05:05 Aug 22 2023
Times Read: 464
Fallout 76 has a new season coming out tomorrow, and since I passed on the last one I'm going to hop in on this one. I don't think I've played since... February/March. I got kinda jaded on it because unfortunately the game is super imbalanced in the way that... if you refuse to play a heavy character, you're just fucked at events. If you think, like I foolishly thought, "Imma make a badass firesword stealth build," It's fine when you're on your own, but if you join into any events like that you will be crushed by everyone else playing heavy characters because no one else has any imagination or desire for challenge. They could correct this massive imbalance by maybe adding some super cool mods into the melee pool, but no, the devs seem to want to push everyone into their heavy build bullshit. I just can't with a heavy build, warrior class is not enjoyable to me. I haven't even gotten back on yet, and I'm already jaded again xD I just hate when games very obviously already have a style they want, and encourage you to play. Why even give other options? Just make the whole game required heavy, and I just won't play it, that would almost be better than trying to play a more interesting build that's nearly unviable. I do really enjoy Fallout 76, and I love Fallout in general, it's just annoying to feel insignificant in events when events are such an important part of 76. You don't have to do them, you can play the whole game without going to them, but... They're fun. I just hate feeling completely blown outta the water when someone shows up with a fucking plasma gatling. But that's just me. Like I've said before, I think it would he awesome if they had a melee only server. There are so many cool melee weapons that no one uses because it's just pointless compared to a fucking minigun, ya know? It's kinda like how in Dark Souls or Elden Ring you can totally be the warrior with the massive heavy armor, and the Ultra Greatsword, and just plow through everything easy, but... you can also choose a variety of other amazing builds which are just as equally, if not more, successful. Being invaded by the heaviest character ever isn't an automatic death sentence if you know your build, and what you're doing. Personally I prefer going up against the big guys in Souls games, huge idiots are easy to dodge. It's the people like me that scare me, I don't wanna go up agonist myself xD I've actually been wanting to play through Bloodborne again, I haven't played it since I platinumed it almost three years ago, and after having played it back-to-back a couple times I needed to not play it for awhile xD I still haven't platinumed Dark Souls 3 like I keep saying I'm going to eventually do. Someone recently was talking to me about how difficult Dark Souls is. I think there's a point where you've played Souls games enough that they are no longer difficult, but everything else about the games keep you coming back. I never thought Elden Ring was particularly difficult, but it's still easily one of my favorite games because it's just an incredible experience. The list of hardest Souls games bosses also always makes me laugh. It always starts with Ornstein and Smough, and honestly as long as you kill Ornstein first, they are no problem. Or the Four Kings... You just have to be incredibly aggressive with them. They don't all spawn at once, you can easily take down one before the next one pops in, just run at them, and hit them as fast as you can. Summon in Witch Beatrice for Moonlight Butterfly, and she'll be there for Four Kings, she makes both of fights pretty much nothing, but you have to summon her for the butterfly for her to show up outside the Four Kings boss area.
I would say hardest Souls bosses: Orphan of Kos, Sister Friede, and maybe Malenia, but only really second phase Malenia. People make fun of me for it, but I honestly find Radagon/Elden Beast one of the more difficult fights in Elden Ring. Dex build is not made for that particular fight so I personally struggle with it more than most of the other bosses who bleed easily. And the game gives you the opportunity to easily change up your build if you hit that wall, which 76 does too, it encourages having multiple builds saved in your base which you can easily switch between, it just feels like overwhelmingly pushed towards the heavy side, and that sucks because stealth is so much more fun.
Anyway xD Yay, Fallout❤️