WindigoWitch's Journal

WindigoWitch's Journal


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8 entries this month

17:00 Jan 22 2024
Times Read: 172

hanged with freinds last night everone of them who is in the life like me we had so much fun just having a great night




twisted frost role play bio

00:54 Jan 19 2024
Times Read: 186

Name : twisted frost
Species: pure vampire
Age : 700
Home land: ireland
Pet a severed head called mr cuddles

Frost prefers to go by twisted as she feel this is how her soul is , she holds no illusions of herself, she can be kind and loving but can also be a killer and not for reason but pure shits and giggles . She has through her time hurt and destroyed lifes just because it looked like it would be fun to do. She has a deep love for books, animals, severed heads, knives, horror movies. Her biggest dream is to create a cult that worships the dark arts. She attempted this many times in her years of life but grew bored easily but we will go more into detail when the time is right in her story.

She was not raised with her coven but put into a coven of basically rednecks who loved and still love her dearly; the sawney bean clan was not humans but a sub species of vampires who preferred to drink blood through eating flesh. It was not known that they did this since they preferred to live in caves then castles. When twisted aunt found out the kind of vampires she had placed her blood to be raised by she went and received her dragging her from the cave systems by her ear, the other of the clan tried to stop her but her aunt gave them one look and it stopped them in their tracks , they made a deal as long as twisted could come visit they would not let it out she was a pure blood. Her aunt agreed . Several weeks later hunters came to the cave system and slaughtered more than half of the clan. It always was in the back of twisted's mind that her aunt sent them to the clan. As she had been raised for 200 years by them .

Twisted kind of vampire species is very old, it takes 20 years for a vampire to age 1 year so for 200 years she was raised in blood , while the other vampires breed with each other the tree in that clan did not fork much . there would be times they would kidnap women and use them for breeding which polluted the breed of that clan even more. For twisted the death and rape and blood shed seemed very normal to her. When she hit the age of 200 that is when she was locked into her immortality.

Many vampires have pets, one of the twisted pets is a severed head named mr cuddles she found when she was still a small child the age if she was human would have been 12. She came to have mr cuddles was a night she went to her foster parents part of the cave and walked in on her mother bent over and her step father mounting her from behind, never having fully seen a mating process this startled her very much that she left the cave system , coming across the area where the clan dumped bodies she saw a head that was just laying there picking it up she would run her fingers over its bloated skin , giving happy giggles she would run her fingers across the lips cutting her finger on the jagged teeth that would with her blood spilling into his mouth bring him back, he could not talk but was a mindless pet that could at times howl and groan but could always identity who owned him and would drool when he say her, she would even as a adult keep him with her even when she traveled from country to country, he would always be with her , kept during the travel time in a golden cage. When they did not travel he would be kept on a red satin pillow.




23:47 Jan 15 2024
Times Read: 214

Guest_IzzyVoidBlade Whisper: Lol I don't remember when but someone told me I had to by a new head otherwise I was gonna be thrown out of the kingdom but I didn't listen cause I'm like tf they gonna do tell Nico and Astrid to tell me to change my characters appearance xD
NicoGrimm: hahahahaha thats funny as hell
NicoGrimm: we dont boot for that reason
Guest_IzzyVoidBlade: Ik and I wasn't worried
Guest_IzzyVoidBlade: Like I said I don't remember the who but it doesn't matter anyways
NicoGrimm: nods i will let the king know though as a heads up
NicoGrimm: so we can keep a watch out




each step

04:32 Jan 07 2024
Times Read: 233

each step is new , im working on my rp coven its taken a few weeks but i am excited a modern vampire role play that is in the tn mountians. i feel so excited to do this rp



20:47 Jan 08 2024



04:02 Jan 02 2024
Times Read: 253

njishadow has joined the chat
NicoGrimm: click the doll house daddy
NicoGrimm: i crashed from kittys
denjishadow: its okie
NicoGrimm: click the doll house
NicoGrimmNicoGrimm : hehe
denjishadow: i did its crashing rn XD
denjishadow: here we go
NicoGrimm: lol
NicoGrimm: nows find me and youll get a treat
denjishadow: found ^^
NicoGrimm gives daddy a eveil grin and pins him to the bed
denjishadow looks at her lovingly
denjishadow: ohhh ;)
NicoGrimm: whops babys girls good daddy" , presses her body on top of him leaning up to slowy moan in his left ear gently nipping it as her naked breasts swaying across his chest
NicoGrimm: :P
denjishadow i look and blush smiling at her
denjishadow: i am cutie >#
NicoGrimm: want baby girl to dom you daddy
NicoGrimm: you been such a good boy
denjishadow: mmmm oh yess




03:31 Jan 02 2024
Times Read: 259

denjishadow has joined the chat
NicoGrimm: click the doll house daddy
NicoGrimmNicoGrimm : i crashed from kittys
denjishadow: its okie
NicoGrimm: click the doll house
NicoGrimm: hehe
denjishadow: i did its crashing rn XD
denjishadow: here we go
NicoGrimm: lol
NicoGrimm: nows find me and youll get a treat
denjishadow: found ^^
NicoGrimm gives daddy a eveil grin and pins him to the bed
denjishadow looks at her lovingly
denjishadow: ohhh ;)
NicoGrimm: whops babys girls good daddy" , presses her body on top of him leaning up to slowy moan in his left ear gently nipping it as her naked breasts swaying across his chest
NicoGrimm: :P
denjishadow i look and blush smiling at her
denjishadow: i am cutie >#
NicoGrimm: want baby girl to dom you daddy
NicoGrimm: you been such a good boy
denjishadow: mmmm oh yess




the hard new resolution

18:18 Jan 01 2024
Times Read: 271

the hardest thing i will be doing this year is seeing the weight loss i have done in 2 years and 2 months i have lost 258 pounds every one sees it i have a hard time seeing it because i look at myself every day, but i will start seeing what they do i am in smaller cloths and i can do more then i could 2 years ago i look at old pics my face is not as blaoted form the weight , the second is setting more boundrys with my freinds, i dont need ot right now date im not even divorced yet, i ned to take time like i am and find myself i dont need someone to fill a void i need to fill it myself, and its what im doing




new years things i can do

15:11 Jan 01 2024
Times Read: 287

1. keep up losing weight
2. every day find 5 postive things to look at
3. every weekned 2 hours to write
4. eat better
5. go up the stair case no less then 6 times a day
6. make every other day 4 braclets,
7, loom 2 hats a week
8. learn to loom socks
9. be happy in my new life



17:46 Jan 01 2024

Wish you the best!

18:11 Jan 01 2024

thank you

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