WeepingAngel's Journal

WeepingAngel's Journal


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11 entries this month

23:19 Jul 27 2008
Times Read: 963

Dammit DAMMIT! I need to get a laptop so's Gav and I can each play WoW at the same time. Then, maybe, I could do stuff without getting nearly killed all the damn time...

Having a pet is cool but he's not as strong as Gav, the lvl 36 Warrior...

Bleh. Back to Stormwind, and attempt to level up more.




Mood - Apprehensive

18:20 Jul 23 2008
Times Read: 975

I've come home from work with a sense of...I guess you could call it 'foreboding'. Like something's going to happen that I'm not going to like, or that something is goign to go wrong. I don't know what, but I'm making a note in here and then if anything does happen, I've got a note of it. Gav said I should start taking notice of when I get these little 'instincts' so there you go.




23:47 Jul 21 2008
Times Read: 1,004

Ugh. Just...Ugh.




23:50 Jul 20 2008
Times Read: 1,035

Right, so, I'm a member of this site called OkCupid, which essentially is a dating site but I use it because it's got lots of fun quizzes on it - just because I hate seeing hundreds of results on profiles doesn't mean I don't like doing the quizzes!

So anyway, I logged on just now and found out that the site has prepared a MatchMe quiz, based on answers to various questions I've answered on there. So, here's the link to the quiz!

Or copy and paste this if you prefer) http://www.okcupid.com/matchme?u=Maledicta

It'll be interesting (for me, anyway) to see what scores other people get. So far, the only person to take the test was a 50yr old bloke from Blackpool - luckily he only got 45%!

So if you take the test, please post your scores here. You don't need to be a member of OkCupid to take it :-)




23:12 Jul 20 2008
Times Read: 1,049

New pet peeve: 'alot'. It's TWO words, people! What, you can't be bothered to press that wide key at the bottom of your keyboard?

There's a lot (see, not difficult) of people on VR who apparently abhor the space bar...

Oh, and while I'm on the subject, 'congratulations' doesn't have a D in it!

(For those of you paying attention, yes I have posted on this subject before, but still it goes on, and still it annoys me, so I decided to do it again.)

Now, I'm off to go kick the crap out of some rabid thistle bears in Auberdine...no, wait, I'm in Stormwind. What the hell is there to kill around there??




16:28 Jul 19 2008
Times Read: 1,059

Dammit. Was hoping to spend some time doing a bit more on my website today but my sciatica has decided to play up again. I've been online for an hour and i'm in agony already :-(

I thought I was done with this pain when I got this new chair but obviously not. I woke up yesterday with the pain and I had it all day at work too. carried on when in bed last night and looks like I'll have it all today too. Might have to be another trip to the doctors for me...




18:56 Jul 14 2008
Times Read: 1,087

Following on from my previous entry; I have contacted ALL the local papers, emailled all the businesses that might possibly be able to rent us a unit, and even applied to various sports councils, and the Lottery, for funding.

Short of building a unit myself to house the damn ring in, I can't think of much else I can do at this point...

And if I could afford the land and materials, I probably would have a go at building a place :-)




17:24 Jul 14 2008
Times Read: 1,102

I'm not happy :-( Our wrestling club might have to shut down due to lack of funding. The gyus that are the regulars in the shows can't be arsed turning up to training, and the unit we hold the training sessions in costs £750 a month to lease. The coach, Mike, just can't afford to keep paying out that kinda money when he's getting virtually nobody paying for the training sessions.

We tried applying for council funding seeing as we're a training facility (we train kids as young as 8) but because there's no official governing body in the UK for wrestling, we got the application denied.

Mike tried renting a cheaper unit, but it was council owned and they turned round and said we'd be briging 'undesirables' to the area...talk about stereotyping! When we pointed out that we'd been doing shows for ages in the area with no trouble they changed their tack and said we couldn't have it because we're not a council-registered club. Hello! We would be if you let us!

So now we're stuck, and might have to go back to either training at a completely inadequate leisure center which, while having a nice big space to practice in, isn't able to house the wrestling ring and therefore is totally unsuitable for training people up to show standard. You can't learn ring awareness - a huge part of wrestling - without a ring!

Not only that, but taking bumps and things on a mat is completely different to doing it in the ring. Someone who can bump on a mat can't usually hack the ring straight away, so anyone who gets put in a show after only training on mats isn't gonna be able to cope. And for those of us used to bumping the ring, going back to mats will be a complete ball-ache as it's a completely different feel.

So we don't know what to do. I'm preparing a press release to take to the local papers, and we're gonna arrange a fund-raising day to hopefully raise enough to at least get the unit for another month, and that will hipefully give us time to get more people coming to the training sessions and therefore give Mike the funds he needs to keep the unit on.

I'm scouring the net to try and find alternative rental units in the area within our budget, but everything I've found so far is either way too big or way too low-ceilinged.

We really don't want the school to close, but without the backing of the council it's gonna be hard keeping it going. The majority of those who do bother turning up for the training at the moment said they wouldn't come any more if they had to go onto the mats. It's a vicious circle and we've only got about two weeks to break it.

I just don't know what to do...




06:04 Jul 14 2008
Times Read: 1,105

*yawn* 6am. Alarm's just gone off. But I've been up since 4.30am. the bloody cat got out last night and because we haven't got a catflap (hell, we're in a flat, haven't got an external door!), Gav and I had to take it in turns to guard an open window. I slept from 1am till 4.30am then he woke me and we swapped. Then Elliot decided he wanted to come back in at half 3, by which time it was too late for me to go back to bed because I wouldn't get up. So I stayed awake.

Fun thing is, we got a new guy starting in the team at work today, and I have to train him. Gonna be good; the only thing I'll be able to teach him is how to yawn hugely...

Good thing I don't start the Atkins until tomorrow, I can hit the coffee machine!




Random entry #1

18:27 Jul 13 2008
Times Read: 1,123

I keep smelling potatoes...

Those new potatoes you get in a can, soaking in salted water. I can't get the smell of them out of my nostrils.

But....I haven't had any for weeks.

Gav says I'm crazy.

I know dis.




Mood - lethargic

07:54 Jul 09 2008
Times Read: 1,148

Haven't written in here for a while, mainly because not much has been happening. Started my weight training again, can only press about 44kg (97lb) so far, and that's not all the time. Gav makes me do lower weights and more reps because I'm toning rather than bulking. No way do I wanna look like one of those hideous female bodybuilders! Although Lisa from BB9 is gorgeous, I'd be happy to have a figure like that...

I'm also easing myself onto the Atkins diet, with the help of Gav. I prefer getting fast results and I know I get them with that. I know the dangers and everything but I've done it before and I was fine. if a little mentally unstable, but aren't I always? :-P

Getting my back tattoos redone tonight, they faded because of the wrestling so I'm getting them recoloured. Then, in a couple weeks, I'll be getting the one on my leg done which I've been waiting for since I had my miscarriage 5 years ago.

Well, that's all for now, I'm gonna finish my coffee and get ready for work :-)



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