I don't talk politics. I know what I belive. See I'm taking college courses and every turn a teacher is trying to put there polictical and ethical belief down the throats of the student. In any other setting but a class room would be fine. When I'm in class I wanna know what the book says because that will help my pass the course not what a teacher constantly pushing their smut doesn't teach me shit. People who are undecided pick up on the preferences and go with it usually instead of going out and finding out more. It just pushes my buttons that people are so blind to believe the first thing that comes along. Well whatever instead of bitching maybe next time it happens I should stand up a voice my opinion.
Ok I know there are protesters against everything these days. I just went up to DC this past weekend on VACATION. I just wanted to bar hop and look at history. To put it simple just have some fucking fun. I dont know what it is about me, but most organized parties that were protesting I noticed for the first have people asking questions to the public. Well I got asked by 4 different groups my point of view and simply because I had been drinking I was in happy land and din't wanna ruin my buzz I said it was none of there concern what my point of view was. Then I guess their little button turned on saying I didn't agree which might have been true, BUT why if I don't agree do I need to be harassed? It's not like I wanted to debate it, I guess what I'm trying to say is why do people think if you press there beliefs on you that your mindless and are going to change your point of view to please them?