"Please feel free to add me, bite me, stalk me.. "
Well you know what? You may please feel free to suck my left tit while thumbing your own asshole.
Occasionally, you may feel free to utter the words, "Oh Chakotay!" as you do this, but only those particular words, okay?
A douchehammer strikes again! lol :)
do I hafta wear the gimp suit? Or shall I feel free to go all "Mapplethorpe"?
*DIES* this made me almost spill my coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!! lmfao
I love you!
Only the left one? Won't the right tit get lonesome?
Like, while suckling and thumbing, I am also to fantasize about the Native American dude from Star Trek Voyager?
I have always wanted to peek inside your head...now I want a map so I can avoid the scary places in there that imagined this nightmarish punishment.
LOL Jolie!
I am SO glad someone got my Voyager reference. That made my day!
Don't tell anyone, but my favorite drinking glass is my gen u ine Klingon blood lager glass. Original Trek nerd at your service.
Love the red, the blue of his eyes, the white tips of her nails. Great work. :)
So many contrasts in this image to keep the eye and mind searching, but his eyes...they are riveting and you always come back to them to see if they will share clues to the mystery.
Thank you Ladies.
If there is only one thing everyone notices about Thorne, it is his eyes. He has some deep ones. And he is one easy cat to photograph.
Shannon is amazing. She's just a fucking gem. I mean, I wouldn't let just any one hold on to my kiddo like that. ;)
This is so beautiful in so many ways!!
I love this picture.
It looks almost like a painted portrait, one of old yet in perfect condition.
You son has amazing expressions and you capture them so perfectly.
January first of 2011.
That is mind boggling to me. God, I remember when I was a kid, I thought that, by now, we'd be in contact with other life, we'd have flying cars, and we could transport to and fro, just like Star Trek.
2010 was in an incredible year. I have work that I assisted on, and was photographed for, going into the American Indian Museum in D.C. , I have been published multiple times, went to states and cities I never had been to before, made some damn good money, through art, nonetheless.. so much. So much, and that is just the tip of it all. So much more beyond even this.
Fuck. I guess I have been blessed. Or I've got wicked good karma. Or my luck has increased by the truck load. Or maybe I am just talented enough. More than likely, it' a bit of it all.
2011. The plans I have for this year.. Canada, California, Montana, possibly New Orleans, and who knows what other unexpected trips I will be taking? Every trip in 2010 was unexpected, and unplanned, for the most part.
Every year is unfurling like a brand new blossom, just splashing everything with it's incredible color, and scent.
Again, I think this year is going to be amazing. 2009, 2010, and now, 2011. Two years of magnificence, freedom, creativity, lacking drama and negativity.
Yes, I think this year will be just as good as the last two.
I hope everyone has a wonderful new year, and that it is just as wonderful, just as beautiful and just as magical as you intend for it to be.
I knew you were going places the first time I heard you sing. Then I read your words. Then I saw your images. I'm almost afraid of how much beauty one soul can posess, but know that we are all so happy for you, and so grateful that you have allowed us to peek in along the way.
Joli, you take my breath away with your kindness and thoughts. Thank you. Truly, from deep fucking down, thank you.
Many wonders and blessings to you this year.
(and maybe, if i ever am lucky, this will be the year i will finally get to meet you)
00:03 Jan 26 2011
This photograph is eerie. I quite like it. I got chills on the back of my neck, like the young miss is truly the leader and not quite savory.
02:18 Jan 26 2011
...actually, the "young miss" is a "young sir" - Thorne is a boy. ;)
But thank you nonetheless!
16:55 Jan 26 2011
As lovely as your adult model is, the boy steals every inch of this shot. He is mesmerizing.
18:19 Jan 26 2011
Thank you Joli! I am very proud to say the boy is my son. He's a natural in front of the camera, I tell you.
00:33 Jan 27 2011
19:16 Jan 27 2011
Ok creepy. You can't tell the boy's intention as to wether in his pose he is offering protection or preying upon her.
Love it. Absolutely brilliant.
19:59 Feb 03 2011
These are wonderfully done.
I love how he is leaning over her yet being unable to tell the actual intent of the posture.
Is it eerie and majestic at the same time. :)