Well, I have a lot to voice in this journal so have a seat and get ready for a long winded read.
First, let me say this. Things happen in life and yes, online too. People lie for whatever reason. No one in real life or online can say they are perfect. Perfection doesn't exist in my world, your world, or anyone's world. If it ever does, trust me, I will certainly be the first to enter that euphoric society I assure you.
Now, yes, as some of you know, I did leave my old coven. That is SOO NOT new news. A few people know the reason behind it but most people do not and that is how it should be. When an issue occurs between two people in real life, we talk to and confide in friends. It's part of how people cope. Online drama doesn't seem to work that way. All of a sudden, everyone, whether they know you or not, want to be involved. Why is that? Does the anonimity of online make a person feel stronger or bigger? What in persons mind makes them think they are helping by low rating or blocking or bad mouthing a person? It makes you look childish, immature, and ignorant. Anyway, I digress...kinda. My point is this....if you aren't one of the people directly involved in an issue....STAY OUT OF IT.
Now, for the second part of this, I'd like to discuss the real time issues. No matter how badly someone may have hurt your feelings or upset you, remember that it is online drama. No one deserves to have their real life dragged into online drama and posted for everyone to see. You dont know the issues that a person may be facing in real life. People deal with self esteem, sordid pasts, abuse mentally or physically. What person would make a conscious choice to feed off of a persons weaknesses? A person that is obviously down on themselves because a person that is being true to themselves know how mean, cruel, and unforgiving that real life is. That is sad indeed! It is a website people. If you dont like what is being said to you or about you...click the X in the corner and go away for the night.
The issues that I had with my previous coven are over and done with. Are we the best of friends now? NO. Will we ever be friends again? Who knows. But the past is the past. We all want to move on and enjoy our time here. Let the drama and misery of the past go.
My point in this journal is not to upset more people. It's actually to say that myself as well as the former coven of mine are no longer at odds and for all of the people out there that call themselves "helping"...please stop helping because...NEWS FLASH!!!.....YOU AREN'T HELPING!
I dont wish ill will toward anyone in VR regardless of how I may or may not have been treated. I don't have it in my heart to be cruel and try to destroy the life that another person has built up whether it be online or not. I hope that some of you read this, take a good look at yourself and back off. This journal truly isnt directed toward any person or people in particular, it is just the rantings of a person that wishes to move on, mend some fences, and truly begin once more to enjoy my time here on vr. Whether that time will be enjoyed with new, old, or reacquired friends is yet to be told.
To my previous coven, I say this. Despite the issues that arose between us, I do not wish ill will, harm, drama, or anything else for you. It is unfortunate that what happened happened but I truly do hope that at some point we are all able to move past it. I wish all of you well and hope that perhaps the drama that has followed us all endlessly finally ends.
On that note, I've said my peace and I hope that if there are any replies to this journal that they are positive and/or thought provoking. Negitivity will be deleted. I shall say no more.
Have you ever had something on your mind that you just had to figure out? Something that just seems to bother you to no end?
Well, there has been something on my mind for a while now and I've decided to do some amateur detective work to figure it out. It is amazing what one can figure out through the art of observation. Attention to even the smallest of details will lead to some very interesting conclusions to be drawn.
In the end, I shall discover the truth!
Well, I officially start back to work tomorrow. I'm excited about it and actually look forward to it. Although I can't help but wonder how the summer slipped past me so quickly. I've stayed so busy with family things and such, it just seems to have gone by in the blink of an eye.
My kids start school this Wednesday. They are so excited to be starting high school. It's annoying to here so much talk about high school but at the same time, I love it because I remember the joy and the nervousness of starting high school. They have been trying on their uniforms all weekend lol. It's going to be an awesome school year I'm sure!
02:35 Aug 30 2011
...makes sense to me...!
08:04 Aug 30 2011
Really well said. I couldn't agree more.
Nothing else I can say here because you've put this so well.