreciative glance once in a while. There was a woman in the hallway asking for someone's attention. No one would look up. She kept calling. No response whatsoever. She tried to wheel herself closer, maybe thinking they couldn't hear her. Nothing. I walked up to her and asked her if she needed something. She asked me if I could take her somewhere to a mirrior so that she could brush her hair. Such a simple thing, and yet noone would give her the time of day. I told her to hold a moment and went and got a little mirror from my mum's purse and let her use it. She said thank you and started brushing her hair. She looked at her face and examined it closely. She looked at me and said, "The marks under my eyes are starting to go away aren't they?" She had dark bruising under her eyes on her cheeks that looked awful. But the were starting to turn a yellowish colour around the edges so I think that they were in fact starting to heal. I replied, "Yeah it looks like they're healing up, hopefully that means you can go home soon." She said, " I hope so . . ." Then she seemed to drift off and stare blankly and her face and eyes withheld so much sorrow it hurt my heart to stand there with her. She came back to reality shortly after and looked at me and told me, "Thank you Honey, you have no idea how much this meant to me." and she started to tear up and handed me the mirror back. I told her it was no problem and retreated back to my Grammie's room. I spent a few hours talking with my Grammie and she seemed like a totally different person. My Grammie is one to never tell you when something is wrong and never likes to show weakness. But my Grammie looked like a broken woman sitting beside me. She told me that she was depressed and that she had hated this place. I really cannot blame her, I wouldn't have liked it either. My mother asked my Grammie if they were hurting her in any way. Her answer was no . . . , but they hurt my feelings a lot. When asked on how they did so, she responded that they had told her she had old skin and called and nuisance and other things. My question now is "Where has human compassion gone?" I ask myself this question quite a lot actually, and yet I continue to come up empty for an answer. How is it that we can send people, our fellow human beings, to a place where they are ignored and neglected? How is it that we actually pay peple to do so? These people are in enough pain as it is they should at least be treated like fellow lifeforms. I just find this so distastful. It makes me very sad to see the state this world has come to. And yet so many people are still so blind to all of this? People keep telling me I'm smart, I have open eyes, I'm so open-minded. They keep making excuses on why I think the way I do. Honestly I'm no prodigy. You can look at my grades and determine that without a blink of an eye. All that is needed to able to have compassion is to look inside your heart. Most people tell me they are nice to people because it is the Christian thing to do. Well that's all fine and dandy that you want to go to Heaven, but shouldn't we be nice to people out of the kindness in our hearts, not out of fear that we may go into oblivion? In simple terms the world is a confuessing place to live, and who knows if it'll ever get better. All I can do is hope, have faith, and do my part in trying to vreate this world conjured of love and peace. I shall try my best to spread my views and try to convinve people of how it's beneficial. I do not condemn people's oppinions, I simply would like to teach a differance.




Monday, December 1, 2008

03:35 Dec 02 2008
Times Read: 579

My turkey slaughtering day was the same as any other day. My family faught and was white trashy. So basically I spent all day on the computer being bored and sending Happy Thanksgiving comments to everyone on myspace and hoping their's was much better. My grandfather-like figure died on Thanksgiving. So I went to his viewing last night. His funeral is at one o'clock today so of course I'll miss it because I'm here. On Saturday my Sister moved back in with her three children. I found out that my nephew is a very morbid Saw obsessed child, my other nephew is very loud, and my neice like to try to feed my animal candy and poptarts. I spent a couple days at my friend Keisha's house. Danielle, Keisha and I spent our time being hermits in her room, playing Sim and being random. We painted our faces like Gothic Clowns because we were bored and took lots of pictures and videos. Keisha and I had our first Twinkie ever over the weekend, and I must say I wasn't too impressed with it. It tasted like stale angel food cake with whipped cream. At two A.M. Keisha needed some womanly products so we went to Ceveron. Still dressed as Gothic Clowns I might add. The police pulled us over and I'm still really not sure why. . . I visited my Grammie in Rehab on Sunday and she seems to be doing better. However the rehab center seems to have her as a prisioner. She is scared to do anything there in fear she'll be breaking a rule. I really want to be successful because I want to donate to so many charities. . . The doctors I see that work in our hospitals kind of make me want to study more so there can be at least one competant doctor in the hospitals. . . so yeah that's my weekend. . . Not impressed? Neither am I. . .




Tuesday, November 25, 2008

03:35 Dec 02 2008
Times Read: 580

I think we should pull out of the war. We have no bussiness over there whatsoever. The war is a endless pit of deabt for our country. Everyday there are billions of dollars spent trying to reform a country that has nothing to do with us. Why are we wasting so much effort to help a communist country when people here in our own country are homeless, hungry, etc. One thing that irks me most about this war is that most people think it's over 9/11. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. It was a result os an attack made by Alqueda, an organization funded by Osama Bin Ladin, a man from Afganastan NOT Iraq. I find it heart wrenching the way we all celebrated over Sadame Hussein's capture. I found it sort of sad. How is it we can find a man six feet down in a hole but we cannot find a 6;7 man hiding in a cave? I find it confuessing.




Monday, November 24, 2008

03:34 Dec 02 2008
Times Read: 581

I am an avid supporter in the belief that church and state should not be connected in any way, shape, or form. It is unconstitutional to express your views as a Christian or any other religion in politics. Many politicians get their votes from stating that the are a devout (insert religion). You can not base how you run the government from a religious point of view. Not everyone is the same religion, nor will they ever be. For example the outlook on Homosexual marriages. Everyone who is against it is looking from a religious point of view. The statement of "Well in the Bible . . ." is prominent in this topic. Nowhere in the constantution declares that they cannot have the same legal rights as Hetero sexual couples. I strongly belive in separation of church and state. That doesn't mean I am an atheist, it concludes that I am open minded and believe in everyone's right to choose on how their life should be. I think that this world would be a far better place if we were all open minded.




Friday, November 21, 2008

03:34 Dec 02 2008
Times Read: 582

I think that outsourcing is a good way to take away American jobs. And while we are already losing jobs and going through a recession I don't think it's a good idea. It may be cheaper for the companies to have their products manufactored in other countries but in the end they are losing money too because their consumers won't have the money to actually buy the product.




Wednesday, November 19, 2008

03:33 Dec 02 2008
Times Read: 583

Today is Wen. ugh I have a migraine and I have come to find that Jared cannot draw girlie parts. XD I finished my report on how the school should have an anti-racism class. It was only limited to 2 pages. I find that to be so caging. I wanted to write so much more and had tons of things to write but only got to state a minor amount of my main points. I think I shall post my report on here later on.




Monday, November 17, 2008

03:33 Dec 02 2008
Times Read: 584

I am quite furious at the moment. And if you know me you know that doesn't happen very often. I have to write a persuasive essay on how a Tolerance/ anti-racism class whould be benneficial in schools. Well I interviewed three classes. A total of sixty-six students. I asked them if they knew what the Holocaust is. My answer: Eleven . . .. Eleven! Eleven out of Sixty-six people knew what the Holocaust was. Another thing every question I asked people kept asking me to rephrase it and not to use that big of words. I'm no Rocket Scientist but I can deffinitely tell there is a problem. Considering I merely used everyday words that you can hear on a daily basis and they still could not comprehend what I was asking thre is a problem. Since people don't know one of the biggest, most vital part of history. THERE IS A PROBLEM! What has happened to our school system? Are we merely just not trying to learn, do we not care, is it the teachers, or perhaps is it maybe the curiculum. I don't know but frankly something needs to be done. For the sake of the future of our intellect something NEEDS to be done! Not knowing something as big as the Holocaust is a main reason why we still have racism. I am researching this and eventually I WILL get my answer!



08:42 Dec 02 2008

people cant name all the states, and you expect them to know about this?


Monday, November 17, 2008

03:32 Dec 02 2008
Times Read: 585

This is a random topic that to be honest, I find quite irrelavant. People are going to have guns weither you let them or not. Because merely that's just how people are. People are going to do what they want, when the want and there's really nothing to change this. As long as they haven't killed anyone let them have the guns. If they're not hurting anyone, what's the big deal?




Friday, November 7, 2008

03:32 Dec 02 2008
Times Read: 586

My goal in life is . . . to help people. I think that our society thinks too much about money and getting higher on the food chain than people. Another thing is, I want to help the environment and the animals. If we don't start now everything we know and love will be gone. We will be put into a barren wasteland that we ouselves created. I mean considering some things we can do are extrmely easy I find it to be a disgrace. Pick up your garbage and throw it away it's not that hard. Or better yet recycle it!




Monday, November 3, 2008

03:31 Dec 02 2008
Times Read: 587

I have a couple favourite teachers. The number one would have to be Mrs. Alexander.

. . .

Yeah right like that could ever happen!

My real favourite teachers would have to be; Mr. Davis, Mr. Reed, Mr. Hardin, Mr. Daniels, Mr. Chaffin, Mr. Hardwick, Mr. Page, and Mrs. Turner.

My favourite subjects are English and History because without english you are illiterate, plus I like to read, and without knowing your history you're bound to repeat it, plus I like to know things. I also love science. I like math when I understand it. This year my favourite class is game design because it's a fun class where I get to do work and chill at the same time. Plus it really helps my migrains to be in this class, I'm not sure why. But by time for chemistry it's there again. =T.T=




Friday, October 31, 2008

03:31 Dec 02 2008
Times Read: 588

My favourite holiday is no surprize. It's Halloween of course! Halloween is the awsomest holiday ever! My favourite part about it is the costumes. I love to dress up, it's so much fun. Candy is great too. And it's free! XD Sugar high to go with the freaky costumes! What's greater than that? NOTHING!




Monday, October 20, 2008

03:31 Dec 02 2008
Times Read: 589

Well I had a Democrat Meeting on Friday afternoon then I went to work. I slept practically all day Saturday then at 5:30 went to work again. Then on Sunday I hung out with my friends at the park because we're geeks like that. After the park we went to my friend Amber's house and played DDR. Again because we're geeks like that.




Thursday, October 16, 2008

03:30 Dec 02 2008
Times Read: 590

I have lots of favourite movies. Still want a meaningful blog. =T.T=

I like Nightmare Before Christmas, Corspe Bride, Sweeny Todd. I love Tim Button he's amazing. Pirates of the Caribbean. The Dark Knight is AMAZING! I wish they would make a movie for the Flash because he pwns!!!!




Thursday, October 16, 2008

03:29 Dec 02 2008
Times Read: 591

I have wayyyyyy too many to name so yeah. I want a meaningful blog to write Mr. Reed. =T.T=

But my favourite anime is Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne, Fushigi Yuugi, Sailor Moon, and Inuyasha.

I like House and that new show on the television called The Mentalist.




Thursday, October 16, 2008

03:29 Dec 02 2008
Times Read: 592

I have several favourite video games. Here's a list because yeah, nothing to write other than that. I like Inuyasha: The Secret of the Cursed Mask, Shaman King: Power of Spirit, Yu Yu Hakusho: The Dark Tournament, Devil May Cry 1 and 2, Final Fanstasy X-2, Final Fantasy XIII, Crash Bandicoot pwns and so does Spyro, Donkey Kong, and Mario Brothers, Kirby, Sonic, The Nightmare Before Christmas:Oogie's Revenge, Sailor Moon, Guitar Hero, Sims, and a bunch of others but don't have time to reveal them.




Monday, October 6, 2008

03:28 Dec 02 2008
Times Read: 593

We went on a field trip to Marshall. We got to look at different colleges we might be interested in. I think I'm interested in a college called Mount Vernon Nazarene University. It has really good graphic design and journelism programs. However I think my rabai may think it's strange for me to go to a Christian University. But the classes are what is important. There was another college I was interested in but I can't remeber the name of it. I have a brochure though thank God.

Jared sucks and he smells and he drinks too many energy drinks and he is mean and bites me and hits me and he's too obsessed with games and acts like he's a god and he tries to lick people and that's nasty and did I mention he sucks!

no actually he is a sexy man beast.

He typed that and he's lieing! XD

Anyway college is going to be fun but I'll miss my friends. =;.;= Even Jared I guess . . .

amberlyn is an emo freak!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!!?!?

Well he still smells.

i have 23 toes

=o.o= that's weird Jared . . .

here's Jared's link http://pyskopirate21.blogspot.com/

nope my parents are brother and sister but its ok since its west virginia.

Oh boy West Virginia imbreads.




Sunday, October 5, 2008

03:27 Dec 02 2008
Times Read: 594

Racism- I don't understand how some people can put so much time and energy ito the hating people. I figure you can put such effort into much more productive activities. Major things have resulted from such hatred. A major one would be the Halocaust. The terror, destruction, and countless amounts of death were unbelievable. In the late seventies there was an uproar on how the Halocaust never even actually happened. I find this disgraceful. How can you dishonour the names of the live that were taken and of the people that are even now to this day still metally and physically scarred. To silence these horrors stating that they never existed saying they were all lies is basically just saying you don't believe in the very true quote; "If you do not know your history you are bound to repeat it.". By shrouding people from the truth they can never learn. Who's to say the KKK or the Neo-Nazis could never gain enough power? What would we do if they did? Again my theory to this is the cycle. If you don't raise your children to see that everyone has the potental to be good a heart and that we are all the same no matter what colour/race, or religion you can never hope for a differance. Children learn from what they hear. If all they hear id derrogatory terms for others they most likely will asume that's how it is and accept it and go on and teach their children to hate them as well. It's a form of brainwashing in my oppinion. I've had several conversations on racism with many different people. I have yet to find someone with a official excusable reason however. If you have no ryme or reason to hate people then why? I can't wrap my mind around it at all. I will admit I come from a family that is racist as well. The reason I'm given from my family isthat they rew up in a time where it was accepted. How does that make sense either? We are all people no matter what. Prick us we all bleed the same way. Red blood, blue veins, pumping heart. I get called a hippie a lot but I just want people to understand how the hippie outlook really would be beneficial to us all. We should all love one another. You may not like everything about someone but does it necessarilly mean you have to hold such hate? I hope I can leave you with something to think about. . .




Sunday, October 5, 2008

03:27 Dec 02 2008
Times Read: 595

Illeagal Immigrants- How can you really be angry at the illeagal immigrants? They're taking jobs that nobody wants. The only reason I can come up with is now you have nothing to fall back on now. I mean by this is that now you can't just drop out of High School and expect to get a manuel labor job anymore. This is an example of how lazy our America is. We have the chances to get an education that can qualify us for a skilled job. However we are not taking advantage of this and just want to give up on education and get a job with enough pay to just get by. How many people do you know that would feel comfortable supporting their family on a paycheck of around four dollars and hour? However if you come from a country where you would be lucky to get paid that in a week you would most likely be much more greatful. Our nation has become one to a non-excelling additude and of utter laziness. Thus tension is pointed at people for one's own problems. They blame the immigrants for their own faults and mishappenings. You should take responsibility for yourself and take advantage of your opprotunities.




Wednesday, October 1, 2008

03:26 Dec 02 2008
Times Read: 596

I have a migraine yet again. No surprize there. Considering I have to deal with Jared for three straight periods. I went to the anime convention over the weekend. It was AMAZING! There was a Rave and it was great. XD So yeah that's my special moment to talk about. Going on to something important. I started thinking lately. Well that's not surprizing either but whatever. I think I'd like to have a Foster home thing when I'm older. I think it'd be nice. Which I find amazing. Because I love children but I don't really like them. I know that doesn't make sense. Let's just say I like them but I get aggravated easilly sometimes. But then again who doesn't right? Well anyway, what sparked my new thought on doing this was my job. I work at Camden Park. Real wootsville. XP But I work the kiddy rides. Being put on these rides you start to notice the children of the park. Some with their grandparents, churches, parents all sorts of things. You really don't think anything if you see a child with their grandparents because it's pretty normal. I worked the kiddy Whip last Saturday. There was a young boy around the age of five who apparently loved the ride. He told me he was going to ride my ride five more times then go ride the boats, then the cars, then maybe the trains, then back to my ride. The more he was there the more I enjoyed working at that moment. He was a very happy child and he was just the type that made you want to smile. He reminded me a lot of my younger brother actually . . . But anyway, I got to talking with his grandmother and started to learn some things about him. He was living with his grandparents because his mother hadn't wanted him because she was dating a man whom didn't like children. She hadn't seen him in years. It hurt my heart to hear that. Ironically the next day my Grammie was watching Dr. Phil while I was in the room. He was talking about a group called CASA, which is a group who takes care of children who have been taken for one reason or another. I heard this story on how a Foster care taker was abusing her Foster children and treated them like outcasts. She recieved no pussniment whatsoever. I find it wrong. Every child deseaves love and attention. Actually if you get down to it everyone desearves love and attention. So I decided I would like to become a Foster parent and help some children. Because I figure even if I help just one in my lifetime I think that would be one less thing to grieve about in the world.




Friday, September 19, 2008

03:25 Dec 02 2008
Times Read: 597

I am currently in Mr. Reed's Game design class. I really don't know what we're suposed to be writing about. So I'll make my own topic I guess. What happened to respect in this world? I go to school I listen to the teachers and do my work. I don't talk back to them or anything either. In my english Honours class I have to listen to major disrespect. One of my classmates apparently does not have many manners. He may not be a bad person at heart but when you present yourself in suvh a way I have to wonder what you were taught growing up. I was taught to respect your elders and your fellow man. I believe in order to get respect you have to give it. But if the whole world nowadays is all rude, obnoxious, and doesn't have respect for anyone or anything, how are we suposed to co-exist? Co-existing isn't just merely living near one another and accepting it. It's about knowing thoses around you knowing they are either like or or a little different. We alll desearve respect if we give it. Another example of my statement would be just like a few minutes ago when I was on the votec bus over here. Our bus driver does not appretiate fowl language, but we're all teenagers so most of us really don't care about the words we use. However even after telling us to please not speak in such a way we still have people who do not care. Or rather do not respect his wishes. I don't know if they find it funny or what. But in my oppinion I believe there is something wrong with this. Our society isn't as cultured as it used to be. Call me old-fashioned if you'd like but honestly I think something should be done. Because you see it's all a cycle. The people not showing respect now will later go on in life and spawn children who learn from thei surroundings. What has happened to society? Are we really that rude? Do we just not know any better? Or is it that we just don't care?



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