Going to be spending the day out with GD.. First we get the guy leagal.. Then shopping for substance.. While we are downtown might as well hit the BDSM shops.. I mean we are there right...
I am willing to bet I have found a cheese that Ratt will have nothing to do with... Now with that outta the way I guess maybe I should back up time some.. Well I got my medical card for pot. Yes I can leagally buy, grow and carry Mary Jane. Well it's really kind of nice, don't have to pray the dealer has some then IF he does is it worth a shit ect. Now they have dispensaries EVERY where here, what it that you ask... Plain and simple, it's a pot heads wet dream. Now there are 100's of strains out there and one I just happened to stumble on was, yes you got it CHEESE. Now with me being a cheese lover I had to try it.. It tasted like a heavey pine flavored parmasan cheese.. Not to mention the potency WOW factor of 10++.
Lucky SOB
You are right- nothing to do with it. ;)
Really I am so freaking like you ARE MY HEROWC♥
I'm assuming she clicked a dot...a dot that didn't need to be clicked. ;)
Because they're obviously idiots that shouldn't have access to Master messages.
Wooohhhoooo one way to cure a sweet tooth.. THC laced caramel... YUMTASTIC...
mmm now that does sound good I was thinking about making some brownies earlier today. But caramel does sound really good.
mmmmm ;hearts;
Wow really.. I was going thru the members up for trade and I rubbed my eyes, smoked a bowl and then rubbed my eyes again. 13,000 favor for an inactive lvl 72. Just wow.. If you happen to read this PLEASE message me and let me know if you get that... BTW I wanna know who they were sold to.. Thanks
That has got to be a typo...I'm smoking a bowl as well, and had to read your post twice lol
I know, most of the listings are just ridiculous.
Idiocy. I was looking at the classifieds too and I couldn't believe some of the prices they wanted. Some people should just NOT be Coven Masters.
I read thru them occasionally just to get a good chuckle
Local sheriff tazes 30 high school students at a career expo.. Why would he do that? His reply was "they asked to see what it was like". Yep just keep losing faith one idiot at a time..
oooo pleeease.... 7 times?
LOL makes me glad my local sheriff still uses regular old nightsticks! No one's going to ask how that feels up side your head!
I am surprised the parents are not taking some kind of legal action. Unbelievable....