Yandere's Journal

Yandere's Journal


Honor: 146    [ Give / Take ]


9 entries this month

03:58 Aug 30 2023
Times Read: 238

The best thing about this cookie jar... It fills itself full of snacks while I'm away xD
I also made an important discovery. So there are warehouses/factories around the Wasteland that you can take over, and use to automatically make you materials. I never really messed with it, but while I was out wandering around I came across one that's an ammunition factory...
And you can turn it on, and it'll start making any ammo you specify.
For free.
But the thing about these factories is other player's can essentially fight you for them if they decide they want them. I had this particular one for a couple hours without anyone trying which is kinda surprising considering what it does. Actually most of the factories around world are generally left alone. But since my gun demands so many bullets I'm constantly looking for lead and steel to make my own, and this is perfect. I haven't necessarily had a problem finding supplies yet, but it's nice knowing it's there. I'm already annoyed with the current events they have going on... Apparently it's Meat Week in 76 xD Which did give me a really cute pig plushie for my base...
Next to my mutated goldfish. I haven't come up with a name for him yet.
But they also have these two special events running, and it's worse than Fasnacht Day because it's like every 30 fucking minutes... What annoys me most about these temporary events is everyone just swarms them, and they're not difficult enough to warrant 20 people showing up. So most people who show up end up standing around. I wish they'd make them more difficult or less frequent.




06:17 Aug 29 2023
Times Read: 266

I was forced to dismantle my base after I moved it...
So I've been rebuilding, making it a bit bigger. The funny thing is, you can tell mine is made by a woman xD You wander aimlessly into most other player's areas, and they're pretty shoddily slapped together with very little thought or effort. Then you come into mine, and you're greeted with tasteful color coordinated
decorations, gentle classical music on the radio, and drinks/snacks. You're allowed to sell stuff to other player's via a vending machine you can put up in your base. Mine is always full of free water, food, and ammo just in case anyone needs it. I do sell the extra magazines, and bobbleheads I come across that I have doubles of, and they tend to sell pretty quickly. You can't actually sell ammo to regular vendors, probably because if you could then everyone would be rich. But you can sell it to other player's or throw it into the ammo convertor. You can buy bulk lead and steel around also so that kinda solves my ammo problem. It also helps to take every gun off of every body you kill, and scrap it, especially if you get a big event like Eviction Notice where you have to kill about a billion Super Mutants. Last time I got about 700 lbs of guns from that xD But also used about 2000 bullets so... It evens out. It always scares the Hell outta me when someone comes into my camp. I was minding my own business, decorating, and some random guy walks into my bedroom, and asks me to join his team. And he's only level 12... I really need to get a mic, people try to talk to me, and I can't talk back, I can only vigorously emote xD
You can rename your weapons so I'm trying to think of a good name for my gun... A needy, high maintenence bitch name xD A gun after my own heart~♡
I'm really not needy or high maintenence though. Not really. I know I currently seem like kind of a man hater... And it's not that. I just can't fathom replacing Wolfie. It feels wrong to even say, replacing him. And I'm not trying to, and I really don't think I'd care if I never had another relationship again. But there's also the fact that no body seems to know how approach each other other anymore. I'd love for a chill guy to talk to me like an actual person about gaming and music and whatever, and not the first thing he say to me be, "Bet no guy's ever made you cum before." Like... how do you think I'm going to respond to shit like that xD I'm good, but feel free to go fuck yourself :3 Or, "Hello, I'm a Dom looking for a sub." Ya know... I was taught that a real Dom doesn't just walk up, and announce themselves to random people they don't know. And even if you are looking for a sub, you know absolutely nothing about me. Maybe we're completely incompatible. That kinda thing, if you're looking for something lasting, needs to be built on. And if you're just looking for fun, cool, I'm not. I'm not looking for anything. But I for damn sure ain't lookin for you💗




02:30 Aug 28 2023
Times Read: 294

Rather annoyingly...
I became Wanted in 76 xD
I know what you're thinking... but I did NOTHING, totally actually innocent. For once. Honestly, I dunno what happened. I was out scavving, I was in a building filled with Scorched so it definitely wasn't someone's camp, but suddenly I got a warning that if I stole from other player's I'd become Wanted... And then I became Wanted xD But I was nowhere near anyone's camp. So when you're Wanted you get a bounty put on your life, and the only way to get rid of it is if another player kills you. Which normally I wouldn't care. But if they kill you they get to take any junk you've scavenged off your dead body. And I need all the lead, and steel I can get my hands on because my gun, much as I fucking love it, is extremely high maintenence when it comes to bullets. I'll go through 1000+ bullets in one event, easy. So I keep my gauss rifle on me as a backup since it uses completely different ammo. But it's not nearly as good as my automatic. I'm kinda wondering now if maybe I could mod my gauss rifle with an automatic receiver too... So I put everything away, and I'm waiting for someone to come hunt me down, but no body has the balls yet. Apparently, it's pretty common to accidentally to become wanted. Much as I love Fallout, it is buggy as fuck, and it's been crashing a lot since the latest update. Usually it's normal to crash maybe once in a 4-6 hour session, and I'm getting like 3 or 4 which is really annoying when I'm on a pretty decent server, and it kicks me, and then I end up on a dead server. I wish they'd give you the option to go back to the one you were previously on. I don't mind server hopping otherwise, it's fun getting to play with a variety of people, but you kinda get used to a certain group over a few hours of play, and then suddenly you're thrown out. It is kind of amazing though that they're still putting all this effort into 76 when it's been out as long as it has, probably because it's easier than making Fallout 5.




19:18 Aug 24 2023
Times Read: 311





06:36 Aug 24 2023
Times Read: 331

I finally found the love of my life😍
And they were right under my nose the whole time.
This gun... So I've always kinda used this gun as a side weapon. Because unmodded, it's pretty decent. Not decent enough to main, but good enough to pull out when I needed it. The problem with this gun is the AP cost, it's crazy, like 45. So... if you use VATS a lot, like I do, it's not great because you can only get a few hits in. The thing you need to do with this gun is slap a new receiver on it, and make it automatic. I'm not sure why they made this gun single fire to start because single fire does not suit it at all, this is a gun that needs to be automatic, the AP goes from 45 to like 5 if modded correctly without losing damage. I guess because it's more of a stealth focused gun with the base stealth perks maybe they thought you'd do better turning it into a sniper rifle, but... No. It absolutely eats through ammo though so it's important to keep no less than 1000 rounds on you at all times though I'm finding even at 1000 I run out pretty quickly, but that's what the ammo converter is for. But worth it. It kills so good xD Deathclaws, snallys, anglers, things that gave me trouble before, dead. In fact, I finally completed am event that I would consider one of the hardest ones, Project Sanctuary. In it you have to keep friendly animals alive from waves of predators. And the main issue with this particular event is that no one ever wants to do it, and it's impossible to do alone. But four other people joined up with me, and my gun just shreds enemies now. It's beautiful. Finally I feel like I'm where I should be in this game, fast, stealthy, excellent damage, like outdamaging the big boys without using a minigun or power armor. It's interesting because in any other Fallout game I main a shotgun, but it just doesn't feel as effective in 76. But there are also much tougher enemies in 76. In any other Fallout the worst you usually have to worry about is Deathclaws. There's MUCH worse here. Like Sheepsquatch.... Who my gun, even as powerful as it is, still has trouble with, they're just so tanky. I still miss my sword build, even though it didn't do minigun level damage, I think it was the most fun just sneaking up on things, and stabbing them with fire xD
It's also funny how I really wanted the stealth armor, and now I don't use it that often. If I need radiation protection or if I need to be super stealthy then I'll use it, but otherwise I'm pretty stealthy by default so it's not entirely necessary. And it's crazy expensive to repair so...




03:39 Aug 23 2023
Times Read: 390

I love watching the "What I Eat As A Fat Girl" videos because... it's crazy watching people eat 7-10,000 calories in a day when I probably barely eat that in a week. And I'm that girl who's always telling people what a fatass I am xD Because several years ago I did weigh more. I was never super obese or anything, I wasn't ever even half of 500, but still, that mentality kinda sticks to you even when now I'm in better shape. I dunno though... Watching people moan like they're about to climax over a Big Mac... Maybe if it's cheesecake, then I'd understand. I would take sweet over savory any fucking day. My oldest niece, and I were up at like 2 am a few nights ago, eating candy and junk and whatever, playing video games, and she suddenly says to me, "Remember how Uncle Wolfie used to lecture us about eating candy, and staying up too late?" And it made me so sad xD Because he did, he'd give us, especially me being the ringleader, a very firm talking to about our bad habits. I miss it💗
Back on 76 for a few hours today.
Of course, because it's me, the first thing I do is accidentally take a Radaway which immediately strips me of one of my mutations xD I have like 30 mutations, and I lost a pretty minor one so not a huge deal. I was kinda mashing buttons trying to remember which buttons did what... I didn't lose marsupial this time, that would be catastrophic. When you go from basic jump to like 5x the jump, you can't go back to basic, and that's what marsupial does, and it is necessary. There is a lot of new content in game though. New events, New questlines, new npcs, new enemies. Maybe I've just gotten bad, but I feel like things have gotten more difficult, like I'm dying in two hits to things that never killed me before. They said they did some rebalancing.... But nothing I personally care about. They didn't make melee any stronger, fucking heaven forbid they should take something fun, and make it a viable option. I'm working on an automatic laser rifle build. I do like the energy weapons vibe. I have a beautiful set of bubblegum pink power armor. That I never use xD I won't deny the usefulness of big idiots throwing themselves at masses of enemies, they're actually very helpful on events like Radiation Rumble where you need someone tanking the enemies while a faster, stealthier person runs through the tunnels. So it's not like I hate it, I just hate that the game overwhelmingly pushes you towards that. I feel like they "balanced" it even more towards the heavier characters, but whatever, I can adapt. I just need a better gun...




20:00 Aug 22 2023
Times Read: 427

Ya know, I can definitely see this...
Maria was once what I would have considered a very difficult fight. Until you realize that you can easily stagger her if you go in hard and aggressive. You can interrupt her attacks, and keep her from attacking you if you just keep hitting her as fast as possible. Malenia is very similar in her first phase, she's super easy to stagger, and they both dodge away if you're doing too much damage. This is particularly annoying with Malenia who will often dodge away only to go straight into Waterfowl Dance. But I gotta say... I'd rather deal with Waterfowl Dance rather than the Scarlot Rot bullshit of her second phase. I know what you're thinking, but Aiyana, you can heal Scarlet Ro- there's no time to heal. Her second phase is a race to kill her before the Scarlet Rot kills you because there is no time to heal anything, she is right on your ass the whole time. I definitely wouldn't say Maria is a super easy fight, she's probably one of the hardest in Bloodborne, but she's very doable. Souls games essentially have, for the most part, two boss enemy types. The one where you have to take it slow, dodge a lot, and chip away at their health. Then there's the ones who you have to immediately go all out, super aggressive, kill them as quickly as possible. And then I guess there's a third type that has some sorta gimmick attached to it like needing a special sword to do massive damage, such as with Yhorm, Storm King or Rykard. Technically you can kill them by chipping away at them, but with certain special weapons you can completely annihilate them much easier. Every time I think of Demon's Souls, I remember Shrine of Storms, and just shudder xD Those fucking rolling skeleton assholes. Is the World Tendency still a thing in the PS5 version? It was a really interesting mechanic, I thought, to have that the better you do in a game, the easier the enemies are, and the worse you do, the harder things fucking destroy you xD It's one thing I honestly wish they'd carried into other Souls games even though it was super infuriating especially after visiting the Shrine of Storms, and having my World Tendency go straight to black. But also needing certain tendency to unlock certain things in game, I dunno, it was a cool concept. I haven't played Demon's Souls in years, I eventually plan on playing it on PS5. Every time I see a PS5 out in the wild I tell myself I don't need it xD Someday... but not today.
One thing I can definitely say Maria vs Malenia. Maria has a better song.

But Bloodborne in general just has the best soundtrack of any Souls games, of ANY game🖤
Who has the better lore though... Good question. They're both pretty tragic characters, Souls games loves their tragic characters, pretty much every npc lives a miserable existence... and then they die, usually because of you xD




05:05 Aug 22 2023
Times Read: 464

Fallout 76 has a new season coming out tomorrow, and since I passed on the last one I'm going to hop in on this one. I don't think I've played since... February/March. I got kinda jaded on it because unfortunately the game is super imbalanced in the way that... if you refuse to play a heavy character, you're just fucked at events. If you think, like I foolishly thought, "Imma make a badass firesword stealth build," It's fine when you're on your own, but if you join into any events like that you will be crushed by everyone else playing heavy characters because no one else has any imagination or desire for challenge. They could correct this massive imbalance by maybe adding some super cool mods into the melee pool, but no, the devs seem to want to push everyone into their heavy build bullshit. I just can't with a heavy build, warrior class is not enjoyable to me. I haven't even gotten back on yet, and I'm already jaded again xD I just hate when games very obviously already have a style they want, and encourage you to play. Why even give other options? Just make the whole game required heavy, and I just won't play it, that would almost be better than trying to play a more interesting build that's nearly unviable. I do really enjoy Fallout 76, and I love Fallout in general, it's just annoying to feel insignificant in events when events are such an important part of 76. You don't have to do them, you can play the whole game without going to them, but... They're fun. I just hate feeling completely blown outta the water when someone shows up with a fucking plasma gatling. But that's just me. Like I've said before, I think it would he awesome if they had a melee only server. There are so many cool melee weapons that no one uses because it's just pointless compared to a fucking minigun, ya know? It's kinda like how in Dark Souls or Elden Ring you can totally be the warrior with the massive heavy armor, and the Ultra Greatsword, and just plow through everything easy, but... you can also choose a variety of other amazing builds which are just as equally, if not more, successful. Being invaded by the heaviest character ever isn't an automatic death sentence if you know your build, and what you're doing. Personally I prefer going up against the big guys in Souls games, huge idiots are easy to dodge. It's the people like me that scare me, I don't wanna go up agonist myself xD I've actually been wanting to play through Bloodborne again, I haven't played it since I platinumed it almost three years ago, and after having played it back-to-back a couple times I needed to not play it for awhile xD I still haven't platinumed Dark Souls 3 like I keep saying I'm going to eventually do. Someone recently was talking to me about how difficult Dark Souls is. I think there's a point where you've played Souls games enough that they are no longer difficult, but everything else about the games keep you coming back. I never thought Elden Ring was particularly difficult, but it's still easily one of my favorite games because it's just an incredible experience. The list of hardest Souls games bosses also always makes me laugh. It always starts with Ornstein and Smough, and honestly as long as you kill Ornstein first, they are no problem. Or the Four Kings... You just have to be incredibly aggressive with them. They don't all spawn at once, you can easily take down one before the next one pops in, just run at them, and hit them as fast as you can. Summon in Witch Beatrice for Moonlight Butterfly, and she'll be there for Four Kings, she makes both of fights pretty much nothing, but you have to summon her for the butterfly for her to show up outside the Four Kings boss area.
I would say hardest Souls bosses: Orphan of Kos, Sister Friede, and maybe Malenia, but only really second phase Malenia. People make fun of me for it, but I honestly find Radagon/Elden Beast one of the more difficult fights in Elden Ring. Dex build is not made for that particular fight so I personally struggle with it more than most of the other bosses who bleed easily. And the game gives you the opportunity to easily change up your build if you hit that wall, which 76 does too, it encourages having multiple builds saved in your base which you can easily switch between, it just feels like overwhelmingly pushed towards the heavy side, and that sucks because stealth is so much more fun.
Anyway xD Yay, Fallout❤️




00:02 Aug 02 2023
Times Read: 516

Pizza Bunny got a cleaver💗



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