After the game,the king and pawn go in the same box-Italian proverb
Oh noooo the pretty people with the ugly people,the popular with the unpopular,the high with the low,the up with the down. blah blah Some people don't like to rub elbows with the eww lower class. In the end we are all the same,strip away our skin from our muscles,muscles from our bone we ALL look the same.
Electricity is really only organized lightning..George Carlin
Experience is what you have after you have forgotten her name..Milton Berle
Get your facts first,then you can distort them as you please...Mark Twain
He taught me housekeeping,when I divorce him I keep the house..Zsa Zsa Gabor,hehehe
I cook with wine,sometimes I even add it to the food..W.C. Fields