December 22 - January 19
Scientists seem to live in a world apart from the rest of us, dear Capricorn, and from the events on earth, because they are so absorbed in other realities. This is a lot like your universe. If you were a scientist, you may do what they sometimes do: make parallels, like those learned men who apply their scientific reasoning to events in the world by analogy. Tell us your theories!
Capricorn 10/30/08
December 22 - January 19
In general, dear Capricorn, you tend to be critical of the way the government and politicians handle social issues and institutions. Your goal is not just to be critical, however, you would like to see some positive changes in these areas. The aura of understanding and comprehension in the air today helps you to realize that if you want the world to evolve, you're going to have to get people to react.